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Xul: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 1)

Page 18

by A. G. Wilde

  Xul nodded to Crex just as Athena pressed the button on her distorter so she could take out the gun.

  But Crex was already launching himself through the air.

  He was fast. Just a blur as he jumped past Athena, balancing along the walls as he headed straight towards the guards.

  She only had a moment to widen her eyes before she heard a familiar voice.


  Spinning her head, Athena peered into the dim cell.

  Rainbow colored hair framed a face that was looking back at her.

  “Piper?!” Athena choked.

  “Oh my God, I thought you were dead!” Piper crashed into her, holding her close.

  Athena couldn’t say anything. The emotions were too strong.

  She’d seen and experienced so many strange things since being taken from Earth that every little contact she’d had with humans since then was something to be cherished.

  Through the corner of her eye, she saw Xul moving down the corridor, swiftly slicing through the cages.

  Just then, to her other side, a loud growl echoed from Crex as he took out one of the guards who was rushing their way.

  From the opposite direction, she could hear more footsteps approaching and an alarm was now blaring loudly through the ship.

  Pulling away from Piper’s embrace, she held the woman’s face and looked her in the eyes.

  “Get the others,” she said, glancing back at Crex.

  Somehow, he had managed to take out five of the guards on his own but now one had its teeth sunk deep into his back while the other was lifting a jagged knife to plunge into his chest.

  With a war cry she didn’t even know she had, Athena pulled the gun from her waist, as she rushed toward them.

  Falling on one knee, she aimed and pressed the trigger.

  Small red dots burst from the gun and landed on the gator-guard’s back, sinking into the alien’s thick skin.

  The guard roared and turned to her, its eyes furious as it stalked toward her.

  Crex managed to pull the other off his shoulder and in one swift move, he wrapped his hands around its neck and twisted, rendering the beast immobile.

  The other was still stalking toward her and Athena fired again.

  Another burst of red dots shot from the gun and embedded themselves in the guard’s skin. As the guard aimed the knife at her, it suddenly stopped as it locked eyes with her gun and then with her.

  In that moment, it was as if realization hit as its eyes noticeably widened.

  In the next second, its body split into pieces as if it was blown apart from the inside.

  Athena glanced at the gun with wide eyes.


  When she looked up, Crex was standing above her.

  “Thank you,” he said, his eyes still narrowed as he regarded her. His shoulder was covered in blood but he didn’t seem to even notice.

  As his eyes averted to something behind her, Athena turned to realize that the corridor was now filled with aliens, among them, the women from Earth.

  Xul and two other aliens were busy fighting the guards who had approached, taking them all out easily.

  “Let’s go,” Crex said, brushing past her.

  Athena was on her feet, running behind him as they reached the group.

  As Xul turned and saw her, he pushed through the crowd to pull her into his arms, burying his face in her neck.

  “Don’t do that again,” he breathed.

  “Don’t do what?”

  “My men can handle themselves.”

  “So can I.”

  He raised his head to look at her then and she saw the worry leave his eyes slowly.

  “So you can,” he murmured.

  Someone cleared their throat and a light-blue alien approached from the group. On his forehead, what looked like a large gem was embedded in his skin.

  “We must move,” he said, his eyes locking with Athena’s. “More guards are on their way.”

  As she looked at him, she felt a strange fuzzy feeling in her mind.

  “Yce, she is mine. You are not allowed in her mind,” Xul said.

  Immediately, the fuzzy feeling went away and Yce pulled his gaze from hers.

  “Athena!” It was Diana. Her red hair was tangled and she looked dirty as hell, but she was smiling nonetheless.

  Behind her, all the other women were greeting each other and Athena looked up at Xul.

  He nodded, obviously knowing what she needed to do.

  Approaching the women with wide arms, they hugged each other briefly.

  They were all there. Piper, Song, Diana, and Evren.

  The feeling of seeing them all made her heart swell with joy.

  More shouting was heard down the corridor and they all glanced at the aliens around them.

  “This way,” said the one with the gem in his forehead.

  They began rushing down the corridor and soon they came upon a wall.

  Xul stepped in front of it and a door opened, leading them into a loading dock with several ships.

  Several ships and many many guards.

  It only took a second for realization to pass between the two groups before weapons were drawn.

  Pulling out her gun, Athena began shooting. By her side, she heard Piper scream as she dashed toward one of the guards, barehanded, only to be taken down from the side by Crex.

  Hoisting Piper over his shoulder, Crex grabbed one of the guards by the snout and squeezed so hard the guard’s snout crumpled.

  As her bullets hit one of the guards heading toward her and the guard exploded, she saw Xul dash in front, his spear moving through the air beautifully as he sliced through guard after guard.

  To his left, Song was...flying?

  She was on the back of an alien Athena hadn’t seen before and he was literally soaring over them all as he headed to a ship on the far side of the dock.

  To her right, Diana and Evren were both attacking one guard together.

  “Catch!” She shouted as she pulled the dagger she was carrying from her waist and threw it in their direction.

  Diana caught the thing like a pro and didn’t hesitate to bury the blade in the gator guard’s eye.

  It was chaos.

  Beautiful chaos and Athena never felt more alive.

  If she had thought that she’d ever be doing something like this, she would have laughed at the idea. It wasn’t possible, and yet, it was.

  She was doing it.

  As Xul sliced the last guard’s throat, he took a breath and looked around and their eyes locked.

  This was so much more than she had ever been able to imagine.

  He was so much more.

  Suddenly, life on Earth just seemed...bland.

  If she could, how would she even be able to go back to living normally after this?

  The thought was an exhilarating one, and she smiled at Xul.

  Slight amusement lit up his features and something else clouded his eyes as he looked at her.



  “We board and head to the Elysium,” he said to the others as he approached her.

  Again, he pulled her into his arms.

  “Let’s go, little human.”

  Athena smiled.

  “Ok, my big alien.”

  Xul grinned back.


  As they zoomed out of the Isclit ship Athena turned her head to look back. They were only just safely enough away before she saw a large explosion rip through the center of the ship. Then it was like a chain reaction.

  That explosion triggered another, and another, and soon the once imposing ship was being ripped apart.

  “The Mukkians will be happy with this,” Xul mused, a soft smile on his face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Most of the debris will fall on their world. They trade metal scraps for wares.”

  Well, that explained why they so happily gathered the ship they’d taken down after the Isclits had
come looking for her.

  “So, did you do it?”

  Xul glanced at her then and stretched his hand across to brush a finger against her cheek.

  “We did it,” he said.

  As space lit up behind them, Athena released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. But she couldn’t help but feel somewhat unsettled in her stomach.

  “It’s a huge ship,” she said. “Just how many innocent beings did we just have to destroy to take it down?”

  Xul glanced at her, noting the concern in her eyes. “When the ship visited your planet, it had just begun its journey. The plan was to gather more slaves. That won’t happen now.”

  So it was over.

  The nightmare was over.

  The Isclits were gone and there was no way for them to recapture her.

  She was free.

  As they approached the Elysium and docked, she watched as the other aliens hopped out of the ships and headed inside.

  Xul hopped out and came around to her side to lift her down and, as they headed inside the Elysium, she realized he didn’t let go of her hand.

  Once inside, there were greetings going around.

  “We made it,” Song breathed, as she smiled at the other women. The alien with the wings was standing close by, an arm draped around Song’s waist.

  Beside them, Piper was standing and Athena was just able to really look at her properly.

  Piper was dressed in a blanket that was wrapped around her haphazardly and so were the others. But unlike the others, Piper had deep welts on her back. As Athena stared, the women turned their heads and saw her looking.

  “Athena!” Evren shouted, a grin on her face. “Or should we say, Cat Woman?”

  Athena smiled, pulling her eyes away from Piper’s wounds.

  “I’m so happy you all are okay.”

  “You look more than okay. Looks like you ended up with the right alien.” Diana glanced at Xul, who was standing with his men, supposedly having a meeting but his gaze was in their direction, or rather, on Athena.

  “Looks like it,” Athena breathed, as her eyes drifted to Crex.

  His back was turned to her and, with all the commotion she hadn’t noticed it before, but his back was filled with the same deep grooves that were on Piper.

  If her memory served her right, he was the Ceqtaq. The same vicious species the High Tasqals had been talking about. And if his fighting was anything to go by, he was vicious indeed.

  Athena frowned as she glanced back at Piper, finally taking in the woman’s bloodied lip.

  “Oh my God, Piper,” she whispered, moving closer to the woman. “Did he hurt you?”

  Piper frowned. “Who?”

  “The one you were imprisoned with.”

  Realization seemed to flood over Piper’s eyes as she shook her head, glancing Crex’s way.

  As if the alien was listening to them, he stalked over, and lifted Piper over his shoulder.

  Piper’s squeal did nothing to stop him and the other women could only open their eyes wide as they watched him march away down the corridor to one of the rooms.

  Just then, Kyro approached, his gaze also following Crex.

  “Interesting,” he murmured before turning to the women. “Human women. We are about to leave this section of space. For safety, you must all be strapped in.”

  Athena nodded, taking a step toward the seats when she too was suddenly lifted off her feet and thrown over someone’s shoulder.

  “Xul!” She hit him on his back as a deep flush colored her cheeks.

  She could imagine what the other women were thinking and was only happy she couldn’t see their faces.

  “I will make sure she is strapped down, Kyro,” Xul said, marching off with her.

  “Strapped in...” Kyro corrected, lifting a finger.

  “I think he meant exactly what he said.” Athena heard one of the other aliens comment.

  * * *

  Xul threw her on the bed as he climbed on top of her.

  “What about the others? I haven’t had a chance to speak with them yet.” Athena giggled as Xul nibbled on her ear.

  “They can wait.”

  His eyes were full of need as he ripped at the suit impatiently.

  When she was finally naked in front of him, he drank her in.

  “My little human,” he breathed, dipping his head to her breast.

  “My big alien,” Athena gasped at the sudden warmth of his mouth.

  Rolling her nipple underneath his tongue, he moved off her breast and traced a path down to her navel.

  He paused there to take her hips between his hands as he buried his face in her center.

  “You’re mine,” he said, and a thrill went up her spine as he kissed her there.

  “I need you,” she murmured, writhing her hips against him. She needed to feel him, needed to be taken to ecstasy by the feel of him within her.

  “So soon?” Xul lifted his head and Athena looked down at him with hooded eyes. She could already tell, without even touching herself, that she was dripping wet down there.

  “I need you now,” she said again, her voice hoarse with need.

  She watched as it seemed like a fire lit up his eyes as he rose above her and settled between her legs.

  “Open for me, Athena,” Xul breathed into her ear and she willingly obliged, spreading her legs as she felt his thick mushroom tip press against her entrance.

  As he pressed past that first bit of resistance, Athena moaned loudly. She didn’t know if she would ever get used to it, but his thickness felt so darn good and, judging from the rumble of pleasure emanating from his chest, he enjoyed the feeling too.

  Xul began thrusting slowly, raising his head to gaze into her eyes, his green becoming more intense with every thrust.

  It was so intimate, just the two of them, connected at some spot in space, and Athena could feel the sweet nectar of an orgasm beginning to build deep within her.

  It was only him.

  He was hers and she was his.

  It felt perfect.

  It felt right.

  And as Xul slid deep within her, Athena held his gaze as her orgasm flowed through her core.

  “Xul,” she breathed. She could feel herself clenching against him and watched as he gritted his teeth.

  He was going to reach his peak and she held his face between her hands.

  “I am yours,” she whispered, as his orgasm pulsed through him.

  When his manhood finally stopped jerking and he rested beside her, Xul pulled her into his arms.

  “If I had known you were on the other side of the universe all this time, I would have come and abducted you myself,” he said, planting a kiss underneath her ear.

  Athena smiled.

  They lay together in silence as she felt the ship suddenly pick up speed.

  They were leaving this section of space to go to another. One with more adventures and more aliens and more worlds. Things she would have never even been able to imagine before.

  “Athena...” Xul murmured.


  “If there was a way for you to go back to your home planet,” he said. “Would you take it?”

  Athena took a few moments to think about it.

  What was there for her on Earth? Even if she did manage to go back, how would she even be able to live a normal life after all this?

  “Are you saying there is a way?” She turned to him slightly.

  “No. But if there was?”

  Athena released a sigh.

  “If there was, I don’t think I’d take it.”

  “Why is that?”

  “If I took it, I’d have to leave everything behind. All of this. Everything I know now. These last few days have been the worst and best days of my life.”

  “Have they?”

  “Yes. And if I left, I’d have to leave you.”

  Xul frowned. “I could come with you. Do they not have any creatures that look like me on your plan

  Athena let out a laugh.

  “A bit but it’s not the same.”

  “So you will stay with me then?”

  Turning to him fully, Athena looked into his deep green eyes.

  “Always.” She smiled then added. “As long as you always stay with me too, my big alien.”

  “Always,” Xul pulled her towards him and planted his lips against hers.

  “Always, my little human.”

  Next in the Series


  Book 2 in the Captured by Aliens series

  There are two types of hell.

  The one priests preach about and then this.

  Stuck on an alien slave ship, Piper is auctioned and thrown into a cell with…something.

  He’s an alien with a reputation.

  A warrior. A beast. A killer.

  He is dangerous.

  A creature with a cold, cold heart…one not unlike her own.

  You’d think falling for an alien killing machine was something so far-fetched it would never happen.

  Well, so was being abducted out of 7.5 billion other humans on Earth—and that had occurred so…

  Hey, what’s the worst that could happen?

  Find it on Amazon


  This book would never have been possible for so many reasons…too much to name.

  I want to thank everyone who helped me push through. You know yourselves.

  Without you, Xul and Athena’s story couldn’t have been told.


  A. G.

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