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She Who Dares, Wins

Page 2

by Candace Havens

  “Most of them work at the high court—barristers and clerks, and maybe a few judges. Everybody will have gone home to their families. In about an hour there will be an influx of partiers out for a good time. The crowd changes and it gets louder as the night goes on.”

  She shook her head. “It really does feel like home—almost makes me miss it.”

  “Almost?” From the way she said it, he could tell she had mixed feelings.

  “Like most people, I have some family baggage.” She blew out a breath. “I’m Katie, by the way.” She stuck out a hand for him to shake.

  “I’m M—” He’d almost said Macon. “Mac, that’s what my friends call me.”

  The bartender grunted again as he put their salads on the bar.

  “Wow! Now, that’s a salad.” She laughed at the sight of the large bowl filled to the brim with vegetables. The sound of her laugh was like a warm blanket wrapped around him—a warm sexy blanket.

  He cleared his throat. “Roxy, the chef here, likes to make sure her customers are well fed.”

  As they chatted through dinner he noticed she ate every bite of her meal, and she downed two more pints. But she was as clear-eyed as when she’d walked in.

  Mac on the other hand was feeling the effects of the beer. He was far from drunk, but he was more relaxed than he’d been in months.

  When they finished their meals, she opened her bag to pull out some pound notes.

  “Hey, I’m buying you dinner, remember?” He handed the bills she’d put on the bar back to her.

  Katie shook her head. “Nah. If you’d been a boring ass, I’d make you pay. But I had fun talking to you. We’ll go Dutch.”

  Macon and the bartender both guffawed. “It’s difficult to argue with logic like that,” he said, “but I, as a gentleman, would feel less of a man if you paid.”

  Katie rolled her eyes. “Men. You’re the same everywhere I go. Fine. Pay.” She held out her hand. “Thank you for a lovely meal.”

  He took her hand in his. “I had more fun tonight than I’ve had in months. I can’t remember the last time I had a—” He’d been about to say date, which wasn’t the right word. “A good meal with a beautiful woman.”

  She blushed. Now, that was unexpected.

  “I wish you’d let me walk you to your next destination. It can be tough to get a taxi this time of night, and some of the streets can be a bit dodgy.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Mac, are you hitting on me?”

  God, she was forthright. “Yes,” he answered honestly.

  She laughed out loud. “What if you’re some kind of ax murderer and you’re only saying pretty things to get me alone?”

  “Oh, I want you alone, but there are no axes in the picture. Besides, Timothy will vouch for me. Right?”

  Timothy grunted and rolled his eyes. “He’s better than most.”

  “Now, that’s a rousing referral if ever I heard one.” Katie smiled.

  Macon knew he should tell her who he was, but he had a feeling if he did, this connection with her would be broken. He wanted her, and if it meant withholding information for the greater good, who was he to complain? It had been so long since he’d felt any kind of connection with anyone. For the past six years everything had been about his work. He deserved some fun.

  Okay, he was an ass. But he wanted this woman, and the feeling persisted that if she knew the truth all bets would be off.

  He grabbed her bag with one hand and held her hand with the other.

  “So where are we off to next?” he said as they stepped out onto the sidewalk.

  “To the Dorchester,” she replied breathlessly, another blush creeping up on her cheeks, but not connected with the London chill.

  She’s so tough, but blushes. This woman intrigued him and he had to know more about her.

  Macon had several blocks to convince her why spending the night with him would be the best thing that ever happened to her. And then he would tell her the truth.


  KATIE STOOD BESIDE MAC on the elevator chewing her lip.

  What am I doing?

  When Mac had offered to take Katie’s bags upstairs to her suite at the Dorchester, she’d known what he meant, and she wanted it. She wanted him. Knowing him for less than two hours didn’t matter. They had a connection unlike any she’d ever experienced.

  When she left New York, she’d been determined to change her life. She would no longer be consumed by work and she’d start dating again. It hadn’t happened that way. The move to Texas to help Mariska settle in at the agency had left Katie with less free time than ever. Not that she minded at first. It had been exciting picking up the pieces and helping her friend keep the agency running.

  Stonegate Investigative Agency was stronger than ever, and Katie didn’t have to carry the success of the business on her shoulders. Well, she’d never been alone—her friends Chi and Makala had been there, too—but Katie had been responsible for the day-to-day operations.

  The only time she’d kissed a guy in the past six months had been on a case when she’d gone undercover with a DEA agent. Sad, that was the only way she could get a man to touch her, but it was the truth. She was like some kind of social pariah when it came to the opposite sex.

  Her mother had always said she was too tough, but Katie couldn’t help it. That was her nature, and if a guy couldn’t handle it, well, to hell with him.

  But Mac was different. He saw her as a woman. He didn’t have any preconceived notions about her past and he didn’t seem to care about anything except the now.

  The elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

  Could she do this? Could she have a one-night stand in a foreign country with a man she barely knew?

  His hand touched her back to lead her off the elevator and a shiver of delight warmed her.

  Yes. She most definitely could spend a night with this stranger.

  Everything about him, from his tall, lanky surfer-boy looks to his deep melodic voice, screamed hot juicy sex. Didn’t she deserve one night with this man she knew instinctively could do dangerous and wonderful things to her?

  They arrived at the door much too quickly. She slipped the key card in and the handle turned.

  “Well, here we are.” He handed her the bag. “Thank you for a great night. I’m more relaxed than I’ve been in months. I don’t run into many Americans in my social circles, and it’s been nice talking about home with you.” He dazzled her with that smile again.

  Wait. This was good-night? Katie was so confused. Had she read the signals wrong?

  Then she saw it in his eyes—that moment where he was giving her an out. He didn’t want to pressure her into anything, and it made her want him even more.

  “We never had dessert,” she said, her voice husky with need. She opened the door and pushed the case inside, holding the door for him to step through.

  He watched her, as if he were trying to get a read.

  She gave him a quick grin, and that was all it took.

  Stepping in, he shut the door.

  “Are you really hungry?” Mac asked as he brushed a hair away from her cheek. That brief touch sent shudders through her body.

  Katie leaned back against the wall just inside the suite. The desire in his eyes made her belly tighten, and she didn’t trust her voice, so she shook her head.

  He leaned in and kissed her, teasing at first with light touches to her lips. Katie restrained herself from shoving him to the floor and taking him right then and there, as his kisses caused a tingling straight through her from where their lips met.

  Mac was so much taller and she found herself rising to the tips of her toes so she could taste more of him. All the tiredness and worry slipped from her mind as his hands slid around her waist, pulling her toward him.

  They tasted each other for a good five minutes. With their tongues dancing and exploring, she couldn’t get enough of his steak-and-dark-beer-mixed-with-peppermint flavor.

  She wound
her arms around his neck. His erection pressed into her belly, giving her such a sense of power she nearly growled. Mac didn’t know it, but he’d become her prey. She wanted him now, inside her.

  “Too many clothes,” she whispered against his lips. Pulling her arms away, she unbuttoned his shirt. When her nervous fingers fumbled, it took great restraint to keep from ripping the material so she could feel his skin.

  He lifted his lips from hers and smiled. Gently shoving her hands away from his shirt, he reached for hers, sliding it off her shoulders and exposing her pink bra. He made quick work of her pants, which were wide legged and slipped to the floor.

  Katie refused to let him have all the fun. She unzipped his jeans, the feel of him hard and tight against her palm as she groped him.

  He moaned and moved her so he was against the wall to brace them. She stopped stroking him long enough to pull her boots off, but he stopped her.

  “Leave them on,” he said heavily as he tugged the panties past them.

  He knelt, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck, breasts and stomach. When his tongue reached its destination, Katie threw her head back, balancing her hands on his shoulders as he laved her hot pink flesh with such precision that in mere seconds her body quaked with a mind-blowing orgasm.

  Before Katie could pass out from the sheer pleasure of it, he scooped her up in his arms and tossed her gently onto the bed. Once again he knelt, teasing her until she writhed before him. Her boots wrapped around his shoulders as he continued to drive her to the brink, this time the orgasm so intense she saw tiny specks of light behind her eyes.

  “I could watch you do that all night.” Mac’s voice was deeper than before. “And these boots—you’re so damn gorgeous.”

  Katie couldn’t hide her smile. His words made her feel empowered.

  She reached for him. “I need you inside me, please, Mac. Please,” she begged. She could no longer wait for his cock to give her the relief she needed.

  “Not yet, love,” he said as he slid up her body, bringing both her breasts to hard peaks with his mouth as his fingers pumped in and out of her pink flesh. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

  Her fingers grabbed his hair. “Now. I need you now.”

  That seemed to do it.

  He yanked his shirt over his head and released his cock from his pants. He fumbled with something in his pocket and she realized he was grabbing a condom. At least he’d thought of it—she hadn’t.

  She sat up, took the package from his hand and ripped it open, sheathing him with the protection as fast as possible. He was long, hard and thick. She lifted her legs, still clad in the boots, up over his shoulders as she guided him into her.

  When there was a long pause she worried for a second that maybe he was too big, but he pumped her gently a few times, covering his cock in her juices, and her body opened to him. The pace quickened and soon he was pounding her with such ferocity her body came unglued. When his finger touched her nub, she screamed her release.

  The look of desire in his eyes as he watched her come sent waves of pleasure through her. Every muscle in her body tightened as he was bringing her to yet another orgasm.

  “Come with me,” she begged. “I want to watch you come with me.”

  The pounding increased and his thumb rubbed her nub again as Katie writhed on the bed, uncertain how much more her body could take, but she wanted him more than anything.

  His blue eyes centered on her as he moaned, “Katie,” and she felt such power in those words.

  “Yes, Mac. Come with me. Ohhhhhh.” She was lost then in the sensation of him, their bodies echoing the pleasure they both experienced. When he moaned her name again, his body stiffened with release just as her entire body quaked with an orgasm. This time she saw more tiny stars in her lids, and every muscle turned to rubber.

  When he slid out, she moaned her complaint.

  “Have to sit.” His words came out on a pant. “You’re amazing.”

  “No.” She was still winded. “That was all you. I was along for the ride. One wonderful, wild ride.”

  He took care of the condom, then lay beside her sideways, their legs hanging off the edge. Normally Katie would have felt the need to cover herself, but the way he looked at her as if she were a big piece of chocolate he couldn’t wait to devour made her comfortable in her own skin.

  He put his arm behind her and pulled her closer to him. “Trust me when I tell you we were on that ride together.”

  She snuggled into him, but couldn’t stifle a yawn.

  “You’re tired.” He turned so he could see her face.

  “Nah, that was a sign of contentment, nothing more.”

  “Hmm.” He pulled away. “I think maybe we should get you ready for bed.”

  She sighed. “We are in bed.”

  He chuckled at that.

  “True,” he said as he sat up, and then he reached down and slid her boots off.

  Another yawn escaped. Damn. She didn’t want to fall asleep.

  Mac picked her up with one arm so she was nestled against him. Using his other arm he pulled the covers back. “Let’s at least get you warm.”

  Carefully he put her back down and moved her legs under the covers, intimate and sweet at the same time.

  Something clicked for Katie. “Oh, wow. I’m probably keeping you from one of those quick exits guys like to make. Sorry, I don’t do this—uh, well, I’ve never slept with a guy I don’t really know.” She grinned. Katie wondered why she couldn’t shut up. Normally she wasn’t the talkative type, but her nerves had returned.

  Mac touched her cheek. “No, I can promise you I don’t want to go right now.” He held her tighter and nuzzled his nose at her neck.

  Katie sighed with contentment. Mac spoke the truth for now. She was good at reading people. Maybe he wouldn’t leave right away, but he would eventually. The idea made her a little sad.

  “I have to say I’m kind of glad the professor wasn’t there tonight.”

  A weird look passed over his face. “What do you mean?”

  “I wouldn’t have met you, and we’d have missed this crazy-good night together. Thank you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “It was definitely crazy good.”

  She yawned again. “I’m about to fall asleep.” Her eyes were so heavy she could barely keep them open. “Damn you for being so good with the sex. You wore me out.”

  This time he laughed out loud. He sat next to her, brushing the hair away from her face. “You have to take some of that blame, you know. You’re pretty damn good with the sex, too.”

  Katie smiled with satisfaction. No one had ever said she was good in bed. Not that she’d had many lovers.

  “I like you,” she said.

  He kissed her again tenderly. “I like you, too.”

  YOU’RE AN ASS. Mac couldn’t believe he’d failed to tell Katie the truth before she fell asleep. He’d made mad, passionate love with her, and then he’d lied to her.

  Not so much a lie as an omission. He had a feeling she wouldn’t see it that way. What he’d done was wrong, and he knew it. The opportunity to tell her had come about more than once during their evening together, but their evening had been so perfect, he didn’t want it to end. This had been one of the best nights of his life, and not just the sex. Though that had been incredible. He’d enjoyed their chat during dinner. She was honest and forthright, and he was absolutely charmed by her.

  Sitting there for a moment on her bed, he watched her sleep. She was nothing short of gorgeous. From her head down to those purple-painted toenails he’d seen when he slipped her boots and socks off her feet.

  Those boots. He took a deep breath. Katie’s lithe body, naked with only those boots, was a memory burned into his brain for a lifetime.

  That’s good, since she’s probably never going to speak to you again when she finds out the truth.

  He’d figure something out. He had to, because after finding the woman of his dreams, he wasn’
t about to let her go. Katie was everything he hadn’t known he wanted, and she was perfect. A combination of strength, femininity and sensuality, which stirred his baser instincts in a way no other woman had.

  I need a strategy—a plan to keep Katie McClure in my life.

  At least until he could see where this thing between them was going. She thought it a one-night stand, but he’d heard the disappointment in her voice. She still wanted him, and that was something perhaps he could use to his advantage.

  His lab. He needed those familiar white and gray walls in order to think.

  Macon left the Dorchester determined to find a way to make Katie forgive him.


  FOR SOMEONE WHO THRIVED on punctuality, Katie had made a mess of her appointments the past twenty-four hours. After waking up at five in the morning, naked in her bed, it had taken her a few minutes to discern where she was. Mortified, she realized she’d fallen asleep while Mac was still there. By the time she’d opened her eyes he was long gone.

  At first she was disappointed he hadn’t left a note, but she quickly admonished herself. It was about the moment and having some fun—hadn’t her friend Mar told her to do exactly that? Once this case was over, she’d been ordered to take some time off and relax. It had been years since Katie had had a vacation—she wasn’t sure she remembered how.

  In fact, she might stay at the Dorchester and enjoy the amenities. The two-bedroom suite Mar had insisted Katie stay in was bigger than her entire apartment in Texas, and it was the most luxurious place she’d ever slept in. There were two bedrooms in case she had to move the professor to a safer location. The bathtub alone was as big as a boat, and in the daylight she’d explored the cavernous suite to discover everything from state-of-the art electronics to a showerhead with so many different spouts it felt as if she was getting a massage.

  She’d called the university at eight to set an appointment with the dean and the professor. The dean’s assistant told her he wasn’t in, but she did set a meeting with the professor. The appointment was for nine, and Katie was stuck in traffic that was worse than midtown Manhattan during rush hour.


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