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BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Nicole Rickman

  “Really, why is that?”

  “I learned that my mom was engaged to RGA. It shocked me at first, but Mrs. Opal told me about how she was in love before Charles. It made me see that it was possible that my mom could love both my dad and this RGA fellow.”

  “Wow, what a breakthrough for you, as well.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  The flight attendant came by and offered them a snack, so they accepted and talked some more over tea and scones. Then, they decided to lay back in the luxury chairs and take a nap.

  When Aimee woke, it was two hours later. She requested a cup of coffee and read her mom’s diary until Claire woke. Then, they ordered breakfast and Claire asked her about LJ and Aiden. Aimee told her about her date with LJ. She told her she talked to Aiden, but she did not know the status of his relationship with Ava.

  Claire listened to Aimee tell about her summer vacation talks with both boys before she spoke. “Aimee, I want to share some Bible verses with you. I want you to remember these verses whenever you are with any gentlemen who may have a romantic interest in you.

  The first is Proverbs: 4: 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. All types of sin begin in the heart. For that reason alone, Aimee, be careful when it comes to dating. The wrong guy may take advantage of a weak moment.”

  Aimee studied on that verse for a moment. “I never really thought about that.”

  “The next is 1 Corinthians: 15: 33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. I think you know this, but a lot of guys will say the things they think you want to hear. Be careful and listen to what God wants you to do.”

  Aimee grinned at Claire. “You are so sweet to worry about me. I do know that guys will say or do anything to get a girl to do what they want. I just never put a verse with it before.”

  “The last verse I am going to share with you, is one that pertains to everything you do. Dating is definitely on the top of the list for this verse.” Luke 17: 1 "One day Jesus said to his disciples, There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!" Temptation is everywhere, but I feel, for a young Christian like yourself, that dating is more complex. You know in your mind the right things. But, the devil will tempt you twice as hard. Don’t let your emotions override your faith.”

  “Dating as a Christian is so hard. I am constantly afraid that I am going to do something that the guy will misunderstand. I feel like I always have my guard up when I am out on a date.”

  “Aimee, when you find that guy that is right for you, you shouldn’t have to put a guard up because he should honor you and the word of God.”

  “You’re right. It is finding that guy that is the hard part.”

  “I agree, it is hard trying to find a good man. It was just as hard when I was young as well. But, if you keep your faith that God has someone out there for you, and pray for that person when the time is right, God will bring him to you. At that moment, you will know for certain that waiting for him was the right thing to do.”

  “Thanks, Claire. I love talking to you.”

  “Thank you sweetie. Let me give you my cell phone number. I never know when I am going to travel, so this is the easiest way to get in touch with me.”

  “That sounds great and I will give you mine. If you ever need to talk, I am here for you.”

  The attendant announced that they would be shortly landing. One last stop before Aimee was back home in Neahovia.

  Chapter Seven

  Lexi was waiting for Aimee at the ANA airport. Aimee was so tired, the two hour nap she took on the plane was not enough in a twenty-four hour time span. She wanted to go to the hotel, check in, and sleep. At least for a few hours.

  Lexi drove her to the hotel, they checked in, and then Lexi said she would go hang out somewhere and let Aimee take a nap. Aimee was thrilled with that idea. So, she took a hot shower, changed into her sleepwear, and off to dreamland she went.

  When she awoke four hours later, she was still tired but very hungry. She hadn’t eaten since early that morning on the plane. She called Lexi and her and Piper picked Aimee up and they went to Frank’s for dinner.

  The restaurant was not very busy. The girls took a booth. As soon as Frank noticed the girls, he came over to their table. He hugged each of them. “I am so glad to see three of my favorite customers. Where are the other two?”

  “Not here yet. We can move into our flat early, so Aimee flew back. She is going with the ladies to the spa.” Lexi was talking so fast.

  “Lexi, you need some decaf.” Piper laughed

  “I know, I stopped at this new coffee shop; they have the best latte, but I think I drank one too many.”

  Aimee grinned, she loved being back. “Lexi, you know those things not only make us hyper, they are not low-fat.”

  “Like you can talk, you have some form of coffee all the time.”

  “I know, I was just pointing it out.” Aimee looked around the empty restaurant. “You are having a slow day.”

  “Business has been slow all summer. I am praying we see business pick up when classes start back in a few days.”

  “Let us know if you need any help. We will do what we can.” Aimee gave him a cheerful smile.

  The girls ordered their food and made plans to go shopping. When Frank returned with their orders, the girls bowed their heads down in prayer. Aimee loved being back and surrounded by people her own age with the same believes.

  While they ate Aimee, filled the two of them in on everything that had happened while she was in the States. They both knew about the Will and Aimee’s position, but she didn’t share all the details over the phone. When she got to the part about her mother being engaged to RGA, the table went silent.

  “How far are you in the diaries now?” Piper spoke first.

  “February 1988.”

  “Is she writing a lot about her wedding plans?” Lexi asked in a sympathetic voice.

  “That is all she is writing about.” Aimee took a bite of her salad.

  Piper looked over at Lexi and then again at Aimee. “I know that has to be hard to read.”

  “It was at first, but I came to understand that it was possible for mom to love both my dad and RGA.”

  Lexi looked at Aimee. “How are things between you and your dad now?”

  Aimee stared at her cell at minute. “The same. We talked a few times. It is going to take us awhile before we restore our relationship. I love my dad, but Deandre has gotten so out of control. I really feel sorry for him.”

  The rest of lunch, they discussed what Lexi and Piper did over summer vacation. Lexi was no longer talking to Drew. He turned out to be a total looser. He was not even going to church like he claimed. Lexi found most of this out when she accidently ran into him at a summer party.

  She was upset at first. But, she met a guy who has been coming to Wise chapel. They have gone out a few times. Lexi was almost glowing as she began describing her guy.

  “He is so great, Aimee, he is a true Christian, he sings with the choir. His name is Jaxson, he is twenty-four. He even has dark hair, Aimee.”

  Aimee laughed at Lexi. “Doing away with the blonde hair as criteria helped you.”

  Lexi playful threw a piece of ice at Aimee. “He just landed a job in Ancaster as an IT Tech for some company, Rose something Fruits.”

  “Roseednay Fruits?” Aimee was totally shocked.

  “Yeah, that is it, why?”

  “Ok, I didn’t tell you this at first because it is not public knowledge and I don’t know all the exact details, but I own Roseednay Fruits.”

  “No way!” Lexi and Piper chimed in unison.

  “Yeah, it is an international branch of Lilliend Rose. I found out because Mr. Myers showed up for my Vice President meeting. He is the President of Roseednay Fruits.”

  “Wow. You are so full of surprises.” Lexi laughed.

  “Yeah, I know. Don’t say anything to him yet though. I have
a meeting with the staff scheduled for Friday morning.”

  Piper laughed. “Are you going to college or running a company?”

  “Going to college. I am not taking over as CEO or owner of either corporation until I finish my business degree.”

  The evening was completed with the girls going shopping for a few outfits for Aimee, until she moved her stuff out of storage and washed them. Then, they went back to the hotel. Jaxson called Lexi and they went out on a date. Aimee retired to bed early.

  The next morning, Aimee and Lexi woke early. They had to get ready to move into their marvelous flat at Oceania Villa. They drove to the Anderson’s house for breakfast, then Mark and James helped load Aimee’s stuff in her car and James’s truck.

  They went to the main office to obtain their keys and pay the first months rent. Then, they drove to the portion of the villa that obtained their flat. It didn’t take long for everyone to join together and carry the girls stuff in.

  Tessa, Piper’s mom, and Lexi’s mom all came to help the girls get things unpacked. James stayed around to help carry or move any large objects for the girls. One positive that Aimee missed during the original tour of the flat, was they had their own washer/dryer hook-up in addition to a laundry center in the recreational area.

  They started by unpacking the kitchen utensils. They were going to have to go make some purchases. They quickly realized that most of their kitchen things belonged to Sophia. Then, they decorated the living area and the half bath that was downstairs. They decided to order some food. The only thing left was for the girls to decorate their individual rooms and the upstairs bath.

  James went to get take-out, while the girls started on their rooms. Aimee opted to buy new bedding when they went shopping; and, let Tessa take her old bedding to be cleaned and donated to a family in their church with a teen daughter whose house had burned down recently.

  Aimee took the sweeper and swept her room, while Tessa cleaned the windows. Then, together they hung the curtains and blinds Aimee bought. Next, Tessa fixed her bed while Aimee started unpacking her stuff. By the time James returned, Aimee had all of her work done, with the exception washing her clothing.

  Once all the moms left, Aimee went to the laundry center in the rec area. She wanted to get all of her laundry done at one time. So, she took everything that did not need to be dried clean to the mat. She loaded the washers and then took a walk through the rec center. She stumbled onto a gym. She went inside to check it out. It was so state of the art. She decided to work out. She did twenty minutes on the treadmill then went to change her clothes to the dryer. Then, she went back to the gym and worked out on the other machines until the dryers kicked off.

  The next day, she had to go get an outfit for her meeting on Friday with Mr. Myers and the staff at Roseednay Fruits. All her business outfits need to be dry cleaned. She called LJ the night before, to let him know she was officially in Neahovia; and, he asked to join in her on her shopping spree.

  He took her to eat at a quiet little restaurant, just before you reach Huffington Square Shopping Center. Aimee enjoyed a delicious raspberry mango smoothie with a salad. LJ talked to her about his summer break and his internship with his dad. Then, he told her about his vacation in Australia. Aimee listened as if she was interested in every word he said, but in truth, the only thing she could think of was the Bible verses Claire shared with her on the plane.

  Aimee tried to focus on him, but she just could not. Finally, she realized he was asking her about her vacation. “I didn’t really go on vacation this year. My dad and his family are going next week. I chose to come here early instead.”

  “Was your dad mad?”

  “At first, but he understands why I can’t go now.”

  “Well, did you at least have fun working at your Gran’s company?”

  “Yeah, I did actually.”

  “So, who runs the business since your Gran has passed away?”

  “She had in her Will that the guy that was her President of the company take over as CEO.”

  “So, she left the company outside of the family?”

  “No, she just took care of her employees. The company is still belongs to my family.”

  “Oh. So, does that mean you get it all?”

  Aimee hated lying, it goes against everything she believes, but she was very weary of LJ’s questions. She felt like he had a hidden agenda. “Honestly, right now, I just want to focus on school. I will worry about that stuff when it comes time.”

  “You are not worried of a takeover?”

  “What? No way. My Gran hired the most trustworthy people. She respected them and they still respect her and me. I don’t want to talk about this. I am ready to shop.”

  Aimee went straight to her favorite store in the shopping center. She could buy a complete outfit from head to toe in the store. She looked through the racks; while LJ played with his cell. It only took her twenty minutes to find the perfect outfit for the meeting the next day. She decided totally against telling LJ about the meeting.

  She thought it would be smart to go shopping at a few other shops to keep him from asking why she only bought the one dress. She bought two new dresses at another store that was having a buy one get one ½ off sale. Then, she went to the home furnishing store to buy a few things for the kitchen and restrooms.

  LJ offered to carry her garment bags and the heavier bags for her. He hung her garment bags on one side of the backseat and his on the other. Loaded everything else in his trunk.

  “Where to now?” He opened her door.

  “To my flat. I am still feeling a little jet lag. Probably because I haven’t stopped since I arrived here.”

  “You need to take care of yourself.”

  “Thanks.” Her cell rang and it was her dad. She had to take it because he was leaving for his cruise in a few days. He has been calling her every day since she they had their talk. She loved this because, for the first time in a long time, she felt like he was acting like her dad.

  Today, he called her to see if she could turn her computer on a certain website for an American News Channel that aired live news feeds. He was making at speech in two hours and he would call her after the speech is over to see what she thought.

  LJ waited for Aimee to hang up with her dad before he spoke. “You look sad.”

  “No, just tired.”

  “So, things are good with your dad?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “So, do you want to talk about what happened this summer?”

  “Not really. It’s in the past and we are trying to repair our relationship.”

  “Kinda like we are?”


  “So, let’s talk about that. We have a huge date next week. I am so excited.”

  “Me too, I read about the show on the internet and it looks so good.”

  “Yeah. The reviews are awesome. Anyway, I want to make a date on Sunday.”

  “Sunday I go to church, it will have to be after one.”

  “That’s fine. My parents are coming to Ancaster and my mom is dying to meet you.”

  “Your mom wants to meet me?”

  “Yeah. They are joining us for the theater, too but she wants to meet you first.”

  “Ok. That sounds great. How does your dad feel about dinner with me?”

  “Excited. He can’t wait to talk to you.”

  “Really?” Aimee looked at him concerned.

  “Don’t worry, both my mother and I have told him he has to be on his best behavior.”

  “Ok. Where are we eating?”

  LJ grinned from ear to ear. “LJE, but I promise you, no pickle beets and goat cheese.”

  “I am going to hold you to that and I promise to do my best not to spit my food into my napkin or my glass of water.”


  “Do I need to wear dressy, formal, or casual?”

  “Dressy casual.”’


  The subject change
d to school and then, he started asking about her vacation again. She changed the subject to music. She turned on her playlist and introduced him to Contemporary Christian music.

  LJ had to stop to get gas, so Aimee called Lexi and Piper explaining that she needed for them to help her get LJ to leave when they got home. She told them she would explain when she got there. When LJ returned, he smiled at Aimee.

  LJ carried the heavy bags to the flat, while Aimee followed with her garment bags and a few light bags. When they entered the flat, Piper was in the living area. Placing some group photos over the fireplace.


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