Singing Heart
Page 22
“Dinner will never be the same again.”
He grinned. “Neither will the table.” It was true. They had left several ugly scratches. Probably from her shoes. She rushed over worriedly to investigate. Sean waylaid her capturing her in his arms.
“Don’t let it ruin the moment, Xzan. The table will get old and dented no matter how well you take care of it. We’ll throw a cloth over it when we have to. For now every time we sit at it we’ll remember this moment when we made love. That is the joy of living and being a family.”
Milking Gertrude every day turned out to be almost more of a problem than it was worth. Xzan had milked cows before. Knew not to squeeze too hard or to sit on the wrong side. She had even tried carrying a hot brick to warm her hands so the poor cow wouldn’t be shocked when she grasped its udders. But no matter how gently or patiently she tried the huge creature mooed in misery trying to get away. She had to be milked so Xzan would persist with half the contents of the pail ending up being spilled before she made it back to the house.
She didn’t know what to do about the situation. She treated the animal the way she treated every creature she came in contact with truly concerned for it’s well being always seeing that it was well tended. She talked to it soothingly. One morning she even tried singing to it. Gertrude only bellowed louder. Xzan hated to lose money on the animal or to destroy it. The whole purpose of having a cow was to make life more pleasant for all of them. As it was she didn’t even get enough milk to make the things she wanted it for. It cost money to take care of the beast to boot.
She didn’t bother Sean with her dilemma immediately. Stubborn as Gertrude she was determined to overcome the obstacle herself if it killed her. She just wished she knew what the problem was. Until one morning she came storming in covered in milk. The cow had won. She gave up marching past her handsome husband whose mouth had dropped open incredulously. He roared with laughter as she glared at him from the stairwell.
“Get me another cow!” she spat too furious to embellish any further.
He put on his hat heading for the barn still chuckling to himself. The cow looked at him with its huge brown eyes pitifully unhappy. He couldn’t figure out what his wife was upset about. Because when he sat down and tried his hand at it he got another half of a bucket of milk that Xzan had missed.
He placed it on the sideboard with a piece of cloth over it to keep out the varmints and went in search of his distraught bride. When she saw the milk a few minutes later she was so furious she could have spat nails.
“Wait until the morning! You can come and see how that hussy acts when I try to milk her!”
Sean reached out to hug her soothingly. “Now Sweetheart, it can’t be that bad. You’ve been milking her before today.”
“It’s not just today.” She declared hotly. Then proceeded to enlighten him. He shook his head puzzled. “Maybe it’s the way you’re holding her. You don’t have much feeling in you left fingers. Could you be putting too much pressure on her?”
She shook her head protesting vehemently. “I’ve thought of that already. I’m very gentle with her. I’ve even tried using firmer pressure thinking maybe I was being too timid and it made her nervous. For heaven’s sake Sean…I know how to milk a cow. You’ve seen how animals love me. I’ve never had such a terrible time with one like this.”
She burst out crying truly distraught. He hugged her closer patting her back. It was true. She did have a way with animals. They seemed instinctively to trust her. He’d never seen anyone attract butterflies like she did. He’d once seen her in a field when a migrating swarm of them had lit on her outstretched arms. She stood there unafraid nearly completely covered by yellow and black butterflies with the most incredible look of pure joy on her dainty features that he had ever seen. Even birds would land on her fingertips perching unconcernedly as she cooed at them adoringly. Squirrels chattered at her like a long lost friend and took the morsels right out of her fingers that she brought to feed them.
“I don’t know Xzan. All I can do is go with you in the morning and see if I can figure it out by observing you both.”
True to his word he rose with her at the crack of dawn drawing on his heavy woolen overcoat and traipsing sleepily out into the snow to observe her attempt to milk the cow. He didn’t see anything wrong with the way she sat, held the animal or talked to it. He did feel sorry for her when Gertrude wrestled to get away. After only squirting a few drops into the bucket, which had taken at least ten minutes, Xzan looked up at him near tears.
“Well? What do you think?”
He looked totally baffled urging her to let him try. To her chagrin he filled the pail forthwith. He looked up defeated sighing in good-humored resignation.
“I have the idea she only likes men. Maybe your hands are too small. I wouldn’t be surprised if the farmer I bought her from had children. Maybe he was trying to teach them to milk and they hurt her.”
It was a plausible enough explanation. But short of his milking the beast daily she didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t certainly couldn’t make her hands any larger. He had already had so much work to do to rise any earlier was too much to ask.
She didn’t have to. He volunteered. When she protested she shrugged. “I’ll just go to bed a little earlier.” He cocked an eyebrow wickedly winking suggestively. She blushed prettily.
“Sean Fenierre! You find a way to turn everything into lust!”
He laughed. “You know you love it. Don’t act coy with me Mrs. Fenierre!”
He carried the milk into the house reaching over to pinch her rounded behind playfully. She squealed delightedly and ran ahead into the house slamming the door pretending to lock him out. She let it go running upstairs. He set the pail on the sink top running to catch her. Maybe getting up earlier wasn’t such a bad idea after all. It gave you time to do other things of interest.
He was gone all day on Christmas Eve. The weather had cleared enough to travel so he went into town on the pretext of securing more supplies before another blizzard blew in. They didn’t need a whole lot although she did ask him to buy a goose if possible. If he couldn’t find one she had a smoked ham to bake for dinner tonight. He rode in late. In fact she was beginning to get anxious had been peeking out the window for some sign of his return wondering if the town had died like Sweetbriar and he’d had to ride to Rocky City which was over 30 miles in the opposite direction.
He came in shivering from the cold dark blue green eyes sparkling with some secret. She rushed to help him peel off the layers of clothing he had put on to stave off the winter chill and pulled him into the kitchen where she was baking to warm himself over the stove.
“Would you like some coffee to warm you?” she asked checking on her pies in the oven. She looked flushed and happy. Her thick mane had begun to fall out of its strict pins and curl riotously in tendrils that framed her beautiful face.
She had flour on her nose and cherry stains on her snowy apron. He reached over and tweaked her breast teasingly making her jump back in surprise. She pushed his hand away closing the oven door scolding him.
“I don’t want coffee… but you can warm my buns anytime…” he whispered deeply into her ear. He had come up behind her as she was kneading more pie dough kissed her coaxingly on the back of her neck wrapping his arms around her tiny waist in a tender hug.
“I love you.” He sucked her earlobe erotically. She squirmed.
“I love you too…go away. I want to finish the pies so I can enjoy Christmas with the rest of you tomorrow.”
He expelled a rueful breath the scorned lover walking away like she’d broken his heart sighing dramatically. She giggled.
“Stop it. If you’re a good hubby I’ll give you a night you’ll never forget later!” She emphasized the last word, when he had started back towards her hopefully.
He left the room obediently grinning. She had been coming to him more and more lately, even initiating some
of their lovemaking. She was still a little skittish at times. At times he would let her have complete control to do whatever she could imagine. She seemed comfortable even a little experimental. Only last week she had invited him in to her bath. That had been a very interesting experience. He’s never had a woman seduce him quite in that way. He’d always been the aggressor having to set the mood and make the first move. Xzan had a vivid imagination. The more power she felt when they were intimate the more she seemed to imagine. He didn’t mind at all. Was thrilled in fact that she was taking an active part in their love life. He was about to open the doors to the parlor when she came running out of the kitchen nearly knocking him down in her hurry.
“No! You can’t go in there!”
“Why not!” he pouted playfully like a little boy. “It’s my house too!”
She held the door fast with both hands. Eyes lighting up mischievously. “I warn you Sean Fenierre you’d better be a good boy or there won’t be any treats tonight.”
His face lit up and he continued the little boy act. “What will you give me right now if I’m a good boy?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh lord…I’ve created a monster! Seriously Sean…it’s a surprise. Please don’t go in until I tell you it’s finished. Let me go so my pies don’t burn!”
He’d been rubbing some fascinating places, threw back his hands in defeat and let her go full speed ahead to check on her sweets. “Is there anywhere else you don’t want me to go?” he called after her a smidgen irritated despite his sense of humor.
“Don’t be silly.” she called behind her.
“Is it alright if I go lay naked on your bed?” He asked to the swinging door. Of course she didn’t hear that one. Actually the idea of laying down wasn’t such a bad one. He really was tired from his long freezing journey. He would wait until Jeb and Robert wandered over later for dinner to unload the wagon. He had several goodies of his own hidden among the supplies. He couldn’t wait to see Xzan’s face when she opened the packages. The blacksmith’s wife had wrapped them for him this morning while Ed shewed his horse. They were almost too pretty to open. He’d never seen such colorful wrappings. Or fancy bows. Flora sure had a flair.
He decided to go up to his room grateful when he opened the door that she had thoughtfully lit the fire for him. He usually conserved their wood only lit it a few hours before they retired to warm the room. She had known he would be frozen and tired when he returned and as usual did something to make his life a little easier. He loved her so much. She was the most wonderful woman in the world. He still couldn’t believe she was really his wife.
They had unloaded the wagon. The supplies were in their rightful places. Xzan had found time to finish her baking, make dinner and change into a lovely blue velvet dress he’s never seen before. She must have worked on it in secret because he’d never seen the material either. It was probably part of the contents of the packages Mrs. Golden had prepared for her. Her hair was dressed high on her head with only a few carefully arranged curls framing her forehead and cheeks. He wondered if she were a mind reader. She couldn’t have set the stage for his gifts better.
Jeb looked uncomfortable with his jet hair slicked back wearing his Sunday best. He had on a black very outdated suit and a faded blue shirt. Robert looked equally uneasy. His carrot top had been whacked with a knife no doubt by Jeb in an attempt at a hair cut. The result was a wild curly mass that stuck out like a clown’s hair in various lengths. He had tried to tame it with a hat but Xzan insisted they both take off their head coverings in the house. His best clothes consisted of a well-worn pair of blue jeans and a brown flannel shirt, which he had buttoned severely all the way to the top. It looked like he was choking it was so tight.
Sean had fared somewhat better. He had on black trousers and gray and black striped shirt. His hair had grown a little longer than he liked to wear it, but his wife declared it was the rage in London and it made him so suave and handsome. He had slicked back the thick brown mane tied it in a pony tail in back that hung almost to the middle of his should blades. After seeing Robert’s butchered hair he was satisfied that at least his own didn’t poke out ridiculously on the sides. They were waiting expectantly in front of the parlor doors. Her eyes danced merrily as she forced them to wait for her to enter the room and do something then gracefully glided back out her voice tinkling with excitement prodding them to close their eyes.
They all groan aloud. “Not again! This getting to be a habit with you woman.” Sean complained teasingly. She didn’t reply just tapped her foot impatiently with arms folded stubbornly until they all complied. She led them one by one through the double doors.
“You can look now.”
The words were spoken softly almost in reverence. They opened their eyes wondering at her tone. What they beheld was wondrous. Even Jeb who hardly ever lost his composure stared spellbound by the image that greeted his eyes. The sofa had been moved. There in the bay window was a huge tree. Decorated with so many kinds of ornaments all glittery handmade and so magical in their beauty that it was incredible. But what really gave it that quality were the hundreds of tiny lit candles softly glowing in its immense green branches making the whole room bright. Over the mantle was a snow scene with tiny skaters on a make believe frozen pond. Hanging on its front hooks she had fashioned 5 stockings. All but one with each of their names on it sewn and decorated lovingly to depict the personality of the owner. It didn’t register at first. Jeb was the first one whose face dawned in comprehension as he stared at the fifth stocking. He looked over at his nephew to see if he had caught on but Sean was still too awed by the tree to notice anything else.
Jeb looked at Xzan knowingly. With a twinkle in his eyes nodding slightly he grinned in silent congratulations. She smiled sweetly lowering her eyes shyly. Sean was dense she decided when she finished playing Christmas carols. They had stood around the piano singing Silent Night and several other favorites that everyone knew the words to. She absolutely refused to enlighten him if he was that stupid. Robert had figured it out too by now giving her a look similar to his father’s. They could tell she was a little disappointed by the quiver of her lower lip as her eyes darted back and forth periodically between the extra stocking and her husband.
“Do you want to open presents tonight or wait until morning?”
They all agreed that since they were dressed up and the tree was lit that it seems to be fitting to go ahead and celebrate. She beamed at them. Evidently for once they had given the right response. She ran lightly to the tree and sat down spreading out her voluminous skirts daintily and began sorting through the packages calling out their names. Robert handed each gift to its rightful owner. She didn’t recognize some of the packages. Sean smiled telling her they were from him. There was also two more wrapped in flour sacks and tied with string from her in-laws.
“I want to open mine last.” she announced. “I spent a lot of time on all of yours. I really want to see your faces when you open them.”
The men didn’t have to be bribed. All three tore open their wrappings like anxious little boys. Her sewing skills had improved tremendously since she made his green shirt Sean thought proudly as his Uncle and cousin held up flannel shirts. Jeb’s was blue and black checked. Robert’s was red and green. They were highly pleased. Sean was too. He had been concerned that if Xzan made them clothes she might try to dress them like dandies. She was always complaining how they didn’t have anything really decent to wear like proper gentlemen. The flannel was their style. He was amazed that she had chosen the colors and right sizes so perfectly for each man. Both were so different. He opened the package he thought might be a shirt of his own. He was so touched by her gift when he saw it he beamed. It was another green shirt. Identical to the one she had made him before. Only this time it fit perfectly.
“It matches your eyes…” she smiled tenderly “I started to make the sleeves too long as a joke but I figured you would wear it more often if it fit t
he right way.”
He laid the shirt down and strode over to her wrapping her in a bear hug, kissing her the way he had wanted to the first time she made him a shirt. Uncle Jeb coughed to remind them they weren’t alone and to get their attention. One of the logs had fallen out of the hearth. Sean rushed to retrieve it with a poker.
“I don’t relish sleeping in the barn tonight if the place burns down.” he joked.
Jeb opened another present. A new pair of shiny black boots.
“I know you have the ones you use for work broke in already. You’ll wear them holes and all…like my father did his…but I thought maybe next time you dress it would be nice to have some decent shoes to wear.”
He thanked her. Actually he’d been wanting a new pair. He hoped she wouldn’t be affronted if he wore them to work in. Robert’s next present was 3 pairs of black socks. His were beyond darning and she knew he’d worn blisters on his feet from putting on his boots without any. Sean opened a small package. He looked at it in confusion.
“Uh, Sweetheart aren’t these a little small for me?”
Tiny mittens crocheted with yellow yarn dangled from his large fingertips. Finally after he looked at them for another full minute in total bafflement his eyes lit on the fifth stocking. Hazel eyes grew as round as saucers darkening to a deep shade of blue as comprehension dawned and he stared at his wife in utter astonishment. He whooped loudly deafening them jumping from his chair almost toppling it over. Oblivious to the items in his lap which fell with a heavy thud to the floor he swooped her up swinging her around in joyous abandonment. It was so reminiscent of how his father had reacted to his mother when she told him about her pregnancy that it brought a sentimental mist to Xzan’s eyes.
“Are you sure? So soon?”
She nodded positively. There were some things you just couldn’t doubt. Like missed cycles and morning sickness. It had been getting worse the past few weeks. And she was so sleepy all the time. She could fall asleep sitting up and that was not in her nature at all.