Claiming Their Cat

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Claiming Their Cat Page 6

by Maggie O'Malley

  She shook her head.


  “No.” Her voice quivered.

  “Brothers or sisters?”

  She sucked in a deep breath and emotional pain poured off her. “No.”

  His gut warned him that something bad had happened. “Listen. I can protect your family while we solve your problem. You don’t have to worry about them, but you have to tell me who they are so I can make arrangements.”

  She opened her eyes, and her gaze searched his face. He took that as a good sign. “Trust me,” he added softly. His wolf wanted her to trust him more than anything else, but he couldn’t blame her. In her mind, he was nothing but a killer. She had no reason to trust him and usually he didn’t give a shit where people trusted him or not. But he needed her trust to keep her alive.

  “I have no one,” she said, before turning her head to face forward and closing her eyes again.

  The scent of her lie betrayed her. “I don’t believe you, but that’s okay. When you change your mind, let me know, and I can have them double-covered in bubble wrap within twenty-four hours.”

  He chuckled to himself when she chose to ignore him. It took guts to dismiss him, and he certainly wasn’t used to it, but he and his wolf would give her some leeway—for now. Their discussion of ‘doing what I say’ when you’re in trouble could wait.

  “Well, if you won’t let me protect your loved ones, tell me why Alvarez wants you so bad.”

  “I won’t tell you. It’s not in my best interest to tell you.”

  There was that mistrust thing again. “All I have to do is pick up the phone and call him, you know. I have his direct number.”

  “And he has yours?” Her voice was laced with fear.

  “No.” He wanted to put her at ease. “He contacts me through a secured email account. He can’t find me, but I can find him. No one will find you.”

  “Listen, buddy. If you want to be stupid and put your life in danger by going against Alvarez, it’s fine with me. But I’m sure Alvarez already knows where you live. It’s a game with him, and he’s the master.”

  “If you tell me why he wants you so bad, I can formulate a plan to keep you and me safe.”

  “I’m not telling you shit.”

  Not yet. But you will.

  Chapter Five

  Cat wolfed down the burger and fries and contemplated how to get herself out of this mess. Rio would surely trade her in for the loot when he found out how many zeros were behind that one.

  Slurping the milkshake was close to heaven. She should thank him for suggesting it because she’d always had a sweet tooth even before she got pregnant. Rio scarfed down three burgers and a large fry, and she wondered if that were enough to fill those tree trunk legs of his.

  When he pulled into a motel, all she could think about was a nice, soft bed. Even when she was at the compound, she slept on a cot in women’s quarters with armed guards stationed at the door.

  “Will you stay in the truck while I check us in?”

  Unfortunately, she had to answer yes. She didn’t have the energy to run. “I promise if you promise me a nice, soft, warm bed.”

  He grinned. “Coming right up.”

  His smile caught her off guard. It reached his eyes, transformed the hard lines of his face. He almost appeared normal. Get a grip, Cat. This man kills people for a living.

  “See those three men over there.”

  She followed his finger and immediately tensed. Oh God. It didn’t take long to be found. There were three burly men, dressed in black. One sat on a big motorcycle. She was sure ‘Mercs for hire’ was stamped across their foreheads.

  “Take it easy. They’re here to watch our backs while we get some needed sleep.”

  “Friends of yours?”

  His gaze wavered. “I only have one friend, and I just blew up his diner. These are only acquaintances.”

  For hire, not doubt. “I don’t like them. They’re scary, just like you.”

  “That’s the point. We want someone to think twice before they do something stupid.”

  Thinking twice was probably an understatement. Rio slipped from the truck and the doors locked. She was surprised when he walked towards the office door instead of going straight to them. But what did she know about killers for hire and all the sneaking around shit.

  After ten minutes or so, she saw Rio coming across the parking lot with that long, determined stride of his. Again, he didn’t even glance at his ‘acquaintances.’

  After popping the door locks, he slid in. “We’re on the end, around back.”

  Probably more spooky around there, too. More shadows for the scary people to hide in.

  “Are you sure you can trust them?”

  He started the truck. “Yep.”

  “Because you’re paying them?”

  “Yes and no. I am paying them, but they won’t betray me.”

  “Right. Anyone would betray you for ten m… a bunch of money.”

  His brow raised in interest at her slip. “Trust me. We’ll be fine here tonight.”

  As they pulled around back, she noticed it was indeed dark and blocked off by a line of bushes. He backed into a parking spot, and she casually glanced around trying to find the goon squad. If they were going to take her, wouldn’t they have done it while she was in the truck alone? Of course, it would be easier to hide Rio’s body back here. No one in their right mind would come back here after dark.

  “Stay in the truck while I checkout the room.”

  Room? Just one? Before she could ask, he pulled a travel bag from the backseat and then disappeared. She craned her neck to follow him in the inky blackness. He didn’t park outside the room he rented, but a few parking places down. Was that to throw anybody off who might happen to find them?

  After five minutes, she wondered if the room was that big. What in the hell was he doing in there? Figuring out Rio was a tiresome job. She rubbed her temples. A headache was coming. Maybe he had some aspirin back there with his arsenal. She jerked when her door opened.

  “Sorry.” He reached across, popped her seat belt, grabbed her goodie bag, and then scooped her up.

  “I can walk,” she screeched. Her face heated at being pressed up against his hard body. He carried her as if she weighed nothing, but she could walk. Hell, she’d run through the driving downpour with shoes on, so she could certainly manage in flip-flops. Her sores were on the tops of her toes and heels, far away from the single strap between her toes.

  “Maybe I’ll let you walk tomorrow.”

  If he thought her feet would keep her from running, he was mistaken. She just didn’t have it in her. But she would bide her time. Eventually, she’d catch a break and run like hell, and if he wanted to get her well while she waited for a break, she wasn’t going to stop him. She needed to eat more and rest a while, and then she’d disappear. If she could escape a heavily armed compound run by an insane man, she could certainly manage against Rabid Rio.

  He pushed the door open with his boot. She glanced around room noting only one bed, a table with one chair and another small sitting chair. That chair didn’t look big enough for Rio to sleep in, but maybe he was staying next door. This wasn’t a fancy four-star hotel, but the room smelled clean and it beat the hell out of a culvert she’d napped in several days ago.

  Rio placed her feet on the carpet. “Get ready for bed. There should be a toothbrush and toothpaste in the bag Lucy gave you. Tomorrow, we’ll get you some more clothes, toiletries and anything else you need.”

  “I just need to sleep for a week.”

  “Me too. I’ve been up for three days straight. My gas has run out.”

  She wanted to ask where was he sleeping, but a toothbrush was calling her name. The bathroom was small but clean, and she was satisfied with that. Her first sleeping quarters at the compound were with the maids and cooks, and there was minimal clean water. Food was available, but it was usually two or three days old. One of the cooks tried to smuggle
food out, but the guards caught her and no one had seen her since.

  Cat would be a fool to complain about the bed or the hamburger or the medical care that she’d received. But she’d also be a fool to think Rio would protect her. He was already underestimating Alvarez, who she’d pegged as a psychopath.

  After relieving herself, she brushed her teeth and then splashed lukewarm water on her face. The towel was a bit tattered, but it smelled clean. She studied her reflection in the old, cracked mirror. Even it couldn’t hide the dark bags under her eyes, eyes that appeared sunken into her face. Running for your life was hard on one’s appearance.

  She looked at her hands. They were dry and cracked from the manual labor she did at the compound and certainly a long way from the nail salon where she used to go. And her hair was beyond hope. She’d never get the tangles out. That left cutting it. Her dad would have a fit. He’d always said that her hair was a gift from God and should never be cut.

  Well Dad, cutting it may help me disguise myself a little bit more and maybe, one day, you’ll get to see your grand baby. Her heart clenched. Hell, were her parents still alive? Mom’s heart wasn’t the best in the world. Maybe bringing home a grandchild would offset Cat’s other failure. Cat2 kicked, pulling her from her melancholy, reminding Cat she could only move forward.

  She took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. After letting her eyes adjust, she found Rio…in the bed. And he looked naked. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting ready to sleep for at least a day.”

  This was so not going to work. She should have known she’d have to take the chair. “I thought we’d have separate rooms.”

  He shook his head, his long hair dancing around his shoulders.

  “Can I have a blanket?”

  “For what?”

  “The chair.”

  “Hell no. You’re sleeping with me.”

  He lounged against the pillows, no shirt, white sheet draped over his lean hips. Her face heated remembering the last time they were in bed together. Rio was as naked as the day he was born. Please tell me he has on underwear. “Hell no, I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “Yes hell, you are. Now, come to bed. I’m dogged tired.”

  “Why do we have to—share a bed?”

  “So I can protect you.”

  In a normal situation, she’d say…who’s going to protect me from you, but since she was pregnant, she was pretty sure he didn’t want anything to do with her body. And protecting her was bullshit unless it was for whatever plan he had stirring in that head of his. Well, she’d have a plan of her own—soon.

  Right now, she was too tired to argue with the meathead. She moved toward the bed, hoping for a miracle in the next five feet.

  “Take your clothes off.”


  “Take your clothes off.”

  Okay, this was getting ridiculous. “Why?”

  “So you won’t run on me.”

  “Run, as in put one foot in front of the other and haul ass?”

  He nodded.

  “That’s not a problem tonight. I promise not to flee.”

  “Not good enough. Take them off or I’ll do it for you.”

  “What are you, a sick pervert? I’m pregnant. I look like a cow. Running around without clothes is just sick.”

  “First of all, I’m not a pervert, and you’re the cutest cow I’ve ever seen. And running around naked—is immensely appealing. Now, get them off.”

  The edge in his voice conveyed that he would do it, but Cat stood her ground. “Where was all that talk about protecting me?”

  “I am protecting you by keeping you from running.”

  “That’s just twisted.”

  “Uh-huh. Now strip.”

  What choice did she have? He was bigger and stronger and meaner which gave him all the leverage.

  Cat blushed as she pushed her pants down and let them drop. Why couldn’t the goodie bag have had panties in it? “What makes you think I won’t bash you in the head and then put my clothes back on and run?”

  “I’m going to lock them in my bag. So you can bash my head in, but you’ll have to do your running in those itty-bitty towels from the bathroom or a bed sheet.” His brows shot up letting her know he didn’t believe she’d actually do that.

  Great. Now he’s calling me fat. She snatched her shirt over her head, picked up her pants, balled them both up, and threw them at him. “Are you happy now?”

  “Almost.” He rose from the bed—naked—and strolled to his travel bag. She tried to see if his bag really had a lock. His hulking frame blocked the view, but his muscular back tapered down to a very nice ass. Then there were his strong legs. The whole package was a marvelous caramel brown. All she could think of was a centerfold in Killers-R-Us magazine. Hell, she’d even buy a subscription.

  “You’re staring at my ass,” he said over his shoulder.

  What? Did he have eyes in the back of his head? Or is that what he expected her to do? “Says who?”

  He spun to face her. “Says me.” Yep, he caught her, and he was grinning from ear to ear. His smile actually reached his eyes, making him more human, less—scary.

  She cleared her mind and rolled her eyes. His heated gaze traveled to her breasts and back to her face causing her belly to quiver. Why was she still standing instead of hiding under a sheet? “Which side do you want me to sleep on? Next to the lamp or next to the door?”


  “Good. I won’t have to go too far to use it on your thick head.”

  Before she could move, he’d crossed the room and stood before her. She took a step back. Her eyes flicked down. He was semi-hard.

  He stepped again, almost touching her, so close she felt the heat from his body. “I just want you to know I think you’re sexy as hell, and if I wasn’t so damned tired, I’d try to seduce you. But you need your sleep, and so do I.”

  Okay, she certainly didn’t expect that. “You got a thing for pregnant women?”

  “Nope. Just you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Riiight.”

  Maybe he was suffering from a mental disease that skewed his thinking. He hadn’t touched her, but she felt like he had with those piercing eyes.

  “And.” He cupped her face with his big, rough hands. “I will seduce you when you’re safe.” He slowly moved his face towards hers. Oh my God, he was going to kiss her.

  In anticipation, her breath caught in her throat. She should move, step back, but she was frozen in place. Then he smiled and moved to the bed. She blinked. He slipped between the sheets and patted her side of the bed.

  Cat felt like a fool. Of course, he wouldn’t kiss her. It was a game she wasn’t even skilled at playing, much less winning. He pulled the sheet down on her side. She should refuse, and pile up in the chair, but she didn’t think her back could take it. Cat climbed in, noticing how the bed dipped towards him. She turned off the light and rolled on her right side away from him fighting the downhill slippery slope. Damn, it’s going to be a long night.

  She closed her eyes and tried to force calmness over her, but the double bed wasn’t helping any. Rio was too big for this bed and with her extra belly, keeping a sliver of a distance between them was going to be hard. Minutes passed, but she couldn’t detect his even breathing or a snore. She almost laughed aloud. How many people that were still alive had ever heard Rio snore? Well, whom was she kidding? There were probably several women who’d heard him snore.

  “Do you need me to help you relax?”

  As if he could do that. “Yes. I’m sure I’d sleep better if you were on the floor.”

  She yelped when a strong hand wound around her middle and pulled her against a hard body. “I’ve slept in harder places, like the caves in Afghanistan, on a dirt floor littered with pebbles that somehow align with your spine. I had to fight the scorpions for that patch of dirt, so you understand if I don’t choose to do so.”

  His calloused hand cupped her pel
vis and pressed her butt against his groin. She struggled to form words, lash out with something to wound him, but how could she? Apparently, he’d fought in Afghanistan serving his country, but, on the other hand, the government probably trained him to be the efficient killer that he was.

  “Damn, you smell good.” He buried his nose into the crook of her neck and nuzzled her. Chills wove down her spine.


  His deep laugh reverberated against her back. “Soon, my little Cat, I will have you screaming my name, begging me to let you come.”

  “I’m going to scream right now if you don’t back off.”

  “You’re safe—for now.”

  Safe? That was almost laughable. She’d never be safe again, not until Alvarez was dead. That had as much of a chance of happening as installing an ice machine in hell.

  “But, if you get horny during the night, just wake me up, and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You are such an arrogant prick.”

  Pressed against his body was hell on her defenses. She’d never slept naked with anyone. Oh sure, she’d had sex and lots of it, but it was usually a quickie and then she’d go home. No harm. No foul. Waking up beside someone you didn’t actually know and heaven forbid you didn’t want to get to know, was something she’d avoided at all costs. Even in that hellhole brothel in Mexico, she’d run as soon as she could. That sex was fantastic, but she didn’t do morning afters.

  “I’m a lot of things you don’t even want to know about, but I can—and will—give you so much pleasure that you’ll think you’re dying.”

  “Save it for someone who cares.”

  His hand drifted lower, found the little bundle of nerves. “Don’t make me prove my point, little girl, because I can forgo sleep if I have too. I’m horny as hell, and would love to sink my cock into your hot slick pussy.”

  Rio’s voice held amusement. She didn’t know if his words or his thumb swirling over her clit that caused little shards of pleasure to shoot through her. She held her breath as his finger dipped between her folds. “You’re wet—for me.”


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