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Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1)

Page 12

by Geri Glenn

  “And what shit would that be, Ryker?” She says my name, sarcasm dripping from her voice. I squeeze my eyes closed, taking a deep breath. It wasn’t even three days ago, she was saying my name in ecstasy; now she says it like a curse.

  “Just … I don’t know.” I spear my fingers through my hair. I’m such a dick. “I don’t want you to hate me.” She snorts again, but holds my gaze. “It would kill me if you hated me.” I sigh. “Baby girl, I – “

  “Don’t you call me that! Don’t you ever call me that,” she grinds out in anger. I can only nod. Fair enough. I did this.

  “Charlie, I want you to be safe.” I clench my fist and place it over my heart. “I need to make sure of it. In the meantime, I would like it if we could be … I don’t know … friends?”

  Sitting up straighter, she cries, “You want to be friends?”

  “I think we could be friends if we tried.” I sound like a fucking pussy right now.

  Another snort from her. “Sure, Ryker. Let’s be pals. What do you want to do now, buddy?”

  I ignore her sarcasm. “I don’t know. I guess we could just talk. Maybe tell each other about our day or somethin’?” I’m nervous. I’ve never been so nervous, but I need Charlie to stop hating me.

  She sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Ryker, you don’t want to hear about my day. It was a shit day anyways, and I’m so fucking glad it’s over.”

  I agree with her. It was a shit day for me too. “Mine too.” She snorts again. This isn’t going well. I need to change the subject; get her talking. “I heard from a buddy in Montreal today.”

  Her eyes shoot to mine and she watches me silently, waiting to hear more. “He said your sister is a real piece of work.” I give her a half-hearted smile; she doesn’t return it. “They set her up workin’ as an office manager for their garage. Said she had a lot to learn, but the customers like her better than the old lady they had workin’ there before.”

  She smiles then; soft and wistful. “I needed to hear that. Believe it or not, Anna is a good person, and she deserves to be happy.” She picks at some invisible lint on the blanket. “She got herself a little lost along the way, but I know that given the chance, she can turn things around.”

  I’ve been wondering about their story since the minute I met Anna. She’s so different from Charlie, it’s hard to believe they share the same parents. “What’s her story anyways? I mean, you turned out great but she …” I search for the right words, not wanting to offend her now that she’s finally talking to me. “She’s kind of a mess.”

  Charlie pulls a deep breath in through her nose. “It’s a long story.”

  “I’ve got all kinds of time, bab –“ She looks at me then, anger reappearing on her features, but I press on. “I’ve got time.”

  Her eyes narrow, the anger still on her face. “Maybe I don’t want to share it with you.”

  Ouch. “Even if I say please?”

  She sighs and flops back against the pillows. “Why do you even care? I thought I was a mistake? Just some bitch you fucked.”

  My jaw clenches. Does she really believe that shit? I lean forward, grasping her wrist and growl, “Don’t say that.”

  “Why not? You did.” She leans into me, eyebrows raised. “What did you call my sister again? A warm body that will spread her legs for anyone? You, Ryker, are a dick.”

  Fuck. I can’t believe she’d been in this bed with me the other day, and didn’t know in her heart that it was different for us. “I never said that shit about you, Charlie. Never about you.”

  She watches me for a moment, eyes narrowed. “Anna’s a good person you know. If you only knew ...” She trails off and looks at me before nodding, apparently coming to a decision. “She’s three years older than me, but somehow, it’s always been me taking care of her. About six months after I was born, my dad took off. We never heard from him again. My mom was good to us; maybe too good. Anna got away with murder.” She chuckles softly, caught up in the memory, while I watch her, anxiously waiting for her to tell me more.

  “My mom worked hard to keep us fed. She worked two full time jobs just to pay the bills. We never had much left for fun stuff, but that was ok with me; it was never ok with Anna. She wanted everything and resented my mom for not giving her all the things her friends had.” Pausing, she shakes her head. I wait silently for her to continue. I don’t know much about her past, but suddenly, I want to know everything about her.

  “While Anna was out with her friends and going to the mall, I stayed back to help my mom with housework and chores. I did everything I could to make things a little easier for her. She was always so tired. I hated that. When I was about fifteen, Mom got sick.” Her voice shakes. “She began missing days at work and spent a lot of time in bed. It was a couple of months before she told us she had leukemia.” Tears fill her eyes. Watching her stare down at the clenched hands on her lap, I almost tell her to stop, but I don’t. I need to hear her story; I need to know her better.

  “Mom quit her job when the treatments began, and she started receiving a disability check each month. I got myself a part time job after school, to help with the bills. Anna was always getting into trouble; she was hardly ever home. I covered for her when I could, but I hated lying to my mom almost as much as I hated how upset Anna was making her. We fought about it; all the time.”

  A tear escapes, sliding down her cheek. Her tears gut me. I’ve seen her cry so many tears since I met her. I want nothing more than to hold her and make it so she never needs to cry again. “Two years into Mom’s treatment, we found that it wasn’t working anymore. There was nothing more they could do. Chemo had killed her liver and her heart was failing. I took some time off school so I could stay home to take care of her. We didn’t have the money to pay for private nursing, and there was no way I was letting my mom die alone in a hospital. I pulled my bed into her room and spent every second I could with her.”

  Life is so fucking unfair. Charlie had been through so much at such a young age.

  “Mom died when I was seventeen. Anna may have been gone a lot growing up, but when Mom passed, she was there for me. She held my hand and helped me get through it. I was a wreck. After a couple weeks, I got a job working after school until midnight, five nights a week and another working weekends. I finished high school and went to college right after, to get my nursing degree. Anna went back to partying all the time and doing whatever she wanted. I never had a clue where she got her money, but I refused to give her any whenever she asked.”

  Another tear falls. “One night, she came home wasted and brought a bunch of friends with her. I got home from work and found they’d eaten every bit of food in the house. I didn’t get paid for another week. I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry.” She swallows thickly. “Anna and I got into a huge fight and I kicked her out of the house. It was a couple of weeks later that she came back and we talked. She promised to straighten up and pull her own weight, and she did, for the most part. She got herself a job as a waitress in a bar, started helping me with bills. She never stopped living wild, but at least I had some help.”

  She shrugs then, looking up at me. “My sister and I haven’t always had it easy. I love her; she’s the only person I have left.”

  I swallow down the bowling ball that seems to be lodged in my throat. She’s just as alone as I am. All her life, she’s been taking care of everyone else but had nobody to take care of her. I wish more than anything that I could be the one to do that. Doesn’t matter though – I may wish it, but I can’t do it. I had made a decision and there’s no going back. As much as it hurts, she needs better than me.

  “Pretty heavy stuff. You’re an amazing woman, Charlie. After everything you’ve been through, you’ve still managed to make something of yourself and take care of your sister at the same time.” I tilt my lips up in a small smile. “You don’t need to worry about Anna. My buddies will make sure she earns enough to pay back the Devils, and that she’s safe while she does it.

  She nods, looking reassured. “What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Besides the ones that ride motorcycles?” She smirks at me and I realize then that we might just be ok. Maybe we can be friends after all.

  “Nah. It’s just me.”

  “What about Jase? You guys seem close.” At her mention of my best friend, I remember back to the clubhouse that very night, when the two of them were standing close, his arm around her shoulder. I had watched them together until I’d seen her place her hand on his face. Fucking Jase. Jealousy washes over me.

  “Not much of a story there. We’ve been buddies for as long as I can remember. Jase is a lot of fun, but I warn you now, stay away from him. He’s been known to break more than a few hearts.”

  She looks surprised at first and then her eyes go blank. I’ve lost her. “Yeah. Wouldn’t want my heart to get broken, would we?” She closes her eyes and a single tear rolls down her cheek. “I need to go to sleep now.”

  Fuck. I sigh, running my hands through my hair and stand. “Night, Charlotte.”

  She twists and turns out the lamp, blanketing the room in darkness before whispering, “Night.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m not surprised to find that Ryker’s long gone when I wake up the next morning. My chest aches and my stomach is still roiling so I don’t even bother trying to eat anything. My eyes are tight and puffy from crying myself to sleep, yet again. It feels like all I do is cry anymore.

  I spend the day puttering around the house, doing laundry and sweeping floors. I take breakfast out to Tease and he gives me a small smile as he takes it. A smile!

  When I’m ready to go, I step out of the house and am alarmed to see that Tease is gone and Reaper is standing there, arms folded across his chest, glaring at me.

  “Um … hey.” I haven’t spent much time around Reaper, and he still scares the shit out of me. I can tell he doesn’t like me which doesn’t help my fear one bit. Offering him a small smile, I move towards his bike. He just snorts and shakes his head, clearly not happy with his chauffeur duties.

  When we arrive at the nursing home, I hand Reaper his helmet and mutter a quick thanks before turning to hurry into the building. I don’t even make it a full step before his hand clamps down on my upper arm with a firm grip.

  “Not so fast, Princess.” He whips me back around to face him, pulling me right into his space. He glares down at me. “You need to stop fuckin’ with my boys head.”

  I’m confused. My heart hammers in my chest because he’s looking at me like he wants to rip my head off. Reaper is already scary as hell, but with that look on his face, he is terrifying. What is he talking about? “I – I – I’m not sure I know what you mean?” I try taking a step back to gain some distance from him, but he maintains an iron clad grip on my arm.

  He sneers at me. “I – I – I,” he mocks. “I mean, you need to either fuck Ryker or leave him the fuck alone. Ever since you came along he’s been fucked in the head and I know it’s ‘cause of you.” He gives me a little shake and I yelp. “Stupid uppity bitch. You come along with your fuckin’ golden pussy, and think you can lead him around by his fuckin’ dick.”

  I just gape at him, mind racing. I haven’t done anything to Ryker. He’s the one fucking with my head. “I don’t un –“

  “Yeah. I’m gettin’ that. Look, Ryker’s our VP. He’s soon going to be the president. A lot of guys are counting on him for a lot of things. He doesn’t need a fuckin’ princess like you comin’ along, gettin’ herself – or worse – him, killed.”

  I’m shocked. Their VP? Ryker’s the MC’s vice president? Why didn’t I know that? Anger burns through me. I didn’t know because Ryker didn’t want me to know. Fucking bastard. Not only is he fucking me and fucking Lucy, along with God only knows who else, but he’d also really never told me one damn thing about himself. How could I have been so stupid? I don’t know anything about him or his life and honestly, I’m not so sure I even want to anymore.

  As for Reaper, fuck him. I’m so sick and tired of being scared all the damned time. I don’t have anything to lose. What’s he going to do? Hit me? Maybe, but even though I know Ryker doesn’t want me for himself, he would tear Reaper’s head off for laying a finger on me.

  Ripping my arm from his grasp, I lean into his space. “You’re an asshole.”

  Surprise flashes in his eyes before he hides it with a sneer. He chuckles. It’s a menacing sound and I almost back off, but I’m so sick of this shit. “You just figurin’ that out, Princess?”

  I snort. “No. I knew.” My voice shakes with anger. “Everybody knows. What you don’t know is, I don’t give a fuck what you have to say. You’re a prick, and you know not one thing about me, or my golden pussy. I want nothing more than to be done with you, Ryker, and your stupid fucking club, but none of you will leave me the hell alone!”

  I turn and storm into the building, leaving Reaper outside. I’m furious. I don’t want to do this anymore. I just want my life to go back to normal. I need to find a way to get the MC to leave me alone and let me live my life. I know Ryker won’t back off until he knows that Krueger’s gone for sure, but there’s been no news on him for several days. No news is good news. Right?

  There’s no way I can work my shift tonight – I’m a wreck. I approach my supervisor, telling her that I’m not feeling well. Never one to take time off, she gives me a sympathetic look before telling me to go on home. I call a cab, requesting they pick me up at the back entrance. Reaper will never even see me leave; if he’s still out there.

  I jump into the cab, and as it pulls out of the parking lot, I see Reaper sitting on his bike in a shaded area at the far end of the lot. He doesn’t see me. Dick.

  Entering my apartment alone for the first time since my attack is a little scary. I swallow down my fear and try to relax. Every sound I hear makes me jump. I’m nervous as hell, but I just try to ignore it and go about my business. I clean the apartment, tidying up the mess in my bedroom, have a bite to eat and then curl up in the tub with my book.

  I’m just getting out of the tub when my cell phone goes off, alerting me to an incoming text.

  Ryker: Where the fuck are you Charlie? Dr. Dickhead told Reaper you left hours ago. Wtf?

  I swallow, feeling a little bad. I’d left Reaper to sit outside standing vigil over me while I’d snuck out the back. Jeremy must have seen him waiting and wondered why he was still there after I’d gone home. Maybe I don’t feel bad. Reaper’s an asshole. I’m actually kind of proud of myself for slipping past him.

  Me: I went home. I can’t stay with you anymore. Thanks for helping us, but I’m ok now. You don’t need to worry about me.

  I send the text, biting my lip in worry. I know Ryker is going to be pissed, and he might even show up at my door. If he does, I will have to tell him, yet again, that I’m ok and they don’t need to watch over me anymore.

  My phone alerts again.

  Ryker: I’m coming over. DON’T LEAVE

  My shoulders slump. Of course he is. I’m so tired of this; all of it. Being scared, Ryker’s rejection, scary biker assholes, and most of all, not being able to live my life.

  There’s a pounding on the door. That was quick. I take a deep breath, readying myself for the battle ahead. I know Ryker won’t leave easily, but I’m more than ready to fight him for my freedom. I walk to the door, phone in hand, and swing it open.

  The air rushes from my chest; it’s not Ryker. Krueger stands before me, an evil smile splitting his face. “Hey pretty lady. You and I have some unfinished business.”

  His fist swings out, catching me in the temple. Pain crashes through my head as I crumple to the floor. Through tear filled eyes, I watch Krueger step inside just before the darkness takes ahold of me.



  Anger and worry for Charlie’s safety battle through me as I break every traffic law imaginable to get to her apartment. I’m pissed at her fo
r giving Reaper the slip, and for trying to fuck me off with that text. Thanks for helping her out, but she’s ok now? Fuck that! The problem is, I still haven’t been able to get a lock on Krueger, and the Devils say he’s gone rogue. This means that fucker’s still out there somewhere. Charlie’s not safe.

  I’m pissed at Reaper too. Fucker had called to say Charlie was gone and he’d sounded almost bored; like he didn’t give a shit that she could be in danger. I’d deal with that son of a bitch later.

  Pulling up in front of Charlie’s building, I park in a handicap space and run up the stairs. The security door opens with a couple of good yanks and I hurry up the stairs. Pausing for a second, I see the door to her apartment standing ajar.

  I pull my gun from it’s ankle holster, and quietly rush up to the door, opening it cautiously. Nothing. No sign of struggle, but also no Charlie. After a quick sweep of her apartment, I know she’s gone. Stepping back into the living room, I see her phone lying on the floor near the front entrance. The screen is cracked. I turn it on, and through the spider web glass it shows the last thing she’d looked at; the last text from me. Did she throw the phone and leave? I can’t see her doing that.

  Looking around once more, I notice a dark spot, about the size of a quarter, on the hardwood floor. I crouch down for a closer look. Blood. Fear for Charlie causes the hair to stand up on the back of my neck and the blood to pound through my veins. I search the floor for more blood. Halfway down the hall, I see another spot. It’s just a few drops, but I find more farther down. Every drop I find causes the fear and anger to claw at my gut. I follow the trail of blood down the back stairs until it ends completely at the back door.

  Whipping my phone out, I call Jase.

  He answers after the first ring. “Talk to me.”

  “Charlie’s gone.”


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