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It's Her Love

Page 1

by Tory Baker

  It’s Her Love

  Tory Baker


  1. Sophia

  2. Vince

  3. Sophia

  4. Vince

  5. Sophia

  6. Vince

  7. Sophia

  8. Vince

  9. Sophia

  10. Vince

  11. Sophia

  12. Vince

  13. Sophia

  14. Vince

  15. Sophia

  16. Vince

  17. Sophia

  18. Vince

  19. Sophia

  20. Vince

  21. Sophia

  22. Vince

  23. Sophia

  24. Vince

  25. Sophia

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Also by Tory Baker

  About the Author

  This is for the readers out there, I’m simply amazed and humbled by you.

  Chapter 1


  I never thought I was a naïve woman. Wait, nix that. I never thought I would fall for someone who would be so deceiving, but that is what Nick is, he’s deceitful and hurtful. The one saving grace, I didn’t give him what he really wanted. My virginity. What did I do when the tough got going? I ran, I fled from my home, my best friend, and I even ran away from a Vegas vacation.

  Now, I finally have my head on straight. I’m happy with myself. I took charge of my career, and never looked back. Unfortunately, while I was running away, I damaged an amazing friendship and it’s taken Natalie and I almost a year to get back to what we used to be. I still apologize almost weekly when we FaceTime. I know being in New York and her in Alabama, I’m missing so much of her life and I know after the Spring vacation I’m planning on taking, the next one will be straight to her house.

  I get back to booking my ticket to Cancun, Mexico, a trip I’m taking by myself. It’s nerve wracking and exhilarating all at the same time, but I need the sun and sand. After being here for over a year, I now know New York will not be my forever home. These seasons are grueling, and being a transplant from Arizona, yeah. This is just not for me. With that thought in my head, I hit purchase and start packing. I’m leaving in two days and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve already hit online stores for bathing suits, cover ups, and shoes. Thank goodness for two-day free shipping, my credit card will probably be screaming at me next month, but it will be well worth it. While others are shoveling snow, I’ll be on the beach with my toes on the sand.

  I’m in the process of packing when my cell phone rings, looking down at it I instantly smile. Natalie, that girl, she always knows just when to call me.

  “Hey girlie,” I answer the phone.

  “Hey Soph, how are you doing?” she asks.

  “I’m good, just packing for Cancun. How are you and my favorite munchkins doing?”

  “We’re all good, the kids miss their Aunt Sophia though,” she says in a huff, sounding like she’s trying to wrangle one of the children from creating a mess. I’ve seen that happen one too many times when we FaceTime. Especially when Mason was hungry. He whipped Natalie’s boob out so fast and attached himself to her, and all she could do was roll her eyes, because when he’s ready to eat, he’s going to eat. Mason and Olivia are the light of her life along with Zack. I start laughing uncontrollably on the phone and she immediately says, “You’re laughing at that one time, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe, okay. I totally am, but you have to admit, that was a classic moment,” trying to control my giggles. It feels so good to laugh again. I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear myself laugh or see a spark back in my eyes again, but it’s returning.

  “I’m living vicariously through you Sophia. So tell me all the things you have planned and what you’re taking down there….ugh, I wish Zack and I could get away for a mini vacation,” she sighs wearily.

  “Well I’m planning to come down there this summer. While I’m in Alabama, why don’t you and Zack go off for the day or a couple of nights if you want.”

  “Are you sure? I know the twins can be a handful, especially now,” she says with a hint of surprise in her voice that I would even offer to give them a break, and that’s when I know I have to get down there.

  “Absolutely, I miss them and you two really need a breather once in a while. As for what I’m planning on doing in Mexico, my only itinerary is to just relax. I’m not making any plans. I want to just enjoy my time down there and put my toes in the sand,” I tell her with conviction.

  “Whoa, is this the same Sophia that I’ve known for years, that likes to plan things down to the hour,” she states, more than questions.

  “Yeah, it’s time, Nat. I just need to unwind and really figure out where my life is going. I know for sure I am not staying in New York the rest of my life. I am not a fan of the cold or the snow,” that thought alone is enough to make me shiver.

  “Good, Soph, you need that. And hey, have I mentioned there’s a few houses in our neighborhood that may go up on the market soon? You know, Alabama is really amazing, plus ahem, we’re here,” she says with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s definitely on my list to look at. Maybe I can do something from home in the same industry, but not all the hustle and bustle that comes along with New York. Shit, I have a lot of soul searching to do, Nat,” I blow my hair out of my face when I finish talking.

  “You’re still young Soph. You have all the time in the world,” she says, but I know she’d be happy with me closer to her and Zack.

  “Enough about me, tell me everything that’s going on with your life,” I tell her as I finish packing my bags. I’m just finishing up with my toiletry bag as we finish our conversation.

  “Love you guys,” I tell her.

  “Love you, Soph. Send me tons of pictures!” she says with a chuckle and then we hang up, and I start cleaning up my house. I don’t want to come home to any chores after taking two weeks off to rest and relax.

  Chapter 2


  Being stuck in an airport on the way to a hotel I just franchised the fuck out of is not what I expected. I wanted to sell a few of my other hotels and focus more on the all-inclusive ones out of the states. I’m still in my black slacks, white dress shirt and jacket that I wore for my meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. this morning, and this stop in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, is now turning into nothing but a cluster fuck. The plane has an unexpected mechanical failure, just what I want to hear.

  After speaking to the lady at the receptionist desk, she lets me know that it will be another three hours until we’re even expected to start boarding the plane. I already know I’ll be heading to the bar; I need a gin and tonic. I sit down at a vacant bar stool and see that the Marlins are playing and it’s the bottom of the third inning. At least with my drink and baseball, I’ll have something to help waste my time.

  “Welcome, what can I get you, sir?” the young bartender states.

  “Hey, I’ll have a Tanqueray and tonic,” I respond and then move my eyes back to the screen to watch the game.

  The bartender serves my drink, and I down it in a matter of minutes and ask for another one. When I hear a puff of air being exasperated in the seat next to me, I look over and see a slim figure with a mass of blonde hair piled on top of her head haphazardly. She’s wearing what looks like lounge pants, her long sleeve shirt is hanging off one shoulder, and from what I can tell by not seeing straps, she’s braless. It makes me look further down her body, with it being cold and the air conditioning blasting I should be able to tell pretty easily. Only when I get down there, I grimace, she’s definitely wearing a bra of some sort. My eyes travel upwards and land on her face. Her eyes are a deep green. She has a smattering of freckles on her cheeks, and her lips are a cher
ry red with a gloss on them. I instantly envision her lips that could be wrapped around my cock. The fucker! It’s now thickening with just looking at her.

  When I hear her voice ask for a tequila sunrise, I can see she’s just as annoyed as I am.

  “Put it on my bill,” I say to the bartender. He nods and carries on making her drink.

  “Thank you. You did not have to do that though,” she says breathlessly.

  “Don’t mention it. Rough day?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, who knew traveling would be so much stress and running around making sure you don’t miss your connecting flight, only to find out said flight is grounded with mechanical issues. I now know why my best friend hates flying,” she says in one gulp of air.

  I chuckle and tell her, “Yeah, it’s going to be a bitch to sit and wait, but at least now I have a pretty woman, a drink, and a baseball game to occupy my time.”

  She blushes and her eyes go down towards her drink that is now in her hands.

  “Sorry, I ramble a lot when I’m flustered,” her cheeks still red, and I can’t look away from her eyes. Her eyes that are soulful and deep.

  “I take it you’re waiting on your flight to Cancun, too?”

  “Yes, the first vacation I go on in years, and mechanical failures happen. Did I mention, it’s been a crazy day?” she babbles out loud.

  “To a hectic travel day, but hopefully it ends with both of us in Cancun, enjoying the sunset,” I toast to her, as our glasses clink together.

  Chapter 3


  Shit. Fuck. Damn. When I plopped down at the bar, I didn’t think it was going to be next to a gorgeous man, who has dark hair, with salt and pepper at the sides, a smile that is slowly melting my panties, and eyes that are dark and intent with sin. When he takes all my craziness in stride, even with me looking a haggard mess. I’m shocked.

  After he makes a toast, I hold my hand out to him and introduce myself, “Let’s try this again. Hi, my name is Sophia Johnson, originally from Arizona. I now live in New York, but am currently looking elsewhere, and am anxiously awaiting having two full weeks of vacation.”

  “Hi, Sophia. I’m Vincent Prescott, originally from California. I currently live in Alabama, and I too am ready for some fun and sun,” he responds back to me and takes my hand in his, my light skin to his darkened hand. He has a firm grasp on my hand, and I can feel the tingles all the way down to my toes. I look deep into his eyes and slowly move my hand away, only he brings it up to his mouth and kisses my hand. When he slowly lowers my hand back down, I don’t take my hand away from his. Instead, I allow him to be the first to move away.

  He slowly let’s go of my hand and I place it in my lap, wanting to keep this memory firmly in the forefront of my mind.

  “My best friend lives in Alabama. She loves it there,” I tell him to keep the conversation moving.

  “I like it a lot. Of course I don’t get to spend as much time there as I’d like, but I have a place on a couple of acres, and it gives me solace after a hectic day. Anyways, tell me more about yourself Sophia from Arizona,” he asks.

  “I’m a fashion journalist in New York. I have been for a while now, though I am slowly starting to rethink my career. What about you?” I ask to turn the conversation back towards him.

  “Well, I’m in the buying and selling industry. I recently sold a hotel, and now I’m on my way to look in on my business venture and oversee how it’s profiting.”

  “Wow, that must be a lot of work. I couldn’t even imagine owning something like that,” I respond.

  I’m a little taken aback. I never thought in my twenty-two years, that I’d meet a hotel owner, let alone be attracted to said owner.

  “It can be, but I thrive on it,” he responds

  We continue chatting about anything and everything, almost as if we’re two friends that have known each other for longer than the couple of hours that have now passed. I’m just getting back from the restroom when I see Vincent is standing and waiting for me, “They just called for us to board.”

  “Thank goodness. I’m ready to change and dive into the salty water,” I tell him as he guides me towards the gate, his hand gently on my lower back. When I feel his hand start to massage me, I fall back into his hand a little bit. It feels amazing, and I’ve never been touched like this before or felt this taken care of. It makes me want more of this and more of him. That closed off shell I’ve been hiding behind, well, it’s slowly starting to crack.

  Chapter 4


  Sophia doesn’t know it yet, but while she was in the restroom, I changed her plane ticket. She was in coach. It didn’t take much persuading and only an extra couple hundred dollars to move her up to first class and sitting next to me. When we get up to the gate, the stewardess lets her know she’s been upgraded at the last minute, something else I asked to be kept quiet. I wasn’t ready to let Sophia go yet, and hopefully the next two hours will solidify what I’m feeling about this gorgeous blonde.

  Her tickets firmly in hand, I usher her forward, not wanting to let a piece of her body go. I feel the need to constantly have a part of her touching me. I glance down at my ticket and smirk, “Looks like we’re sitting with each other on the plane.”

  She gives me a look that I can tell she isn’t buying what I’m putting down. “Oh really, how does that not surprise me,” she’s trying not to smile as she says it. When we get on the plane, I can no longer touch her, but fuck do I get a view of her ass, an ass that’s perfectly heart shaped. My hard on that eased after being surrounded by her at the bar, is now coming back full force. Knowing I can’t adjust myself and give everyone a view of what I’m doing, I just deal with the fucking zipper making an imprint on my cock.

  When she goes to put her carry on in the luggage rack up top, I step up behind her. My body forming to the back of hers, and I know she can feel my hard on. I help her lift her bag, not allowing a single inch between us. I hear her take a sharp intake of breath and then she slowly rocks back into me.

  “Fuck, Sophia,” I murmur into her ear, after stowing both of our carry ons.

  She looks back at me and smirks. She knew exactly what she was doing and I’m finding I like that she’s not afraid of what could become of the two of us.

  We take our seats, waiting for everyone else to take theirs. I turn to her and ask, “Have you ever been to Cancun before?”

  “No, I’m completely new to Mexico. Though I have to say, I don’t have very much planned. Mainly just relaxing and soaking up the sun as much as I can,” she says while looking directly into my eyes. Her body is turned sideways and if I wanted, I could lean in and mold our lips together. But something is holding me back. Maybe because I know once I taste her, I won’t want it to end, and I’ll have her body on the next available spot. I’ll be driving my dick into her without a worry or care in the world. I finish my thought, shifting in my seat.

  “Well, if you’re up to it and want to see what Cancun is all about, I’d love to take you out,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, I think I’d like that,” she says and then we’re interrupted by the stewards letting us know it’s time to buckle our seatbelts.

  Chapter 5


  I’ve only spent the last five or six hours with Vincent, but I can tell you this, he seems completely genuine, even with my man radar being off with my past and me being apprehensive with the male sex. I can tell he’s not like Nick. Natalie once named him Nick the Dick and it’s stuck. Where Nick was charming and over the top, always trying to look his best and talk himself up, Vincent had no qualms about his ruffled suit. He just folded up the sleeves of his dress shirt, revealing sexy as sin forearms that have intricate weaving of designs tattooed on his body. His hair, that was once nice and slicked back when we first met, from this travel nightmare is now tossed this way and that way. Not to mention, he was genuinely asking about me, not just me, but what I do, what my hobbies are, and what I plan to do in Cancun.
r />   Once we land, he gets up from his seat and reaches for my hand to help me up, then he’s already grabbing our carry-on bags.

  “I guess this is it,” I say to him.

  “It doesn’t have to be, plus we can always meet up. What hotel are you staying at?” he questions with a look in his eyes. I can see the wheels turning and I have a feeling that being moved up to first class, Vincent had something to do with it.

  “The Valentin. What about you?”

  He has a smirk playing on his face when he responds, “I guess fate is a funny thing. You’re staying at my resort.”

  “This is a joke, right? Like there’s no way. I swear, I’m not some crazy stalker. Hand to God,” I breathe out in a rush.

  He chuckles, “I know you’re not. So I guess this isn’t goodbye and with you being on the property, I want to show you around.”

  “Okay, care to share a ride then?”

  “Yeah, let’s get to the baggage claim, grab our stuff, then I’ll get us a car,” he says as he holds his hand out towards me, and this is it. This is where I take a leap of faith and follow Vincent, and see if maybe, just maybe I won’t find a toad, but maybe I’ll find my Prince Charming.

  “What does your luggage look like?” he questions once we get to the conveyor belt where everyone’s bags are claimed.


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