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The Marcelli Princess

Page 7

by Susan Mallery

  “Making up for the scepter?”

  He smiled. “You were right. He was a little young to grasp the significance.”

  “I’m not sure it’s an age thing. I’m not clear on the significance. What does it do?”

  “It is a symbol of the throne.”

  “You’d probably do better with an action figure.”

  “For Danny or for you?”

  “Danny. I’ve outgrown action figures.”

  “And moved up to the real thing? Or do you prefer more adult toys?”

  Tempting, she thought. Very tempting. But an intelligent woman wouldn’t be sucked into the vortex of charm that was Rafael.

  “Any other surprises for him in that trunk?” she asked.

  His gaze sharpened, as if he acknowledged her attempt to change the subject and decided to let her. “No. I assume anything else will seem tame by comparison.”

  “He’ll enjoy spending time with you. He’s very excited to finally have a father.”

  “I am excited to know he is my son.”

  “You don’t know that for sure. The DNA tests aren’t in.”

  He stared into her eyes. “You are sure, Mia, and that is enough for me.”

  “Yes, well, I wasn’t exactly sleeping around when me met. Or after. But you’ll have proof soon enough.”

  He shrugged as if to say it didn’t matter. “I wish I’d known sooner. I wish I could have been here with you.”

  “That would have been nice,” she admitted. “I love Danny with all my heart, but I’m not all that maternal. Developing those instincts was difficult for me. If not for my family around me, I don’t think I would have made it.”

  “Of course you would have. You are steel.” He lightly stroked her cheek. “And silk. So many contradictions. I always liked that about you. How tough you were and yet so feminine. An ideal woman.”

  She took a step back. “Ideal is so not me. I’m totally filled with flaws. Flaw girl, that’s me.”

  He chuckled. “I do not think so.”

  “Then you’d be wrong. And speaking of dinner, you do remember there’s a whole big family thing tomorrow night. You’ve met my sisters. Now it’s time to meet the husbands and kids. Brenna might even bring her dog, Max. You need to brace yourself.”

  “I have survived formal state dinners. I’m sure I’ll survive your family.”

  “Ha. Formal state dinners have nothing on the Marcellis. You’re gonna be scared. Trust me.”

  * * *

  The next evening Rafael followed the sound of conversation from the stairs into the large formal living room in the Marcelli home. As Mia had promised, most of the family had assembled to meet him.

  Although he’d dressed in a suit, he wasn’t worried about making a good impression. He was, after all, Crown Prince Rafael of Calandria. How could they not approve of him?

  He stood in the doorway, as yet unnoticed. He recognized Mia’s three sisters and assumed the men standing near them were their husbands. Several young children ran around, including Danny. Rafael frowned. The boy should not be allowed to be so boisterous at events like these. He had to learn to understand protocol and respect ceremony.

  The Grands were by the plates of appetizers, making sure all was well with the food. Grammy M saw him and waved. Grandma Tessa saw him and quickly turned her back. He still had not charmed the matriarch of the Marcelli clan, but he would. He had yet to meet a woman he could not win.

  “Rafael,” Mia said as she hurried toward him. “Are you braced?”

  “More than that. I’m delighted to finally be meeting the rest of your family.”

  “Not the rest, actually. My parents are still in China, which you knew. Also Kelly isn’t here. She lives in San Francisco. I left her a message, but I haven’t heard back.”

  He didn’t pay attention to her words; instead he concentrated on the woman speaking them. As always, Mia was pure energy. Life radiated from her eyes, her smile, the movement of her body. She was small, barely five three, and he was a man used to dating models. She had curves to their lean lines. Her face was pretty, and he often chose women for their classical beauty. Yet there was something about her, something that drew him. In a room full of strangers, she was the only person who mattered.

  “You look especially lovely tonight,” he murmured. “That color suits you.”

  She stopped in midsentence to brush the front of her green sleeveless dress. “Oh. Thanks. It’s, um, not new or anything.” She cleared her throat. “Okay, back to the family. Let’s get you introduced.” She took his hand and faced her family. “Hey, everyone. This is Rafael.”

  The room quieted and he found himself the center of attention. Danny raced toward him.

  “He’s my daddy and I’m the heir.” Danny turned to one of his cousins. “That means I’m going to be a prince and you have to do what I say.”

  “Do not!” the older girl said as she stomped her foot. “Mo-om, I do not have to do what Danny says, do I?”

  “No, Haley, you don’t,” Mia told her niece. “Danny, you’re not in charge, okay?”

  Rafael started to correct her. Daniel was in fact in charge. At least of the other children. The sooner he learned his importance, the better. But perhaps this wasn’t the time.

  “Everybody, pair up,” Mia said. “Grab your kids and we’ll go down the line. I think that will be easier.”

  “We should have name tags,” Grammy M said. “Would you like that, Rafael?”

  “I don’t believe it’s necessary, but it’s very thoughtful of you to suggest it,” he told the older woman.

  Grandma Tessa shook her head. “I’m sure his shoes need polishing, Mary. Or you might want to ask how he’s fixed for socks.”

  Grammy M ignored her. “Go ahead, Mia. Introduce the family to Rafael.”

  Mia worked her way through the names. Rafael had already met Mia’s sisters. Now he had the chance to meet their husbands and children. Joe’s wife, Darcy, greeted him enthusiastically.

  “I’m so happy to have someone around more famous than me,” she said with a laugh. “Now the press can follow you and make snide comments about your clothing choices.”

  “Does that happen often?” he asked politely.

  “Joe keeps them off the property, but sometimes they tail me in town.” She sighed. “I can’t wait for my father’s second term to be over. Once he’s no longer president, no one will be interested in me.”

  “I’ll still be interested,” Joe told her.

  Darcy smiled at him. Rafael watched the exchange and was surprised to realize the former SEAL was completely in love with his wife. He wouldn’t have thought such a dark man would allow himself softer emotions.

  “You’ve met Amber and David,” Mia said, guiding him to the next group of people. “Amber and David are engaged. David is Zach’s son and Zach is married to Katie, my oldest sister.”

  Katie winced. “I’m over thirty. You’ve got to stop introducing me as the oldest.”

  “How about the sexiest?” Zach asked. “Would that work?”

  “Absolutely.” Katie put her hands on the shoulders of two children. “These are my girls. Valerie is six, Liana is three.”

  Rafael nodded at the children and noted that Haley had been the one to protest Daniel’s authority over her. He had a feeling she would grow up to be a most stubborn woman.

  “That’s everyone here,” Mia said. “Are we ready to go in to eat?”

  Grandma Tessa led the way. The large table in the dining room had been set for the adults, while a smaller table by the window was for the children.

  “There are so many kids now, we don’t all fit,” Mia told him. “It actually works out. We hire a sitter to keep the kids occupied. This way everyone has a good time. Of course on holidays, everyone manages to fit around the main table and it’s complete chaos. But in a good way.”

  She handled herself effortlessly, with a natural grace he appreciated. He knew from past experience she could think on h
er feet. Once again he had the thought that under other circumstances, she would make a good match for him. At least their son would have had the opportunity to inherit her intelligence and style.

  “You’re over here, Rafael,” Grammy M said. “Mia, you’re next to him. Amber and David, right here.”

  Rafael glanced up and saw David’s fiancée watching Mia. Amber noticed his observation and quickly looked away.

  A few minutes later, everyone had been seated. Open bottles of Marcelli wine were passed around, and when the glasses were full, Joe stood.

  “Before we begin our dinner, I would like to propose a toast to those who are no longer with us. To my grandfather, who is still missed every day.”

  “Grandpa Lorenzo died about five years ago,” Mia whispered. “He was such a great man. Difficult and gruff, yet so loving. I wish Danny could have known him.”

  Before Rafael could say anything, Joe continued. “And to Gabriel Reese. You were a blessing to this family.”

  Mia raised her glass as she whispered, “That’s Sam’s grandfather. He and Grammy M fell in love. He died a couple of years ago. It’s been hard on the Grands, but at least they have each other to grow old with. Like I’ll have my sisters.”

  “Your sisters are married.”

  Mia shrugged. “Marcelli women live a really, really long time. We’ve already talked about it. When the men are dead, we’re getting a house together by the vineyard. It will be great.”

  “I’m sure their husbands are delighted to know how you anticipate their demise.”

  She grinned. “They’re used to it.”

  The toasts concluded with everyone drinking. Then the plates of food arrived, and Rafael was overwhelmed by delicious choices.

  Katie leaned across the table and smiled at him. “This must all seem very different to you.”

  “I’m enjoying my time here. I am beginning to see where Mia inherited her charm.”

  Katie looked at her sister. “She wasn’t always charming.”

  “That’s true,” Brenna added. “She was kinda bratty.”

  Mia hung her head. “Please, no. I beg you. Not the stories about what I was like when I was young.”

  “I would like to hear those stories,” he told Katie.

  “I’ll just bet,” Mia muttered. “I was very intelligent and precocious. I knew five different languages by the time I was eighteen.”

  “She was a good girl,” Grandma Tessa said. “Very bright. She got all A’s.”

  Rafael caught Amber rolling her eyes.

  “But her fashion sense,” Francesca said with a grin. “The constant streaking in her hair.”

  “It wasn’t subtle,” Brenna told him. “We’re talking big chunks of bright blond. And the eye shadow. Katie was forever after her to blend, blend.”

  “I was finding myself,” Mia said primly.

  “I don’t think so,” Joe added. “You knew exactly what you were doing. Making trouble.”

  “Engaged at eighteen,” Grammy M said. “That was exciting.”

  “Maybe we could avoid that story.” David shrugged. “I don’t do so well in that one.”

  “I’d like to hear all about that,” Amber said. “David’s never told me what really happened.”

  There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, followed by all the Marcelli sisters speaking at once. Rafael glanced from Mia to David and wondered what had caused the young couple to break their engagement. Even as he reminded himself that Mia’s past had no value, save that with him, he was still curious.

  Just then the dining room door opened and a tall, slender woman staggered inside.

  “Am I late?” she asked as she leaned heavily against the door frame.

  She was casually dressed, with long, curly red hair and pale skin that only emphasized the shadows under her eyes.

  Francesca stood. “Kelly? What’s wrong?”

  “Wrong? Nothing. I’m here. Hooray.” She took a step and almost lost her balance. An even taller, thinner man appeared behind her. He grabbed her around the waist and kept her on her feet.

  “Hello,” the man said, his voice faintly accented.

  French, Rafael thought. Working class.

  Francesca’s husband stood. “Kelly, what the hell is going on?”

  “I’m here for the party.” Kelly looked at Rafael. “So you’re the new guy. Cool. Mia, he’s really, really cute. Is he rich, because rich is always such a plus.”

  “You’re drunk,” Francesca said, sounding stunned. “Kelly, tell me you’re not drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk.” Kelly took a step and found herself contained by the man’s arm. “Oh, yeah. This is Etienne. We’re lovers. But he’s not rich. He’s just a dancer, like me.”

  She turned in a slow, graceful move, then sank to the floor and passed out.

  * * *

  The dinner broke up early. Mia got Danny down for the night and then went looking for Rafael. She found him outside, leaning against the fence by the vegetable garden. Umberto and Oliver weren’t around, but she saw lights in the guest house and figured they’d settled in for the night.

  She paused at the bottom of the steps and stared at the large silhouette of the man who had once been her lover. She couldn’t see his face, only the rough outline of his body, but it was enough to help her remember what she had felt when they had been together.

  Between mourning his death, finding out she was pregnant, then dealing with a baby and law school, she hadn’t been in a relationship since she’d been with him. For the past couple of years she’d wondered if that part of her was dead. But now, in the darkness, her body stirred back to life. Wanting filled her and she ached to feel his touch on her skin.

  But it was more than that. She wanted to talk as well as touch. They had different worldviews and had frequently argued. He’d never been intimidated by her intelligence.

  He turned and saw her. “Mia.”

  There was pleasure in his voice, as if she were the one person he’d been waiting for.

  “Daniel is asleep?” he asked.

  “In theory. I read him two stories and then turned out the lights. After all the excitement at dinner, it may take him a while to zonk out.”

  “Ah, yes. The unexpected arrival. Very dramatic.”

  She moved toward him and stopped next to the fence. “I don’t understand what’s happening with Kelly. She’s always been so together and mature. I’m not horrified that she drinks—she’s on her own and most of her friends in the ballet company are a few years older—but that she would show up here drunk. She had to know everyone would be here.”

  “Perhaps she wasn’t prepared to face the entire family. Responsibility can be daunting.”

  Mia rested her forearms on the fence railing. “Kelly’s been a part of the family since she was a kid. No one scares her. She loves being here. She would come and spend long weekends here several times a year. I’ve never seen her like that. I wonder if it’s the guy.”


  “Yeah. He’s new.”

  “Would you like me to have Umberto, how do you say, check him out?”

  She smiled. “That’s really nice, but Joe’s already on it. No one messes with his family.” She thought about Kelly’s boyfriend and shuddered. “He’s too old, too dirty, too yuck. What does she see in him?”

  “Few can see into the secrets of a woman’s heart,” he told her.

  Kelly a woman? Was it possible? Mia still remembered her as the mouthy twelve-year-old who had been determined not to let everyone know how much she was hurting inside. Still, she was twenty and making her own way in the world.

  “Sometimes I forget how complicated our family is,” she said. “It’s not usually this crazy.”

  “I suspect it is; however, that is part of the charm.”

  She laughed. “We’re many things, but I’m not sure charming describes us.”

  “You are wrong. I am enchanted by the Grands, as you call them.”

“Even Grandma Tessa?”

  “Especially her.” He smiled. “I like that she wants me to earn her respect. I prefer my women difficult. There is much love and concern, each of you for the other.”

  “That’s true. We’re excellent at meddling. I guess it’s not like that in royal circles.”

  “No. My parents had an arranged marriage. My mother died when I was young and I do not remember much about her.”

  “Rafael.” She touched his arm. “I know that was hard. I feel bad that I don’t know that much about your life.”

  “You are not one to read gossip magazines, where my entire life has been detailed. I grew up prepared to one day rule Calandria. There are many responsibilities both then and now.”

  “Even when you were three?”

  “Of course. I had to learn about my country’s history, the people. I had nannies and tutors. When I was eight, I was sent to England to begin my education.”

  Just like that. Sent away from all that was familiar. “Sounds barbaric.”

  He shrugged. “It was necessary.”

  “Because you can’t get an education at home?”

  “Because that is how things are done.” He touched her chin, raising her head so that she looked at him. “You are too softhearted.”

  “Gee, no one’s ever accused me of that before.”

  In the night, his eyes were dark, as she remembered them. Here in the shadows, the blurring of Diego into Rafael was more pronounced. The past seemed closer somehow.

  “So now you’re duty guy?” she asked, her voice low. “All for the crown and the people?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Any arranged marriages in your future?”


  “But you will be marrying a princess or duchess or some other kind of ‘ess’ woman.”

  “It is expected.”

  She really had to go check out those gossip magazines and learn a little bit more about Rafael, she thought, as he seemed to move closer.

  “Since when do you do what is expected?” she asked.

  “On occasion it has occurred.”

  “But an arranged marriage. What if you don’t like her?”

  “Then I will say no.”


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