Book Read Free

What Once Was Mine

Page 15

by Krystyna Allyn

  Me: All done.

  Cole: Good. How did it go?

  Me: Eye roll.

  Cole: Grr …

  I grin at my phone. Ever since our talk and that hilarious mixtape gift, he and I have been inseparable for the most part. We each have jobs during the week, but still connect in one way or another each day. I even had Thursday night dinner with Cole, Ruth, and her boyfriend, Asher. They were welcoming and I could swear I saw an expression of relief on his mother’s face when I walked into the door.

  Me: Don’t worry. I handled it like a boss. Come over so you can reward me for keeping my cool.

  Cole: As much as I would love to touch your ass and other parts of your body, I’m stuck at work.

  Me: Grr back …

  Cole: Don’t be cute. I’ll be there after nine.

  Me: Humph. Okay. I’m walking home now.

  Cole: Call me as soon as you’re safe and sound.

  Me: K, babe.

  My heart flutters. I love Cole’s protective nature when it comes to me. He’s not overbearing or anything. He only wants me to feel safe. If this is what it’s like to be in a relationship, to have a man be there for you no matter what, then I’m one hundred percent down for this.

  After shoving my phone in my pocket, I make the trek back to my place. The distance to my building is further than I anticipated, but it’s a beautiful night and I don't mind the walk. Falls Village is a quiet place to live. Had I still been in Brooklyn, I’d probably have called a taxi.

  Twenty minutes later, I arrive home, texting Cole my status the moment I walk in the door. I know he told me to call, but a text works just as well. His response mentions a nine o’clock arrival and I can’t wait. My apartment is slightly chilly due to the cracked window near the fire exit. Funny. I thought I closed it before I left, seeing as I didn’t want the cat to escape.

  Where is Sebastian anyway?

  I shake my head at my wayward cat. He’s adjusting well to the new surroundings, claiming the spot under my bed as his favorite place to camp. At night, he hops onto my mattress and snuggles next to me, much to Cole’s chagrin. On the nights he stays over, he allows my kitty ten minutes of mattress time before he shoos him to the floor.

  The one habit I need to break him of is clawing the side of my bed. He has a scratching post. I suspect he does it out of protest for losing his nightly warming spot. There’s already a tear from the move there and he’s only making it wider.

  “Sebastian,” I call out while striding to my bedroom. I feel it’s essential to speak in my regular tone when addressing the cat. Some people tend to use baby talk to greet their animals, but I sense my cat would pee on my shoes if I spoke in a patronizing tone. “Are you under the bed again?” Gently, I plop to my hands and knees, peeking below. No Sebastian. Unease hits the center of my chest at the thought of him crawling through the open window. I hope he’s someplace else.

  I rest my hand on the bedframe to help me rise. That’s when I notice something black in between the seams.


  As I stand, I pull at the fabric, giving it a hard tug. When I’m at my full height, I stare at what appears to be my missing thong, confused. They’re not as soft as usual, and there’s some weird crusty film.

  Is this ...

  “Ah, you found them.”

  My body jolts at the male voice behind me. I whirl, meeting the eyes of a masked man and freeze in place, terrified at an intruder in my home.

  “I got a little carried away in your bed the other day. Couldn’t help myself.”

  A chill runs through me and I drop the crusted thong on the floor. He takes two steps toward me. I stumble backward, my back bumping into my bedpost and then the corner of my dresser. I wince at the pain.

  He inclines his head to the side, his eyes filled with a sinister promise. His bulk blocks my exit, but, if I’m fast enough, I might be able to skirt right him and run for the front door.

  As if sensing my thoughts, he turns to my bedroom door and shuts it. I reach in my back pocket and grab my cell, but before I have the chance to dial nine, he’s on me. He bats my phone from my hand and grabs my forearm. My device crashes to the floor, shattering completely. He wraps his hand around my throat and forces me to the right, pressing my back against my closed closet door.

  “Finally.” He skims his fingers from his other hand along my cheek. “It took ages, but I have you all to myself, my beautiful girl.”

  I thrash as his hand tightens.

  “Let me go,” I whimper. “I haven’t seen your face and I won’t tell anyone.”

  He chuckles at my plea.

  “Oh, my sweet Marley. Now that you’re mine, I’ll never let you go.” He cups my ass, pulling me toward the bulge in his pants. I stiffen. “See what you do to me, baby. I’m only hard for you.”

  With surprising resolve and strength, I shove him so hard his grip loosens. I run but am yanked back by my hair, the pain absolutely unbearable.

  “Naughty, naughty Marley,” he whispers in my ear.

  I feel a sting in my shoulder and the room goes blurry.

  “Don’t fight it. Just sleep.”

  At his chilling words, my body and mind succumb and the world around me goes dark.



  Bro tip …

  She is mine. I’ll stop at nothing to have her back.


  “When was the last time you spoke with her?” Detective Brent Reeves asks me for the third time and I want to scream.

  I was drowning in shipments this evening, looking forward to ending my night with Marley. I finished later than usual and, by the time I arrived at her building, something off. Her living room lights, which are usually on at this time, weren’t. My fears were proven correct the second I reached her front door. It was ajar and I panicked. After calling out her name several times, I walked into the eerily quiet room and shot on the lights. The living room and kitchen appeared normal. When I reached her bedroom, I found everything in disarray like there was a struggle. Her lamp was in pieces on the floor, the screen on her phone broken, and a pair of thongs laid at the foot of her bed. At the sight, fear shot through me. I haven't prayed this hard since my father passed away. Inwardly, I made a promise to end the life of whomever hurt her.

  “Marley texted me when she arrived home almost two hours ago. I told her I’d be here after nine and to wait up for me.” He scribbles something in his notepad.

  “Do you know of anyone who would want to harm her?” I rub my hands over my face and look up at him, barely holding back my irritation.

  “As I’ve already said, Marley is new to town and hasn’t been here long enough to have any enemies.” Shooting up from my seat, I glare at him. “My girl is out there, scared and possibly hurt. Why don’t you do your job and stop badgering me with these frivolous questions, Detective?”

  Detective Reeves lowers his pen and notepad, eyeing me with sympathy. I don’t know much about the man, other than what my mother has told me. He’s in his forties, single, and likes his coffee black with two sugars. He always has a warm smile for her and places two dollars or more in the tip jar. She even wanted to play matchmaker with Taylor at one point, but I told her to stay out of her love life. She already had one Alexander family member fucking it up.

  “Brent,” he corrects me. “Look, Cole, I understand you’re upset, but these are standard questions. I have officers canvassing the area. We will find her. What you can do to help is answer any and all questions I have for you.”

  He’s right, and I know it, but I’m frantic at thinking about what she could possibly be going through.

  Nodding, I allow him to finish his line of questioning, chomping at the bit to go and search for her.

  “Have you contacted her parents?”

  “We were able to reach her dad and he’s on his way. He was listed as her emergency contact at the school. Is she close to her mother?”

  “She’s a piece of work.” I snap, bare
ly keeping my anger in check. “She’s in town with Marley’s asshole biological father.”

  The detective raises his brow at the new information, and I tell him all about the master plan to take Marley back to New York.

  “Do you think they had anything to do with her disappearance?”

  “No,” I say. “I don’t think they’d go to these lengths, but they’re staying at the Bed and Breakfast if you need to reach them.”

  “Thanks. I’ll contact you when I hear something.”

  He means if he finds something. I push the thought back, picturing Marley’s smile, and the laughter I garnered from her just yesterday. As the detective prepares to leave, I place a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He turns and faces me.

  “She’s my world, and I want her back.” I choke these words out, for I now know them to be true. Our start was rocky, but we were finally getting somewhere in our budding relationship. Having the promise of what we were destined for snatched away in the night is devastating. “Rest assured. I’ll go to any extreme to ensure her return, no matter the cost.”

  “I know,” Brent says kindly. “Count on me to do my best.”

  With those departing words, he leaves me in her apartment. I want to curl into her bed, smell her floral perfume on the pillowcase, anything that would bring me close to her. Unfortunately, this is a crime scene and the police must seal it off.

  My night is spent tossing and turning. What little sleep I get is plagued with nightmares about Marley being taken by a stranger and left for dead in an abandoned building. The last part woke me up at four in the morning and I haven’t been able to shut my eyes since. When morning finally arrives, I’m exhausted. I check my phone for messages as I've done every few hours since she went missing and find nothing from Brent. There are missed calls from Taylor. I really don’t want to deal with her right now. My mother, Mason, and Lenny also phoned me. They’re probably checking to see if I’m okay. I’m not, and I can’t take the pitying looks in their eyes.

  My doorbell rings and I groan, knowing it’s probably one of the people who’s been phoning me. I knew the news of Marley’s disappearance would spread the next day, but I didn’t expect it to happen this early.

  Groaning, I rise from the couch, still wearing yesterday’s clothes. I don’t even check to see who rang the bell, I just buzz them in and wait.

  “Oh my God, Cole,” my mother exclaims as she unlocks the front door. She runs to me and leaps into my arms. I’m not sure how I catch her. I’m so numb right now and can barely put one foot in front of the other.

  “Hey, mom,” I greet, my tone raspy.

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” Her eyes are watery and it makes me angry. She’s acting as if there’s been a death, but Marley is still alive. I know it.

  “Nothing to be sorry for. Brent and the other officers will find her. I’m certain of it.”

  She gives me a wary look.

  “Of course, he will.” She scrutinizes me, quickly noticing my disheveled appearance. “How about you grab a change of clothes, maybe a shave?”

  “No. I want to be available in case Marley calls." My voice is stern.

  “Asher and I are here to watch your phone while you get yourself together.”

  Asher lifts his chin at me in greeting and I appreciate his presence. We’ve slowly come to an understanding. He cares about my mom and only wants to make her happy. In my book, it makes him a good man.

  “Do as your mother says,” Asher tells me with a slight edge in his voice. “She’s been just as frantic as you are, and if taking care of you eases some of the tension, then be agreeable for me, okay?”

  I’m quiet for a moment, my gaze traveling from him to my mother and back to him again. I know I need to get my shit together, but it's hard not knowing where she is or if she’s okay. Other than my father’s passing, I’ve never felt this helpless in my entire life.

  I follow her orders, taking a quick shower known to man and getting dressed even faster. My hair is dripping wet, the droplets landing on my gray t-shirt.

  When I return to the living room, I find my mother finishing up breakfast for all of us.

  When was the last time I ate?

  “Here you go.” She slides a plate filled with eggs, toast, and sausage, pointing to the orange juice next to it. “You have to eat something, honey. Marley needs you strong for her.”

  “I know,” I admit, begrudgingly taking the plate and shoveling the tasteless food down my throat. Upon finishing my juice, my cell rings and I answer it.

  “Hey, Cole, this is—”

  “Any news?” I interrupt Brent before he has the chance to say anything else.

  “No, but we’ve organized a search party and—”

  “I’m on my way.” I hang up the call, pull on my sneakers, and leave without waiting for my mother or Asher. I practically run to the police station.

  My heart warms at the crowd of people awaiting instructions from Brent and the rest of the officers. Mason, Mallory, and Lenny walk over, each giving me a hug before returning to their respective groups. Even Marley’s psychiatrist, Dr. Hughes, is here for support.

  Waving from a distance, Taylor gives me a sad smile. She doesn’t approach and I don’t expect her to. Still, it warms my heart she’s here to support me.

  Marley’s mother and Aaron show up in the afternoon with their bodyguards, heading up a non-sanctioned search party. Cooperation is the key to finding Marley, and with them working against the police, it makes locating her difficult for Brent and the rest of his officers. Eventually, when her father showed up, her mother and Aaron became more pliable.

  “How are you holding up?” Asher asks as we walk side by side in a wooded area near the Ingram estate.

  “How the fuck do you think?” I growl at him. I know he’s concerned, but if another person asks me this I’m going to lose it. “Sorry,” I mutter.

  “It’s fine. Your mother and I are worried too.” He places a hand on my shoulder and turns me to him. “You were falling for her, weren’t you?”

  “I did the first night we met.” The pain in my gut increases tenfold and my body physically aches at not knowing whether or not I’ll see her again.

  “I know. It was obvious at dinner on Thursday.” Asher drops his hand to his side.

  “Your girl is a survivor and I suspect she’ll fight tooth and nail to come back to you. Break down now, if you need to, son, but be her strength when she returns.”

  And I do.

  I’m not a crier, but what I’ve been starving for a fatherly connection. Asher gives it to me through a hug. After a long moment, I compose myself. We continue for as long as we can.

  When the police call off the search, my mom begs for me to stay at her place, but Asher steps in, keeping her at bay. I give him a chin lift in thanks and head home for another sleepless night without Marley.

  Around three in the morning, I receive a call from Taylor. I almost don’t answer it. Marley’s missing so every phone call, no matter who it’s from, is important.

  “Cole,” she whispers through the phone. She sounds afraid and it gets my attention. “I-I found Marley, but we’re in trouble.”

  “Where are you?” I slip my sneakers on. I’m still wearing my jeans and t-shirt from yesterday.

  “I don’t know. I’m hiding in the back of the SUV. Th-The guy. He’s getting gas. He’ll be back at any moment. Marley’s in the front seat. I tried to wake her when he got out, but I think she’s drugged.”

  “How did you find her?”

  “He has a partner. I followed—” She breaks up for a beat, and I miss what she says. “Oh shit, he’s coming back. I’ll call when I can. I promise.” Taylor hangs up, and I want to throw my phone across the room and punch a hole through the wall. Instead, I call Brent. He answers on the second ring.

  “Detective Reeves.”

  “Brent. Taylor found her.” I can barely contain the hope in my voice.

  She’s alive.

; “Where is she, Cole?”

  “I’m not sure, but Taylor’s with him and mentioned something about a partner, but she hung up before I could get a name. I’m heading to her apartment to see if we can track her phone.”

  “Partner?” he mutters. “I’ll meet you there.”

  I contact Colleen, explaining the situation, and ask her to open Taylor’s apartment. At first, she gives me a few choice words, but when I mention Taylor and trouble in the same sentence, she and Taylor’s father Teylor were on board.

  After a few keystrokes we were able to pinpoint Taylor’s location. Brent radios the new information in, and we head in her direction. Rightfully so, Teylor and Colleen protest Brent’s order for them to stay behind. In the end they agree, demanding we contact them the second we find their daughter and Marley.

  God, Marley. My Marley.

  Whoever is involved in taking her will face the consequences not only from the law but for me as well.

  Nobody steals what’s mine.



  Affirmation ...

  To hell with affirmations. I’m freaking out.


  “Wake up, beautiful.”

  My eyes flutter open at the deep baritone sound, and, for a second, I think the shadowy figure is Cole. My lids are heavy, and I can barely stay awake, the groggy sensation reminding me of the events from …

  What day is it?

  Suddenly, a face I don’t recognize comes into focus. I can’t help but feel as if I should know who he is.

  “There’s my precious girl.” He grins at me and strokes my cheek and I flinch away from him. “Relax, baby,” he coos gently, his face a whisper’s length from mine. “I’m here now.”

  I’m not prepared for his quick lip touch. If I were, I would’ve turned my head away. Seeming satisfied with my compliance, he sits me up, my feet resting on the concrete floor. It’s then I realize I’m no longer in my apartment. I’m even unsure if I’m still in Falls Village.


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