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Promise of Souls

Page 2

by Holly Hampton

  “Mr. Buttons, can we just sit down,” Maddie pleaded while stuttering. “I don’t know how to dance.”

  I smiled at her gently and said, “Like what Al Pacino said, you just have to tang along to dance the tango.”

  Liar. I quickly thought when she moved her legs as I initiated the dance. Maddie’s body moved naturally as if she had danced the tango for a long time. I looked at her, but she kept evading my eyes. Her face blushed into pink every time she caught my eyes. I pulled her closer to me for the last step. I was supposed to dip her to end the dance, but I did not. Instead, I kept Maddie close and kept staring at her face.

  “Liar. You said you don’t know how to dance,” I teased.

  A soft smile formed on Maddie’s lips when she replied, “My Dad taught me.”

  “He must have been a hell of a dancer,” I replied.

  “He is,” Maddie said.

  Her smile became wider, but there was loneliness in her eyes. I held her face and caressed it gently, forgetting that we were still on the dance floor. She forgot about it, too, as she remained looking at me – enjoying my soft hands on her cheeks. A flash of camera lights made us blink and realize where we were.

  Maddie’s face turned pale. She pulled away from me and walked closer to the reporter. Her hands and voice trembled as she begged, “Please delete that picture.”

  “Relax, Maddie,” I cut in.

  I tried to calm Maddie by placing my hand on her back, but she shoved my hand. She kept insisting to the reporter to delete the picture. I wondered what was wrong with her. Why would she react that way just because someone took her picture? The reporter looked at her like she was a crazy woman, but she continued to beg for the picture to be deleted.

  “Fine. How much is for the picture and for the camera?” I asked the reporter.

  “Come on, Mr. Buttons. This is my job,” the reporter reasoned.

  “I’ll give you an exclusive for the party I’ll have on Sunday,” I bargained.

  I removed my Rolex watch and handed it to the reporter. The reporter became curious about our desperation to get the picture. He showed me the picture and whispered, “Do you really want to delete this? It’s like Sleeping Beauty meeting her Prince.”

  “Just delete it. Please,” Maddie insisted.

  The reporter frowned at Maddie. He took my watch and handed me the camera. Maddie reached for the camera, but I kept it away from her. “Why do you want to delete it that much? I need to know first.”

  Maddie glared at me. She pushed me and angrily and said, “Because I don’t want to be part of your circus.”

  Maddie rushed to the restroom. I followed her, but Mr. Robert Stall, one of our directors, stopped me. The old man gave me a disappointed smile and said, “I wonder what the board would say knowing that you’re throwing millions just to get a girl.”

  Mr. Robert Stall was my grandfather’s COO. He wanted to become the CEO as he claimed that I was too immature to be one. There was nothing he could do. Many of the board of directors were loyal to my grandfather and they still chose to place me as the CEO of my grandfather’s company.

  “It’s a little cheaper than sending three mistresses on cruises while you're enjoying some of your college scholars,” I snapped.

  Robert glared at me and said, “Don’t mock me, boy. I can make you lose everything you have.”

  “I’d like to see you try, Robert. But, I have a girl to catch,” I replied with an arrogant smile.

  Shit! I blurted when I saw Maddie getting into a taxi. What the hell is wrong with her? I thought angrily. I looked at our picture in the camera. She looked beautiful in it. Her eyes showed her attraction to me. I froze for a moment when I saw my face. My eyes mirrored that attraction Maddie had. The man in the picture was not me, I thought. For I had never looked at any woman like I was only meant to be hers.



  “Maddie!” Mica called while shaking me. I looked at her, confused for a moment. Mica gave me a doubtful look and said, “Know what, Maddie? You’ve been here for like two years, but sometimes I feel like you don’t even know your own name.”

  My nerves vibrated at Mica’s observation. I forced a laugh and rolled my eyes. But Mica was right. It had been two years, but I was still not used to being called Maddie. How could I? I lived for twenty two years as Larni. My name meant “heavenly flowers” and my Grandma gave it to me. My parents waited thirteen years to have a child. Hence they saw me as a blessing from heaven. Everyone who adored and loved me always called me Larni. But for two years, no one had called me that.

  “I’m just thinking about something?” I replied.

  “About Max Buttons?” Mica teased. “And how you ditched the man?”

  Yes. I wanted to tell Mica. I have not slept for two days because of Max Buttons. He refused to leave my mind even when I tried to bury him with work. My ears still tingle whenever I remember the way he caressed my face at the dance floor. My heart screamed his name with thrill when I remembered the way he looked at me. He’s Max Buttons. A known playboy. But at that moment on the dance floor, somehow, I saw a different him. I saw a man who was capable of being truly in love. A wishful thinking. I was twenty-four years old and too old to dream a fairytale. Besides, my life was a lie. How can someone fall in love with me for real? How can I feel his love when he could not even call me by my real name?

  “I really did not understand why you didn’t give that man a chance. Every girl in that party was dying to have a dance with him,” Mica added.

  “I just don’t like him,” I answered and walked out of the room.

  My feet became stuck on the floor when I saw Max entering our office with Mrs. Sinclair clinging to his arm. I wanted to hide, but my feet would not budge. My mind proposed many suggestions of what I should do, but my body resisted everything - as if it wanted to be seen by him purposely. My heart jumped happily and seemed to have stuck on my throat when he turned my way. His face glowed when our eyes met. I shivered when strange energy flowed from my feet and tingled the back of my ears.

  “There is your beauty,” Mrs. Sinclair said like a giggly child as they approached me.

  “Mrs. Sinclair, I’m really sorry about…”

  “What should you be sorry about?” Mrs. Sinclair cut in. “You and Max wanted a private date of your own. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Max flashed his cheeky smile at me. I scowled at him as a reply. Mrs. Sinclair left him and transferred to my side. The old woman acted like a little kid as she teased, “Max is here to ask you out again. He’s even willing to make another generous donation. But, I said he did not have to. I told him to save it for a ring.”

  “A ring?” I repeated.

  The old woman laughed and said, “It’ll happen sooner than you think, Maddie. Trust me. You take care of Max now. He’s all yours.”

  The old woman waved goodbye to Max like an excited matchmaker. I faked a smile and turned it into a frown when Mrs. Sinclair left. “What do you want, Mr. Buttons?” I asked.

  “I’m here to make a donation,” Max answered. His boyish smile did not fade and I hated how I’m beginning to like it. He moved closer to me and said, “And to ask you out for another date.”

  My heart danced happily and got stuck at my throat again. I cleared my throat, crossed my hands and raised an eyebrow at him. “We are a foundation, Mr. Buttons. We are not some pimp house that you pay to get some of your girls.”

  “What?” Max uttered. He shook his head in disbelief and explained, “Look. I’m not here to pick you up like some cheap girl, Maddie. I just want to have another date with you. A real date.”

  “What if I say no?” I replied quickly.

  Max’s lips curved into a wider smile. He gave me a teasing look and said, “What if? Are you considering saying yes?”

  His question flustered me. I could have said “no” instantly, but I gave a conditional answer. His question annoyed me, but a joy crept into my heart. He actually listene
d to my reply. Now, I did not know how to counter him. A bigger part of me wanted to say “yes” now.

  “I have work, Mr. Button,” I posed as an excuse.

  An excuse. Instead of a denial. So, as expected, it did not work for him. It only filled his face with delight and encouraged him to ask, “After your work then?”

  “Go with him,” Mrs. Sinclair cheered from her office.

  I took a deep breath as I felt cornered. Mrs. Sinclair had Max’s back. She would not stop pushing me to him even if I turned him down. I looked at Max for a while and an idea came to me. I flashed a smile at him and said, “Fine. But, I’ll be in charge of everything. I’ll choose how we do it and where we should do it?”

  “Sure. Do everything you want. Tonight, I’ll be your slave,” Max replied with an excited smile.

  I quickly looked away from him when his smile struck me like a Cupid’s arrow. “Meet me here by six. And don’t bring any car.”

  “Whatever you say, my queen,” Max answered. He looked at Mrs. Sinclair and gave her a wink.


  I looked at the clock and it was almost seven in the evening. Max had been waiting for more than an hour. Guilt struck me when he looked at me with his smiling gray eyes and debonair smile. I did not expect him to wait that long. I thought he would give up and reschedule the date. Yes. It was part of my plan to annoy him. He would not cease in pestering me about having a date with him, so I decided to give him the lousiest date he ever had. A date he probably never had as a rich man.

  “I’m sorry for the delay,” I told him with a fake smile. “It’s really okay if you want to reschedule the date or cancel everything.”

  “No. I’m fine. Charity comes first,” Max said as he stood from the couch. He looked surprised to see me only in a plain shirt and old blue jeans. He smiled and walked closer to me. “So, what’s next in your plan? If you want to have dinner first, I’ll call...”

  “I reserved a table for us. It’s just a mile walk from here,” I cut in.

  Max became a bit hesitant, but he agreed with a nod. I led him out of the building and we crossed to an alley where lower-class diner and bars were located. There were bikers parking, some kid selling something he probably did not own and some women selling what they should not be selling. I looked at Max and he was not fazed by the scene.

  Fear grew inside me when some bikers approached us. Max’s Armani shirt and Dior shoes were out of place. I was afraid that these people would think that he was an arrogant elite who was lost in this side of town. I grabbed his hand and kept him close to me. When a biker came too close, I got ready to pull him and run away.

  “Yo! What are you doing here?” the biker asked.

  “He’s with me,” I quickly replied with a shaky voice.

  “Did you like the bike?” the biker asked Max.

  “Yeah. Thanks for checking it for me,” Max said while shaking the biker’s hand.

  “O’right,” the biker said. He looked at his men and said, “I got your back, Max. Just enjoy getting jiggy with your girl.”

  My face turned red at the man’s remark. Max wrapped a hand around my shoulder and went along with the biker’s comment while escorting me away. A loud breath of relief escaped my mouth when we reached the diner where I intended to take him. I looked at him and asked, “How did you know that man?”

  “I was buying a bike and he helped me choose a good one,” Max explained. He smiled and said, “You don’t know much about this place do you?”

  “W-what do you mean? I live here,” I answered.

  It was a half-lie. I lived on the other side of the street, but had never explored this side of the street at night. The scene became scary at night. I was also scared that someone would be out there to get me. My plan to disappoint Max ricocheted on me.

  “I hope you're fine about eating in a diner,” I told him and walked inside.

  Max walked into the diner without any hesitation. I observed him to see if he was disappointed, but I could not trace any disappointment in his face. He flashed a wide smile at me and asked, “Diner foods are the best, aren’t they?

  I raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him with doubt. Was he faking it? I wondered, but his smile looked so genuine. He laughed and brushed his palm on my face to erase my reaction. I froze when his warm hands gently brushed on my face. My throat shook as my heart fluttered from his gesture. I cleared my throat and replied with a nod.

  “I flipped burgers when I was in college,” Max started. One of my eyebrows raised again. He laughed and insisted, “I swear. I did. I had to.”

  “You’re a billionaire heir at Stanford. Do you really think I’ll believe your story?”

  Max laughed and insisted that he did. He explained that his grandfather forced him.

  The older Mr. Buttons was a firm believer that his money was his money. He paid for Max’s tuition, but Max had to earn a living to pay for his dorm and other expenses. So, Max was forced to do part-time jobs for two years.

  In his junior year, he invested a few of his savings in stock exchange and got lucky. By the time he graduated, he already earned thousands from stocks, proving to his grandfather that he deserved to get the company. I wanted to disbelieve him, but I became amazed. He did not only have a nice story to tell, but he also told it in an engaging way. He might be a charming playboy, but Max Buttons had a sexy brain - along with a sexy smile, a sexy jaw and a hot toned body. What am I thinking?

  “You still don’t believe me?” he asked when I did not say anything.

  “I do,” I replied without hesitation.

  My reply made his eyes sparkle with delight. “Do you know the other reason Gramps did that to me?” Max asked.


  “He told me that someday, I will get to share these stories and enjoy doing it,” Max answered. He looked at me and said, “Once again, he was right.”

  “Your Gramp’s a great man,” I said.

  Max fell silent for a moment. His lips curved into a small smile and he said softly, “He was.”

  “It would have been great to meet him,” I said in a consoling voice.

  “He would love to meet you, too,” Max replied. He wiped the oil from the burger from his lips and said, “Enough about me. Tell me something about you.”

  I’m Larni Johnson. I did not know why, but I was desperate to tell him that. Max told me his stories without pretenses and here I was - full of pretenses. My lips trembled as I did not know what to tell him. I had no stories about being Maddison Morgan and I could not share stories about being Larni Johnson.

  “You really hated being with me, do you?” Max asked.

  “W-what? No,” I replied, but I sounded confused.

  “Your cute antics blew you away,” Max said. He smiled, but it was not as wide as before. “I’m sorry if I seemed to have forced you to come on a date with me. We could end this now if it’s troubling you.”

  “No,” I insisted. I took a deep breath and said, “I just don’t like talking about my past. That’s all. But, I’m enjoying this date.”

  Max’s smile grew wider again. An awkward silence filled us for a moment and we ended laughing because of it. Max might be a billionaire, but he had a charm of someone with a good heart. No wonder women swoon over his charms. I was supposed to disappoint him to discourage him from dating me again. I looked for reasons not to let him enjoy this date, but I ended up enjoying his company. I searched for flaws that could convince me not to fall for him through this date, but I found more reasons to take a risk instead of stepping back.



  “Can I at least walk you home?” I asked.

  Maddie gave me a suspecting look. I could not blame her. I had a reputation of being Denver’s no. 1 playboy. A young intelligent girl would not trust me. She would run away as fast as she could. And that was exactly what Maddie tried to do. She attempted to disappoint me, but she only gave me a reason to know her more. Only a few women would desperately w
ant to run away from me. Normally, I would not want to chase them, but this beautiful raven-haired girl was different. I would chase her hard until I could hold her tight.

  “No. You need to leave now, Mr. Buttons,” Maddie replied. “Something might happen to you if you stay here longer.”

  I looked around the street and smiled. Maddie’s worries were sincere. I felt it when she held my hand when a biker approached me. She would have come to my rescue even if she was terrified herself. Her hand. I could still feel the warmth of her palm when she held my hand. She did it on her own and I did not have to force her.

  “It’s customary for a date to end with the man walking the woman to her door,” I insisted.

  “Mr. Buttons,”

  “Max,” I reminded her.

  “Mr. Buttons,” she still insisted.

  “I admire your consistency of opposing the simple things I want, Maddie, but it’s beginning to irritate me,” I told her with a forced smile. She was surprised by my statement. A boyish smile formed across my face as I leaned closer to her. “Another denial from you and I’ll kidnap and force you on my bed tonight.”

  “Mr... Max!” Maddie called.

  I panicked when I saw her scared reaction. Her reaction terrified me in a sudden. The thought of her avoiding me for real scared the hell out of me. I stepped away from her and quickly retracted, “I’m sorry. It’s a joke.”

  “Jokes about rape are never funny,” Maddie said sternly.

  “I’m sorry. Look, Maddie. Please. Just let me walk you to your apartment building or whatever,” I proposed with a desperate tone. “Then, you can watch me catch a cab. That way, I’ll be assured that you’re safe and you’ll be assured that I am.”


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