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BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Nicole Rickman

  Classes went fairly well today. It wasn’t as hard walking on the crutches as Aimee thought it maybe. For lunch, they ate at a bistro cafe close to Chapman Hall. At the end of the last class, Aiden drove Aimee to Frank’s, for the meeting with Mark, Tessa, and Mr. Edward. LJ was not permitted to attend, that was Aimee’s sole request.

  They sat at a table close to the entrance, so Aimee wouldn’t have to walk as far. Mr. Edward was the last to arrive with his lawyer. A surprise to all the others. Aimee looked up at him. “I didn’t realize we were bringing our lawyers or I would have called mine.”

  “Miss Pittman, I seriously doubt you have a lawyer in Neahovia.”

  “Don’t under estimate me, Mr. Edward. I do have a lawyer in Neahovia and he will be looking over whatever contract your lawyer makes.”

  “Very well. What is his name and we will fax them to him?”

  “He will contact your lawyer. That way, I can be positive he gets what we need.”

  Aiden looked at Aimee. Just when he thinks she cannot impress him anymore, she proves him wrong.

  “Are we ready to get started?” The lawyer for Mr. Edward spoke.

  “One second, I need to go to the ladies’ room. Tessa, can you please help me, my leg is hurting pretty bad right now?”

  Aimee placed her hand on Tessa’s shoulder until they walked out of the site of the men. “Thanks for helping me, Tessa.”

  “You’re welcome. However, I have a feeling you really didn’t need to use the ladies’ room.”

  “No, I need to call Mr. Myers and get a company lawyer’s name.”

  “I thought you may be bluffing a tad.”

  “Roseednay has lawyers on staff. As the CEO, they are my personal lawyers as well.”

  “Aimee, you impress me so much. Your mother and Gran would be so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, I am calling him now.”

  Mr. Myers said they had a lawyer, Lucas Small, which lived close to Frank’s. He would call and have him go to Frank’s. They set up a plan that Lucas would come in, like he was going to eat, then he sees Aimee. Mr. Myers sent a picture of Lucas to Aimee’s cell and would send a picture of Aimee to Lucas.

  Lucas was more than happy to meet Aimee. He walked in the dinner and spotted her right away. He walked over to the table and greeted her, just as they planned. “Miss Pittman, what a surprise.”

  “Mr. Small, how are you doing?” Everyone at the table was confused, except for Aimee and Tessa. “Mr. Small, I am glad you are here. I am in need of one of my lawyers at this instant. Would you please join us for dinner?”

  “It would be my pleasure. How can I be of service to you?”

  Aimee looked at Aiden, who by know, had had figured out why Aimee went to the ladies’ room. He took her hand. “It’s ok, we are here for you.”

  Aimee told Mr. Small about how LJ had attacked and tempted to rape her. Then, she explained how she didn’t want to press charges, because of the risk to everyone involved. If this story was made public, and the fact that she didn’t want to rehash the events in court, she would feel violated again.

  Just before they formally started the meeting, Aimee contacted her dad for video chat and introduced everyone to him. Mr. Fields, the lawyer for Mr. Edward, began the conversation. “Ok, the one thing everyone at the table agrees on, is this needs to stay out of the news, especially tabloids.”

  “That is correct, Mr. Fields. I am sure you want to protect your client’s interest as much as I want to protect Miss Pittman.”

  “I agree. So, here is a simple contract I have drawn up. I believe it will satisfy Miss Pittman as much as it has satisfied the Edward family.”

  He handed the contract to Mr. Smith. Aimee ask him to please read the contract aloud, so her father would know what it entails as well. The contract was simple with no small print or loophole issues that could be missed. Aimee agreed with LJ keeping a distance from her whenever possible; if they see one another in public, they would be civil, but neither would approach the other for conversation or any other matter.

  “I have one request I want to make. Mr. Edward please know, I mean no disrespect in my request, but I would like to see LJ get help with his drinking and anger issues.” Aimee smiled at the gentlemen.

  “Miss Pittman, with all due respect, my son is not your concern.”

  “Mr. Edward, I realize that we are not meeting on the best of terms today. As a Christian, I do care for LJ and what happens to him. That is part of the reason I am here today, instead of pressing charges. He stands to lose a lot more than I do.”

  “I don’t care for your Christianity views.”

  “I still have a window of opportunity to press charges, sir. I was lucky my friends were there for me when he yanked me backwards in the parking lot and the fact they busted through the door when they did, as well as for the gentlemen who sacked your son at the restaurant, causing him to release me.”

  “Where are you going with this, Miss Pittman? It is awful close to sounding like blackmail.”

  “I am not blackmailing anyone. If I sign this contract, like it is, and LJ doesn’t get the help he needs, then, Mr. Edward, your family may not be so lucky the next time LJ treats a lady this way.”

  Mr. Edward put his hands together, like he was thinking. “Mr. Edward, every time LJ attacked me, I could smell alcohol on his breath? His eyes were glazed. I never noticed him acting this way, until he moved into Chester Hall.”

  “Aimee, I don’t like what you are saying about my son.”

  “I don’t like saying it either, but it is the truth. Mr. Edward, after I agreed to be his girlfriend, he moved into his place with his friends. That is when I noticed a change in his behavior. When we went mini golfing, he was mean and cruel to me and the staff. It was the beginning of the nightmare for us.”

  Mr. Fields looked at Aimee. “Miss Pittman, we can’t force him to get help, he is an adult.”

  “I realize that, but if we went to court, he would be mandated by the courts to take anger management classes.”

  “Ok, let me talk this over with Mr. Edward and his son. Mr. Small, I will fax a revised contract to your office.” Mr. Small handed them his card and the gentlemen left the restaurant.

  Mr. Small explained to Aimee her rights as the victim. He told Aimee, it was a long shot getting LJ to agree to treatment, but it was definitely worth a try. Her father commented on how proud he was of Aimee. She was such a strong woman, just like her mother.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Lady Y sat at the table behind Aimee and her friends. Watching Aimee these past few days has been so hard. She wanted to run to her and tell her everything was ok. Mr. Edward looks as slimy as ever. He has always been a rude cruel atheist. She could smack herself for not remembering him and his family right from the beginning. The two families have never seen eye to eye.

  He tried to take Orchid Orchard years ago and demolish it to put in one of his fancy hotels. Thank God he was unable to do that. That was why it was so important for Lilliend Rose to purchase the orchard and farm, to keep them in the family.

  Aimee was a strong woman, just like her mom and grandmother. To be a part of this family, you have to be strong. She listened as Aimee was working out a deal with Edward. Smart move on her part, to keep this out of public. The last thing Aimee needs right now is her picture in the papers. Mr. U would definitely figure her out. She looks too much like her mother.

  Aimee was smooth, sliding in the requirement that LJ get help. Not that he or his family would admit he has a problem. At the least, they will agree, but Aimee didn’t ask for proof of said treatment. Lady Y was having him tailed. Aimee may not press charges, but if her hunch is right, he is doing more than drinking alcohol. Once she proved her theory, she would give the evidence to her friend in the police department. He will never hurt Aimee again. Lady Y would make sure of it. Watching one lady in this family be abused by a man was enough.

  Lady Y watched Aiden with Aimee. She could see the love in his eyes.
She also noticed the rage that was in his eyes, whenever they spoke of LJ. It reminded her of Ryder, when someone threatened Aimee’s mother. Had his friends not pulled him off LJ that night, he would have probably done some major damage. She also admired how he stood right beside Aimee in the hospital. He loved Aimee, that much was true, and Aimee loved him as well; she has that look in her eye all the ladies from her family gets when they are in love.

  Those two kids are so right about now not being the time to date. It is more than the issues of the flat or the countries they are from. If Aimee dating him became public knowledge, she would be in the papers for a different reason. Aimee has to stay out of the papers for now.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Aimee was quiet on the ride home. Aiden could see in her eyes, she was still afraid of LJ. No matter what she tells everybody, those beautiful hazel eyes tell a different story. He hated to see her like this. He wanted to drive to the airport right now, take her to Kaiser Island, and never leave. That was impossible though.

  Lexi text Aimee, to let her know that she and the others went out for pizza and a movie. They wanted Aimee and Aiden to join them at the movies, but the last place Aimee wanted to go was to a dark theater. She told Aiden to go, but he refused to leave her home alone.

  They cancelled the study group for the night because there was not a lot of material to go over. Aimee studied the only assignment they did have and had it memorized in no time. So she decided to read her mom’s diary. She promised not to read it alone and Aiden currently had them.

  He was sitting in the living area when she came down from her room. She was use to walking down the steps with her crutches. “Hey, I was just going to text you. Are you done with our assignments?”

  “Yeah, they were pretty simple.”

  “I want to read some of mom’s diary. Can you get it for me?”

  He smiled and rose from the sofa. “Whatever my lady’s heart desires.”

  “Not whatever, just the diary.” She smiled, because right now, what she really wanted, was for him to hold her and tell her everything is alright.

  Aiden returned in no time with the diary they were currently on and the next volume. “We are near the end of this one.”

  “I want to read.”

  “As long as it is out loud, I am fine with that.”

  Aimee turned to the page they left off on last week. They were up to the end of July, 1989. So far, her Gran came home and they buried HAL’s son. No one has seen MAL for a year and things were starting to calm down enough that her mom could enjoy life with RGA. Whom Aimee now knows, his first name was Ryder.

  July 31, 1989

  RGA and I went for dinner tonight; it was the first time we left mom alone at OBO. I worried about my mom all through dinner; what if MAL is watching us or having someone else watching us? When we returned home, we found mom safe and sound talking with M&M. She and RGA seemed to not be able to get the two gentlemen out of the room fast enough. Apparently, tonight’s dinner date was to keep me out of the loop.

  Aimee looked at Aiden. “M&M, any thoughts on who those two men could be?”

  Aiden grinned. “Myers and Montgomery.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  I watched as they escorted the men out. I waited for them to return to the living room. I sat on the sofa, my arms folded. “I don’t like being treated like a child. Especially when one of the people treating me as such is my husband.” He tried smoothing it over with his smile and sweet talking, but I was mad. I wanted to know what they were up to. I understood why the Neahovian M was here. He had worked for my father for a few years. It was the American M I didn’t understand. Was mom selling the company my father and his family worked so hard to establish?

  She denied that. She said she and RGA are merely protecting the family from the Radicals. She stated that she had my best interest at heart, and for now, it is better if I just trust that she knows what she is doing.

  I went upstairs, angry with mom and RGA. I had half a mind to lock him out, but that would be a childish thing to do and I was trying to prove to them that I was not a child. How embarrassing to have to prove that you are not a child to your husband. I could think of a thing or two to show him, which would prove to him that I am not a child, but this diary isn’t the place for those thoughts.

  Aimee stopped reading because of Aiden’s laughing. “Stop laughing.”

  “I am sorry, but that entire last paragraph is so much like you. And just for an FYI, when I marry you, I may get you that angry just to see if you have a thing or two to show me.”

  Aimee threw a pillow at him. “We can’t even date and you’re talking marriage?”

  Aiden turned serious. “Aimee, you remember the first diary entry we read and your mom talked about how she had wanted to date RGA for some time, but the time wasn’t right? With them, it was an age difference. With us, it is sharing a flat. I know you see the fact that we live in different countries a problem, but I don’t because God will lead us to live in the country He desires, not us.”

  Aimee was speechless. “Aiden, I keep thinking about the obstacles my mom had to come over to follow her heart. She could have very easily told MAL she would marry whoever he chose for her. But, if she did that instead of listening to what God put in her heart, a lot of lives would be different. I may not even be here. What I am saying is, when God tells me it is time, I am not going try to control or question my heart.”

  Aiden grinned. “That is a big breakthrough for you. Not controlling how our relationship goes, but handing it to God.”

  “It is. I think last year was a year of finding things out about me and this year is about the breakthroughs I make because of the things I am finding.”

  He took the diary. “Let’s find out what your mom puts in here.”

  August 1, 1989

  RGA and I had our first fight as a married couple last night. He never raises his voice to me, but last night he did. He was furious about how I reacted about the gentlemen that were here. He was furious I didn’t trust him or my mother. He wanted to argue they were taking care of me. I retaliated by saying that no one needs to protect me. My mom and I did just fine on our own. He took the remark to the heart. He slept in the guest room. I hope we can resolve this today because, the truth is, I have come quite accustomed to sharing my bed with him.

  August 1, 1989

  Today has been a roller coaster for me, my emotions are everywhere. RGA and I made up. Mom explained that they were simply securing our finances. She was trying to make sure that no one can touch our money or business. It seems that a Mr. E has inquired about buying our orchard. He mentioned something about how two women should never be in control of a company like this.

  The man and his son want to demolish the orchard and put in a resort. RGA did some research and the men give funds to the Radicals. It was their way of silently supporting the Radical Movement.

  Aiden looked at Aimee, her face was white as snow. “I don’t think that it is a coincidence that we are battling with Mr. Edward and his family and then we read about a Mr. E in my mom’s journal.”

  “It is another God thing. I think God is letting us know what we are exactly dealing with.”

  Aimee looked at her watch, it was only eight thirty, so she called Mr. Small and told him about the diary. He didn’t find it a coincidence either. He told Aimee he and some of the other partners would look over that contract with a fine tooth comb. Aimee suggested that we draw up our own contract and have them sign it. There is no reason they have to make the contract. Mr. Small laughed at her and asked if she was sure she was only nineteen.

  Then, she made a call to her dad, while Aiden called his. He wanted to make sure his dad was aware that the Edward family may have funded the radicals. If that is true, the country may be in more danger.

  Clint told Aimee to be careful when it came to that family. He liked the idea of having Mr. Small draw up the contract and that Aimee keep the upper hand. They don’t know wh
at she found out today and he told her to make sure she keeps it that way.

  Aiden came in the room when he hung up the phone. “My father says that a lot of men with power and money funded the Radicals under the table. They have a few suspects as to who, but never any concrete proof.”

  “My dad told me not to let them know that we know.”

  “I agree, I think everyone who needs to know knows.”

  “Aiden, do you think it is possible that Mr. Edward knows who I am and that is why LJ kept asking about the business issues?”

  “I think they know you inherited Roseednay and I think that was why LJ took an interest in you. I think Mr. Edward has never given up his dream of turning Orchid Orchard into a resort. I also think that Mr. Edward found this out after he first met you at the freshman dinner last year.”


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