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Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)

Page 17

by Meghan Quinn

  He just finished tying his shoes when Blaire walked back into his cabin. She gave him a look up and down and laughed.

  “What?” He asked while turning around. “Does this not look good?”

  “No you look great, you are just so pathetic that you changed.”

  He locked his arm around her neck and rubbed his knuckles on her head, something he knew she hated. She pushed him away and smoothed her hair.

  “You know I hate when you do that.” She said while taking a look in the mirror.

  “Well now you know not to mess with me. I just want to make sure I look good, you know, just for appearances sake.”

  “Sure, or maybe for a certain little Irish girl.”

  “Do you want dinner or not because I’m this close to leaving you to fend for yourself.” He said while pinching his fingers close together, but not touching to show how serious he was about leaving her.

  “I want dinner.” She said sheepishly.

  “Good, and you better not embarrass me. I’m serious, please don’t play that sister routine and make kissing noises if she’s around or else you will find your ass on an airplane back to California before you even have a chance to bat your eyelashes.”

  “Ok, goodness.” She huffed. “This girl has your panties all twisted up in a knot. Relax Book.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her, indicating that was not the kind of talk he was looking for. She raised her hands up in defense, “Sorry. I will try to be more sensitive. Let’s go before I get myself into more trouble.”

  Booker grabbed a scarf, wrapped it around his neck and grabbed his bomber jacket. The car ride over to the pub consisted of Booker giving Blaire the grand tour of Warblers Point, which wasn’t much but it was quite quaint for what was there. When they pulled up to the pub, Booker felt his stomach start to flip. Why were his insides acting like they had never seen a girl before? He tried to settle his stomach but there was no hope, he was too excited and too nervous to see Fiona. Blaire broke his thoughts.

  “This place is kind of awesome. I like it already.”

  “Wait until you see the inside, oh and did I mention Fiona has three brothers and they are not too horrible to look at?”

  Blaire rubbed her hands together and said, “If they are anything like their father then I’m in for a treat.”

  Blocking out the thought of his sister getting physical with any of the O’Leary men, he got out of his Jeep and locked up. He held the pub door open for Blaire and was instantly hit by the smells of Liam’s amazing cooking and the chatter of the locals. The pub wasn’t too crowded which was nice because he didn’t feel like yelling above the people just to have a conversation with his sister.

  He looked around and instantly spotted Fiona waiting on a table across the way. She looked better than he remembered. Her hair was down in loose curls just like he loved it and she was wearing her pub shirt with a little skirt, tights and heels. She always wore heels when she worked which blew his mind, how she could be on her feet for hours on end in those shoes was beyond him.

  Since it was a seat yourself kind of deal, Booker led Blaire to the booth he ate at the first night he was in Warblers Point, might as well stick with tradition. When they sat down and pulled out the menus that were always at the table Blaire leaned over and said, “Is that Fiona?” She pointed at Fiona behind the menu she was holding so only Booker could see.

  “Yes, that’s her. Please be cool Blaire.” He practically begged. He didn’t need bratty ten year old Blaire to make an appearance tonight.

  “I will don’t worry.” Blaire stole another glance at Fiona causing Booker to sweat. He didn’t want Fiona catching his sister checking her out. Blaire whispered under her breath. “Book, she’s really pretty.”

  He sighed. “I know.”

  Blaire kicked him under the table.

  “Jesus, what was that for?” He rubbed his shin. God, was she wearing pointy shoes? Because it felt like she just jabbed an ice pick through his leg.

  “If you want me to be cool then you can’t act like some love sick puppy and expect me not to make fun of you. Man up Book. You have to show her that you are actually a masculine man and not some pansy that wilts when she’s around.

  Blaire was right. He needed to get a hold of himself, especially since Fiona was going to be taking their order soon. He stared at his menu not even reading it, he couldn’t’ concentrate with Fiona only a couple of feet away. He could do this, he just couldn’t look too desperate but after not seeing her in two weeks, he was beyond desperate and to the point of gravelling at Fiona’s feet.


  Fiona walked over to Finn and put in a drink order. The night was going by so slow, all she wanted to do was go up to her apartment, lie on her bed and sulk. She couldn’t believe she had not heard or seen from Booker in a few weeks. Before the Halloween party she wouldn’t blame him because she practically told him to go to hell but since they had their little sexy text messaging party she thought that maybe he might want to contact her again. Especially after he told her she was the leading lady in his dreams. It was most likely a line he fed to all the gorgeous ladies he went out with. In a way, she didn’t blame him for not contacting her, it wasn’t like she gave him much to work with, plus she wasn’t movie star stunning like he was. He was way out of her league and he most likely realized it.

  Finn nodded toward a table behind her. “You have another table to wait on and I’m not too sure you’re going to like it.”

  Fiona turned around to see what Finn was talking about and her heart instantly hit the floor when she saw Booker laughing with one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. Yup, that girl was defiantly in his league. It was like they were meant for each other, both gorgeous, both way too good to be in Warblers Point.

  There was no way she could wait on Booker and his gorgeous date. She would rather watch her parents have sex than go take orders from the sexy couple in the booth. She felt as if she was as small as an ant. She felt her face turn completely red and once again cursed her heritage.

  “Finn, I can’t go over there. I can’t wait on them.”

  “You have to, sweetie. Bradon’s not here tonight, Liam’s in the kitchen and I have to man the bar and orders.” He looked up again and took a closer look. “Jesus, that girl is fucking gorgeous.”

  Fiona took another glance at her. She had golden blonde hair that curled down by her perky breasts, her skin was glowing and she had a smile that reached from ear to ear. There was no way Fiona could even compete with the model-esque blonde babe.

  “Shit, sorry.” Finn said, interrupting her thoughts. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, she’s just so…”

  “I know, Finn. Damn it, do I really have to do this?”

  “I’m afraid so, I’m sorry but you better hurry up because you have to take out those orders under the heat lamp and these drinks.”

  “Can you run out the orders real quick while I compose myself?”

  “Sure, hurry up.”

  Fiona looked at herself in the mirror real quick and fluffed her hair. While she applied a quick swab of lip gloss she realized that not only was she embarrassed that the little Irish girl had to wait on the hot couple but she was mad. Mad at Booker for acting like he was actually interested in her and then not talk to her for weeks on end and then show up to her place of work with some Barbie on his arm. How dare he? Becoming madder and madder every second, she stormed off to the little love bird booth.

  Avoiding pleasantries and eye contact she asked, “What can I get you?” She just stared at her waitress pad, tapping her foot.

  The lady spoke up and asked, “Uh, what kind of margaritas do you have?” Fiona began to smirk relishing in the idea of getting to put that ridiculous bonnet on the little blonde tart but Booker interrupted her.

  “She will have a Guinness as well as me.”

  Fiona glanced up from her pad for a second and made eye contact with the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. Damn
him, damn him to hell for being so damn sexy. He gave her a little smile and she brought her attention back to her pad. She was not about to get lost in that smile of his.

  The lady stopped him with her hand on his. “Booker, I don’t want a beer.”

  “Yes you do, believe me. We will also have two plates of the fish and chips as well. Thanks Fiona.”

  Thanks Fiona? God, he was dismissing her like some kind of ratty old servant. She nodded and walked away, breathing heavily trying not to lose her cool, run up stairs and cry her eyes out. He shouldn’t be affecting her this much. She made it quite clear that she didn’t want anything to do with him so he had all the right to bring his little tartlet into the pub with him. She went into the kitchen and placed the order with Liam. What was she going to do? She was so furious but incredibly depressed at the same time. Furiousness took over and she went out to the bar to grab their beers.

  She walked over and slammed their beers on the table causing the foam of the beer to spray out and hit the lady in the shirt. Not feeling sorry at all, Fiona leaned over the table, grabbed a handful of napkins from the dispenser and tossed them in her direction.

  “You might want to help clean up your girlfriend’s blouse, I’m sure you wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

  Then she walked off, feeling like a jerk but relishing in the shocked look on both their faces. Fiona tore off her apron and tossed it at Finn.

  “I’m taking a break, all the tables are set for now. When the love birds food pops out please deliver it for me.”

  With that she took off for her apartment to cool down. She was just about to open her apartment door when someone grabbed her shoulder.

  “Listen Finn, I can’t deal…”

  She turned around and saw Booker staring her in the eyes. Her heart rate took an exponentially large leap, causing her to be breathless for a moment. He smelled so damn good it hurt and his face was so perfect all she wanted to do was touch it, as if she was a sculptor.

  “What do you want Booker, aren’t you supposed to be helping your date clean up her chest”

  He gave her that sexy smile he was so known for in her dreams. She wanted to punch him. Why was he smiling like that?

  “Actually, cleaning up her chest would be the last thing I would want to do.”

  Fiona looked at him as if bullshit was spewing out of his mouth. “Oh, ok, this coming from the guy who couldn’t stop staring at my tits all night at the Halloween party.”

  Still grinning, making her more irate every second he asked, “Are you jealous Fiona?”

  Jealous? Of course not, she was defiantly not jealous. She was just mad that he came to her place of work, parading around his perfect little Barbie doll while she had to wait on them.

  “I’m not jealous. Why the hell would I be jealous?”

  Booker took a step closer and put his hands on her hips pulling her in close so she was mere inches from his chest.

  “Fiona O’Leary, you are a little jealous Irish girl.”

  She struggled to get out of his grip. “Let me go. I’m not jealous. You shouldn’t be touching me when your little tartlet is downstairs waiting for you.”


  “You know what I mean…”

  “She is not my tartlet, I would rather eat my own eye balls then be with her.”

  Fiona looked at him as if he had three heads and a tongue sticking out of his forehead. “Are you insane? Have you even looked at her? She is gorgeous. Where did you even find her? There is no one that attractive around these parts.”

  “I beg to differ.” He said while scanning her up and down. She gave him a skeptical look and he exhaled sharply. “I’ve known her for over twenty five years.”

  Fiona’s jaw dropped. Childhood sweethearts? Yea there was no competing with this girl. Destiny was throwing Booker and the Barbie together.

  “Wow, well that is quite a relationship. I wish you two the best of luck, not that you need it since you have made it this far.”

  She quickly was able to throw him off and turn around to open her door.

  “She’s my sister, Fiona.” He said quickly.

  Fiona stopped in mid step. His sister? Once he said that everything started falling into place, her blonde hair was just like his, they had the same California glow and their smiles were just as mesmerizing as the other. Her face instantly heated up with embarrassment and her palms started to sweat. If she turned around to face him now he would point out her red face instantly and call her out.

  “Oh.” Was all she could muster. “Uh, well I will be down in a second to apologize.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. He whispered in her ear, “I love it when your face turns red from embarrassment. It makes you so real.” He moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck causing her to melt in his arms. She felt all the walls she held up against him slowly starting to crumble. She couldn’t resist him anymore. Even if she moved across country she would still try to find her way back to him. She was destined to get her heart broken by Booker Hall.

  She turned in his arms and looked him in the eyes. “She’s really your sister?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, and frankly it scares me that you didn’t see the resemblance. People used to mistake us for twins all the time.”

  “Now that I think about it, you do kind of look like each other.”

  He placed his finger under her chin and brought her mouth close to his. “You’re so cute when you are flustered.”

  She stuttered. “I, uh, I’m not flustered.”

  He kissed her ever so lightly on the lips causing a wave of pleasure to shoot through her entire body. She felt her legs starting to wobble and her insides were melting at a dramatic rate. She relished being in his arms, she never felt anything more perfect in her life.

  “Do you work tomorrow?”

  She shook her head no. “We are closed tomorrow.”

  “Do you have anything planned?” He asked while slowly kissing her lips, barely touching them.

  “Uh, I was supposed to have breakfast with Tip and Soph.”

  “Cancel. You’re mine tomorrow.”

  She went to protest but then he brought her in closer and pressed his beautiful mouth on hers, devouring her as if she was some kind of fine dessert he couldn’t get enough of. He nibbled at her lower lip sending bolts of pleasure through her causing her to part her mouth to give him more access. He took advantage of her offering and slid his tongue against hers. She had a decent amount of kisses in her lifetime but never did she ever feel like she was floating on a cloud when she was kissed so simply by a man. He wasn’t even moving his hands up and down her body. They were firmly grasping her hips while his mouth did all the work. She matched every stroke and nibble he gave her, causing their kiss to become more ravenous. He pushed her against the wall and continued to dance his tongue in her mouth. Every last bit of her body was tingling with excitement and she cursed herself for feeling like she could climax just from his kiss.

  He broke their lip lock and looked deep into her eyes. “Are we on for tomorrow, my sweet Fiona?” She just nodded in agreement. He answered with a grin and said, “Good. No more being jealous, you hear?”

  “I was not jealous.” She protested but felt her treacherous body heat up from embarrassment.

  “Sure.” He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and turned toward the stairs. “Maybe once you gather yourself I can properly introduce you to my sister.” He gave her a wink and took off.

  She threw her head back against the wall when he was out of sight. She was such an idiot, of course the Barbie tartlet was his sister, they looked so similar. She tried not to think about what an asshole she was a couple of minutes ago and savored the fact that tomorrow she was going to be Booker’s for the day.


  Finn watched the whole interaction happen between Fiona, the Sheila and his gorgeous date. When Fiona returned from embarrassing herself and threw her apron at him all
he wanted to do was grab her by the arm and tell her to grow the fuck up and be an adult but he knew she was hurting. Even though she wouldn’t admit it, he knew she had strong feelings for Booker, very strong feelings so he let her go. What Finn thought was strange was when Booker went chasing after her, leaving his date to clean herself up.

  Finn felt bad for the girl so he wet a dish rag and brought it over to her. She was even more stunning up close. She had crystal blue eyes that sparkled, a mouth that could put Julia Roberts’ to shame and beautiful golden locks of hair.

  Ha handed her the rag and said, “Sorry about my sister, she’s going through a rough time.”

  She looked toward the direction that Booker and Fiona took off to and replied, “Yea, so is my brother.”

  He couldn’t help but be shocked. “The Sheila is your brother?”


  “Oh, I mean, Booker. He’s your brother?”

  “Yes, unfortunately. You would think he would be able to take me to my first dinner out here without causing a scene. You know he has it bad for your sister? I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but after that whole scene, how could I not? Seems like your sister was a little jealous too.”

  Finn laughed. “Yes, there’s that Irish temper for you. Sorry that you were the one who had to get sloshed with beer. Your meal will be on the house.”

  “Oh don’t even try to get us out of the bill. Actually make us pay more, believe me Booker can afford it.”

  Finn was about to ask what Booker did for a living but he was more interested in getting to know the beautiful blonde sitting before him instead.

  “May I sit?” He gestured toward the seat.

  “Please, I’m sure Booker will be gone for a while patching up whatever situation he messed up with your sister.”

  “Hold on, let me go grab your dinner. I’m sure it’s done by now. Do you want tartar sauce?”

  “Please, that would be great. Thank you, I’m starving.”


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