Love Drunk
Page 24
The only man I had ever loved.
After we’d finished having sex, we tidied up the desk, then went to leave, opening the door on a furious-looking L, with Ash nowhere in sight. Before I could even open my mouth to apologise for whatever she’d overheard, L proceeded to rip into Dante. She didn’t appear to be blaming me, her sole focus on Dante.
Dante shoved his messy hair back. “Jesus, woman, it’s not like I left any spunk on your desk.”
L’s eyes widened. “You had sex on my desk?!” she gasped, her eyes flicking past Dante to it.
He shrugged. “So? You don’t really use it much. You’re always in the studio.”
“I… I can’t believe you. You don’t have sex in an office let alone someone else’s,” she hissed. “And not on their desk!”
“We put your shit back, so stop overreacting.”
“I’m overreacting?” She indicated to the door behind her. “Leave!”
“Fine, we hafta do work anyway,” he said, sauntering past her. I quickly followed, stopping at L’s angry voice.
“I’m not working with you today!” she snapped. “What you did is unacceptable. I’m taking this to Jade.”
Dante rolled his eyes. “He won’t do anything ’bout it, other than bitch and whine, then find sumpthin’ else to bitch and whine ’bout. Might as well drop it, love, cos it won’t go anywhere.”
“You had sex on my desk!” she yelled, appearing to have forgotten about the receptionist. The twenty-something, skinny brunette was watching us as though we were characters in her favourite soap opera.
“For fuck’s sake, how many times do ya hafta say it?” Dante said, now looking annoyed.
“Until you get it into your head that what you did was wrong.”
“The only thing I did wrong wuz not spoofing on your desk, cos right now I wish I had.”
Her eyes went impossibly round. “You didn’t just say that!”
“You bet I did.” He turned to me. “Looks like I ain’t gonna get any work done with Mother Teresa today. You wanna go home and fuck some more?”
“Dante,” I growled. “Just apologise.”
He sniffed derisively. “I ain’t apologising for shit. It’s not our fault she’s wound up tighter than a coil, blame my bro.” He sneered, his expression not a good omen. He turned back to L. “Maybe if you got Ash to fuck you on your desk you wouldn’t be so uptight.”
“OUT!” she yelled.
He sniggered and pressed the elevator button. I apologised to L, not expecting her forgiveness straight away. I just hoped that I could smooth things over at a later date, explaining that Dante made me lose all sense, the man a whirlwind I couldn’t help but be caught up in.
The elevator doors opened. I rushed in after Dante, relieved when the doors shut.
He turned to face me. “That wuz fuckin’ great,” he said, looking totally unrepentant. He yanked my hips forward, rubbing his groin against my stomach. “Mmm, I wouldn’t mind fucking you in here too.” His hand snuck under my skirt.
I smacked it away. “Dante! There are cameras in here.”
“There’s already a shitload of videos of me fucking, what’s one more?”
He moved his hands to my breasts and kissed my neck. Luckily, the elevator doors opened before he could do worse, and even luckier, no one was waiting outside. I shoved him back and stalked out into the reception area, now eager to get home before he did something indecent in public.
He followed me to the car park, the thud of his boots making my heart pound. He unlocked his Mustang and climbed into the front passenger seat. I got behind the wheel, holding my hand out for the key. He placed it on his crotch with a dirty grin. I went to snatch it away, but he grabbed my hand, pressing my palm against his crotch.
“Mmm,” he said. “How ’bout a blow job?”
“No,” I growled, yanking my hand free, along with the key.
He leaned over and nibbled my ear. “Then, how ’bout I lick you out?”
I sucked in a breath as he slipped a hand under my skirt, his fingers burrowing into my knickers.
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he said. “Maybe I can finger fuck you instead, cos I don’t really wanna taste my cum.”
He pushed a finger inside of me and moved his lips down my neck, sucking and biting it. I groaned, no longer caring where we were, only caring about his lips and fingers. I leaned my head back against the seat, my breathing growing harsher as he continued to play with me. Then he was pushing up my blouse and bra, sucking in one of my breasts, the man insatiable. He bit my nipple, causing me to cry out. But instead of pushing him away, I grabbed his head, holding his face tight against my breast, as I came with his fingers inside of me.
He pulled away with a smug smile, one I wanted to wipe off his face. Even though I was out of breath and a few brain cells short, I unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out. Without hesitation, I leaned over and sucked it in, receiving a sharp inhale as reward. I started blowing him, wanting him to lose it like he’d made me lose it. He groaned, lifting his hips off the seat. I let his cock pop out of my mouth and flicked my tongue over it, then lowered my head back down, but not fully, the man too big.
He placed a hand on my head, encouraging me to take more in, which I did, before my gag reflex kicked in. I pulled back and sucked in a breath, then went down on him again, sucking on his hard flesh to my heart’s content, wanting to get him off, to make him come in my mouth. He groaned, sounding like he was close. I pushed a hand into his pants, tugging on his balls as I continued to suck on him. He let out a gasp and came, filling my mouth with salty cum. I swallowed it all down and licked him clean, looking up as I did it. His face was flushed, his mouth open, the man looking so erotic I felt like coming a third time.
“Jesus, that wuz fuckin’ good,” he breathed out. “Gimme a few seconds then I’ll return the favour.”
I giggled, feeling well-pleased with myself. “I must’ve blew your mind too, because you’ve already forgotten you got me off.”
He gave me a sleepy smile. “With my fingers, not my mouth.” He flicked his tongue out.
I snorted out a laugh. “I thought you didn’t want to taste your cum.”
“I’ll make an exception for you.”
“How about we wait until we get home?”
“Yeah, our home.”
I beamed, the embarrassing scene with L all but forgotten, his words making me so happy.
Loud moaning was coming from Mr. Park’s room; Dante’s manager obviously having gone home for more than lunch.
Dante sniggered as we headed up the staircase. “’Bout time Jade got some. He’s been acting like a dried-up old biddy lately.”
He opened his bedroom door as Mr. Park cried out, the man obviously coming. A laugh followed, “Fuck, you’re a shooter,” a gruff male voice said.
Dante froze. “What the fuck?!” His head whipped around to his manager’s room. “He didn’t, he fuckin’ didn’t.”
“Didn’t what?” I asked.
Dante pointed at the door. “That sounded like my—”
The door opened. Dante’s father stepped out with a towel wrapped around his hips, the man nothing but muscle. He had Maori tattoos covering both arms and a La Vida Loca design spread across his chest, along with more tribal tattoos on his legs and a forest one circling his right calf. He stopped at the sight of Dante, surprise colouring his tattooed face.
“You’re s’posed to be at work,” he said, his eyes flicking from Dante to me.
“Yeah, while you’re obviously working too,” Dante hissed, his expression furious. “Whoring yourself out to Jade.”
His father shrugged. “He pays better than women, so why not? Not like I haven’t fucked male arse before.”
“Not in my home! And not with my boss, you dirty cunt.”
His father held up his hands. “Whoa! Calm the hell down, son. Even you can’t expect me to turn down fiv
e grand, and he’s so easy to please.”
“Thought you were gettin’ back with Killer?”
“I am, he’s here too, well, sort of.”
Dante shook his head. “He ain’t ’ere, you’re just having me on.”
“You wanna bet?” He glanced back. “Oi! Cunt! Come out ’ere.”
My eyes bugged out as Killer Rakete stepped through the doorway, the man completely naked, his hard-on monstrous. I quickly covered my eyes, shocked by what I was seeing.
“For fuck’s sake, put some clothes on, Killer!” Dante snapped, pulling my face to his chest.
“I’m not Killer,” Mr. Rata’s partner muttered.
“Murderer?” Dante asked.
“Don’t call me that tacky name.” Footsteps headed off, thumping down the staircase, his voice barking, “Prime the li’l bugger for more while I get some grub.”
I moved my face away from Dante’s chest, still flustered over what I’d just saw, Mr. Rata making it worse. He was scratching his balls, not even caring that he was flashing us.
Dante grunted with disgust. “Stop scratching your junk, it’s bad enough I had to see Murderer’s. And why the fuck are ya with that psycho? I thought you hated him.”
Mr. Rata stopped scratching himself. “I love Killer and Pain, so I thought I’d compromise with the prick. He gets some arse to fuck that ain’t mine, while I get paid. It’s a win, win for both of us.”
“What will Killer say when he finds out you and Murderer fucked Jade for cash? He hates you bein’ a whore.”
“You heard what Cunt said, his name’s not Murderer.”
“It ain’t Cunt either, which, by the way, is way worse.”
“I’ll call him that until he stops bein’ one, and Jade ain’t payin’ him. Cunt’s doin’ it cos I refuse to be alone with him after all the shit he’s pulled. Jade’s my buffer. And Killer will hafta deal with it if he wants me to make Cunt happy.”
“My name ain’t fuckin’ Cunt!” Murderer hollered from downstairs.
“It is to me!” Mr. Rata yelled back. His attention returned to Dante. “Man, he’s got bloody good hearing, can’t even piss without him knowing. Anyway, gotta get back to work, needa prime your girly boss for more of Cunt’s cock.” He snorted out a laugh. “Get it, Cunt’s cock is goin’ into the man cunt.” He shook his head, obviously thinking he was funny. “Though, pity Cunt won’t lemme fuck him, he’s purely a top. I gotta wait for Killer or Pain to show before I get some real action.” He grinned. “Though, he’s an A-grade cocksucker. No gag reflex whatsoever.”
“I don’t wanna hear that!” Dante snapped. He raised his voice, calling out to his boss, “And you’re disgusting, Jade! My dad? My fuckin’ dad? You said he had serial killer eyes.”
Swearing came from the bedroom.
Mr. Rata’s brows shot up. “He seriously said that?”
“I also called you hot!” Mr. Park yelled from inside the room. “And you should be at work, Dante.”
“So should you!” Dante yelled back.
“I have a scheduled break.”
“Don’t care, you shouldn’t be payin’ my dad for sex. That’s just fuckin’ gross.”
Mr. Rata flicked Dante an annoyed look. “I ain’t gross, you li’l bastard.”
“You’re my dad, that makes it gross.”
“You know I’m a whore, so deal with it.” He spun on his heel and disappeared into Jade’s room. Murderer came bounding up the staircase before I could avert my gaze, his massive cock swinging obscenely between his muscular legs. He winked at me as he stuffed a strawberry into his mouth.
“Keep your fuckin’ eyes to yourself!” Dante barked.
Murderer swallowed the strawberry down and flicked his tongue out at Dante, then disappeared into Jade’s room, slamming the door behind him. Jade started crying out, “Oh God, oh God… Yes, Tane, yes!”
Dante swore and pulled me into his room, slamming the door shut so hard it rattled in its frame. He slumped down on his bed, his eyes burning holes in the door. “Those bastards have given me a right soft-on. There’s no way I’m gonna get hard with them shouting the house down.”
More noise came from Jade’s room, Dante’s manager crying out again.
Dante swore louder, looking like someone had slapped him with a rotten fish. I sat down next to him, cringing at what was coming from the other room, the men not even trying to be quiet.
Dante shook his head. “Jade really needs a boyfriend, cos my dad and Murderer will rip him to shreds. He won’t be able to sit, let alone walk tomorrow. I don’t know what he wuz thinking.”
“It’s probably because Murderer’s stunning.”
Dante’s brows pulled together. “You find him attractive?”
My eyes widened. “It’s not like that. I’m just being objective.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t get ya knickers in a twist, I’m not the jealous type. I don’t mind you lookin’ at other men, just don’t touch ’em.”
“I’m not looking; I don’t want anyone but you.”
“Honestly, hun, I don’t mind. Appreciating a good-lookin’ person isn’t cheating. It’s like admiring a painting. You know it looks good, you like lookin’ at it, but it’s attached to a wall, not to you. You don’t touch it cos it doesn’t belong to you. It’s two-dimensional, just a pretty picture, whereas you’re 3-D.”
I smiled. “That’s a lovely way of describing it. I’m impressed.”
“Only cos you think I’m dumb.”
“No, I don’t, so stop being defensive.”
He pushed a hand through his messy hair. “I’m not bein’ defensive, you were talkin’ to me like a li’l kid, patronising me.”
I shook my head, perplexed how he could even think that. “I wouldn’t patronise you, I was complimenting you.”
He frowned. “You bein’ genuine?”
“Of course I am, and I don’t understand why you even questioned the compliment. Is my tone off? You mentioned I still talk like a teacher.”
He shook his head.
“Then, why did you jump down my throat?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t believe you.”
“Get called dumb enough times, you start believing it.”
“You’re far from dumb, if anything, you’re incredibly articulate.”
He smiled. “You really think I’m smart?”
“Smarter than whoever insulted you. People cut down talent, and you’re incredibly talented.”
His smile widened. “Fuck, I really like you.” He pushed me onto my back and kissed me hard. I kissed him back, more than willing to trade compliments for his incredible kisses.
Sexual yells from the other room jolted us apart, Dante’s manager sounding like he was in both heaven and hell.
“For fuck’s sake!” Dante shot back. “Keep it down, you gross bastards!”
A loud hyena cackle replied, the sounds of sex continuing.
“I hope bloody Jade is crippled for life after that,” I muttered, getting out of bed, fucking exhausted. The three bastards had gone at it almost all night. It sounded like they were fucking, dozing off for a couple of hours, fucking once they woke up, then repeat, over and over again. It made me want to chunder.
Clara snuggled into my side, looking like she wanted to go back to sleep. “So tired,” she yawned.
“You’re not the only one. And it’s worse for me, considering it’s my dad. He could never shut his trap when he fucked, his partners and clients all the same.” I detangled myself from Clara and pushed out of bed. “But it’s a hundred times worse knowing it’s him and Murderer doin’ my boss. My boss.” I grabbed my jeans and jumped into them. “I need coffee,” I said, wishing I could put a dash of whiskey in it. Knowing I couldn’t, I pulled on my shirt aggressively, almost ripping it.
“A flat white, please,” Clara replied.
My eyebrows shot up. “A flat white? What does this look like
? A cafe? And anyway, you work for me, so you’re gettin’ the coffee.”
Clara groaned. “True.” She pushed out of bed and grabbed her skirt, stepping into it. I watched her getting dressed, licking my lips as she stuffed her boobs into her bra. For a second I considered having a taste, then sighed and jammed my feet into my boots, needing coffee more, because I’d probably fall asleep with my mouth on her tit if I didn’t get some caffeine into my system. I really didn’t know how Ash survived without the stuff, because, next to booze, it was my go to.
I sat down on the bed and started doing up my boots. Clara took off into the bathroom, coming out with her pink hair combed and her blouse tucked in.
She slipped her feet into sandals. “Money?” she asked, holding out a hand.
“For what?”
“The coffee.”
“You don’t need money for that. We’ve got plenty in the kitchen.”
“Nope, that tastes lousy. I’ll go to one of the cafes down the road and grab some real coffee.”
“Fine, take the cash from the drawer in the entrance. Jade always keeps spare change in there. And if you go to that cafe with the chocolate and almond croissants, get me one.”
An amused smile pulled at her lips. “Oh, you want a croissant, monsieur?”