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Page 21

by James T Callum

  The water surrounding the islands receded then crashed in towering waves hundreds of feet high far inland. One island was utterly swept away from the flood of seawater but in the distance, another island rose from beneath the roiling sea. The motif of destruction to foster creation was evident within each Manastorm.

  Throughout it all, monstrous creatures ravaged the constantly changing landscapes.

  Shifting clouds roiled around him, changing through every color of the rainbow. One of the clouds drifted onto the arena – there was no other way he could think of the disc he stood upon – and began to take shape.

  A thousand different faces appeared on as many different bodies. Great gargantuan monstrosities, lean lithe fairy-like creatures, and everything in between showed itself to Hal.

  Seeing what was coming, Hal used Assimilation to tap into the last of his Stamina and use that to recover his MP. Then he took out a [Stamina Potion] he swiped from the wagon before all this went down and chugged it so he wouldn’t be left winded before the fight even started.

  You use Assimilation.

  You recover 280 MP.

  You use [Stamina Potion].

  You recover 250 SP.

  Toxicity +25

  The 3 [Elixirs] would be his emergency reserve. They were strong enough that they should be able to recover most, if not all, of both his MP and HP. With his Strain only two casts of Divebomb away from losing control, Hal needed to hold onto any advantages he had.

  Sooner than he would like, he’d need to use both Empty Vessel and Clear Mind. The latter had a hefty cost of a third of his HP, MP, and SP to reset his Strain to 0.

  You need me, Besal said again. Release me and I will make short work of this abomination.

  Why would I believe you? Hal asked. As soon as I lose control you’ll take my body for your own.

  Besal’s guttural growl rang clear in Hal’s head. This thing offends me. It is a defilement.

  Hal snorted in response, clearly noting that Besal said nothing about not taking over Hal’s body once he was done with the monster before them.

  Besides, Hal needed to be apart from the Beast. He was a tool to use, not a crutch to lean on whenever things got hard.

  Hal was all for using a proper amount of risk but if he didn’t show Besal – and most importantly, himself – that he could take care of this on his own, he felt as if he would never be able to grow on his own.

  This is something I must do on my own, he said as much to Besal as to himself. Steeling his nerves for the coming fight, Hal watched as the shifting creature before him finally settled on a form.

  A towering brute thirty feet high and more than half that as wide. His skin was dark as rich soil. His massive limbs ended in three thick digits. The creature’s legs were nearly as wide as Hal.

  It had no neck to speak of, just bulging rocky muscle and a thick Cromagnon brow over a set of burning red and purple eyes. The creature opened its mouth and let loose a guttural roar.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] uses Intimidating Shout.

  Stalwart Soul Activation!

  You resist the effects of Intimidating Shout.

  Hal dropped his left hand, wrapped in the [Chain of Binding], to the glossy arena floor and cast Bloodrake. Spiked spectral chains dove and leaped through the air like dolphins in the ocean, crisscrossing the large rocky creature with chains whose links were as wide as Hal’s arm.

  The Manakeeper struggled against them but they held him tight, biting deeply into the thing’s craggy skin. Thin lines of purple ichor leaked from the wounds. He only hoped it would hold him long enough for Hal to trigger his opening salvo.

  He had to hit it with everything he had before the monster had a chance to retaliate. Even as Bloodrake tightened across the rocky body, a few of the links began to strain and squeal with the monstrous strength being leveraged against them.

  It was already breaking out.

  Hal cast Divebomb, placing himself incredibly close to the edge of no return. He could feel it there, calling to him like a siren song. Besal did not need to convince him. The power was there for Hal to take, if only he would reach out and grab it.

  One more cast of Divebomb and he would cross that threshold. At 44 Strain, he was only 6 points away from a power that dwarfed his own. Like an addiction, it made him crave that strength like a drug.

  Shoving the thoughts aside, he focused his mind. He would not give in.

  You cast Bloodrake.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] is bound.

  Additional Effect: Bleed, Shatter (-15% MDEF).

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 63 points of bleed damage (Bloodrake).

  You cast Divebomb.

  Synergy Triggered!

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 517 points of damage.

  You use Empty Vessel.

  Strain reset to 0.

  Your Strain Affliction fades.


  While the Manakeeper was still chained, Hal unleashed everything he had at the thing. He bottomed out his MP casting Divebomb back to back, used Assimilation to pull from his HP into his MP, and continued to cast.

  It was his strongest ranged spell, and as much as he would have loved to use Goblin Rush, it lacked sufficient range to keep him away from the Manakeeper’s massive reach.

  All the while the Manakeeper struggled against its bonds, tearing jagged rents in its stony skin. Purple and red light peeked out from those wounds, bathing the arena in a strange kaleidoscope of color.

  The shifting colors of the clouds swirling around the 30-foot wide disk of crystal threw shimmering colors across the glassy surface that mixed and mingled in strange, disorienting patterns.

  He swiped away his notifications, as the constant stream of his attacks began to get distracting with the shifting patterns displaying across the floor at the same time. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his party gray out but he had no time to worry about it.

  It wasn’t like anybody would be able to come to his aid now. The distortion had closed up, leaving nothing but empty space behind.

  Hal managed several more casts of Divebomb until his MP bottomed out once more. Without missing a beat, Hal cracked open and drank the [Elixir] Ashera gave him to restore both his MP and HP.

  He couldn’t get enough breath in his lungs as he struggled against creating so much Strain so quickly. It wreaked havoc on him, to the point that he couldn’t continue his casting even though he knew time was running out.

  Never before had he pressed himself so hard. He was already at Affliction Level 2 and the burden of reaching it so quickly threatened to tear him in half.

  He was about to resume his assault when the Manakeeper broke free of its bonds. With a speed that belied its hulking frame, the Manakeeper covered the ground between them and batted Hal aside before he could get another cast off.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] hits you for 67 points of damage.

  Thrown from the impact, Hal struggled to right himself. The Manakeeper turned on a dime and charged at him again before Hal ever hit the ground. Lashing out with the [Chain of Binding], Hal enacted its enchantment. Tethered to the glassy floor, Hal tugged with all his might, putting every ounce of his Convergence empowered muscles into the effort.

  The Manakeeper clipped him, sending Hal spinning through the air even as he released the chain’s hold on the ground. Dizzy and disoriented, Hal crashed to the ground in a slump, trying in vain to get his bearings.

  The ground shook and rumbled with the Manakeeper’s quick turn.

  You need me, Besal reiterated. Throw off these shackles and let me fell this beast!

  No, Hal replied again, struggling to his feet. With no time to dodge aside, he raised [Brilliance] in a defensive block, his black skeletal appendages poised in front of him in defense.

  The Manakeeper barreled through his meager block and threw Hal aside with the force of its charge.

  Several of Hal’s bone appendages shattered from the impact but they slowed down the brute
enough to soften the blow that had him sliding on his back across the slick arena floor.

  With a snap of his Convergence empowered muscles, Hal flipped up to his feet and resummoned his black skeletal appendages. He was down to 425 HP with only a few hits taken. And the Manakeeper was already charging at him again, leaving puddles of ichorous fluid behind as its wounds continued to bleed.

  Hal fell to one knee, slapping his chain-wrapped palm to the floor and conjured Bloodrake once more. The spectral chains looped across the creature’s path, the first barbed chains broke but they slowed the creature enough for the next pair to ensnare him fully.

  The Manakeeper crashed to the floor, the impact rattling Hal’s teeth as he reached inside himself. Bloodrake’s chains weren’t as strong as Enchainment’s but they held after being hit. Even with their weaker hold, they would last long enough and with any luck after the use of his Ultimate.

  Even as Hal brought forth the echoes he now understood to be alternate versions of himself, the Manakeeper broke free of its binding chains. What damage it sustained in the struggle seemed minor indeed compared to the savage beating Hal was about to get if his Ultimate didn’t go off in time.

  As the Manakeeper rose to its feet and gained momentum, it charged at him like a freight train. Hal held his nerve though he wanted nothing more than to dive aside, doing so would waste his Ultimate now that he was in throes of channeling it.

  You cast Bloodrake.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 68 points of damage.

  Additional Effect: Bleed, Bind, Shatter (-15% MDEF).

  You ready Ultimate: Echoes of the Damned.

  The [Manakeeper’s | Lv.??] bind effect wears off.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 55 points of bleed damage (Bloodrake).

  You use Ultimate: Echoes of the Damned.

  Shadowy versions of Hal sprang forth from the air. One of them cracked a massive two-handed axe into the Manakeeper’s ankle with so much force that the creature staggered and toppled. It sounded like the world was breaking apart.

  Individually, each of his echoes was weak. Stronger than him, but not nearly on the same level as many other attacks. All 37 echoes charged the downed creature, hacking it apart, sending shadowy bolts of magic into it, and one Hal recognized carried a familiar sword and shield.

  Even half-formed and shadowy, Hal recognized Thirty-seven, the Paladin among the darker more sinister variations. Hal wasn’t sure if it was really Thirty-seven or merely some essence of the man, but he gave the shadow a nod all the same.

  Weirdly enough, it returned it with a salute of his echoed [Brilliance]. Given a breather, Hal once more fell into casting Divebomb. Hal could feel the approach of his Strain limit like the cold breath of death itself on the nape of his neck. In complete opposition to the addictive rush of reaching toward it. Once he dumped his Strain this last time, there would be no more. He would have to manage it properly from here on out.

  Since you persist in your foolish endeavor, at least allow me to share some of my strength with you, Besal said. Take it as a gesture of goodwill.

  Besal grants you the effect of First Verse.

  Beast Magic Damage +35% | MP Cost -35%

  You cast Divebomb.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 815 points of damage.

  You cast Divebomb.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] takes 802 points of damage.

  Yes, Besal urged. You can feel how strong we could be combined. Use my power, release me and we will wipe the floor with this pitiful excuse for an Eldritch Creation!

  I will not, Hal barely managed to reply. He was only a few points from passing beyond into Strain Affliction Level 3, where he would lose control. He would be undeniably powerful but it would no longer be Hal. It would be Besal controlling him.

  It was a thought he kept repeating in his head. Using it to build a wall of denial to block out the intoxicating effects of Besal’s buff, First Verse. With a growl of defiance, Hal triggered Clear Mind.

  His Strain dropped to 0, but he lost a third of his HP, MP, and SP in one go. The sudden agony of it and the withdrawal of the addictive properties of Strain made Hal doubled over and nearly vomit.

  He fell to his knees even as his echoes were beginning to wink out of existence with explosive shadowy bursts of magic. One final devastating attack each, as a parting gift to the Manakeeper.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] suffers 3,450 points of damage from Echoes of the Damned.

  You use Clear Mind.

  Your Strain is reset to 0.

  You suffer the affliction of Strain Shock.

  Beast Magic is not a toy. It is not a cheap parlor trick to be toyed with and brought out for the amusement of others, only to be stuffed back into a box when you are done. You have gained too much Strain in too short a time. No mortal body was meant to suffer the stress of so much otherworldly power.

  Strain Inflicts 1% HP loss per point

  All Beast Magic MP Cost Doubled.

  Feather Barrier wears off.

  Struggling for air that wouldn’t fill his lungs once again, Hal barely read the words of the devastating prompt. I guess it was too good to be true, pushing myself so hard, he thought.

  You have doomed us, Besal said, a note of sorrow in his usually reserved voice. I thought you had potential.

  Hal managed to get to his shaking feet at the same time as the Manakeeper. Neither of them looked like they were doing very well. Hal summoned the last [Elixir] and popped it open, recovering his MP and HP.

  You use [Elixir].

  You recover full HP.

  You recover full MP.

  Toxicity +200.

  His physical pains were soothed, but the soul-deep ache of Strain Shock persisted.

  The Manakeeper stomped its feet, widening its stance and shutting its glowing purple and red eyes. Hal braced himself, readying himself to spring aside at a moment’s notice. Because that’s likely all he would have.

  There were no Premonition triggers so far with this thing. It moved too fast and seemed to single Hal out with attacks lacking any finesse. Or so he thought.

  A glowing purple jewel appeared on the creature’s chest, letting out an ominous light. Hal had a bad feeling about it even before the edges of the arena began to shimmer with the orange-gold light of his Premonition.

  Why did I have to go jinxing everything by thinking there would be no Premonition warnings?

  Waves of swirling mana ribbons flooded out of the jewel on the Manakeeper’s chest. The edge of the arena cracked and shattered. A pool of shimmering light appeared beneath Hal and he took off running just in time for the burst of ruby light to miss him.

  “I know a weak spot when I see it,” Hal muttered, gaining speed and using his Convergence powered legs to leap at the Manakeeper’s exposed jewel.

  He cast Divebomb at the thing, and was in the midst of casting a second time when he saw the futility of it. As the avian phantasm neared the exposed purple jewel, a ribbon of mana touched Hal’s magic and disintegrated it on contact.

  You cast Divebomb.

  Your Strain Shock afflicts you for 25 points of damage.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] is immune.

  Your Patient Offense effect wears off.

  “You florking bench, how are you immune?” Hal shouted.


  Hal was out 130 MP for the effort, his Divebomb had dealt no damage, and he was hurt by casting it. It was a costly lesson to learn that the Manakeeper was suddenly immune to magic. But one he wasn’t about to waste.

  Still sailing through the air, Hal whipped out with the [Chain of Binding] and enacted its binding magic to hold fast to the Manakeeper’s bulky body. He pulled the chain tight as he neared the Manakeeper and angled his body so his feet would straddle the glowing purple jewel on its chest.

  He plunged down with [Brilliance], stabbing the blade deep into the thing’s jeweled heart, sending a shivering crack down its pristine purple surface.

  Savage Critical!<
br />
  You hit the [Manaheart | Lv.??] for 490 points of damage.

  The [Manaheart | Lv.??] cracks!

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] uses Weight of a Whisper.

  The handle of [Brilliance] vibrated so fiercely that Hal’s hand started to go numb. Keeping the chain taut, Hal pushed against the Manakeeper’s chest with all his might as he tried to pull [Brilliance] free.

  A bright ruby light enveloped Hal and he was forced to abandon [Brilliance]. He released the chain’s hold and kicked off, taking a glancing blow of the ruby light as it seared his legs with agony.

  The [Manakeeper | Lv.??] uses Conceited Upheaval.

  You take 76 points of damage.

  Hal’s blackened skeletal appendages caught him and righted him before he could get his legs to work right below him.

  The crack along the Manaheart grew and widened. It spread across the Manakeeper, whose body looked far worse for wear after his Ultimate. Inner purple light gleamed from deep fissures and cracks in the thing’s dark rocky skin. It looked down at the hilt still sticking out of its heart and grasped it between two fingers like it was pulling out a large splinter.

  “No….” Hal kicked off and sprinted toward the Manakeeper but he already knew he would be too late.

  The Manakeeper looked at Hal with understanding. It grinned and ripped [Brilliance] from its heart despite the obvious pain it caused. A bright spray of light erupted from the Manaheart’s cracked surface.


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