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Rising Star

Page 26

by Donald Nicklas

  Dalton and the Lt. Col. opened the bridge hatch and climbed down the ladder through the bow of the ship until they were two decks below the gun decks. There a serpent centurion awaited them and handed them a pistol, rifle and body armor. They were also offered a Romani bandolier with grenades and a short sword. They had no plans to use the sword but the grenades may come in handy. Once they were suited up and put on their helmets, they looked like Romani. The serpent centurion then said, “Sss. We will split into two groups; one will go down starboard and one down port side.”

  Serpents were forming up on both sides of the large hold and Dalton decided to go down the starboard and Lt. Col. Teplov down the port. The humans split up and joined their respective groups. Each was assigned a serpent to stay with who knew human speak. About two hundred serpents were formed up when they split into two groups and a hundred each went down either side of the ship. The serpents had picked up their shields and short spears and moved forward without a sound. Dalton had to run to keep up with them.

  Dalton had been a soldier in the Lagarde marines, and he had seen a lot as a spy, but this entire situation was crazy. Here he was on a stolen, prototype battleship following a bunch of gung-ho reptiles eager to enter battle. Suddenly the group stopped and formed lines spanning the width of the passageway. This was a moderate sized corridor allowing five serpents abreast. Dalton was fascinated by the way the Romani fought. He had been told that the serpents adapted the Romani way of combat. He had seen the cohorts training on the Invicta and asked Centurion Marshal why the Romani used swords. As sparing of words as always, he replied that they do not run out of ammunition. Dalton was curious to see how it all worked. Unfortunately, there was nothing to see as far back as he was, but he did hear gun fire in the passageway ahead. Suddenly, the serpents let out the most awful shriek that made Dalton’s blood run cold. Then they surged forward and he could hear human shouting and serpent barks, clicks and hisses. He moved forward with the serpents, but there were twenty rows ahead of him. They soon pushed the humans back into a larger room that was some kind of mess hall. The humans pushed the tables over to form a barrier. By now they knew they were not facing humans, but as had the mercenaries on the battleship, they thought these were some kind of trained lower life form. They were sure a human was controlling them. Had they seen Dalton, they would have thought he was the trainer.

  The Sinclair marines were starting to worry about their ammunition. They could hear firing at a distance. They even heard what sounded like Gatling guns and wondered if their ride home was under attack. To the marine officers, this was starting to look like anything but the cakewalk they were told it would be. Added to that was the fact that the ship was huge and very empty. There was always something about large empty areas, with unknown dangers, that spooked humans, and the Sinclair marines were no exception. All soldiers could deal with what they knew, but had a fear of the unknown. The unknown now confronted them as they looked over the makeshift barricades they made with the tables. They were about to get the biggest shock of all when one of the trained reptiles moved out of the frontline, keeping its shield up, and began to speak.

  “Sss. Humans, if you surrender to the Romani, you will not be harmed further. If not you will die.”

  The commander of the marine contingent present was stunned. Slowly it began to dawn on him that these were not trained animals, they were aliens. He now feared that Nova Romae was an alien civilization. The serpent commander thought it might be good for them to hear from their own kind, so she asked Dalton to come forward and speak with them. The serpent interpreter reminded him to keep his body shield up. Dalton stepped out into the no man’s land between the forces and showed his empty hand to signify he had no weapon ready. The marine commander also came forward a bit for the parley.

  Dalton was the first to speak. “My name is Jack Dalton, and if I were you, I would listen to what the centurion here says and surrender. We walked over a number of your dead in the passageway and we have no casualties. You are outclassed here.”

  The marine commander said, in an arrogant tone, “The passage way was cramped, but we can now maneuver and deal with your trained pets.”

  Dalton winced at this last statement. “Are you really that dense? Do you believe mere animals can be taught to fight like this? Let me introduce you to an alien race we call Serpents. They are as smart or smarter than we are and they are excellent fighters.”

  This confirmed the marine commander’s worst fears. However, he also knew he had over two hundred crack marine troops and was not about to simply cave to the demands of this person. In an act of pure treachery, he opened fire on Dalton who took several hits to the shield and his leg armor. The force of the attack caused him to fall backwards and a bullet found a joint in the armor of his right arm and wounded him. The serpents immediately pulled him into their lines and formed the double high shield wall. Before the marines could react to their commander’s treacherous action, the chamber was filled with a deafening screech that made their teeth hurt and then the serpent line surged forward and smashed through the makeshift barrier of tables. The marines put up a desperate fight and even managed to kill or wound some of the serpents, but when they charged, the serpent tails came up with their iron tips and impaled them from above as the front line stabbed them from below. Several minutes into the engagement, the marines broke and ran to the hanger deck to get back onto their shuttles. Much to their dismay, the serpents from the engineering sections were standing in the hanger bay waiting for them. As soon as they saw this, they dropped their weapons and raised their hands. The serpents surrounded them and the fear on the human faces was palpable, but Centurion Marshal had trained them well. The leader who treacherously shot Dalton was killed in the serpent attack so all was considered even. Dalton had his arm patched by a serpent medic and wondered what the salve was they put on him. He came over to the small knot of prisoners, since only about 25 marines were left out of the 250 who started out.

  “Your commander should have surrendered when he had the chance. You lost all those good men and women for nothing.”

  As Dalton was speaking, the other group on the port side also came running out and headed for the shuttles only to surrender. Lt. Col. Teplov came out with the squad of serpents and saw Dalton with his arm bandaged. She came running over with the look of excitement on her face. “What an exhilarating day. These serpents can fight. For the first time in years, I feel my planet has a chance to throw off the Sinclair forces. Looks like you took a hit, Dalton.”

  “Nothing I haven’t had before. You’re right about the serpents. They almost wiped out the marines and only took a few casualties, even though they were outnumbered. These Romani are a formidable force. I think Sinclair is going to rue the day his Q-Ship took out one of their ships.”

  “Any word from the main force? The Mercenaries took a beating but did a great job.”

  “High praise coming from you, Lt. Col. Teplov.”

  “Please, call me Larisa. The rank title gets old and we are not in their military. My only rank here is observer and liaison.”

  Just then a serpent centurion came over, “Sss. Friends, we are going to attack the marines in the main area from the rear when they are driven back.” Without further preamble, all of the fighting serpents ran out of the hangar deeper into the ship. It was all Dalton and Larisa could do to keep up.

  While the lesser battle was going on in the passageways, the main event was progressing with much the same outcome. Centurion Marshal gave the marines a chance to surrender and it was refused. The marines still had no idea what was behind the shield wall and they could only see part of Centurion Marshal. The marines still thought they were fighting a human foe. Marshal decided to end this rapidly. He blew his centurion whistle twice and his front two rows of serpents took the shield wall down and dropped to one knee, crouching beneath their shields. This exposed the third row as the male serpents stood up straight and raised the massive Gatling guns they carried
. Without further commands, they opened fire and the slugs hit the marines in their open skirmish line. Some dropped to the floor to avoid the fire, but most were shocked at the sight of the huge, male serpents and stood frozen as the bullets shredded their armor and their bodies. The Gatling guns spewed forth a massive hail of bullets and by the time Centurion Marshal blew his whistle again to cease fire, there was an ocean of red in front of the serpent line. The marines in the rear saw what was happening and ran for the hangar only to run into the serpents coming from that direction. They dropped their weapons and surrendered. With that, it was over. In the chamber, the serpents were checking the dead. In the oceans of blood and piles of dismembered bodies, the few who dropped fast were still alive. They surrendered and came out of the pile covered in blood and gore with a vacant, dazed expression and hollow eyes. It would take them a long time to forget what they saw, if they ever could.

  The bridge was notified that the battle was over and the ship was secure. The mercenaries had watched the action, what there was of it and were glad they never felt the sting of those Gatling guns. The male serpents carrying them were more imposing than the females, but the mercenaries had learned by now that the females ran the show.

  On the bridge, Slone was pleased with the outcome. As the boarding action was being resolved, he watched Captain Artok’s attack on the SS Vermont and SS Miami. The latter vessel was severely damaged and surrendered as soon as they saw the serpents, not even realizing what they were. The ship was drifting and in bad shape. The serpents ended up helping them pressurize some of the parts open to vacuum. The serpents boarding the SS Vermont were also wearing hard vacuum suits due to the depressurization of much of the ship. When they exited their boarding skiffs, there was no one in the hangar area. As they moved through the ship, they were not met with any resistance until they reached the bridge. There were twelve bridge guards outside the bridge entrance. The area of the bridge was still pressurized and they were not wearing pressure suits. The serpent centurion spoke through her helmet.

  “Sss. Humans lay down your weapons. We will not harm you and will help you fix ship.”

  The human commander didn’t really want to fight but had no idea what he was dealing with. “What are you and who is speaking for you?”

  “Sss. Humans call us Serpents. We are part of Nova Romae. Humans call us aliens. To us we are not aliens.”

  The bridge guards’ mouths were agape. “Let me call into the bridge for instructions.” The commander put his hand to his ear to activate the communicator. The last thing he wanted was for his twelve guards to fight this, whatever it was. “Captain, we are here parleying with the enemy boarders.”

  On the bridge, Captain Wainwright and Admiral Wilson looked at each other. The ship was in such bad shape, neither the admiral nor the captain knew they were boarded. The bridge was blind and it was sealed. Worse, communications were out and the admiral had no idea how the greater battle was going. He greatly regretted personally going after the super dreadnought. It was more powerful than even Horatio Sinclair could have imagined. He only hoped his forces were able to recapture it. There was nothing to do now, but surrender and hope for a quick death, at the hands of the conquering corporation. Only internal communications worked and those only at close range. The SS Vermont was now expensive junk. “Captain, this is your ship so the choice is yours.”

  “Open the line to Major James.” The communications tech indicated that the line was open to the guard captain. “Major, tell the leader of the boarding party that we surrender the ship but the admiral does not surrender the fleet. Also find out what corporation they’re from.”

  “Captain, I don’t think they’re from any corporation we’re familiar with. We have been boarded by aliens. Their leader requests we open the bridge. I think they notified someone of your decision, but we are unable to understand them.”

  Everyone on the bridge looked at each other. “Wainwright, did I hear correctly. Did the Major say we were boarded by aliens?”

  “That is what I heard, Admiral,” Captain Wainwright said. The captain then turned to the internal bridge guard, “Open the door and put down your weapons.”

  The door opened and Major James with his eleven troops came in. They were disarmed and had their hands up. No one on the bridge was ready for what followed them in. Three human sized reptiles looking like dinosaurs. The nearest one’s lips began to quiver and then, to the amazement of all, it began to speak in a hissing manner. “Sss. Is Admiral Wilson here and still alive?”

  Frank Wilson had a splitting headache and now he was confronted with his first alien encounter. He was not sure how much more of this he could take. He finally realized he was an alcoholic and all he wanted at this momentous instant in time, was a drink. “I am Admiral Wilson. Whom am I addressing?”

  “Sss. I am Centurion Ash of the dreadnought NR Avenging Talon and you are now my prisoner.”

  This was too much for the admiral and he had to be helped to his seat. Captain Wainwright then addressed the serpent, “What do we call you and are you a corporation?”

  “Sss. The humans call us serpents and we are a member of the Republic of Nova Romae. One of our leaders is coming over to discuss terms with you.”

  This was even more of a shock that a leader would actually come to the captives rather than just dragging them there. When word of the surrender of the flagship of the Mobile fleet was transmitted over the battle channel, Captain Lorenzo told the Slones to handle it and get a fleet surrender ASAP. The battle was still in doubt and both sides were taking significant casualties. The space around the dreadnoughts and other ships was filled with large numbers of boarding skiffs as one ship or another sent over boarding parties. The cannon battles were over except for the invisible destroyers. These kept firing missiles at targets of opportunity. They were responsible for the removal of many of the screen vessels, leaving the dreadnoughts naked and vulnerable. Captain Rand not only did a fine job but also earned his promotion to Commodore. The flagship of the Romani fleet, the NR Longinus was locked by grappling lines to a Sinclair dreadnought on its port side while still dueling with two cruisers. The timely arrival of several invisible destroyers firing missiles into the cruisers finally caused them to break off and run to the rally point. This had been determined when the invasion first began and was in use now. At the rally point were two Sinclair dreadnoughts and three cruisers. The ten destroyers of the Mobile Fleet were destroyed early on by the invisible destroyers. When word arrived that the Admiral of the Mobile Fleet had surrendered, this was a chance to end the battle. However, Captain Lorenzo could not deal with that due to his engagement in the grappling and boarding of a dreadnought. He ordered Christopher Slone to deal with the admiral and try to get a fleet surrender. Since the battleship was now safe from repelling its boarders, Slone was heading back to the fleet to assist in the main action. He decided to send someone with whom Admiral Wilson would be familiar.

  “Tom, open a channel to the Gladius.”

  “Channel is open, captain.”

  “Alaya, Centurion Ash reports she has accepted the surrender of Admiral Wilson. Land on his ship and try to convince him to surrender his fleet.”

  “Yes, Chris, on my way.”

  “We’re heading into the fleet battle to see where we can help,” Christopher Slone said and his wife ordered the Gladius visible and moved at flank speed over to the Vermont.

  After the short transit to the nearby ship, she landed and the serpents guarding the hangar led her, Tavia and Hatch to the bridge. As soon as Alaya entered the bridge, she could see the shock on Admiral Wilson’s face. Alaya had met him many times at military functions and he knew her on sight. “Good to see you again, Admiral.”

  When the initial shock wore off, Admiral Wilson said, “Alaya Sinclair. How is it that you’re alive? I attended your funeral.”

  “When the current hostilities are over, I will fill you in on what your corporation has been doing. Until then, I am no longer
with the Sinclair Corporation. And my married name is now Alaya Slone.”

  “You are then with these pirates?”

  “The Romani are not pirates. They are a civilization beyond what you can imagine. You have met one group of them on your ship, the Serpents.”

  When Tavia walked onto the bridge, the serpents present bowed to her and she returned their acknowledgement. This did not escape the bridge crew. Centurion Ash then said, “Sss. Lady Tavia, you honor us with your presence.”

  “It is I who am always honored by your kindness to me,” Tavia replied in her most graceful way. She was accepting the fact that the serpents will always view her as a World Mother. She then turned to Alaya, “Alaya, this ship is in extreme trouble. They are on batteries only and those will give out in a few hours. If we don’t start repairs, she will founder with all hands aboard. Their shuttles took their boarding parties over to the Rising Star and now we have no way to evacuate them.”

  “Admiral Wilson,” Alaya began. “Your position is hopeless; do you surrender your fleet?”

  “We outnumber you and once we have regained control of the Rising Star we will have the added fire power to annihilate you,” Admiral Wilson said, mustering all the bravado he could. Unfortunately, he did not feel the bravado he tried to convey.

  “My husband, Captain Christopher Slone, is in command of the Rising Star and that ship is secure. Any of your marines who survived your attempt to take her, are now prisoners of the serpent crew aboard her.”

  When the admiral heard this, he lost all hope. Sensors were finally back on line and the HUD was up. The admiral could see that his fleet was devastated, as was the enemy’s fleet. He could also see the Rising Star moving to intercept the two cruisers that were still mobile. Perhaps if his head was not splitting from his hangover, he could have thought faster, but it was what it was and this battle was over. The super dreadnought was worth all of the ships still moving from the Mobile Fleet, so the ending was a foregone conclusion. “Alaya, I will surrender the fleet, but we have no way of communicating with our ships.”


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