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by Marina Anderson

  Digital Galley Edition

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  The Dining Club

  Part Four

  Marina Anderson

  New York Boston

  Chapter One

  David was disappointed to see table three’s guest leave the room. Her presence had clearly added both to Grace’s arousal and her fear. Fear was, he knew, an excellent aphrodisiac, but he was confident that even without the unknown woman’s presence he and the staff could make certain that by the end of her next orgasm Grace would understand and fully embrace the indescribable sensations of pleasure pain.

  So far her trials had gone very well. The last time he’d brought a woman he’d cared for to the Dining Club, she’d failed on this very test, and his disappointment had been crushing. In her he’d thought he’d found someone he could love and be himself with, but he’d made a bad mistake. It had taken him several years to allow himself to get as close to a woman again, but now Grace meant more to him than she realized.

  He was tired of living alone, and of the endless line of beautiful women who flitted in and out of his life. They were all sophisticated, intelligent and excellent company, but he’d known instinctively that they could never share his deepest sexual desires. Grace was different. Her work meant that she was very open-minded, she enjoyed her own sexuality and she was determined to succeed in a very difficult line of work. He wanted a woman who could be his equal in all things and yet was willing, at times, to become submissive to his darkest desires.

  Amber was always an eager sexual partner, with a line in sexual depravity that more than matched his own. He could rely on her to satisfy him in that way whenever he visited the Dining Club, but in other ways she wasn’t his type of woman. Her undeniable beauty was almost too perfect, and she had no warmth in her, and no humor.

  Over the past two years he’d reluctantly begun to accept the fact that one woman could never be everything that he wanted and needed, but then he’d met Grace and had dared to hope again. So far she was proving him right, but the second part of the pain through pleasure trial might, he knew, see her walk out of the Dining Club and his life forever.

  Despite the fact that she was succeeding as he’d hoped, he was honest enough to admit to himself that there was a small part of him that almost wanted her to fail before the end of all the trials. Watching Grace struggle with herself, trying to adapt to forms of sexuality that had previously been totally alien to her, he’d felt one or two totally unexpected moments of tenderness toward her. Once or twice he’d even wanted to protect her from the greatest excesses, and he didn’t like that feeling.

  Yes, he wanted to love her, but he wanted to do it on his own terms and in his own way. From the moment he was old enough to leave the home where he’d grown up he’d vowed that he’d never allow anyone to manipulate him emotionally in the way he’d watched his mother manipulate his father. His father had always said that his mother wasn’t well, but David had known differently. She used her husband’s love as a weapon, so that she got her own way in everything.

  Then, as he made his way in the world, he watched male friends fall into the same trap. Besotted with the women they’d fallen in love with, they changed. The rounds of golf became few and far between, while nights out with their male friends gradually tapered off. Falling in love turned them into different people. Once, long ago, he’d nearly fallen into the same trap himself, and when he’d extricated himself from that relationship he’d sworn never to fall in love again.

  He’d vowed that no one was ever going to be allowed to do that to him, but whereas with Amber there had never been any danger of her having emotional control over him, he was now faced with a very different situation. If Grace succeeded in becoming what he wanted sexually, would it mean that she could then wield the kind of emotional power over him that his mother had done over his father?

  It was a dilemma he’d never expected to have to face, and at the moment he had no idea how to deal with it.

  “I think we’re ready, and she’s had a ten minute rest,” said Amber, touching him on the arm and breaking into his train of thought.

  He nodded. “Good. Andrew can get her down off the bed while I check that everything is to hand.”

  Within a few minutes, Andrew had removed the leather outfit from Grace and moved her to the side of the room nearest the small windows. Her lightly tanned body was still covered with small drops of perspiration, and fading red lines covered the area of her belly where Amber had used the riding crop on her, but she held her head up high and fastened her large, dark brown eyes on David’s as she stood naked before them all.

  “You’ll enjoy a lot of this,” he assured her as Andrew cuffed her wrists and then stretched her arms above her head so that he could fasten the cuffs to a metal ring set in a small beam in the ceiling. Her tightly stretched body and expression of wide-eyed apprehension aroused David instantly, but it would be Andrew who enjoyed her body while David carefully administered the dark side of her pleasure.

  “Now the blindfold,” he said quietly.

  “No!” Grace objected. “I want to see what’s happening to me.” Andrew stepped back so that David could speak to her more privately.

  Standing opposite her he put his hands on each side of her waist, his thumbs caressing her hip bones. Then he let his tongue travel slowly up each side of her neck in turn, before swirling the tip inside her left ear, something that he knew she loved. Her hips moved with delight and she gave a soft moan of pleasure.

  “Remember, it’s nearly all pleasure,” he reminded her. “We blindfold you so that the pleasure is even more intense. There won’t be any distractions. You’ve done the same thing with me,” he added quietly.

  “Yes, because I love and trust you. This is totally different.”

  “Different but just as exciting I promise you. You can refuse of course,” he added diffidently.

  “No, I don’t want to refuse,” she said quietly, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that his words had hurt her, even though that hadn’t been his intention.

  “Then Andrew can go ahead and put the blindfold on?”

  Grace nodded, and a relieved David moved away and watched as Andrew put the black velvet blindfold over Grace’s eyes.

  Now that she was suspended naked before them all, it was time for the pleasuring to begin. As Laura began to brush the front of her body with a large, plumed feather, Andrew carefully started to massage the suspended young woman’s ankles and calves.

  David watched as Grace’s breathing began to quicken, and the skin over her neck and chest flushed as she became more and more aroused. He could see that she was battling to blot out the sensations, but knew that it would be impossible. The four of them were far too experienced to allow that to happen.

  Andrew’s hands reached the top of Grace’s legs, and David noticed how she instinctively opened them, moving her hips forward to allow him to massage her inner thighs, but instead he straightened up and began to massage her taut arms.

  He tenderly caressed the soft skin of her tightly stretched inner arms, and she uttered a small moan of pleasure. Smiling to himself, David moved quietly round to the back of Grace, signaling for Laura to use the feather on Grace’s back now that her breasts were so swollen, with painfully tight nipples.

  Laura drew the feather lightly between Grace’s thighs, causing a sharp intake of breath from her, and then began to move it in small circles on her lower back and over her hip bones.

  Grace started to moan softly, and it was then that Andrew moved his naked body until he was standing pressed against t
he front of her, allowing his straining erection to brush against the crisp, dark curls of her pubic hair.

  Clearly torn between her need for a climax and her fear of what would follow it, Grace moaned “Please, oh please,” but no one, least of all Grace herself, knew whether she was begging for an orgasm to release her from the wonderful sensations flooding her body or fear of the pain that would come with the release.

  “Be careful, I’m not ready yet,” David warned Laura and Andrew. Immediately Laura stopped moving the feather while Andrew reluctantly returned to massaging Grace’s legs, but this time he worked on the top of her thighs. Every now and then he pressed his thumbs firmly into the inner creases. Each time he did this her breath would snag in her throat, and her whole body would quiver.

  Watching her, David was almost overcome with a desire to make love to her there and then. He could tell that her body was more than ready to climax, but now she was fighting against it because of her fear, and for him that realization was incredibly exciting and arousing. With the help of a willing Amber he steadied her body as it jerked away from his touch, and then parted the cheeks of her bottom, covered two fingers with the Dining Club’s special lubricant and inserted them slowly into her rectum.

  Immediately he felt Grace’s body shake with fear. “Relax, my darling.”

  “It hurts,” she whimpered, but he knew that very soon the lubricant would warm the inner walls and for a short time there would be nothing but a strange, full pleasure from what he was doing. Gradually she stopped protesting, and instead began to gasp as the hot sensation spread through her back passage.

  David waited a few more seconds and then, always a consummate judge of what was happening to a woman’s body, gave Andrew the signal for him to proceed. Immediately Andrew pressed his body against Grace’s, allowing his penis to slide up and down the slippery flesh between her sex lips.

  Clearly desperate now, Grace moaned and sobbed, begging him to stop even as she thrust her hips forward to try and draw him inside her. David knew how much she must want to be penetrated, because she wanted the pleasure regardless of what was to follow. This was what he wanted, for her to lose herself in a spasm of ecstasy only to have it shattered by a totally new sensation.

  Andrew glanced at him again, and once more David nodded as his own excitement mounted. His erection grew painfully tight and he felt his testicles drawing up beneath him in readiness for release.

  Grace was whimpering and moaning with frustration now, and as Laura moved away, Amber stepped quietly to the side of Grace’s tightly restrained and suspended body waiting, as was David, for the long-delayed climax to finally flood through her.

  Grasping Grace’s hips, Andrew pulled her lower body toward him, lifting her feet off the floor and placing her legs round his waist. Crossing her ankles behind his back she gave a small cry of delight as he slowly eased his way into her. Once inside he remained totally still for a few seconds.

  “No, don’t stop now!” she shouted, trying to move her body around in order to stimulate herself.

  “You’re sure about this?” asked Andrew quietly, and David felt a moment of fleeting annoyance. It wasn’t Andrew’s job to help Grace delay her climax. If they weren’t careful the hour would be up and she would never receive this carefully planned example of pleasure pain that he wanted her to experience.

  “Do as she asks,” he said curtly.

  Andrew immediately began to move in and out of Grace, at the same time allowing his left hand to move to the base of her stomach so that he could press firmly on the soft mound of flesh above her pubic bone. As he increased the pace of his thrusts, her breathing quickened and David heard the telltale gasps that often preceded her orgasms.

  Gently he licked the bottom of her spine, swirling his tongue in the cleft at its base. With a cry of relief, Grace’s body jolted in one huge spasm of overwhelming pleasure, and at the same time Andrew let out a muffled groan as he too climaxed.

  As Grace’s body continued to twist and turn, her legs still round Andrew’s waist, David withdrew his fingers from her rectum and replaced them with a far thicker anal plug. As he pressed it in, she gave a cry of distress, but he knew that the contractions of her muscles would grip it tightly, meaning that the walls of her back passage were once again aroused by the lubricant that the Dining Club imported from the Far East.

  Sure enough she suddenly began to twist and turn again, but this time she was whimpering with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Andrew kept her legs up in the air as Amber snapped two tight vibrating nipple clamps on Grace’s swollen nipples. Again Grace cried out at the sudden pain, then shuddered as the vibrations caused her overstimulated body to spasm. Seeing this, David flicked the multistranded leather whip lightly over her buttocks, making them tighten around the anal plug.

  “Stop!” cried Grace and she started to sob. “That’s hurting me.”

  “Do you really want me to stop?” whispered David, allowing the whip to fall more heavily. He was keenly aware that, despite her protestations, her body was excited by the dark pleasure she was experiencing.

  “Yes, no… I don’t know!” she replied.

  He flicked her buttocks sharply again and then, while she moaned pitifully, he ran his tongue along the red lines that were appearing on her flesh.

  The moment he did this, Grace let out a shout of shock and ecstasy as a second climax engulfed her helpless body, which twisted and turned in Andrew’s hands, brought to the peak of pleasure by the red-hot streaks of pain from the whip.

  Finally, after what seemed endless minutes to those watching, she was totally still and the only sound in the room was her ragged, exhausted breathing.

  “Release her,” said David, “and then leave us.”

  “We never do that,” protested Amber.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” replied David. Knowing better than to argue with him, Amber reluctantly obeyed and a few minutes later David and Grace were alone in the room.

  Setting the exhausted Grace down in the one large chair in the room and covering her with a warm blanket, David stripped off his clothes and settled himself beside her.

  “I have to have you,” he said huskily. “I know you’re tired, but I need you.”

  “Do I have any choice?” she asked.

  “Gracie, you know you’ve had a choice all along, but you chose to stay. I could tell you enjoyed everything in the end too, just as I’d hoped you would.”

  While he was talking he brushed her sweat-soaked hair off her face, gazing into her troubled eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with gaining pleasure the way you did,” he murmured, stroking her body tenderly.

  “Even so, I don’t understand how you could enjoy watching me with other people. I’d hate to watch you…”

  Covering her mouth with his own he blotted out the rest of her sentence, pulling her onto his lap until she was sitting across his thighs, facing him. Then he lifted her up and onto his straining erection, while at the same time his fingers danced lightly over the incredibly sensitive skin of her perineum.

  He felt her internal muscles contract around him as he pleasured her in this way that he knew she loved, and his climax came hard and fast. Exhausted, Grace collapsed against him, her body warm and damp. Wrapping his arms tightly round her, David wanted to tell her that he loved her, but he couldn’t. He knew himself, his needs and his low boredom threshold too well, and two more trials still lay ahead of her. For a long time he stayed quite still, holding her close, and hoping against hope that she was slowly beginning to understand both his needs and her desires better. Then soon she might find that, like him, it was a way of life.

  Chapter Two

  “If a man you loved asked you to do something you didn’t want to do, but you didn’t want to lose him, would you do it?” Grace asked Fran when the two of them met for coffee in Balham the following week.

  “Do you mean something like potholing? If so, the answer is definitely no. He’d have to go on his o
wn. I don’t think couples have to share all their interests. Actually, I think it’s better if they don’t.”

  “No, not potholing, something he couldn’t do on his own.”

  “Something like mixed doubles at tennis or golf? I hate sport, so again I’d have to say no.”

  “Fran, this is serious, and it’s not about sport. It’s more about, well lifestyle I suppose.”

  “This isn’t a general question is it, it’s about your financier lover? What does he want you to do, go to swingers’ parties?”

  Grace felt herself begin to blush. “No, but suppose someone you loved did want you to do that. Would you?”

  Fran shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t. It’s just not my scene.”

  “How do you know?”

  Fran looked surprised. “What do you mean?”

  “If you’ve never been to a swingers’ party, how do you know it’s not your scene?”

  “Because I’m too private. I couldn’t have sex with a stranger. For me sex has to be part of a loving relationship. I’m not saying it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Not even to keep someone you loved happy?”

  “God Grace, he has asked you to do it hasn’t he?”

  Grace shook her head. “No, he hasn’t.”

  “I heard he’s quite way out sexually,” continued Fran, taking a sip of her latte and getting out her notebook.

  “Where did you hear that?” asked Grace sharply.

  Fran looked surprised. “My, you’re touchy today, touchy and weird. I don’t think he’s good for you. I don’t know where I heard it, but it was probably at some after-show party. Maybe someone had heard something from Isla after he ditched her.”

  “Sorry, I’m a bit tired,” admitted Grace. “Now, that new place in Battersea will be free for your play when Wanderlust ends. I should go and see it for myself, it’s had great reviews.”

  “I saw it, it’s good. Not as good as my play, but good!” said Fran. “I take it you had a busy weekend then, if you’re tired?”


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