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Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Geri Glenn

  Chapter Twelve


  Before taking me to work, Ryker takes me to my apartment to get my scrubs and anything else I may need in the days to follow. I don’t need much, but I make sure to grab a few books and my iPod. Pulling up to the nursing home on the back of Ryker’s motorcycle, I don’t miss the stares coming from my fellow co-workers as they arrive to start their shifts.

  Climbing off the bike, I turn to say goodbye to Ryker. I’m a little unsure of what to say. Do I kiss him? Do we do that now? Before I can make up my mind, he reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out a sleek iPhone.

  “I noticed you don’t have a phone. Every woman needs one.” His voice is deep and rich, reawakening the butterflies in my belly. I would listen to him recite the phonebook if I could. He holds it out to me and as I take it, I notice he isn’t making eye contact, his face cold and blank.

  I want to protest but the look on his face stops me in my tracks.

  Right away, I notice that it still has the plastic sheet over the screen. It’s brand new. “Thank you. I’ve never had a cell phone before. It just wasn’t something I could ever afford.”

  “Well you have one now.” His voice is gruff and terse, causing confusion to flood my mine. “I already programmed in my number. Use it. I want you to text me when you leave here, and again when you get home.” A shiver runs up my spine when he uses the word “home”. “Tease will be right out here all night, and Jase is coming to get you at eleven.”

  I nod, frowning a little in confusion. “Jase? But where will you be?”

  He smirks. “Charlie. I’m a busy man, not your personal chauffeur.”

  I nod again, embarrassed. “Ok. See you tonight.”

  “Don’t wait up. I have some shit I gotta do, and don’t know when I’ll be home. Text me when you get there though.”

  Just then, Dr. Anders comes walking up the sidewalk. Dr. Anders had been working at the nursing home just a little longer than I had. We’d bonded a bit over being the new kids on the block – I always enjoyed working with him. He’s about thirty years old and extremely handsome. I’d known right away that he was interested in me, but I tried not to encourage it. Yes, he’s attractive and I consider him a good friend, but I don’t think it’s wise to date someone in the workplace.

  I smile at him as he approaches and his lips tilt up when we make eye contact. The smile falls from his face before it’s even fully formed. Coming to a stop in front of me, he reaches out to gently grasp my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Charlotte! What happened?” He turns my face from side to side, assessing the damage.

  I feel bad lying to him, but I need to stick to my story that I’d given to save my job. “Just a little car accident. I’m fine, really. It looks much worse than it is.”

  He continues to hold my chin, concern blanketing his features. Suddenly, I feel Ryker beside me. He’d gotten off his bike, moved to me and was glaring daggers at my friend. Clearing his throat, he places his hand on my arm.

  Dr. Anders looks up then, noticing Ryker for possibly the first time. I don’t know why it feels so awkward, but it does. Not knowing what else to do, I clear my throat. “Ryker, this is Dr. Jeremy Anders. Jeremy, this is my –.” My what? “My friend, Ryker.” The two men each give a slight nod and continue to glare at each other. I paste on a smile and turn to Ryker. “I better be getting in now.”

  His eyes flick from Jeremy to me, a small frown creasing his forehead. Finally he nods, leaning in to whisper in my ear, “Don’t forget to text me.”

  Smiling, I nod, heart fluttering from his proximity.

  Always the gentleman, Jeremy offers me his arm. I politely take it, following his lead up the walkway. When we get to the door, Jeremy opens it for me, placing his hand on my lower back to guide me in ahead of him. I glance back at Ryker, seeing him still standing beside his bike, glaring at us.

  It excites me a little that he seems jealous. He has nothing to worry about from Jeremy, but it warms me from the inside out that he appears to be possessive of me. My feelings for Ryker are growing fast and that scares me. He seems almost too good to be true. I just know that the other shoe could drop at any time, and I need to be prepared. My heart may not survive him.



  I drive away from the nursing home pissed right the fuck off. Who the fuck was that ass clown? Charlie and him had seemed awfully friendly. My jealousy unnerves me. I feel possessive of Charlie and that shit just can’t happen. Losing my mom was something I was still dealing with over twenty years later – losing Charlie the same way would ruin me.

  She deserves a good life. White picket fence, two and a half children and a husband without a criminal record. I’m not that guy for her – I can never be that guy. I don’t know how many times I have to remind myself that this is for the best, but I would do it a million times if it meant I got her out of my fucking head.

  Regardless, when he grasped her chin and moved into her space, I was off my bike and beside her before I even knew what I was doing. That fucker had eyeballed me too. She’d introduced us and he’d just stood there and eyeballed me. It took everything I had not to rip the son of a bitch a new asshole. Then he’d offered her his arm like he was some kind of fucking prince. Fuck.

  I need to get a handle on myself. Charlie’s a grown ass woman, and she certainly doesn’t belong to me. If she wants to be with some stick up his ass doctor, there’s nothing I can do about it. I should never have taken things so far. I can’t quite bring myself to regret it though. It had been the most amazing sex I’d ever had.

  It doesn’t help matters that she’s cute as hell and makes me laugh. Charlie is smart, beautiful and sexy. She won’t be on the market for long. I know that she’s going to go her own way one day soon. To get some distance from her, I need to break off whatever it is we have and make it known that we can never be anything but friends. Friends? Like that’s going to happen. As much as it kills me to think about, as soon as I can find Krueger and ensure her safety, Charlie has to go.

  I have to physically stay away from her. No way in hell can I go home tonight. Seeing her, asleep in my bed, hair spread out on my pillow will break down my resolve. Tease is going to be pissed, but it looks like he’s spending an all-nighter on my front porch.

  Chapter Thirteen


  At eleven o’clock, my shift ends and I walk out of the building to see Jase leaning up against his bike, looking like every woman’s dream man. He’s breathtaking. His blond hair is a little scruffy and his muscles are bunched up where his arms cross his chest.

  Jeremy walks out behind me. “Friend of yours?” He nods to Jase and looks at me, confused. I know why. I’m a good girl. It’s completely outside my normal routine to hang out with bikers.

  Smiling, I try to act like this is normal and say, “Yeah. He’s my ride.”

  Jeremy grasps my elbow gently, turning me to face him. “Charlie, if you ever need a ride, you know I’ll give you one, right?”

  I smile up at him and nod. “Sure. Thanks Jer. I’ll keep that in mind.” I turn towards Jase, but don’t miss the frown on Jeremy’s face.

  Jase stands as I approach, and I can’t help but grin. He’s the only King besides Ryker that does not scare the shit out of me. He always has a sexy smile on his face that makes my panties melt just a little bit. “Hi Jase.”

  “Charles,” he drawls.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Charles?” That’s a new one for me, but he says it with such affection, I instantly decide I kind of like it.

  He nods, his grin getting wider, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Yup.”

  “Charles it is then,” I say on a laugh. Jase climbs onto his bike. I approach and take the helmet he’s holding out to me. “So, where to, handsome?”

  “Handsome?” Laughter laces his voice, but he maintains a straight face. Grinning at him, I nod. “I like it. You will call me this from now on.” He winks at me before
continuing. “You’re going to Ryker’s house. Tease is going to meet us there and stay with you ‘til Ryk gets home.”

  I nod but I’m a little confused. “Why isn’t Tease just taking me home then? He’s been here my entire shift.”

  “Awe, Charles. I’m hurt. You’d rather ride with Tease? You crushin’ on my boy?”

  I pause in my struggle with the helmet strap, my eyes widening even though I know he’s joking. “Um, no. Honestly? Tease scares the shit out of me.” I giggle, sounding nervous to my own ears. Truthfully though, Tease and I have developed a kind of comfortable silence. He’s still scary as hell, but there have been a few times now, where I’ve caught him almost smiling when I handed him a cup of coffee, or brought him out something to eat. He spent a lot of time just sitting around waiting for me. It’s the least I can do.

  Jase chuckles. “Yeah, Tease ain’t real friendly. You’re ridin’ with me ‘cause I’m way more bad ass than him. Nobody would dare fuck with you while you’re with me. And I provide the eye candy you need at the end of a long night.”

  “Ah. I see,” I deadpan. “I’m not sure about the badass thing though. His muscles are much bigger than yours.” I struggle to keep a straight face.

  “The fuck you say?” He reaches out to tighten the strap on my helmet. “Women have killed each other to touch these guns. Tease is a fuckin’ pussy.”

  I laugh, grabbing his wide shoulders to steady myself as I climb onto his bike. “Whatever you say, handsome.”

  Jase grunts then tears off out of the parking lot. We arrive at Ryker’s house before I know it, finding Tease already sitting on the front step. Jase looks back and forth between the two of us, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. Rolling my eyes, I chuckle softly.

  “Thanks for the ride, Jase.”

  “Anytime, Charles.” He gives me a wink. “Sleep well, lady.” With that, he drives off.

  I climb the stairs, smiling politely at Tease as I pass. In return, he gives me a chin lift then looks away.

  After making myself a sandwich and washing it down with a glass of milk, I remember to text Ryker.

  Me: I’m home.

  A few minutes later, with still no reply, I ready myself for bed. Just as I climb between the sheets, my phone chimes with an incoming text.

  Ryker: K

  Hmmmm. Not very chatty. I send him another.

  Me: This phone is great. I love it.

  I fall asleep waiting for his reply.



  I read Charlie’s text for what has to be the fifteenth time, trying to remind myself why I can’t answer her. I can’t stop thinking about her. Reaper was right though; being with her would make me vulnerable, and that’s not a risk myself, or my brothers, can afford to take, not to mention, it will put her in danger. As a member of the Kings, I have a lot of enemies. Charlie would provide the perfect target to ruin me. It makes matters worse when I remember back to this morning, when I was balls deep inside that tight as fuck pussy of hers. Ignoring her now is a total dick move, but it’s the only thing I can do.

  Stuffing the phone into my pocket, I turn and take another swig of beer. Lucy appears out of nowhere, standing beside me. “Hi, Ryker.”

  I swallow down my beer, and my annoyance. It’s not Lucy’s fault I’m in a shit mood. I look around me and take in the clubhouse. I’m sitting at the polished, but beaten wood bar, on a red, fake leather bar stool. The room holds several similarly beaten wood tables with mismatched chairs, along with a few tattered leather couches. There are three pool tables, and a few dart boards along the far side of the room, where several of my brothers are drinking, laughing and having a good time. There are other whores scattered throughout the room, hanging onto some of the guys, looking to get laid. Lucy is just playing her part, but tonight, I’m not in the mood.

  “Not tonight, Luce.”

  This isn’t the first time I’ve blown her off, but she never seems to get the message. She smiles, her thick makeup cracking a little around the corners of her eyes. Moving forward, she presses her tits into my arm. “Oh, poor Ryker. You need a little cheering up, baby?” She moves to caress my hair, but I stop her before she touches me, grasping her wrist tightly.

  “Bitch, go! I said not tonight!” She narrows her eyes, looking pissed, but she doesn’t argue. Pulling away, she yanks her wrist out of my grip with a glare.

  “Whatever.” She turns and stalks away, stopping at Reaper and dragging her finger down his chest. Skank.

  Just then, Jase comes through the door, a wicked grin on his face. He smirks when he sees me, coming to sit on the stool next to mine. He orders a beer from the prospect working the bar before he turns to me.

  “Charlie’s at your place.” I nod and take another swig of my beer. “She’s a nice girl.” I nod again, but don’t look at him. “Ya know, anytime you want me to drive her anywhere, just let me know.” My eyes shoot to his, only to see him grinning from ear to ear. “What?” He chuckles. “I never turn down the opportunity to have a gorgeous woman press her tits into my back.”

  My eyes narrow and I turn to him, staying silent. Hearing him talk about Charlie’s tits is testing what little patience I have. He’s not done. “When you’re done with her, mind if I give her a go?”

  “You’ll stay the fuck away from her.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, my voice shaking with anger. I know he’s teasing me, but the thought of Jase fucking Charlie makes me want to beat the fuck out of him.

  Jase laughs. “Fuckin’ Ryker, never did want to share your toys. Charles is cool shit. If you don’t want her, leave her to me. I’d love a shot at a bitch like her.”

  I leap off of my stool and get in his face, wrapping my hand around his throat and squeezing tightly. “Leave her. The. Fuck. Alone. Charlie is not for you.” It takes everything I have not to punch the smirking bastard in the face.

  Jase’s face loses his smirk when I grab his throat, but he doesn’t move. He glares right back at me, eyes full of challenge. “You wanna back the fuck off me, brother?”

  “Just stay away from Charlie.” I give his throat one last squeeze before releasing him and taking a step back.

  “You need to calm your fucking tits, man. I was just bustin’ your balls. What the fuck’s your problem anyway?” If Jase wasn’t my best friend, I wouldn’t see the hurt in his eyes, but I am, so I know that my anger wounded him. Jase grew up in the MC right along with me, and we’d been through a lot together. We’d never had an argument before this shit started. I’d feel kind of bad for fighting with him, but that fucker was talking about taking a shot at Charlie, and that wasn’t fucking cool.

  I sigh and sit back down on my bar stool, taking a long pull from my beer. “Look, just stay away from her. Once this shit with the Devils is finished, she’ll go back to her life, and we need to let her do that without adding our own shit to the pile.”

  Jase shakes his head. “I don’t get it. You fuckin’ like her. I mean, you must. You just tried to choke me out because I talked about her tits. Why don’t you just take a shot at her yourself?”

  I look at him and smirk. “Since when are you Dr. fucking Phil? My reasons are my own and none of your concern. End of story. Now, you need a pap smear, or do you want another fucking beer?”

  Jase grins and grabs one from the prospect. “All I’m sayin’ is that Charlie’s cool shit. She’d be good for you.” I narrow my eyes at him and he holds his hands up in surrender. “That’s all. Now drink your fuckin’ beer and let’s go play a round of pool.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’d woken up this morning to an empty bed. Ryker hadn’t come home last night, and he still hadn’t texted me back at all. My stomach’s in knots, worrying about what’s going on. We’d connected yesterday, in an amazing and intimate way that shook me to my very core, but now I get the feeling that he’s pulling away and I don’t know why.

  I like Ryker. A lot. I don’t know what a rela
tionship with a biker looks like, but I like him enough to want to find out. He’s gorgeous, kind, very bossy (in an annoying, yet sexy way) and most of all, I feel comfortable and safe with him. I’ve never felt that way with anybody else before. He may be a biker, but maybe all bikers aren’t all bad.

  I spend the day puttering around the house and reading one of the books I’d brought with me, but Ryker never does come home. I have to admit, that hurts. I just don’t understand what’s happening. For him to ignore me now, after everything we’d been through, makes me believe that I was just another conquest for him. Used.

  At noon, I make myself a sandwich and throw some chips on the plate. Glancing outside, I see Tease sitting on the front step, in his usual spot. I make a plate for him as well, grabbing two cans of Pepsi from the fridge.

  When I come out the front door, Tease turns his head to look at me. I give him a small smile and hold up the plates I hold in each hand. “Thought you might be hungry.”

  He turns back around and grunts out, “Not hungry.”

  I push onward. There’s no way the man’s not hungry. He’s been sitting out here for hours. The least I could do is feed him lunch. Moving forward, I tentatively settle beside him and offer him a plate.

  “Well, might as well eat it so it doesn’t go to waste.” I don’t look at him, but I do an inner victory dance when he takes it from my hand.

  “Thanks.” He sounds annoyed, but I don’t care. I just don’t want to be alone.

  Nodding, I stay silent. Tease is a man of few words and I don’t want to piss him off – I know it wouldn’t be hard to do. Instead, I just pass him a Pepsi and bite into my sandwich.

  We sit silently, side by side, eating our lunches. I don’t know what he’s thinking about, but I’m just trying to choke down my lunch and stop fretting over what’s going on with Ryker. Tease finishes before me, sitting quietly while I finish mine.


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