No Treble Allowed: A Straight Wicked Novel

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No Treble Allowed: A Straight Wicked Novel Page 8

by Kristine Allen

  The air I’d been holding in my lungs had begun to burn before he clarified his single-word answer and disappointment was my bedfellow again. Recapping the mascara I still held tightly, I dropped it into my small makeup bag and faced him.

  “Well, I can’t afford to lose my job, so that won’t be happening. Out of the way, Mr. Bass Player. We need to go.” Shooing him out of the way, I grabbed my heels and exited the bathroom. He snapped me a rapid mock-salute as I passed, bringing out a giggle.

  “Yes, ma’am!” He held his bent arm for me to grasp. After dropping my heels and wallet into my work tote, I wrapped my fingers around his lower bicep. Even through his leather jacket, I could feel the movement of his muscles. Lordy, this was going to be a long visit.

  By the time we got to the station, I was cutting it close and we almost missed my train. Another one would’ve come along, but by then I’d have been late to work.

  Breathless, we dropped into a seat and laughed. “So what do you need to take care of in Boston?” Curious, I studied his profile.

  He shrugged and glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. “Nothing much.”

  Suspicion had my wheels spinning. “You going to see someone?” If he told me he was going to hook up with someone, I was going to die. I tried to remain nonchalant because we weren’t in a relationship and he was free to do what he pleased. Not that I liked it.

  “Huh?” Honest confusion filled his tone. “I don’t know anyone here but you.”


  “Stella, were you thinking I was here for a booty call with someone?” He was too damn blunt, and it embarrassed me that there was a jealous shrew inside me.

  “Uh, no. Of course not. But if you did, I mean… you’re a single, good-looking guy, and it’s whatever.” No, it wasn’t. It was making me sick thinking about it. I wanted to cry, and he wasn’t even meeting up with anyone.

  The dark beanie he wore pulled low on his head made his eyes a brilliant green as he tipped my chin toward him. “Hey. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not that guy. I wouldn’t use a trip to see my best friend as an excuse to go get a piece of ass. This trip is about you.”

  It made me feel so overwhelmed that even though it was only friendship, he cared enough about me to fly to Boston to spend Christmas with me. “Why do you say that? You’re a good person, Logan.”

  “You make me better than I am. You see the best me. Not the one everyone else sees.” I was seriously confused, because even though on all the gossip sites he rarely looked happy, they never said anything about him doing anything bad.

  The train slowed, and I realized we were already at my stop. “This is me. Are you getting off here?”

  “Yeah. I’m walking you to work.” Once again he held out his arm for me to hold, and I pointed him in the right direction.

  Because I was running late, we had to walk briskly, but I savored every second of contact with him. When we reached the employee entrance, I paused outside. “Well, I guess I’ll see you back at the apartment. Oh! Here’s my keys.” I dug them out of my pocket and handed them to him.

  After he put them in his jacket, he cupped my cheek and traced my upper lip with his thumb. There was a split second where I thought he was going to kiss me. That split second had my chest fluttering and my breath catching.

  “Have a good day. I’ll see you soon.” He brushed his lips featherlight across mine before he turned and walked down the sidewalk. Knowing I needed to get clocked in, I still stood there like a dunce with my fingertips touching my lips, staring after him. I watched him until his beanie disappeared in the crowd.

  “Are you coming in?” Belinda poked her head out the door.

  “Huh?” Dazed, I turned.

  The smirk on her face morphed to laughter. “Girl, you didn’t even see me go past you when I came in. You can tell me about tall, dark, and handsome after you get your ass in here and get clocked in.”

  Rushing once I realized what I’d been doing, I clocked in, changed my shoes, and put on the tiny white apron I pulled off the stack. After checking my lipstick in the mirror of the break room and locking my bag up in my locker, I headed to the kitchen to find out the features for the day.

  Belinda was already in there. Tony wasn’t working; he’d requested the week off since his family was in town. Anna had the day off too. Which meant we were working with Tricia and Karen.

  Inside, I groaned. Karen was a sweetheart, but she was new, and we had to help her out often. That wasn’t what had me groaning though. It was Tricia. She was a Class A bitch.

  Telling myself I wouldn’t let her ruin my good mood, I stepped up next to Belinda as the chef filled us in on tonight’s featured entree. Each day he chose an entree that wasn’t on the menu as a feature. Not really a special, because nothing was ever discounted, but a special delectable dish that was a surprise to the patrons.

  While we were washing our hands, Belinda eyed me. She remained silent since Tricia and Karen were there too. Once they moved on to do their tasks prior to opening, she pounced.

  “Okay, Stell… fess up. Who was the hottie? And why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?” Belinda crossed her arms as she stood next to the silverware we were supposed to wrap in linen.

  As I grabbed silverware and a napkin, I rolled my eyes. “Let it go. He’s just a friend.”

  “Just a friend, my ass.” Suddenly, her eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Just a friend? Was that Logan?” At my silence, she quietly squealed.

  Making sure no one was close by, I shushed her. “Geez, girl, keep it down! You’re gonna get our asses chewed. And you know Tricia would love nothing more than to get us in trouble.”

  “Whatever, you can talk while we wrap. Tell. I want details. That was no friend. And if he was, then I want you to introduce us.” The thought of Logan hooking up with Belinda had me seeing red and wanting to scratch her eyes out. Which wasn’t fair, considering he and I were only supposed to be friends, and Belinda and I were truly friends.

  Huffing, I side-eyed her. “Well, as far as he’s concerned we’re only friends. And I don’t want him to know it’s not that way for me. Having him in my life as only a friend is better than not having him at all.”

  “Stella. That’s a bad combination. You either need to tell him how you feel or you need to let him go. It can only end badly if you keep carrying a torch for someone who thinks you two are simply friends. What are you going to do when he starts seeing someone or if he gets married? How are you going to handle that?” At my noise of protest, she held up a hand. “I’m only looking out for you, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  With eyes filled with worry, she held my gaze. I didn’t know what to say because they were all things I’d asked myself already. The same as every time I thought about it in the past, I told myself I’d deal with it when it happened.

  “Maybe later I’ll tell him. I don’t get to see him often because he doesn’t live here, so I’d rather not ruin the holidays by bringing it up.”

  “So what does he do?”

  Darting my eyes around the room, I whispered, “He’s in a band.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Like a small band? Big band? What?”

  Sighing, I once again made sure no one was within earshot. “He’s the bass player for a band called Straight Wicked.”

  “What? Are you serious? That’s him?” she shouted, causing my eyes to bug and my hand to slap over her mouth.

  “Oh my God! Shh!” Her lips moved behind my hand. “Oh gross! Did you just lick me?”

  “Don’t try to shut me up by covering my mouth then. It’s rude.” Giggling, she kept wrapping like it was no big deal that she had swiped her tongue across my palm.

  “Eww!” After washing my hands again, I gave her a glare. “Don’t ever do that again. That’s testing the boundaries of our friendship, girl.”

  Snickering, she shrugged. “Don’t try to shut me up, and we’ll be good.”


“Okay, so perhaps you’d like to tell me how you know Logan MacKenzie.” She stage-whispered his name like it was a matter of national security.

  “Well, I used to serve him coffee years ago in Seattle. Before he became famous. We ran into each other a while back and we’ve been talking ever since. He surprised me earlier in the month with a visit and again today. He came to spend Christmas with me.” My cheeks warmed with my announcement.

  Eyes narrowing, she studied me. “And you’ve had a crush on him since then, haven’t you?”

  It was my turn to shrug, because I didn’t really have an answer.

  “Oh, Stella. That’s a long time to carry a flame for someone. You need to tell him.”

  “Maybe later.”

  “Ugh! You’re a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?” It was time to open the doors, so we made a quick run through to ensure all the table linens were clean and the chairs were straight.

  The day went fairly smoothly until Tricia grabbed my arm as I was coming from entering my latest order. “Look who just came in! And I’m the next one up for a table. Job be damned, I’m slipping that hot-hunk-of-sexy my number.” Narrowing my eyes and I curled my lip, I had no idea what she was talking about until I glanced at the hostess podium and saw Logan standing there. He had his beanie off and was charming the hostess with his rare grin.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tricia unbutton two of her blouse buttons. Christ. We had a strict policy that we were to have two buttons undone on our shirts. No more, no less.

  The thought of Logan having her number sent the green-eyed monster raging through me, but before I could say anything to her, she had headed his direction with an extra sway to her hips.

  Frozen to the spot, I watched as the hostess pulled Tricia to the side to speak with her. Tricia’s face flamed red and fire shot from her eyes in my direction. Then the hostess seated Logan before she waved me over.

  Oh God. No, he didn’t.

  Like a prisoner headed to the gallows, I trudged over. “Yes, Mercedes?”

  “Mr. MacKenzie wanted to be seated in your area.”

  “But we don’t take walk-ins and we’re booked out for months.” I really didn’t want to make an enemy of Tricia, but I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t skip a beat that he’d requested me.

  “Stella. He’s Logan MacKenzie. The Logan MacKenzie. If we didn’t utilize one of the buffer tables for him, we’d never hear the end of it. And he demanded your section.” She was right. Linc, the owner, was a huge fan of Straight Wicked. I think he was even friends with one of the guys, but I couldn’t remember. Logan and I had never discussed it.

  We had several tables we called buffer tables that were reserved for the random celebrity or high-profile client. But this was going to cause problems between me and Tricia. I was going to kill him for this. “Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll be right with him.”

  Glancing over my shoulder in his direction, I narrowed my eyes at him. His answering smirk had my nostrils flaring and my mouth flattening. Shithead.

  After I delivered the meals to my last table and ensured they were situated, I made my way to his table.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I whisper-yelled at him while keeping my back to anyone who might report me for treating a celebrity like shit.

  “I was hungry, and this place came highly recommended. So here I am.” Playing dumb, he flashed an innocent grin.

  “You know what I mean. Asking for my section? You have no idea what you just did. My life’s going to be a living hell now. Every shift I work with Tricia is going to suck. She’ll probably spill hot soup on me.” He probably thought I was kidding, but she’d done that to Belinda before.

  “If she does, I’ll file a complaint against her. Hell, I could get her fired if you wanted me to.” The cavalier way he discussed throwing around his celebrity power had my mouth dropping open.

  “Logan! She may be a bitch, but she has bills to pay too.”

  “That’s where you and I are different. I’m not that nice. And I won’t cater to someone who treats people around her like shit. Now, I’ll have the special with a water and a bourbon neat.” He hadn’t opened the menu in front of him, and I had to wonder if he’d been here before.

  Huffing out a sigh, I gathered his menu and paused. “Isn’t it a little early for bourbon?”

  “Please don’t you start with me too, babe. It’s cold outside, and I’m only trying to warm up. I promise I’m not here to get shit-faced and embarrass you.” For a moment he looked exhausted, and I tucked his words away for analysis at a later date.

  As I entered the staff area to input his order, Tricia was walking out and shoulder-checked me. Hard. “Oh, sorry about that.” Her snide tone and expression told me that was a lie. And a portent of what was to come for the rest of the day.

  God, I couldn’t wait for my shift to end.

  “Get Out Alive”—Three Days Grace

  I couldn’t have given one single fuck about that bitch Tricia. The whole time I was in the restaurant, I paid attention to what was going on. She thought she was being sneaky, but I caught the nasty things she did to Stella. Though truthfully, I probably missed some of them.

  “Yeah, her name is Tricia.” Listening to what Dominic was saying, I continued to observe the behavior of the chick in question. Sipping on my bourbon, I placed my napkin on my plate and pushed it away.

  “I’ll talk to Gabe about her. His friend is extremely picky about his staff, and if she’s causing issues, he won’t want her there.” Even though he couldn’t see me, I nodded. It was convenient that Dominic’s cousin was best friends with the owner of this place, a huge SW fan.

  “Cool. Thanks, man.”

  “No problem.” He paused. “How are you doing out there?”

  “I’m fine, Dad. Don’t worry, I’m not going to make more work for Tracey.” Rolling my eyes, I took another sip and set the glass down.

  “Logan, I’m not trying to be a dick, but I worry about you. You’re as much my little brother as Levi’s. You know that, right?”

  A young man quietly stopped by the table and removed my plate, and then Stella was there. “Yeah I know that. Thank you. But I gotta run.”

  After ending the call, I set my phone facedown on the table and returned my attention to the beautiful, poised blonde in front of me.

  “Could I interest you in our dessert menu, Mr. MacKenzie?” Trying to hide her smile, she presented the smaller menu to me.

  “Oh, it’s Mr. MacKenzie now, is it?” My lips quirked at her attempt at professionalism. Actually, knowing her, she was being a sarcastic little shit.

  “Certainly, Mr. MacKenzie. After all, you made sure everyone knew it was you so you could be seated in my section.” Her brow rose as she pulled her lips to the side.

  God, her snooty act, which I imagined was par for the course at the restaurant, was turning me on—and it was disturbing. Stella was my friend, but in that moment she was my sexy-as-fuck waitress, and I wanted to drag her into the bathroom and drop her pants…. Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me?

  The sip of bourbon I’d been attempting to swallow choked me as I tried to block the vision of her naked out of my head. That wasn’t a place I needed to go.

  “Oh dear, Mr. MacKenzie. Are you okay?” She leaned down and pressed a clean napkin to my mouth like I was a child. When she did, I saw right down her modestly unbuttoned shirt.

  I knew she didn’t mean for me to, and I shouldn’t have even been looking that direction. But my mind had already jumped back to lascivious thoughts of her. Her lacy black bra barely covered her nipples, and the tops of her tits swelled from it in perfect arcs. In that moment, I knew I was going to hell.

  Forcing her to stand upright as I tried to control the lingering cough, I covered my face with the napkin. Anything to block her beautiful blue eyes, silky blonde hair, and ample breasts that were right at eye level. “I’m good,” I muttered through the napkin. “I’ll take my check.”

More than anything, in that moment I needed to get the hell out of there. My dick was pressing painfully against my jeans. I didn’t need her seeing that. She’d kick me out of her apartment faster than a snowflake could melt on my tongue. Which had me thinking of my tongue on her skin, sliding down between those luscious globes.

  Oh God.

  “Never mind, babe. Here.” I pulled several bills out of my wallet. It was more than enough to cover my bill and still leave her with a generous tip. Priority was getting the fuck out of there so I could gain control of my damn cock that wanted in my best friend’s pants.

  “Logan, that’s too much!” She tried to give me back half of what I handed her. Refusing to take it, I shot her a fake smile and tried not to make eye contact as I picked up the small shopping bag I’d entered with. As quickly as I could, I moved toward the door.

  “Keep it. I forgot I still had one thing to take care of. I’ll see you back at your apartment.” Tricia the bitch was on her way to one of her tables with a tray full of drinks, and at my words she faltered.

  If she wasn’t such a wench, I would’ve tried to help her before the tray crashed to the floor. The expression of shock on her face was priceless, causing me to chuckle as I pulled my beanie back on and left the restaurant. The icy wind caught me full force, and I zipped my jacket up all the way to combat it.

  As I walked down the sidewalk through the throngs of people, I tried to analyze what had happened back at the restaurant. Even after the morning I’d woken up with her tit in my hand, I hadn’t had to fight the need to strip her naked and corrupt her.

  I mean, sure, it never escaped my notice that she was gorgeous. Except until today I hadn’t had those kinds of feelings toward her. At least I didn’t think I had. The more I thought about it, the more I questioned myself.

  Entering the shop I’d googled earlier, I was hit with two things: warmth, and the scent of money. And I didn’t mean that literally, but more metaphorically. The store smelled rich.

  I’d already picked up a few things before my late lunch, but this was the important gift. I’d wanted to get her something nice. Not that I was sure what to get her, but I did know I wanted to spoil her.


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