Book Read Free

Little White Lies

Page 42

by Paul Watkins

  Jennifer seems amused by my grumpy mien.

  “Why don’t we all go into the kitchen and take pot luck,” Sheri exclaims. “I’ll bet Martha has something delicious hanging around.”

  “We have specials this week at some very good prices,” A.J. offers, but no one pays any attention to him. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me. “I had to try… I’m losing my ass on this joint.”

  I shake my head and pat him on the shoulder in an effort to show my concern over this near-tragic problem that has reared its ugly head in his otherwise well ordered life. I suppose he’s not the first one to think of ways to turn his home into a profit center, more power to him if he can find a way to pull it off.

  Before long Sheri and Martha have a bunch of bowls and packages scattered about the table and everyone is digging in. A.J. opens another bottle of wine and for the first time since this morning the tension begins to abate.

  Finished with dinner we return to the library to finish our drinks. In no time at all A.J. and Sheri start arguing about the wisdom of going to Florida within the next few weeks. Everyone here is used to the domestic battlefield but I finally have to interrupt.

  “Look, you love birds,” I interject, “there are still some things I have to cover with A.J. before we end the evening. I’m not trying to break up the night, but I just want you to note it on your dance cards so there are no surprises. In the meantime, please carry on as before. This is starting to get interesting.”

  Sheri stands up and moves away from the bar.

  “Okay. A.J. and I are going upstairs to check the kids and count our blessings. Also, I want to check in with Mary. I’m certain she is still upset over what happened today. I want to be sure she’s all right.” She pats A.J. on the shoulder. “Come on, A.J., you should be there, too.”

  “Sheri, honey, you just run along. You don’t need me for that. I’ll just stay here with Phil and … “

  Without further ado, Sheri grabs him by the ear and lifts.

  “Ouch! Leggo, Sheri! Shit!”

  A.J. kicks the bar stool over and hops after Sheri, trying to follow his ear as closely as possible. Sheri looks back at Karen and Jennifer and shakes her head in disgust. Karen wiggles her fingers at the departing couple. Jennifer looks in my direction and winks. It’s business as usual.

  “They’re really nice,” Karen says, “they have so much fun… even after today with all the trouble. Of course, I’m sure they’re so relieved.”

  I can still hear A.J. protesting as he is herded up the stairs, ever the complainer, safely ensconced in his briar patch.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” I agree. “It has been quite a day. Things will never be the same for them after something like this. We were lucky.”

  “Sounds to me like luck had very little to do with it,” Jennifer offers.

  My mind quickly scans the myriad events since this morning.

  “No, I can’t agree,” I reply. “Luck always has something to do with it. There are many things that could have turned out differently… most of them bad. Fortunately for us, it didn’t work out that way. Whatever, I’m happy… right now at least.”

  Karen moves to my side and places her hand on my arm.

  “Philip, I want you to know I didn’t come out here just because of Sheri. I wanted to see you, too.”

  “Oh really?” I respond. “What about?”

  After all these weeks of silence I’m at a loss as to what she could be talking about. It certainly couldn’t be anything personal.

  She gives me a light jab in the ribs.

  “Don’t look at me that way! You know I care about you. I was worried about you, too… not just the Jacksons.”

  I can’t look at Jennifer and I can’t believe Karen is saying this… any of it. It’s time for straight talk.

  “I was never in any trouble,” I begin. “Things got busy for a while, but they were always under control. There was no need for concern on my behalf.” I pause for a moment before continuing. “But I guess I should go a bit further and talk about us… sometime back we had a problem and our relationship came to an end.”

  Karen starts to object, but I cut her off.

  “No, let me continue… since that time Jennifer and I have spent a lot of time together… and I intend to keep on seeing her. I would certainly like to remain friends, but our relationship has changed.”

  Karen turns and looks at Jennifer who returns her gaze without any visible reaction.

  “I see,” Karen replies. “Well I should have expected it. I wish you both the best.” She pauses and looks at the floor. “Look, this is rather awkward for me right now. Please say good-bye to A.J. and Sheri for me… I… I would like to leave now.”

  I nod.

  “I understand. I’ll walk you out to your car. Lock up and stay that way until you’re home. I’m not trying to frighten you, but it’s better to be safe.”

  Karen picks up her purse and heads for the foyer without further comment. I look at Jennifer and shrug my shoulders. Her face remains impassive. Too late, I hear A.J. and Sheri coming down the stairs.


  I look up to see A.J. and Sheri… followed by Monte and a man who I presume is the other accomplice Bear referred to. Monte is unarmed, but his friend is carrying a 9MM automatic in his right hand. Monte looks strangely content… his friend has a bemused expression on his face.

  Karen has kept her head down and is unaware of the new arrivals. I grab her arm and she turns toward me with anger in her eyes. I continue to look ahead and Karen immediately turns back to see the group coming towards us. I don’t think she understands what’s going on, but she will soon enough. I continue to hold her arm and pull her back towards the library. She resists until she sees the gun in the stranger’s hand. Momentary resistance is interrupted by a sudden start and now she almost falls in her eagerness to retrace her steps. Looking back one more time to confirm her initial assessment, she heads directly for the place we just left.

  I return to the sofa where Jennifer remains seated. I can tell from the look on her face, she has no idea what’s going on and is obviously puzzled by Karen’s reappearance. I sit next to Jennifer and pull Karen down next to me. This is no time for any nonsense, backtalk or hysterics.

  “I’m sorry, Phil,” A.J. stammers as they enter the room. “They got the jump on us upstairs… we never had a chance. These bastards… “

  “Stow it, A.J.,” Monte cuts in. “We’re not interested in your horseshit. We’re here to get what we came for and then we’re gone… no problem. Just tell me where it’s at and we’re out of your hair.” He laughs. “That is, we would be out of your hair… if you had any.” He continues to be amused at his comedic efforts.

  “What happened, Richards?” he continues now looking at me. “Too many book smarts… not enough real smarts? I was telling my buddy, Ray, here how you got the best of Bear a while ago. Ray wants a piece of you before we go. He says he’s going to kick your pretty white ass… but I think he’s going to have to stand in line. I hurt my hand on the back of your head the last time… I owe you one.”

  He massages his hand tenderly, looking at the knuckles as if he might find some imperfection somewhere. Resting my hand on Karen’s shoulder, I can feel her trembling beneath my touch. I’m trying to calm her, but I don’t think it’s working. Jennifer, on the other hand, seems as cool as ice.

  “We’ve been listening to all the developments on the police scanner,” Monte continues, clearly enjoying his wit and charm. “The cops up here are very talkative… don’t keep many secrets. You got Bear. Bobby got dead.” He smiles, “Who did it… you?”

  The question is directed at me, and our eyes lock momentarily.

  “Yeah, I got him… just like I’m going to get you and your pal here.”

  I might as well f
uck with his mind a little.

  He laughs.

  “I like your style, Phil. Keep blowin’ right to the end. But I don’t think you’re going to be doing any more getting for a while… or ever for that matter.”

  He looks around the room seeming to take everything in for the first time.

  “You thought it was all over for today, didn’t you? Don’t you remember that old saying… it ain’t over ‘till it’s over?” He laughs again. “You should have, because it wasn’t over… but it is now… for you at least.”

  Again he chuckles. He’s very pleased with himself. He should listen to his own advice… ‘cause it still isn’t over as far as I know. Lots of things could happen, although at this particular moment I’m not quite sure what they might be.

  A.J. takes Sheri’s arm and leads her to the other sofa and sits down. Sheri doesn’t look too good and I can’t say as I blame her. We have the kids in the house and outside of this room everything is deadly quiet.

  “That’s good, A.J.,” Monty observes, watching A.J. comfort Sheri. “It’s your house… take a load off your feet.”

  Monte walks over to the bar and pours a drink. straight whiskey. He takes a second glass and fills it for his friend, then slowly walks around the bar and returns with the drinks. He’s so pleased with himself. laid back and super cool… completely at home and comfortable with things as they are. It’s hard to believe someone is probably going to die in a few minutes.

  “Here you go, partner. Cheers!”

  They raise their glasses and toast one another, banging their glasses together… whiskey spilling on the floor.

  Turning to A.J., “You have always been a good host, A.J., but I really have to run. You know how it is. Now why don’t you tell me what I want to know and Ray and I will be on our way.”

  A.J. remains impassive and doesn’t bother to reply.

  Monte turns to me.

  “Maybe you can help us, Richards. I know A.J. keeps a stash on hand. He always had to have a lot of cash around… old habits die hard. Our little plan blew up today so now we have to do something different. We’re gonna be on the road for a while and I need some money. Actually, I need as much as I can get. Give it to me and I’m gone… promise.”

  Monte displays a big, genuine smile. He has certainly convinced me.

  “And we’re dead,” A.J. mutters, mostly to himself.

  Monte continues to smile.

  “Now, A.J., why do you have to go and say things like that? Get everybody all upset. You know me… I’m as harmless as harmless can be.”

  “Damn right I know you,” A.J. interrupts vehemently. “We’re dead. You know it and I know it. You won’t let us live, no matter what. You’re involved in an attempted kidnapping… and now this. You’re just dumb enough to think you can get away with it.”

  “There you’re wrong,” Monte replies. “I’m just smart enough to know I can get away with it.”

  “I would like some answers,” I interject, “before you do whatever it is you have already decided to do. I don’t want to argue… whatever happens, happens.”

  “You’re absolutely right, Phil,” Monte replies. And with an exaggerated air of concern he asks, “How may I help you?”

  Monte is really enjoying himself, but I suppose he’s entitled.

  “When did you recruit Mary?”

  His eyes brighten.

  “When did you figure that out?”

  “This morning… as soon as I heard how you grabbed little Jeff.”

  From the looks on their faces, A.J. and Sheri are clearly astonished. They had never stopped to think of the possibility of the enemy within.

  “There was no way you could have grabbed JeffJeff so quickly without knowing approximately where he would be and when. Bear told us you just arrived today. Later, when I saw the barn, I noticed you didn’t have much in the way of supplies. Apparently you didn’t plan to stick around long. You’re not here tonight because of what you heard on the police scanner… you’re here because Mary told you the place was clear. She is the one who told you we sent our security men home. How am I doing so far?”

  “You’re doing great,” Monte answers smiling. “I’m impressed, I really am. But let me point out… as smart as you are at figuring things out, you’re a little late. It would have been better for you if you had thought of this a bit earlier.”

  “So those rumors about you and Mary were true,” A.J. cuts in. “I heard you were grabbing her. Dammit! I should have known.”

  “Why?” Monte protests. “What good would it have done you? Mary’s been my girl for a long time now. There hasn’t been a thing going on here I didn’t know about. It was just a matter of time, A.J. You were mine all along… you just didn’t know it. puppets on a string, nothing more. I could have done this and more anytime I wanted. It’s called control, my man. complete and total control. You and your head boy scout here were never in the game.”

  He turns and points his finger at me.

  “This asshole and his police force are too dumb for words. You spent a lot of money on security… and for what?”

  He laughs and pokes Ray in the arm. Ray smiles but doesn’t take his eyes off us.

  Monte turns back to A.J. “I got you anyway, sucker. If you remember, I gave you a chance to make things right. It didn’t have to come to this.”

  Monte turns towards the door and calls out, “Come on in, Sugar.”

  A few seconds pass before Mary walks into the room. Parades in would be more accurate. She has a big smile on her face and a look of utter contempt for her employers.

  “They know everything now anyway, Babe. No need for secrets. We’re just about to wrap things up here and be on our way.

  Sheri looks at Mary and speaks for the first time.

  “Mary, how could you? We loved you, we trusted you. How could you do this to us… to yourself?”

  “Screw you, you high-flyin’ bitch,” Mary responds glaring at Sheri. “I stayed here for one reason: today. It’s payday. A.J. screwed Monte and now we’re getting even… more than even.” She laughs and walks over to Monte and pats him on the cheek, then leans against his shoulder like an adoring pet.

  Sheri appears to be near hysteria and there’s no telling what she will do or say next. I don’t think I want to find out.

  “Well, I guess that’s it,” I say attempting to close off any further discussion. There’s really nothing more to be gained. All the players are here. “It’s all in the open now… finally. Monte gets caught stealing from A.J. and A.J. fires him. Of course, Monte doesn’t tell Mary the truth. He gives her a song and dance so Mary thinks A.J. screwed him somehow… not that it would have made any difference. People believe what they want to believe.

  “Bear gets fired a few days later. Monte thinks he can use him, so he starts working on the poor guy. I’m sure it didn’t take much to convince Bear he had been wronged. Monte figures Jeff-Jeff knows Bear and wouldn’t be afraid of him. Little Jeff would go with Bear and never think a thing of it. And he was right.

  “Then Monte recruits a couple of meatheads to do the dirty work… Ray here, being one of them. We catch Bear with the other one. Monte and Ray catch us, it sort of looks like we’re close to the end of things.

  Everything that went round is coming round… right back to the beginning.”

  Ray steps forward when I mention his name. Monte puts his arm across Ray’s chest holding him back.

  “Easy, Ray boy,” he admonishes. “You’ll have your chance. first the stash. Remember. we want the money. We NEED the money. Then you can do whatever you want… any way you want.” He says the last looking suggestively at Sheri and then at Karen and Jennifer. “You boys can watch. I’m sure Ray won’t mind. I think he’s a showoff at heart. He loves to screw women and have their husbands or b
oyfriends watch… gets him excited.”

  He chuckles as though he just can’t get over the stunts that wild and crazy Ray keeps pulling.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I prompt A.J.

  I don’t want the conversation to go much farther in the direction of the women present.

  “If you tell them where the safe is, then maybe they’ll get the hell out of here.”

  I turn to Monte.

  “Would it be okay if we all sit over here out of the way?”

  Without waiting for a reply I get up and lead Karen and Jennifer over to the sofa with A.J. and Sheri.

  “Make room,” I command, moving the girls onto the sofa so they can all sit together.

  There isn’t room enough for me, so I sit on the arm of the sofa, a few feet from Monte.

  “That’s great, Phil,” Monte says laughing. “You’ve got the right idea and you’re a real help. Are you always this helpful?”

  I look at Monte and return his smile.

  “I always try to help out, but I wasn’t trying to help you… I was trying to help him.”

  I point to Ray who is standing about six feet to Monte’s left.

  As I point to Ray the window behind A.J.’s desk explodes a split second before Ray rises in the air and pitches forward onto the floor. There’s a small hole in his back and although I haven’t looked, I know there’s a much larger hole where his chest used to be. Momentarily there are no sounds other than falling glass and the echo of a rifle shot.

  Although stunned, Monte recovers quickly. He reaches for a gun in his jacket as I leap forward and land a kick directly on his sternum, sending him backwards into a small table and knocking it over. I’m on him immediately and quickly disarm him.

  I look over to see Mary reach for the handbag she tossed on the desk when she entered the room. A.J. grabs her wrist and twists it behind her back.

  “Come on, Mary, honey,” he says softly. “We’ve had enough killing for one day.”

  I have to disagree with A.J. on that point. We may have had a lot of killing today, but I’m not sure we’ve had enough. By my count we are at least one shy of the mark.


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