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Date with a Cowboy

Page 22

by Diana Palmer


  “Yes, Hawk?” Her voice was little more than a whisper of air through her suddenly dry lips.


  She swallowed to moisten her dry throat and took a look at her watch. “Hawk, it’s nearly one o’clock in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I know … and I’m starving.”

  For you.

  He didn’t need to say it. Kate heard it loud and clear. Not allowing herself to hesitate, consider, she murmured, “I am, too, Hawk.” Starving and scared.

  “So?” His voice was quiet, calm, without a hint of pressure.

  Kate wet her lips, swallowed again and said, “How soon can you get here?”

  “Twenty-five minutes or so, maybe less if the traffic has thinned,” he responded at once, sexual electricity sizzling in his tone.

  “I’ll be counting the minutes.”

  “I’m on my way.” He hung up.

  Determined to push Jeff’s not-so-veiled threats from her mind, Kate replaced the receiver and disconnected the phone cord from the wall jack. Digging her cell phone out of her purse, she turned that off, too, before rising to go into her bedroom.

  Hawk had said around twenty-five minutes or so. That was just enough time for her to have a quick shower and slip into something a little more comfortable. Simply thinking about that made her smile as she undressed and headed for the bathroom. Tossing off her clothes, she stepped into the shower, careful not to get her hair wet.

  Kate was excited but nervous, as well. She hadn’t been with a man in some time, and in all truth, she had never thought the act of sex was the end all and be all it was made out to be.

  What if she disappointed Hawk? On the other hand, what if he disappointed her? An image of him swam into her mind. Somehow she doubted he could disappoint any woman.

  Why was she taking this course now, with this particular man? She had had offers before, many times. Why Hawk? Oh, sure, he was very attractive, masculine and made her laugh.

  He made her feel safe and secure.

  Was that enough reason to go to bed with a man? They were practically strangers … and yet. Kate shook the thoughts away as she stepped out of the shower and stuffed the wet towel and her clothing into the wicker laundry basket in the closet.

  Why was she analyzing her reasons? She was thirty-one years old; she didn’t need reasons to go to bed with a man. What she needed was the man, this man, simply because he turned her on something fierce.

  She opened a dresser drawer and reached for a nightshirt. No. Why bother? she thought, slipping into her silk, wide-sleeved, knee-length robe. If you’re going to do it, do it right, she told herself, staring into the mirror to smooth her hair.

  Makeup? Kate shook her head. No. No artifice. This was the way she looked. It was take it or leave it, Mr. Hawk McKenna.

  The intercom buzzed. Kate froze, frowning at her reflection. Maybe she should quickly apply a bit of makeup, if only blush.

  No. No backing out, she thought, backing away from the dresser and walking to her bedroom doorway. Drawing a deep breath, she rushed to the intercom to buzz Hawk through the lobby door.

  The next instant she nearly panicked. Good grief! What if it wasn’t Hawk? What if it was Jeff, coming to back his threats up physically?

  The doorbell rang. Standing rigid, Kate said softly, “Hawk?”

  His answer came back as softly. “Who were you expecting? The big bad wolf?”

  Close, she thought. Dragging a smile to her lips, she unlocked the door and opened it for him, one brow arched. “Aren’t you? The big bad wolf, I mean.” Swinging the door open wide, she moved back.

  Stepping inside, he shut the door, locked it, tossed aside the windbreaker he carried and stood there, leaning back against the door frame. His heated gaze took note of every inch of her body. “I wish I were,” he murmured, closing the short distance between them. “You certainly look good enough to eat.”

  “Hmm … uh … would you like something to drink?” Her throat was dry; her voice low, raspy.

  His mouth took hers, ending her question. His kiss was every bit as soft, gentle and undemanding as before … for a moment. With a soft growl deep in his throat, Hawk parted her lips with his tongue, delving, tasting every part of her mouth before plunging deep inside.

  Afraid her legs would fail her, Kate grasped him at the waist, hanging on for dear life. His kiss was hot, devastating. Drowning in sensations, she slid her hands up his chest and curled her arms around his neck.

  Without releasing her mouth, Hawk slowly rose to his full height, taking her with him. Her feet dangling a foot or so off the floor, he carried her into the bedroom, closing the door with a backward thrust of one foot.

  Still he held her lips and her mind in thrall as he lowered one hand to the base of her spine, drawing her hips in line with his own.

  Hawk’s purpose was apparent and successful. Kate felt the hard fullness of him. Lost in the fiery world of sensuality, needy and wanting, she held her hips tightly to him.

  “I know,” he said at her sudden movement, ending the kiss to allow them both to breathe, pressing into her body.

  Kate drew a deep breath before trying to speak. “What do you think we should do about it?” she said, surprising herself with her brazen response to him. Never before had she felt like this, and certainly never with … oh, the hell with him. He was a nothing compared to Hawk. No, he was a nothing, period.

  “I suppose I could think of a few things,” he drawled, his lips a hair’s breadth from hers. “We could start with losing our clothes.” His tongue tickled the corner of her mouth.

  She hadn’t known a touch so simple could cause such a burning reaction. Kate couldn’t wait to find out what else she hadn’t known. Eager to learn, she cupped his head with her hands, and whispering, “More, please,” she roughly drew his mouth to hers.

  Hawk was quick to comply. This time his kiss wasn’t as long, but it was just as powerful. Breathing deeply, harshly, he murmured, “I’m going to burst out of these jeans if I don’t get them off soon.”

  Having no idea that the smile was seductive, Kate lowered her arms and stepped back, looking directly at the spot he indicated.

  “This I want to see,” she murmured.

  Shoes, socks and pants were removed and kicked aside before he answered.

  “Well, I didn’t mean literally.” His gaze devoured her as he dug into a pocket of the discarded jeans, withdrew a foil packet and laid it on the nightstand.

  Kate’s breaths were coming out of her body in tiny puffs. Her throat felt parched. Curious, she shamefully lowered her gaze to his boxer shorts, her breathing halting altogether at the sight and size of the bulge there. She tried to swallow, was unable and had to try again. She never even saw him pull off his golf shirt.

  “Not fair,” he said, his own voice sounding desert dry. “I’m doing all the undressing.”

  Raising her glance, she gasped for breath at the sight of the width of his flat, muscled chest. She blinked as it and he moved closer. She looked up and immediately down again as he pushed down the boxers and kicked them aside.

  Good grief! The man was big, absolutely beautiful in form, and perfectly proportioned. Reluctantly returning her gaze to his face, she found him watching her, as if studying her reaction to his nakedness.

  “You’re … you’re beautiful,” she whispered, staring into his smoldering gaze.

  “Men aren’t beautiful.” There was a trace of pleasure in his voice at her compliment.

  “Sure they are,” she said, a wave of her hand brushing aside his rebuttal. “At least you are.” She hesitated a moment before blurting out, “Anyway, I think you are.”

  Hawk stepped up close to her, his hand reaching for the belt of her robe. “I disagree with you, but I confess I did like hearing it.” The belt knot loose, he gently parted the sides of her robe to glide a slow look over her body. “Now, that’s my definition of beauty.” Slipping the silky cloth off her, he let
it drop to the floor.

  Kate was hot and cold. She was shivering on the surface of her body, but a fire blazing inside.

  “Hawk?” It was the only word she could manage from her dry throat. It was enough.

  “Anything you want, Kate. Anything,” he murmured, throwing back the bedcover and sweeping her into his arms to lay her in the middle of her bed. The next instant he was beside her, drawing her to the heat and hardness of his body.

  “Another kiss,” she said, moving with him as he flipped onto his back, drawing her over his chest. His hands cradling her face, he slowly drew her lips down to his. His tongue was ready for the meeting of mouths, laving her lower lip, driving her wild for more.

  Feeling like a column of flames burning only for him, she shuddered at his intimate exploration of her body … every inch of her body. And all the while he murmured to her about what he would do next, sending her anticipation, excitement and tension higher and higher.

  Her breathing as rough as his, moaning softly, Kate matched him kiss for kiss, stroke for stroke, thrilling at the sound of his own deep-throated moans.

  “That feels so good,” he whispered when at last she took him in her hand, marveling at the thick length of him. “But be careful. Don’t go too far.”

  “Are you sure?” Kate didn’t need to ask him what he meant; she knew very well. Still, obeying an impish urge, she wriggled down his now sweat-moistened body and took him into her mouth.

  Hawk’s body jerked as though he had been touched by a live wire. “Kate … I …” His voice gave way to a groan and he arched into her as she laved him with her tongue. “Damn, Kate. You’ve got to stop now.” His voice was ragged yet his hands were gentle as he grasped her shoulders and pulled her body up the length of his.

  “I thought you might like that,” she said, the same impish feeling driving her to tease him.

  “Like it?” Heaving a deep breath, he rolled both of them over until he was on top of her. “Oh, you have no idea. I loved it.”

  “But …” she began, enjoying teasing him.

  “But I want to be inside you,” he said, settling his body between her legs.

  Kate sighed as she watched him tear the foil packet, sheath himself. She arched her hips as he slowly, too slowly, slid himself inside her, joining them as one.

  Dragging harsh breaths into her chest, Kate sighed with pure pleasure as he began a steady rhythm, slowly building the tension coiling inside her.

  Catching him by the hips, she pulled him deeper inside her quivering body, needing more and more of him until, with a soft cry, the tension snapped, flinging her into a shattering release.

  A moment later she heard Hawk exhale a gritted “whoa.” And felt the shudder of his body as he exploded within her.

  With a heavy sigh, Hawk settled on top of her, his face nestled in the curve of her neck. Drained, satiated, Kate idly stroked his shoulders, his back, and kissed his forehead in thanks for the pleasure he had given to her, a pleasure she had never before experienced.

  She sighed with utter contentment.

  “Yeah,” he said in complete understanding. “That has never happened before. An orgasm as strong as that,” he murmured close to her ear, which he proceeded to nibble on. “I thought the top of my head would blow off.”

  “If it does, you’ll clean it up,” she said, tilting her head to give him better access to her neck, where he was dropping tiny kisses.

  Chuckling, he lifted himself up so he could look down at her. “You’re something else. You know that?” Without giving her time to respond, he kissed her in a way that was every bit as hot and arousing as before.

  Where did the man get his stamina? Kate wondered hazily. Feeling him growing again against the apex of her thighs, she went warm all over. How was it possible for him to be ready again so soon? she mused, every bit as ready as he was. She moved against the hardness pressing against her.

  “More?” he asked, his tone soft and hopeful.

  “Oh, yes, please.” Kate surprised herself with her immediate and pleading answer.

  This time Hawk took his time. Slow and easy, he caressed, stroked, kissed every inch of her, lingering on her breasts with maddening attention.

  Moving sensuously against him, moaning low with pleasure, she speared her fingers through his long hair, holding him to her as she arched her back.

  “Like that?” he said, flicking his tongue over one tight nipple.

  Kate was barely able to speak but she managed to sigh, “Oh, yes.” Without warning him, she pushed against him until she could slide out from beneath him.


  “Shush,” she said, turning on her side to face him. “I want to play, too.” Leaning against him, she gently kissed one of his flat nipples.

  Hawk sucked in a breath, then let it out on a laugh. “I did say we could do anything you want. My body’s your playground for the rest of the night.”

  Gliding one palm down his chest, Kate laughed, too.

  “Sounds tempting, but I doubt I’ll last that long.”

  Her teasing hand found its destination. “From the size of you, I doubt you can last that long.”

  Hawk’s hand was also moving, curving over her small waist and rounded hips to the apex of her thighs. He drew a quick gasp from her with his exploring fingers.

  “Oh my God!” she cried. “Hawk, stop. I can’t wait much longer. I want you now.”

  “That’s good.” His voice was raw. “Because I can’t hold out much longer, either.”

  Rolling her onto her back, he slid between her thighs and entered her. Within moments they cried out their release simultaneously.

  It took longer this time for Kate to come down from the sexual high. Slowly her breathing returned to normal. She smiled as Hawk flipped onto his back, his breathing still labored.

  “That was fantastic,” he said, turning his head to grin at her.

  Although Kate blushed, she felt a sense of deep satisfaction and just a bit of pride. She felt so very pleased, in fact, that she returned his compliment with complete honesty.

  “Know what? I’ve never, ever experienced anything even vaguely like that.” Pleasantly exhausted, she curled up against his warm, moist body and closed her eyes.

  “Hey, don’t go to sleep on me,” he said, sitting up. “Well, you may go to sleep on me, but not until we’ve cleaned up under a shower.”

  Kate groaned in protest as he took her by the shoulders to sit her up next to him. “Hawk, please. I don’t want a shower. I just want to sleep.”

  “Oh, c’mon, my Kate,” he coaxed, sliding off the bed with her in his arms. “A quick wash, and then you may sleep till it’s time to get ready for work tomorrow.” Cradling her in his arms, he strode into the bathroom as if he weren’t a bit tired.

  He let her legs slide to the floor. “You have the silkiest skin,” he said, stroking his hands over her shoulders.

  “Thank you.” Kate shivered with the thrill of his words and his caress. “Can we get a shower now? I’m freezing and still sleepy.”

  Hawk heaved a deep sigh. “Oh, okay,” he groused, picking her up again and stepping into the shower stall. He turned the water on full blast, and for a few minutes it was very cold.

  “Hawk!” she yelped as her shivering intensified.

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, drew her against his still warm body. “Better?”

  She sighed when she felt the heat of him and the warming water. “Much better. Now let’s get this over with.”

  True to his promise of a quick wash, he impersonally soaped and rinsed them both. Picking her up by the waist, he lifted her out of the shower, set her feet down on the shower mat and joined her there.

  Kate was the first to dry off. Dashing into the bedroom, she pulled a thigh-length, baseball-style nightshirt from a dresser drawer and slipped into it. She was diving under the rumpled covers as he left the bathroom.

  Smiling gently at her, he reached for his boxer shorts and
sat on the edge of the bed to put them on. When he grabbed his jeans, she stopped him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He slanted a curious look at her, as if his actions should be obvious. “Getting dressed.”

  “Why?” She frowned.

  “Why else?” he answered, frowning back at her. “So you can get the sleep you were whining about.”

  “I was not whining,” she said indignantly. “Anyway, I thought you’d stay, sleep with me.” She was beginning to feel hurt and, ridiculously, used.

  Hawk went dead still. “You want me to stay the night?” Hope coated his voice.

  “Isn’t that what I just said?” She smiled.

  “You talked me into it.” Smiling back, he dropped the jeans to the floor and crawled into the bed, beside her. “I’m sleepy, too.” With that he settled, spoon fashion, behind her, smiling when he heard her soft sigh.

  Warm and cuddling, they were both asleep within minutes.


  Kate woke, immediately aware of three things: the bed beside her was empty, the clock on the nightstand read 11:42 a.m. and the tantalizing aromas of fresh coffee brewing and bread toasting were drifting into the bedroom.

  She felt wonderful, better than she had in over a year or even longer. There was no tightness or tension inside her, no dread of what the day might bring.

  She sat up and stretched, and discovered the ache in her thighs. She was stiff, and understandably so, after the workout she had indulged in with Hawk. Standing by the bed, she noticed his clothes and shoes were gone. Well, at least she didn’t have to worry about walking into the kitchen and finding him naked!

  Hawk. Kate smiled at the mere thought of him. He was a fantastic lover and a gentle friend. He made her laugh and it felt so good just being with him.

  So, go to him, she told herself. Enjoy being with him before he goes back to the mountains. Walking a bit stiffly, she went into the bathroom. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she looked at her hair in the mirror. Disaster. Too hungry to care, she went back to her room, thinking that Hawk could just deal with it, messy or not.


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