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Ram Wild: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance (Aries Cursed Book 2)

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by Decadent Kane

  Damn it to Hades, that was a good answer. "Anything I want to do with the fleece?" She smiled.

  Jace gulped but said, "Anything."

  "And where is our fleece?"

  Jace walked backwards toward a tree trunk and then pulled the fleece out from behind it. Echo put out her hands. Jace let go of the fleece, giving it to her freely. That kind of trust was precious to her. He was serious about them. Echo moved a hand over the golden fleece, calling on the magic of the land. She made the fleece invisible, as well as herself. Jace's shocked expression was priceless. Echo rushed into the house and hid it in the bathtub. She ran back out and reappeared before his sullen face.

  His eyes popped wide. "What did you do?"

  "I'm showing you I can bring something to the table too. I can hide the fleece from almost any immortal who seeks it. How about we start over?"

  "I would like that, Echo."

  Echo sauntered slowly up to him...her body millimeters away from his. "Who, prey tell, would wander lost upon my lands?"

  Jace grinned, catching her by the waist. "Forgive my intrusion. I have lost something and found something greater." He leaned down and captured her lips.

  Epilogue: The wedding reception

  Jace glanced at his beautiful bride. By the gods he was a lucky man. They held hands under the table, which sat at the front of a ballroom. He grinned like a cheetah as he scanned the gusts, a month them his brothers, Demetri and Enzo.

  Enzo tapped his glass first. All gazes turned to him. Enzo cleared his throat and smiled showing the whites of his teeth. “Echo, you’re officially my favorite person in the world! And here we are, celebrating your sacred union. You stole the golden fleece, and then you stole his heart. In my opinion, you did him a favor, and thanks to your wit, devotion, and kindness, we all win. Welcome to the family! We’re better and stronger now that you have joined us. Here’s to you, to my brother, Jace, and to your well deserved happily-ever after! Oh, and to all the nymph slash shifter babies we’re all waiting for!”

  Echo burst out laughing along with everyone else, including serious old Demetri and his wife Mary. When Enzo sat, Demetri clinked his glass and the room fell silent. Jace held his breath. Would his brother congratulate him or scold him for losing the fleece in the first place? They hadn’t really talked much and this was the first time they had seen each other in months.

  Demetri leaned over and whispered something into Mary's ear. She jerked her chin up and giggled, the whole while bouncing her eight-month old son. Timothy sat contentedly on his mother's lap, his plump fingers crammed into his mouth, drool running down his chin.

  "Thank you," Demetri said in a voice loud enough to carry to the far corners of the room. He pushed out his chair and rose. A polite hush settled. "My name is Demetri and I’m Jace's older brother and best man. I would like to begin by thanking you all for coming tonight. Especially those of you that knew I’d be speechifying. It's touching you still decided to come."

  He paused until the laughter quieted. "Now Jace and I have been brothers...a really long time. I think we know each other well. I’ve watched Jace go from an annoying little kid to the slightly less annoying guy you see here today."

  Oh gods, please don’t let him tell embarrassing stories. Jace resisted the urge to cover his face.

  "Things haven't always been easy. We've fought as brothers do. Those of you who know Jace will understand when I say, Jace always has the best wisecracks. If you don't watch out, he can cut you off at the knees. I recall this one time we were in Ireland. It was the rainy season, and it poured nonstop. Our transport broke down so we trudged miles, waist-deep in mud, arguing the whole way over whose fault it was we'd gotten stranded in the first place."

  "Jace turns to me and throws his hands up." Demetri pantomimed the action. "I swear, from the look on his face, he wants to throttle me. But then all the sudden, he gets real quiet and he asks, 'Demetri, do you know why it never stops raining in Ireland?"

  "Now, I was suspicious but I was curious. So I asked. 'No, why?'"

  Jace remembered that trip and blurted out, "Because the gods cry every time you're an ass!" Of course, the room burst in laughter again, some guests wiping tears from their eyes and even Echo seemed to be having a wonderful time.

  Demetri continued, "As I was thinking about what I wanted to say tonight, I started thinking about brothers. What does it mean? Brotherhood isn't just about who you're related to. Brotherhood is something you have to work at. Brothers see each other at their worst and their best. It's been a great joy watching my brother grow up, and after years of fighting, finally becoming friends."

  Tonight we're here to commemorate Jace as he undertakes the next stage of his life with Echo. I want to let you know that I am proud of you. You're a great guy, and the best proof of that is the remarkable woman who has chosen you to be her husband." Demetri flashed a smile at the bride. "Echo, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. You're a strong, smart, and kind. Welcome to our family."

  "Let’s raise our glasses to wish Jace and Echo a lifetime of love and laughter. Let’s drink."

  Glasses clinked and Jace leaned over to kiss his amazing wife.

  Thank you for reading this Zodiac Shifters romance.

  A shifter’s mate is in the stars… Welcome to Zodiac Shifters, a collection of books with an astrological spin on love. From Aries to Virgo… discover all-new tales of paranormal romance and urban fantasy. Zodiac Shifters features New York Times, USA Today, and other bestselling authors. Each month expect new releases based upon the twelve astrology signs. Happily Ever After… it’s our promise to you.

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  Sneak Peek

  Ram Rebel (Aries Cursed # 3)

  A Zodiac Shifter Paranormal Romance

  By Oana IIasi

  Continue reading for a sneak peek…

  She thought she was going to be a personal assistant, not a nanny…

  When Penelope Walton lands a job at Goldman Corp, the last thing on her mind is that it might be a cover-up for something dark and illegal that her boss is involved in. When Richard Goldman introduces her to the twins he and his wife have just adopted and tells her she’s going to be in charge of their homeschooling, Penny is disappointed. She doesn’t have a degree in Business Management so she can be an overpaid nanny. Something is wrong here. To make things worse, a mysterious, hot-as-sin businessman has come all the way from Spain to strike a deal with Goldman, and he’s set his eyes on her. Even when red flags pop up, she cannot resist his charms.

  His mission was simple… until he saw how far his enemies had gone…

  Enzo Salvador is a ram-shifter and an immortal Aries Guardian. His job is to track down, save and protect sheep-shifters who have disappeared and have, most likely, been kidnapped by filthy rich people who think it’s their right to own shifters for their own fun and gain. He will not stand for it. No matter how dangerous his missions are, he will crush every single person who dared to harm one of his kind. His job is his life, so when he meets curvy, sexy Penelope, he tries to lie to himself: he wants her because she’s the key to solving the case, not because the horned beast inside him screams “mate”.

  Ram Rebel is a full, standalone novella, with a happily-ever-after, and NO cliffhangers. Intended for readers 18+.

  Ram Rebel (Aries Cursed # 3)

  A Zodiac Shifter Paranormal Romance

  By Oana IIasi

  CHAPTER TWO – Excerpt

  The second she set foot in the grand living room, Penelope understood what Goldman had meant when he’d said this particular cocktail party was going to be special.

  As always, the buffet was exquisite, and two waiters dressed in impeccable uniforms were going through the small crowd, offering drinks and delicious appetizers. That wasn’t what impressed Penny, though. She was used to it. The guests themselves were the ones who stood out. There were no more than twenty people, but they were all bankers, politicians, and business moguls. The on
ly reason why Penny could recognize them was because she read the papers and watched the news with religiosity. She had never met them in person before.

  Of course her parents couldn’t be invited to something like this! Jacob Walton was only a lawyer and the owner of a small law firm, and Linda was a former Anthropology professor who had given up teaching in favor of research, charity work, and doing a talk or two at various events. Penelope loved her parents and that they’d chosen to follow their dreams and passions, but she had to admit they could never fit in with this crowd. It took her one minute of close observation to notice that not even some of these powerful men’s wives had been invited. The lack of female presence in the room was so obvious that it was almost painful. To be a part of this elite group, one probably had to leave one’s ethics at the door. On second thought, it was better that Richard had so harshly excluded Jacob and Linda Walton. As for the Goldmans themselves, only Richard, Marcia, and Killian were there.

  Penny spotted Marcia, grabbed a glass of champagne, and headed right toward her. She would have approached Killian, but their relationship had grown a bit cold lately. She wouldn’t know what to say to him.


  “Oh, hi! Penelope, honey, I’m so glad you made it!”

  The tall, brown-haired woman wrapped Penny in a warm hug. For her age, Marcia Goldman looked amazing. She was only two years younger than her husband, but she looked better than many twenty-year-olds. Thin, athletic body, long legs, small breasts that made it possible for her to wear bare back dresses without a bra… Only her deep brown eyes and the small wrinkles surrounding them betrayed she was almost sixty-one.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Penny gave her a tense smile. She was pretty sure Marcia knew she wasn’t here as a family friend.

  “Congratulations on your new job. Rick is so lucky to have you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, how do you feel?”

  Penny took a deep breath and sipped her champagne. How did she feel? Oh, there was no way she could be honest about that.

  “Excited… a bit overwhelmed… I mean, it’s big. I’ve just finished college, I have no experience… But with hard work on my part, and maybe a bit of patience on Mr. Goldman’s part…” She chuckled nervously. “I know I can handle it.”

  Marcia waved her off as if all that was nonsense.

  “You’ll do wonderful, honey. Don’t even worry about it.”

  They made some more small talk, then Marcia excused herself and went to entertain her guests. As the mistress of the house, she couldn’t stay in one place. She needed to walk around and socialize, just like her husband was doing.

  Penny found herself alone in a corner. She had finished her glass of champagne and she was a big hungry, but she felt too self-conscious to go to the buffet and get something to eat. Everyone around her was drinking, eating, and chatting, and no one was paying attention to her. Since they didn’t know her, and she didn’t belong to their happy group, she was invisible to them.

  She switched her weight from one leg to the other and accepted a second glass of champagne from one of the waiters, just so she’d keep at least one of her hands busy. A few steps away, Killian was talking to a gray-haired man whom Penny knew was a politician. She promised herself she would approach her childhood friend as soon as he finished the conversation he was currently in. Just as she was thinking that, Killian turned around and spotted her. A bright smile lit up his features, and he quickly excused himself and headed her way. She smiled in relief. She was saved.

  Unfortunately, she had gotten happy and giddy too fast. Killian had crossed half of the distance between them when a tall, dark-haired man stopped him and patted him on the back.

  Penny cocked an eyebrow, curiously studying the new guy. “Well, well…” she thought, “I haven’t seen you before. Who are you, handsome?”

  The stranger was so bulky that she was pretty sure he belonged in a gym, not at a fancy cocktail party. The expensive suit fit him amazingly, but she could tell he would’ve felt more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt. Also, he was young. He and Killian were the youngest men in this room, and the only reason why Killian was attending the party was because he was Goldman’s heir. So, what was the dark-haired stranger doing here? He wasn’t a banker, nor a politician. He was too young to have had achieved the level of fortune and influence the old, crabby guys who were present had. Or, was he? Maybe she was too quick to judge?

  When she realized all her questions were about to be answered because Killian was bringing the guy over, she inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly a couple of times. Why was she suddenly feeling all tingly? Yes, the man was hot as hell, but it wasn’t like she hadn’t met other sexy guys before. She’d even dated a few.

  “Penny, I’m so glad to see you!”

  She giggled when Killian pulled her into a warm embrace and held her there for a second longer. She realized then just how much she’d missed him. He was tall and good-looking, but he’d never been her type. So, no, she had no intention of marrying him, as her parents were still hoping. But she would have enjoyed spending more time with him.

  “I want you to meet Enzo Salvador,” he released her and turned to the man politely waiting at a distance. “Enzo, this is Penelope Walton, my father’s personal assistant and close family friend.”


  Enzo’s fine manners took Penny’s breath away. He looked straight into her eyes, bowed slightly, and took her hand into his. When he kissed her knuckles, Penny felt her knees tremble and her stomach tense in anticipation. Anticipation of what? Electricity ran up her arm and almost made her jolt in surprise.

  Killian laughed cheerfully. “Enzo is from Spain, but don’t let him fool you. His English is perfect.”

  Penny smiled shyly. She couldn’t look away from those intense, green eyes.


  “Hablas Espanol, cielo?”

  “N-no…” She understood the question, but not the last word. “Cielo?”

  Killian shook his head in amusement. “Please don’t mind him, Penny. He’s a charmer, and he says that to all girls.”

  Enzo finally released her hand. He turned to Killian and punched him in the shoulder jokingly.

  “Why are you never on my side?”

  “Not this time, my friend. Penelope is very dear to me and my family. If my father finds out you’re flirting with her, the deal is off.” He laughed wholeheartedly as if to show he was, in fact, kidding.

  “Deal? What deal?” Penny was confused. Aside from the fact that Enzo’s slightly accented voice made her whole body tingle, she’d never seen Killian being so close and chatty with someone who was not his brother, Zane. If he had managed to charm Killian, who’d never really had male best friends because he was too competitive for that, then Enzo was, indeed, a charmer.

  “Enzo here owns a flourishing business in Central Spain, and we’re in talks of Goldman Corp making a serious investment.”

  Penny took a deep breath and turned to Enzo. Why was it so hard to address him and look him in the eyes at the same time?

  “What kind of business? I don’t want to pry… I’m just curious.”

  He smiled and took a sip of his champagne.

  “Have you ever been to Spain, Ms. Walton?”

  “Please call me Penny. And no, I haven’t.”

  “Well, Penny… Imagine acres and acres of harsh, arid, rocky land. That’s the La Mancha region, where I was born. Now, what do you think one can do with this unfriendly land that would also turn a good profit?”

  “Err… I’m sorry.”

  “Grow sheep.” He smiled widely. “But not just any kind of sheep. The best suited for the unbearably hot summers and the freezing cold winters we get in La Mancha are the Manchego sheep, and they give the most delicious cheese you’ve ever tasted.”

  She blinked in surprise. “Richard Goldman wants to invest in Spanish sheep farms?” She made sure not to express her thoughts out
loud. The last thing she wanted was to offend the gorgeous Latino lover who was currently undressing her with his gaze. Not that it was too much of an effort… Her burgundy dress already left little to the imagination.

  “Fascinating,” she whispered.

  “I can see you’re not impressed,” he smiled indulgently. “How about I steal you from this boring party for old people and show you what my chef can do with Manchego cheese?”

  She blushed to the tips of her ears.

  Killian elbowed Enzo. “Now, now… don’t get too excited. My dad hasn’t even revealed his surprise yet.”

  “Speaking of the wolf,” Enzo muttered under his breath.

  The sudden change in his tone of voice worried Penny a little. He’d been so nice and pleasant so far, and now that Rick Goldman was approaching them, his energy changed completely.

  “Mr. Salvador, how do you like the party?”

  “So chic and intimate. Thank you for having me.”

  Penny’s intuition screamed “fake”. Why was Enzo lying? Good manners, maybe? It was subtle, but she could feel it. He didn’t like her boss.

  “Penny, thank you for coming. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a little task for you.”


  They stepped aside for a moment.

  “Please be a darling and run upstairs. The children are ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “For their party, of course. This is all for them, to welcome them to their new family. Remember?”

  She nodded. In her defense, it had been easy to forget. Looking around her, it didn’t look like an event for two nine-year-olds who could barely speak English. Nonetheless, she kept her mouth shut and did her job.

  Juniper and Thorn were standing awkwardly in the middle of their room, waiting for her. Neither her smiles, nor her compliments for the way they looked impressed them, so she sighed, took them by their tiny hands, and led them downstairs. Stealing glances at them from the corners of her eyes, Penny had to admit they were both simply precious. Blond hair, big, almond eyes, pale skin… And they had a sort of nobility to them. The way they kept their back straight and chin up as they walked, their self-imposed silence… There was something about these kids.


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