Claiming Their Cat

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Claiming Their Cat Page 7

by Maggie O'Malley

  Hell yeah. And it all started with him running around naked. The why still escaped her. She knew she wasn’t pretty even before she started running from Alvarez. Cat considered herself plain, with eyes too wide. They were blue, but no one had ever commented on them. Her hair was a nondescript dishwater blonde, but it did have some body to it when she took the time care for it. She felt like a haggard whore, so why was this centerfold paying any attention to her? She sucked in a breath and forced the denial between her teeth. “No. It’s just hormones.”

  Cat yelped when he nipped her neck. “Don’t ever lie to me, my sweet Cat, because I’ll paddle your ass. In fact, I may do it anyway. I bet it blushes a pretty pink. Would you like that?”

  His voice didn’t sound like a threat, but a spanking sounded totally degrading. He continued sliding his finger in and out, slowly, teasing. He had to stop. It wasn’t right. She wouldn’t let him seduce her. She blinked as an idea formed in her mind. Seduce? Maybe it would work. What if she seduced him? Maybe he’d let his guard down if he thought she wanted to stay with him, if she made him think she believed he would keep her safe? If he trusted her, escape would be so much easier—when she figured out the plan.

  Of course, playing the part would earn her an Oscar. She didn’t think she could do it because she was a terrible liar. It took all she had to pull the wool over Alvarez’s eyes, but she was never this close to Alvarez except—when she was beneath him. A shiver of revulsion rolled through her. Eight months and she still hadn’t succeeded in her original mission. She’d failed everybody in more ways than one.

  “You’re thinking too hard, sugar.”

  Hard? Hard was his cock pressing against her backside. Hard was trying to ignore his slight rocking, knowing he was dragging the head across her skin. Hard was trying to ignore his swirling thumb. Hard was figuring out how to make him stop.

  “I promise to go to sleep. Please, leave me alone.”

  “I don’t think so. You’ve got me riled up. I can’t go to sleep in this condition.” He nudged against her with his cock.

  “I didn’t do anything. Don’t blame me for your pervertedness.”

  “Oh yes, sugar, you did this to me. You’re sexy as hell, smell like spring flowers, and I am going to spank your pretty ass if you call me a pervert again.”

  He scooted down, pried his hand between her legs. His fingers slipped between her folds, plunging hard into her. God it felt so good. He kissed her neck, caressing it with his lips and tongue, sending shivers along her spine.

  “So tight, my little Cat. I can’t wait to slide inside your silky pussy, drag the head of my cock along your tight sheath.”

  Think Cat, it’s now or never. Do you allow him seduce you, so you can seduce him later? Buy some time.

  Before she could decide, he rolled out of bed. Well, that made things easier. The rummaging in his bag made her turn. What in the heck was he doing? She faced away again and prayed for an answer to her dilemma. The bed sagged under his heavy weight. Her breath caught in her throat waiting for whatever he was planning.

  She feigned sleep, tried to ignore him.

  He didn’t spoon her to him, so she let out her breath with a soft whoosh. Maybe he had decided he didn’t really mean all those things he said about her being sexy.

  She yelped when something cool pressed against the crack of her ass.

  “Relax, little girl. I won’t hurt you.”

  This was so wrong. “Please don’t do this.”

  He laughed. “Tell you what. If I can’t make you come by fucking your sweet ass with anything but my cock, I’ll never lay another finger on you.”

  Okay, if he didn’t use his cock, that would be good, because there was no way in hell it would fit anywhere inside her, especially her ass. She’d take that bet with limits, of course. “How long? I won’t give you forever.”

  “Oh, I think it will only take five minutes.”

  “And you can’t touch my…you know.”

  “Your pussy and your clit?”

  “Yes.” She couldn’t remember ever saying those two words, and if so, it was never in mixed company.

  “Okay, but if you come within five minutes, what do I get?”

  “Nothing, because that will never happen.”

  “Aw, my sweet Cat. If you come, you will let me fuck you in that sweet ass of yours.”

  Um, hell no. That was never going to happen. “Okay. Deal.”

  “Up on your hands and knees.”

  “What? That wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “The deal was not touching those two sensual body parts that you can’t even bring yourself to say, but you will say them soon.”

  Damn. She had to learn to negotiate better when she was dealing with Rio. Of course, she didn’t know if she could anticipate anything concerning sex where he was concerned.

  “A deal’s a deal. You wouldn’t renege on a deal, would you?”

  In a skinny minute if I thought I could get away with it.

  But she couldn’t get away with it—this time.

  Cat rolled onto her side and then rose up onto her hands and knees. She felt demeaned, degraded with her breasts swinging like melons, her belly hanging forward like a small beach ball. Maybe he didn’t want to see her belly, not that her backside provided a better view. Five minutes and she would win.

  He turned on the bedside lamp and lucky for her, it emitted a dull, dim light. He moved behind her, making her humiliation complete. “Your ass is so nice. I wonder if would blush pink or red if I spank it?”

  A small smack sounded in the room. She jumped. Not that it hurt. Note to self— add no spanking to negotiations. He rubbed the sting away, and she almost prayed for more.

  “Ah, a deep red. So pretty.”

  She clenched when cool lubricate pushed against her puckered hole.

  “Relax,” he said.

  There was nothing in the negotiations about actively participating; however, his finger slipped inside anyway. Little shards of pleasure careened inside her. The sensation was wicked, borderline erotic.

  “Such a tight, little hole. Perfect for fucking.”

  His immense slick finger moved slowly in and out. She would not squirm, would not acknowledge the carnal sensations sweeping through her body.

  “Get ready, my sweet Cat. I have a surprise for you.”

  Something hard and cool pressed against her. “Have you ever worn a butt plug?”

  Note to self— negotiate no toys in my ass.

  “Push back against it. Let it in.”

  She clenched her muscles harder, a willing participant she would not be. Another smack landed on her backside spreading warmth though her.

  Another blow landed, slightly harder. “Let me in.”

  Cat shook her head furiously. Surely three minutes had passed.

  “I think you like being naughty just so I can spank you.”

  Her “No” sounded guttural even to her.

  “But I can smell your arousal. I don’t even have to touch you to know that. I bet it’s dripping hot and sweet, begging for my cock.”

  Yes, it was, but no, she would not give in. The pressure was removed from her hole only to be replaced by more lube. Then the plug slipped in. Pain and pleasure swirled. Then another smack.

  He must have felt the shudder roll through her. “And we haven’t even got to the good part.”

  “You asshole.”

  He laughed, a deep teasing one. Surely, four minutes were gone. Note to self—negotiate stopwatch. She smiled. She was going to win.

  “Are you ready, my sweet?”

  Huh? Ready for what?

  Rio leaned forward, covered her back with his chest. He reached around and fondled one breast. It was swollen from hormones, sensitive to his hot hand. A vibrating sound accompanied the ripple that started inside her as he pinched her nipple to the point of pain. Oh, my God. The butt plug was vibrating.

  One hand snaked below her belly and grasped his erection. His hips
banged against hers, jarring her in an animal way. Rio’s hand pumped his cock, and the butt plug vibrated. Her pussy clenched, missing something, wanting, no needing to be filled. His cock didn’t touch her clit—damn it. All reason left her; she spread her legs wider to dip down and press against his member. His cock slid so wonderfully against her clit. Oh, yes.

  It all was too much. With a hoarse cry, her orgasm erupted in a swirling vortex. Wave after wave ripped through her, shattering her body and her mind. Pure ecstasy consumed her, threatening to render her unconscious. His growl startled her as he bucked harder. Warm cum spurted on the bottom of her belly. He collapsed against her back, his breathing ragged, her breathing ragged.

  “My seductive Cat, you almost killed me. I’ll have to collect my winnings at a later date.”

  Her arms gave out, and she rolled to her side.

  Note to self—negotiate a time limit to claim the prize.

  Chapter Six

  When they pulled past an eerie gate with several men standing around sporting big nasty- looking guns and up to a creepy, dark mansion, she marveled at how things had gone from bad to worse. After buying some clothes and other things from Wal-Mart, she’d slept most of the day in the gently rolling truck, so she had no clue where they were. Several unsavory people milled around on the steps with rows of motorcycles parked out front.

  Forget about asking for help from these people. Rio was frightening in his own way and may want to turn her in for the money, but she had a feeling this rough-looking gang would put her on the fast track back to Alvarez.

  Fear swamped her when he killed the engine, removed his glasses, and turned to her with concern etched on his face. “Listen. Stay close to me in here. These people can be a little overbearing. Don’t let them intimidate you. They thrive on that. Use that smart mouth and quick wit of yours, and you’ll be fine.”

  If the house and men out front hadn’t scared her, Rio’s warning just did.

  She waited for him to help her from the vehicle, because there was no way in hell she was venturing out without with him. After he closed the door and hit the lock button, she found herself pulled into an embrace with a long, slow kiss. He pulled back and winked at her. “Just staking my claim.”

  No one had ever staked a claim on her, and he having to do it only heightened her fear. He escorted her up the stone steps, his hand pressing gently into her back. There was no doubt that he could feel her shaking in her flip-flops. One of the biggest, ugliest guys stepped in front of them, blocking the door. Rio quickly pulled her behind him.

  “You know we don’t allow visitors, especially without a taste,” the man dressed as a biker said. When was the last time this man had bathed?

  “She’s with me, and I don’t answer to you, asshole. I came to see Draco. Now move your carcass out of the way before I send you to hell.” Rio’s voice scared the shit out of her, too. It was cold and hard and a little wild.

  “I don’t think so,” the man said. “She smells like a hot little snack.”

  Cat blinked at the absurdness of the man. Didn’t he know this was Rabid Rio? What did a snack have to do with anything? Maybe this was an insane asylum. In the next blink, Rio’s hand held a lethal gun that looked like a short shotgun at the two men on the right. They reached for their pistols tucked in front of their pants, but decided to hold their hands up instead.

  The idiot who’d spoke whimpered. Of course, she had to look now that Rio wasn’t holding her back. She peeked around him and couldn’t decide if she should smile or grimace for the biker. Rio had him by the balls, practically standing on his tiptoes.

  The massive front door opened, and another scary man stepped out. He wore a black robe open, and nothing else. She ducked behind Rio as her face flushed.

  “Rio, my friend, what brings you here?” The deep voice was so seductive, she was unable to resist and peaked around Rio.

  “Draco, you’d better call your dog off unless you want him gelded.”

  “Really? I thought maybe you had something else in mind for him.” The naked one nodded, and the bikers to her right slinked away. Rio let go of the one he had by the balls, and the brute sank to his knees, gripping his privates. The one called Draco stepped over the cringing man and held his hand out to her. “Come, my dear. I apologize for the poor reception. I will personally handle his punishment.” Warning bells screamed in her brain. His eyes, an unusual purple color, held hers captive. As if in a trance, her hand extended toward his.

  Rio clasped her hand and pulled it to his chest. Using his finger, he turned her head towards his and whispered. “Don’t ever look into his eyes.”

  She blinked. Okay. Right. No eyes. What in the hell just happened to her?

  Rio tucked her under his arm and led her into the house. She kept her eyes focused on this Draco’s robe swirling at his feet. Creepy. Just creepy.

  When they stopped walking, Rio dragged her down on a couch beside him. She stole a glance at Draco. He sat in an ornate gold throne and did nothing to cover his naked…thing. Two nude, but extremely beautiful women, stood beside him. Her eyes zeroed in on the bites on their necks and their breasts.

  Okay, change insane asylum to weird-kinky asylum.

  “Is there anything that I can get you? Some red wine, perhaps?”

  “No,” replied Rio a little too quickly. “We’re good.”

  “Then what can I do for you, because you’ve never stepped into my abode unless you want something.”

  “You’re so right. I need to ask you a favor, but in private.”

  “Private or,” Draco wagged his eyebrows. “Private, private?”

  Rio hated for Draco to put Cat into a trance, but there was no way he’d leave her alone in this vampire den to have a private conversation. Draco ruled with an iron fist, but rogues existed in every species. He wouldn’t risk one of these bloodsuckers tapping her vein. Yeah, Rio would kill anyone who touched her, and only Draco could wipe the incident from her mind, but he didn’t want to go to that extreme. “Freeze-frame.”

  Draco arched a dark eyebrow and nodded. In an instant, all the people in the entire room paused. Rio looked at Cat, her eyes fixed on Draco. He waved his hand in front of her face just to be sure. Trusting Draco was something he wouldn’t do, but he needed one of Draco’s skills.

  “Now that I have your pretty lady in a trance, I can’t wait for you to tell me what this is all about.”

  “As I said before, I need a favor.”

  “And you do know I get something in return?” Draco smiled showing his white fangs.

  “I do, but it’s not going to be her.” It was true that if Draco wanted Cat, Rio couldn’t kill them all, but he’d sure put a hurting on as many as he could. Coming here was a risk he hoped he wouldn’t regret.

  “She’s your mate?”

  “Yes, but even if she weren’t, I would never bring you a sacrifice.”

  “Ah, that’s right. You’re one of the righteous ones. You think vampires are the stink of the devil.”

  That was a fairly accurate picture. “No. I just can’t wrap my head around humans being food.”

  “They are food, and we can’t survive without them. But we always leave the humans either sexually satisfied or with a feeling of euphoria.”

  “Not all of you are so gracious.” Vampires had a cleanup crew just like werewolves did.

  “No. There are rogues, even werewolves ones. Is she carrying your baby?”

  Rio wasn’t surprised that Draco got around to that question. He shook his head. “I don’t know whose baby it is, but it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “That’s right. You werewolves welcome all children.”

  “Yes.” That must be why vamps can’t have them.

  Draco seemed to ponder the answer. Women and children, werewolves or not, were cherished. It was the pack mentality; something vamps didn’t have.

  “Enough about our differences, what can I do for you?”

  “I need you to persuade, gent
ly of course, someone to give you access to something.”

  Draco grinned. “Can you be more specific?”

  “You need to get something from a good friend of mine, and I don’t want you to snack on her.”

  “What? Take all the risk and not enjoy the spoils? You’d think I’d do that for you and keep my word?”

  “I can only hope.” An uneasy feeling settled over Rio. He should have known he couldn’t negotiate with a vamp.

  “What does she have that you need?”

  “A letter written by Cat. I need to know who it’s addressed to.”

  “And you couldn’t ask your special friend for it.”

  “I did, but she sided with Cat.”

  Draco grinned. “So you want me to help you betray your Cat and your friend?”

  The word betrayal churned in his gut. Was saving someone’s family because she’s too stubborn for her own good a betrayal? If it was, it was a risk he was going to take. He didn’t want Cat to lose her family when he was more than capable for protecting them. And he didn’t want to argue with her about it either. “Yes. I think she addressed this letter to family. I need to know where they live so I can protect them.”

  “Protect them from whom?”

  “Jose Alvarez.”

  Draco bared his fangs. “The slimy little cartel leader.”

  Rio was surprised Draco knew of Alvarez. Vamps didn’t get into other’s business, so Draco must have had a run in with him. “He’s into more than drugs. Human trafficking.”

  “So he preys on his own race.”

  Hope bloomed in Rio. Maybe Draco had a sliver of humanity in him after all.

  “Why haven’t you killed him?”

  “I have to get Cat safe first.”

  Draco nodded. “I will help your Cat,” he gestured toward her still form, “but it will cost you.”

  “Name your price.” Rio held his breath as dread filled his soul, knowing Draco could take whatever he wanted.


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