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Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel

Page 36

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Have you considered he wouldn’t bring Dylan to the ransom exchange?” Ben asked.

  He was affirmative. “Yes. We’ll have to put a tracking device in the money, in case.”

  “This is Missy’s brother, Ben,” I explained.

  “Have they investigated the murder in Jackson Hole?” Missy brought up the awful subject because if it could be proven, it was the sure way to keep Ellington away from her and Dylan for life.

  “What?” Ben asked, in surprise. “What murder?”

  “My attorney died, in a supposed accident, the day before a court date to remove the restraining order,” Missy explained quickly. “Derrick won the judgment because we were a no-show, and he admitted it to me last weekend.”

  Ben leaned back in his chair, his chest rising as he sucked air into his lungs. His jaw jutted out in disgust, as he shook his head. Abhorrence was dripping off of him.

  “We’re looking into it, but right now it appears to be an accident,” Agent Webster explained.

  “It’s too convenient to be an accident,” I insisted.

  “The agents in Jackson Hole are looking for evidence to connect him to it, but we aren’t sure if we can get enough to make a charge stick. The car was completely demolished in a train accident, and the pieces have been taken to a local junkyard. We’re doing our best to find out what we can, but so far, we haven’t found any witnesses.”

  “When Derrick was gloating about it, he mentioned faulty brakes!” Missy told him. “Can you look for that?”

  Ben got up suddenly, pulled out his phone and walked away down the adjacent hallway.

  “I’ll let them know. Thanks.”

  “Also, if we catch him—” Missy began.

  “When we catch that bastard,” I said adamantly.

  “Yeah, when,” Ben agreed, returning and shoving his phone into the back pocket of his jeans.

  She glanced our way, then back at the agent. “Is there any way to make him sign over his parental rights?”

  “I’m no judge, but it seems logical that if we get him on a kidnapping charge, the judge will automatically terminate them.”

  She took in a shuttering breath. “I just don’t want to deal with him anymore.”

  “But if we can get him on the murder charge, that would be even better. The kidnapping is pretty open-and-shut if we can catch him, but a murder conviction would put him away for much longer. Not to worry you ma’am, but if he’d stoop to this, would termination of custody really stop him?”

  “No, it wouldn’t. We have to put him in jail,” I said. “For as long as possible.”

  “Throw away the key,” Ben added. “Maybe some big dude on the inside will make him his bitch,” he added hopefully.

  Missy’s phone rang and again but from a different number this time.

  “This is most likely the suspect.” Agent Daniels quickly placed a recording device on her phone this time. “It’s okay to answer it, ma’am.” He nodded. “Remember, just like before; keep him on the call as long as you can.”

  Missy nodded and answered after one more ring. “Hello?”

  The FBI had a device on her phone to record the call, but Ben and I both leaned closer so I could hear Ellington’s demands. The waiting room was not conducive to cranking up her phone volume, so thankfully, they were recording it in addition to trying to locate his phone from the cell towers.

  “Has the kid been born yet? Do you have the money?” Derrick asked. He seemed agitated.

  “We’re still waiting, Derrick. Can I call you on this phone when we hear any news? Or, we can make a time to meet on Monday. I’m sure Chase will get the money, but the banks will be closed tomorrow.”

  The agent gave Missy a thumbs up. I closed my eyes in horror. There were more than thirty hours until the banks opened, and all I could think about were those poor kids. However, we couldn’t arrange a time before Monday and appear legit.

  “I want three million dollars; cash in small, unmarked bills,” Ellington demanded.

  “That’s a lot of money, Derrick.”

  “If Forrester wants to see his darlin’ little angel again, he’ll get it. I know he’s good for it.”

  “Oh, Derrick,” Missy said, forlornness lacing her words. “Why are you doing this? Just bring the kids back, and we won’t press charges. You can’t think you’ll get away with this. What about your business?”

  “Shut up Melissa. If you cared so much about me, you wouldn’t have left me in the first place! Just tell him he’d better get the money!”

  It was all I could do not to grab the phone from Missy’s hands and scream into it. I was seething. Ellington’s voice was so cold. He had no emotion for Remi or even his own son.

  “I will, but Derrick, please; can we pay more to get Dylan back, too? Please don’t take my son from me!” she pleaded, tears filling her eyes and tumbling down her face. “He needs me! He barely knows you anymore. Please…” she cried. “Don’t take my baby away from me!”

  “You took him away from me! You’re crying now, but this is your fault.” Ellington’s voice changed tenor. “If you want him, you’ll have to come with us. I told you, I want you back, baby.”

  I could see how revolted Missy was by her expression. She closed her eyes in disgust, steeling herself and wiping at her tears. “Okay, Derrick.” Her words took on a smoother tone, but I could tell they tore from her. She had her role down cold. “Whatever you want.”

  “Get rid of the cops! Do you think I don’t know they’re swarming all over you? Don’t make me hurt one of these little bastards.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “That lousy piece of shit!” Ben said softly, shaking his head, his fists clenching.

  “We’ll see,” Ellington answered menacingly. “I’ve got one kid I don’t want!”

  Fuck, I thought, standing up running my hand down my face.

  Missy saw the horror on my face, and it echoed on her own. “Okay, Derrick! I’ll ask the FBI and police to back off, and we won’t press charges! Just give me some time to get the money.”

  “If you’re screwing with me, Melissa, so help me God, you’ll be sorry.”

  “I—I’m not, Derrick. I just want to keep Dylan safe. Please don’t hurt him, or Remi. They’re just little kids. They’re innocent. You’re mad at me, not them.”

  “You’re right. They won’t stop their infernal sniveling. I can’t wait to get this over with, so hurry Forrester up!”

  “As I said, Monday is the soonest it’s feasible unless you want a wire transfer? You’d have to give us your account number, but then authorities might trace it or freeze the account, so let’s just meet Monday,” she tried again. “What time?”

  Ellington paused. I was proud of Missy for thinking onto her feet. She was right, and we needed a face-to-face exchange to catch him and get both kids back.

  “Okay. I’ll be in touch,” he said.

  Missy’s shoulder’s slumped as her phone went dead. “Sorry,” she said, defeated. “I wish he would have let me talk to Dylan.”

  “He’ll call again, ma’am,” Agent Webster said. “I’ll have my office send more agents out as soon as we peg the suspect’s location.”

  “I say we start combing the city.” I rose to my feet, ready to take action. “You could tell us where that despicable bastard is when you know.”

  Ben stood up beside me. “I’m in. Let’s go.”

  Agent Daniels put both of his hands up to stop us. “Wait. You can’t just roam around looking for criminals. Under no circumstances can we give you the location. It’s dangerous, and it’s our job.”

  “Those are our kids out there!” I said sternly. “I’m going nuts! It’s been almost twelve hours since they disappeared!”

  “We can’t just sit here, man!” Ben stated. “I’m a fireman, so I’m no stranger to dangerous situations. Those kids are six years old! Imagine how terrified they are!”

  Both of us were adamant, and together, we were both in the fac
es of the FBI agents. No doubt Chase would want to go along if he could, but he had to be there for Teagan at this moment. My heart hurt for my friends. They didn’t even know what was going on… not really. I pulled my phone out and glanced at the screen, but I had nothing new from Chase.

  “I’m going to check with the nursing staff about Teagan’s progress before we get the hell out of here.”

  “Sir—” Agent Webster said. “You can’t—”

  Missy stood and came closer, standing between Ben and me and the agents. “Jensen, please be careful. I’m so scared for the children, but maybe they’re right,” she said, indicating the agents. “I couldn’t bear it if something to happen to you and Ben, too.”

  “Are you kidding? That asshole may have hurt them to keep them quiet; they might be hungry or thirsty, tied up or tortured! They could be locked up alone somewhere! You told me what he’s done already! Do you think by some miracle, this will be any different?” I asked adamantly.

  Heat began to sweep up across my chest, up my neck, and into my face. Ben’s face showed his fury as well, and his hands landed on his hips in a determined stance.

  “I’ll be damned if I’ll sit here while those little kids are out there somewhere scared out of their minds and may be suffering. There’s no fucking way I’m waiting for him to do something worse, Missy!” Ben insisted.

  The truth was… we didn’t know what Ellington had already done. Missy’s face took on a resigned expression, and she nodded. “Okay, I’ll wait here for Chase to let him and Teagan know what’s happening with the search.”

  The two FBI agents huddled in a discussion a few feet away, and I glanced to them and then back to Ben and Missy.

  “I’ll send him a text, as well. Hold on a second.” I left them and walked to the reception desk in the waiting room. “Excuse me, can you please give us an update on Teagan Forrester?” I asked. “Has her baby been born?”

  “Are you family?” she asked. I paused only briefly before replying. If I wasn’t family, I didn’t know who I was. “Yeah. I’m her brother-in-law,” I lied.

  She smiled and looked at something on her screen. “Okay. It looks like she just delivered about twenty minutes ago. It’s a boy. She’ll be in her room on fourth floor maternity soon, and the baby is going to NICU.”

  “Is something wrong with the baby?” I prayed he was okay. We didn’t need any more bad news today.

  “I’m sure Mrs. Forester is doing fine if it’s been noted she’ll move to maternity within the hour. Sometimes the NICU is just a precaution, but I’m not privy to the details, sir. You’ll have to speak to one of the parents.”

  “The baby was a month premature. Can’t you tell me something to ease my mind?”

  “Sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “Why don’t you have a seat and then you can go up and see the new mommy in her room in a few minutes?”

  I was worried, but I went back to tell Missy and Ben what I’d learned. “Remi won’t be happy. She wanted a sister, but she has a baby brother.”

  “Are they both doing alright?” Missy asked anxiously, concern furrowing her brow. “What did the nurse say?”

  “She isn’t a nurse. She couldn’t tell me the condition of the baby, but Teagan is fine.”

  I’d barely got the words out when the double doors opened, and Chase came through pulling a blue surgical gown off of his arms, and plastic gloves off of his hands. His hair was covered with a blue cap, as well. He pushed it off his head in one swift motion, then wadded all of it up together and shoved it in the trash can in the waiting room.

  “Are they both okay?” I wanted to know.

  “Yeah. They’re moving Teagan to her room and our son into the NICU.”

  “Is something wrong with him?” Missy was close to me and reached out a hand and placed it on Chase’s arm. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s healthy; just a little too pink. He’s early, so they say he has jaundice and needs to be under some blue lights for a couple of days. He’s perfect,” It all rushed out of my friend in a flurry, but his fatherly pride showed even though he was worried about Remi and Dylan. I knew he wished he could pause to enjoy the birth of his son, but his main focus had to be on Remi now that the baby was here safely. “What’s going on with the kids?” His eyes scanned over Ben and the FBI agents, then back to me. “Have they been found, yet?”

  “No.” It took about a minute to share what we knew from the FBI and local police, Ellington’s latest demand, and Ben and my determination to search the city.

  He turned on one of the FBI agents. “What the hell have you all been doing all night? When are you going to start looking?” I understood Chase’s frustration. I felt it, too, but I knew yelling at the officers would not help find Remi and Dylan.

  “We’re already working on it, Mr. Forrester. It’s our advice that the three of you wait until the banks open, so Ellington will be under the illusion you have gotten the cash he wants. Even if it’s fake, we can arrange a drop. He says he isn’t interested in keeping your little girl. You can’t do anything until then, so why not go be with your wife and baby?”

  Chase was wound as tight as Ben and me. We were all ready to let our emotions fly, but Chase did.

  “My daughter is missing! My wife is crying when she should be happy right now! Christ! You want us to pretend everything is fine?”

  I put a hand on my friend’s shoulder, expecting him to turn around and slug me. He jumped at my touch and wheeled around. “Chase, let’s go out looking for them.” I patted his shoulder again, trying to calm him down. “Ben and I can’t sit here, either.” My friend nodded, placated. “We’re going nuts.”

  “Where are you going to look?” Agent Daniels asked, indignantly. “This city is huge. You can’t drive around endlessly without knowing what to look for, or even where to start.”

  All three of us held our ground, unwilling to acquiesce and do nothing. I threw Daniels a frustrated look. He knew where the second cell signal came from, so he could tell us if he wanted to. Obviously, he’d never experienced the sheer terror of a child in danger. “What would you do if it were your kid?”

  I inhaled and nodded. “He probably has the kids in a motel for the night. One that takes cash,” Daniels offered, finally caving into our steadfastness. “The second phone call was one of those throwaway phones again. We already have a team honing-in on the location.”

  “So?” I looked at him expectantly.

  “If you know, you have to tell us,” Chase said, more calmly. “Please.”

  Agent Daniels let out a resigned huff. “Midtown, Atlanta.”

  “The dive hotels in mid-Atlanta, it is, then.” Ben’s resolve showed as he calmly slid on his coat. “That’s where we start.”

  “That’s close by,” Chase said.

  Adrenalin started to race through my body. Ben shifted from one foot to another and Chase ran both hands through his hair, then laced his fingers together on the top of his head.

  Agent Daniels looked at his partner. “Webster, you stay here with Ms. Ellington and Mrs. Forrester. I’m going with these men.”

  “Shouldn’t you call for back-up?”

  “For what? I will if we find something. Let’s go, gentleman,” he said, to us, using his arm to indicate we should follow. “But if we do locate the suspect, we don’t make a move. We watch and wait for the rest of my team to arrive, and even then, the three of you stay put. The suspect might be armed, and we err on the side of safety. Got it?”

  I glanced between Chase and Ben, meeting their eyes knowingly. I knew that there was no way in hell we’d be capable of sitting by if we found out where Ellington was holding the kids.

  “Yeah,” Chase nodded.

  “Right,” Ben agreed.

  “For sure. Now can we get the hell out of here?” I asked.


  After the men left with the FBI agent, I went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face, and then found Teagan’s room on the maternity floo
r. I wondered if Teagan’s dad or Chase’s siblings and parents were notified. Everything had happened so fast, and the law enforcement officers who surrounding us all day made it impossible for Jensen to get a free minute. He appeared reluctant to call about the baby because he’d be forced to break the news about the kidnapping.

  When I knocked lightly on the door, her voice, though weak and tired, bid me entrance.

  “Hey,” I peeked inside and found her small form huddled on the bed.

  She looked exhausted, and her brow was creased with worry as I entered.

  “Did they find Remi and Dylan?” she asked, her face crumpling. “I left my phone at the house so Chase can’t text. The battery was dead, anyway.” She wiped away an errant tear. “I’m trying not to cry, but I’m so scared, Missy.”

  I moved into the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to the woman who had become my closest friend. I reached out and squeezed her hand. “Me, too,” I agreed. “But I have my phone, and Jensen will keep us informed. He, Chase, and my brother, Ben, went out looking for them with one of the federal agents.”

  “But, how?” she asked, surprised.

  “Derrick called again, and his signal was traced via the cellular towers. It’s one of those dummy phones, but I guess the FBI can still locate it.” I wanted to give Teagan some hope, even if I was feeling fragile myself. It was the least I could do, considering all she’d done for Dylan and me; considering her child was in a precarious position along with mine; and all because of me. I didn’t tell her that if Derrick pitched it in the trash, the search would be a wild goose chase like the one earlier in the day had been. “Those three men are the only people on earth that make me feel safe. I have to believe they won’t stop until they find the kids.”

  Teagan’s face crumpled in profound sorrow. I’d cried a thousand tears over the past twelve hours, but she’d been giving birth and probably had yet to deal with her emotions over the kidnapping. “I do, too. I’ve never met Ben, but I feel he’s a good man.”

  “The best,” I agreed. “The three of them are very alike. Did you call your dad or Chase’s family? Should I do that?”


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