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Beneath the Earth

Page 15

by Laura Greenwood

  He shifted in one fluid motion, far quicker than Macey could.

  Before he dived, he clicked a question and Macey couldn't help but laugh.

  "No, I'm not!"

  Na Fir Ghorma (Blue Men of the Minch)


  They left their twenty kelpie mages at Malan's hut. The prophet didn't look surprised at all, and just told them to come inside for some tea. The kelpie's were all slightly bewildered, but they trusted their princess to have a reason for bringing them there. None of the other Wardens had arrived yet, so Macey scribbled down a quick message for them to say that they were now headed to the na fir ghorma. Half of their task done already. So far, this was going surprisingly well.

  She was a little worried about the others, but they were all capable people and hadn't been selected as Wardens just for anything. They could do it. And it wasn't a trap. No. It couldn't be. Macey wouldn't allow it.

  "Ready?" Cam asked, putting an arm around her shoulders. It was only early afternoon in Malan's domain and he'd given them some oatcakes as a midday snack. Macey was nibbling on hers, trying not to worry.

  "Aye, let's go and see the storm kelpies. Let's hope they don't expect us to feast with them again."

  Macey shuddered at the thought of the food they'd been served at their last visit. And the king... well, hopefully he'd recovered from the shock that the sìth had deceived him for decades, if not longer, by pretending that they'd built the Staran just for the storm kelpies.

  She willed the Staran into existence rather than let Cam do it. She needed the practice, after all, and she was beginning to find it surprisingly easy. The trick seemed to be imagining travelling on the Staran, and then they were there. It was weird and didn't quite make sense. But what in this magical world did.

  "To the na fir ghorma," Macey whispered, hoping that the Staran would somehow drop them in the underwater city of the storm kelpies and not in the middle of the ocean. That wouldn't be a problem for her, but Cam wouldn't be able to hold his breath for long enough to dive all the way down to the ocean floor.

  They stepped onto the Staran and were swallowed by the mists...

  ... and were slammed against a barrier.

  "What the rotten kelp is happening?" Macey cursed, shoving Cam off her before he squeezed her to death. It felt like the Staran had deposited them against a glass wall, but it was too misty to see anything.

  "Hello?" Cam shouted, hammering against the barrier.

  Guards! A muffled noise came from the other side and hurried footsteps approached the barrier.

  A bang against the wall vibrated through Macey's body. Who's there? How did you get in? a rough voice shouted in their minds. Well, that at least answered the question whether they were in the right place.

  "Get in? We're not really in," Cam muttered.

  "My name is Macey, Princess of the Kelpies. I am here to see the Crown Prince, Muahwa. Can you let us in?"

  More shuffling, then another knock against the barrier.

  Macey? Is that really you?

  Suddenly, the barrier dissolved and they fell into the room, Cam landing once again on Macey.

  "Get off me, you ogre," she grumbled, the wind knocked out of her.

  "Wraith, not ogre. We smell better." He shot her a grin and helped her up.

  Princess, we welcome you.

  She turned to see Muahwa, his bright blue skin glistening in the light of the glofish placed above the glass ceiling.

  He bowed formally, but then, without warning, he flung himself at her, hugging her tightly.


  Macey was speechless, but Cam cleared his throat, pulling the na firm ghorma off her. Muahwa looked a little sheepish and a dark blue spread over his cheeks.

  You healed the Staran. The storms have calmed. We are in your debt.

  The prince bowed again, back to his normal formal self.

  Was it the sìth? he asked, and Macey remembered how the storm kelpies had suspected the seelie of messing with the Staran.

  "No," she shook her head, "it was something else. The same reason why we're now here. Could we talk to the king, please?"

  The blue blush on Muahwa's cheeks spread.

  You're talking to him.

  Macey took a step back. "What?"

  My father died last month. I'm the king now.

  She noticed her mouth was still hanging wide open and quickly closed it. She hadn't expected that, not at all.

  "Long live the king," Cam muttered and to their surprise, the guards standing at the door on the other side of the room repeated the phrase in their minds.

  "I'm so sorry," Macey said gently, noticing the sad look on the blue man's face. "How did he die?"

  He tried to travel on the Staran. We all told him it was too dangerous, but he wouldn't listen. He was torn apart.

  Muahwa opened his giant mouth and made a strange sound. It touched something deep inside of Macey and almost made her cry. It was probably the saddest sound she'd ever heard, made by a being that didn't use their voices to talk.

  "I am sorry," Macey repeated.

  It can't be undone. But why are you here? I'm sure you didn't come so I could thank you?

  "No..." She didn't really want to ask for help now that she knew that his father had died, but there was no other way. They needed the support. She sighed and quickly explained what had been feeding on the Staran and how the Mahoun was a relative of that evil creature.

  So this devil is stronger than the being you already defeated?

  Macey nodded. "Yes, we think so. He's managed to reach and affect so many people, and he's been scheming for a long time. He's also got my brothers and I don't know if they're still alive."

  She pressed a hand over her mouth. She hadn't intended to say that. Macey didn't want to make it sound so personal. She wasn't just doing this for herself and for her family. She really did want to defeat the Mahoun so that the entire world would be safer again.

  The na fir ghorma put a blue hand on her arm.

  I understand. We will help.

  "Really? I am... we are grateful," she stuttered, distracted by how sad the blue man's eyes were. As if he wasn't just sad for his own, but also for her loss, and that of everybody else. She no longer found him ugly like she had when she'd first met him. Yes, his giant mouth was creepy and his skin was... well, blue, but that didn't matter. The inside mattered.

  We won't be able to leave the sea for long. We will need to stay close to the Staran which connects us to our home. If you fight far away from it, we won't be able to follow, but we can secure a path of retreat, should it be necessary.

  "Hopefully not," Macey muttered, before lifting her voice. "I thank you, King Muahwa. We are in your debt."

  Not at all. You calmed the storms. Our home would be in danger without you.

  She smiled at him. "Let's just agree that we're doing a good job helping each other."

  He nodded. I will prepare my warriors. Where shall I send them?

  "We're gathering at the prophet Malan's house. Do you know where that is?"

  The blue man nodded. The Staran will show us the way.

  "Good. We better get back and see where the others are. How do we get out of here?"

  Muahwa laughed in their minds. I'll lower the barrier. Next time, just knock and I'll let you in.

  As if it was that easy. She shook her head in amusement and stepped into the Staran, holding Cam's hand. They'd completed their missions. How were the others faring?


  Chaos awaited them. Malan's front garden, usually a quiet and almost boring place, was full of people. Macey waved to some of her father's kelpie mages who lifted their hands in greeting in return. The na fir ghorma stayed close to the mists they'd stepped out of, sceptically looking at the other assembled people.

  A group of kabouter were sitting in the garden and Macey had to hide her grin. They looked suspiciously like garden gnomes. Jared was amongst them, talking to Jerimiah and another kab
outer that looked very similar. His brother, maybe?

  When the incubus met Macey's glance, he got up and ran towards her, hugging her as soon as she was in reach.

  "Good to see you," he muttered against the nape of her neck, his breath hot on her skin. His incubus powers were pushing against her nerves and she could feel the arousal tingle through her.

  "Power it down a little?" she asked in something that was close to a moan.

  "Sorry." He grinned. "I was just a little worried. Did the storm kelpies give you any trouble?"

  Macey looked back at the small group of blue people. It was mostly men, but there were three women as well. "Nope, they're harmless. Long story, but Muahwa is now their new king, and he was very happy to send some of his warriors to help us. Did everything go okay with the kabouters and kludde?"

  Jared grimaced. "Kabouters, yes, they sent two dozen people and more are on their way. The kludde... not so much." He sighed deeply. "Their powers are out of control. Wilg said it wasn't safe for any of them to come and help. Not even he himself felt like his magic was stable enough to be of much use. He did show me a vision though."

  His expression darkened. "I'm not allowed to tell you about it until the time has come."

  "What time?" Macey asked in confusion.

  He winked and pretended to zip his lips shut, but his eyes stayed sad. "No chance. Not telling you. Amber and Izban just returned, shall we check on them?"

  She was very aware that he'd brazenly changed the topic, but the look in his eyes made her stop asking any more questions.

  They walked over to the other side of the grassy area where Amber and Izban were standing by themselves. Rónán had disappeared. When the beithir saw them approach, she waved, but it was a weak gesture.

  Macey increased her steps. "What happened?" she asked as soon as she was close enough for them to hear her.

  Macey shrugged. "No water, no ceasg. Having Rónán with us didn't help, she just said she couldn't assist us."

  "And Fedelm refused to come as well. She said she was needed somewhere else," Izban said with a drawn-out sigh. "It was a waste of time."

  Several stones dropped into Macey's stomach. Somehow she'd hoped the ceasg would be able to join them. She'd seemed like a good ally to have, but she didn't seem to be able to shift and walk on land like her and the selkies did.

  "Salty seaweed," Macey muttered in frustration, but Cam started to laugh.

  "What did you just say?"

  "Salty seaweed," Macey repeated with a pout. "It's a well-known kelpie curse."

  Jared snickered. "Seriously? It's a bit tame."

  Izban didn't smile like the others. "Have you seen the others? Rónán went to get some food, but I've not spotted Flint."

  Wait, wasn't Flint supposed to be with Jared?

  Macey turned and looked back at the crowd assembled behind them. The incubus was walking towards them, deep in conversation with Jerimiah.

  "Jared!" Macey called. "Where's Flint?"

  "He said he was preparing a surprise!" Jared shouted back. "He should be somewhere in Malan's house."

  "And the seelie?"

  Jared shook his head. "Two of them talked to us in front of their city walls, but they didn't even let us in. We waited for a bit to see if one of the sìth who helped us last time would come out, but they didn't."

  "Another waste of time," Izban muttered darkly.

  "What kind of surprise?" Macey asked. A strange feeling was overtaking her, the urge to run and search for Flint.

  "One of the seelie gave him something." Jared shrugged. "A present for you. He didn't let me see it, and he went straight inside when we arrived back here, letting me deal with the kabouters."

  "One doesn't 'deal' with kabouters," Jerimiah corrected. "One is honoured to get the attention of kabouters."

  Macey smiled but it didn't reach her heart.

  "I'll go look for him," she said, already on the way to the house. She could feel her men follow her, but she didn't look back. Something was wrong.

  The door was wide open and a clutter of kabouters was standing in the entrance hall, nibbling on biscuits Malan had apparently provided. She'd not seen the prophet yet, but right now, she didn't care.

  Instinctively, she turned to the right and ran up the stairs. There were five doors on this floor, but she knew exactly which one to take.

  She opened it and cried out.

  Flint was on the ground, blood pooling around his hand which was clutching a fiery red stone. His eyes were wide open but unseeing, rings of flames burning around his pupils.

  "Flint!" Macey shouted and fell to her knees by his side. He didn't react. Tears were streaming down his face, his expression was torn in agony, but he didn't make a sound or even move.

  A smell of burning came from his hand and it took Macey a moment to see that the stone that she'd thought was red was actually burning with tiny flames. It was like a piece of white-red coal but much sharper and definitely not natural.

  This was magic, bad magic.

  His skin around the stone was blistering, but Flint's grip on it was tight.

  "Flint!" She shook his shoulders, but he didn't react at all.

  "Use your water!" Cam shouted from behind her and she stretched out an arm, shooting water at Flint's burning hand. The water turned into steam the moment it hit the stone, filling the air with an acrid smell.

  A blast of air dispelled the steam. The stone had stopped burning, but Flint was still keeping it gripped tight in his fist. Carefully, Macey reached out to touch his hand, but before she could, the stone suddenly glowed again, a strange white-silver that blinded her and judging from the shouts, all the others too. She shielded her eyes with both hands until the light lessened.

  The stone was gone. All that remained was Flint's empty, burned hand, the blisters black and ugly in several places.

  He was beginning to stir and Macey put her hands on his chest.

  "Flint, can you hear me?"

  He groaned and the sound tore at Macey's heart; it was that full of pain.

  "It hurts," he whispered, his eyes still open but looking into the distance, not seeming to see Macey. The flames around his pupils had extinguished, but his eyes looked darker than they usually did. Like embers after they'd been quenched.

  "What hurts?" Macey asked softly. Behind her, people were running and shouting, hopefully getting a doctor.

  "My magic." Suddenly, Flint moved his head and looked straight at Macey. "It's gone. He's taken it."

  * * *

  To be continued...

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  What’s happening? Find out in the next book in the Seven Wardens series, Within the Flames:

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  And if you want to find out more about Amber and Izban’s story and how they met, then take a look at Through the Storms:

  About Skye MacKinnon

  Skye MacKinnon is an International Bestselling author with a slight obsession with Scotland, bunnies and dried mango. And when she says slight... her friends are trying to find ways to trick her into not having a book set in Scotland.

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  You'll often find Skye bribing herself into writing words using cake and tea, but whatever works, right?

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  Whether it’s set in space (Scottish space, obviously), fantasy worlds (Scottish fantasy worlds, obviously), or Scotland, Skye's tales are full of magic, romance and adventure. Oh and unicorns.

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  Stalk her!





  Facebook group:


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  Here are some of Skye’s other books, most of them reverse harem just like this one.

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  Daughter of Winter Series (Paranormal reverse harem)

  Winter Princess

  Winter Heiress

  Winter Queen

  Winter Goddess (2018)

  Mother of Gods (prequel)

  Demon’s Revenge (spin-off)

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  Ruined Heart Series (Fantasy RH)

  Heart of Time

  Heart of Four (2018)

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  The Drowning Series (Dystopian RH)

  Polar Destiny

  Polar Fates

  Polar Miracle (2018)

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  The Mars Diaries (Sci-fi RH set in the Drowning universe)




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  Random standalones

  Highland Butterflies (F/F contemporary romance)

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  Kiss my Corset – Corsets and Cogs (steampunk RH)

  Broken Princess – Royal and Reckless (contemporary RH)

  Hell’s Calling – Realms and Rebels (Paranormal RH co-written with Bea Paige)

  About Laura Greenwood

  Laura Greenwood really needs to come up with a better bio. But while she can write them for her friends, she’s not so good at writing them for herself. Apparently (and she’s still not quite sure how) she’s a USA Today Bestselling Author, and writes a whole mix of things, but mostly paranormal. Though she does have the very secretive sweet romance pen name of Laura M Greenwood.

  You can keep up to date with Laura (aka stalk her) in the following ways:


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