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Alastair Stone Chronicles Box Set: Alastair Stone Chronicles, Books 1 through 4

Page 91

by R. L. King

  Lissy screamed again, a long, drawn-out sound of agony as the creatures moved in for the kill. They attacked what was left of her body with such ferocity that droplets of blood and gory gobbets flew out and hit the creatures trying to take down the shield several feet away.

  And then her screams died abruptly into silence.

  Stone, nearly incoherent himself now, fought Jason with a madman’s strength as he tried to drag him back to the portal. Realizing he was no longer dealing with someone he could reason with, and seeing the healthy pink of the shield flare bright red in several places, Jason simply reacted with brute force.

  He picked up Stone just like Stone had done to Verity earlier, threw him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, and dived toward the portal exit. The creatures snapped at his heels; their hatred and frustration followed him as the shield dropped and he disappeared back through the portal.



  No answer.

  “Al, we have to go.”

  No answer.

  Jason and Verity, their eyes haunted, Verity’s red-rimmed from crying, stood over Stone, who sat unmoving against the wall of the portal room.

  Half an hour had passed since Jason had dragged himself and Stone through the portal barely ahead of the bloodthirsty creatures on the other side. They’d fallen in a heap at a shocked Verity’s feet.

  “What happened?” she had demanded. “Where’s Lissy?” Then she saw the blood splatters. “My God, what happened? Are you hurt? Where’s Lissy?”

  Jason disentangled himself from Stone, who remained as he had fallen on the floor, conscious but unmoving. “V—” he began. “We—”

  “Are you hurt?”

  He shook his head.


  “She’s dead,” Stone said in a lifeless monotone. Then he brought his arms up and buried his face in them and didn’t speak any more.

  That left it to Jason to explain to his sister what had happened. He did so in halting steps, in a voice that was almost as lifeless as Stone’s. She listened with growing shock, and when he finished tears sprang to her eyes and she threw her arms around him in a hard hug. “How—?” she finally got out. “How did she—”

  “It was my fault,” Stone muttered, dragging himself up to sit against the wall, then dropping his head back into his clasped arms. “She trusted me, and I let those things have her—let them tear her apart—”


  “I don’t want to talk, Jason. Just—go. Please.”

  Of course they wouldn’t leave him alone in that state, so they remained, pacing around the room and trying to come to terms with the enormity of what had just occurred. They had come down here with a sweet young girl who only wanted to please them—a damaged girl who nonetheless trusted them to mean her no harm—and they had led her to the most horrific death imaginable.

  Jason’s mind nearly shut down when it tried to recall the events in the portal; he remembered the screaming, the blood, the fact that Lissy had yelled something about the Evil—but none of the specifics. He didn’t want to remember them. All he wanted to do was get out of here. He never wanted to look at that portal again.

  Verity moved over and sat down next to Stone. She put her hand on his arm. “Dr. Stone? We—we can’t stay here. We have to go.”

  It appeared he wasn’t going to speak, but after a moment he raised his head a little. His face was dead pale, his eyes shrouded in dark circles. “You’re right...” he mumbled. “We—must tell the others. I owe them that...” He hauled himself to his feet. “Come on, then. Let’s go.” Without looking at either of them, he left the room.

  Jason glanced at Verity and sighed, shaking his head. He knew just how Stone felt: after all, it had been he who had let Lissy break free of his grasp, even after Stone had told him not to let go no matter what. He suspected that once they got home, neither he nor Stone would be worth a damn for the next several days.

  They reached the van. Jason headed for the driver’s side, but Stone waved him away and got in himself. The radio blared to life with some cheerful tune when he turned the key, and he nearly ripped the knob off in his haste to shut it up. They drove in silence back to the building in Mountain View.

  Despite the lateness of the hour, flickering lights shone inside the section of building where the Forgotten group had set up their camp. All of them except Frank the Scribbler looked up as Stone, Jason, and Verity appeared in the doorway.

  “How did it—” Marilee began, but then she caught sight of their faces. “Oh, my God...” She struggled to her feet far faster than her ample frame normally moved.

  The others got up too, and hurried over to where the three still stood framed in the doorway, not entering the room. “What happened?” Lamar asked, frowning, looking past them as he obviously tried to spot Lissy.

  “Where’s Lissy?” Hector demanded.

  “Oh, no,” Marilee said, eyes wide. “Did something go wrong? Did you—get caught doing whatever you were doing? Is Lissy hurt? Did she get arrested?”

  Stone bowed his head. “She’s…she’s dead, Marilee.” His voice was barely audible.

  She stared at him, as did the others. “D-dead?” she whispered.

  “How?” Lamar moved in closer. “What happened?”

  The Forgotten swarmed around them and hustled them inside. “Please,” Marilee begged, “Tell us what happened. Are you—are you sure—?”

  Jason nodded without looking at them. “We’re sure.” His voice was rough as he struggled not to let it crack.

  “Where—is her body?” Lamar asked. “You didn’t leave it—”

  Stone looked like he was trying hard not to break down. “There…is no body, Lamar.”

  “Then how can you be sure—?”

  “We saw it happen,” Stone said. He met Lamar’s gaze. “We…saw. There was no—no way anyone could have—”

  “You let something kill her?” Hector demanded, his voice loud and accusing. “You were supposed to take care of her. That’s why we let her go with you. She trusted you to protect her!”

  “Hector—” Marilee began.

  “Shut up!” he ordered. “This is Lissy, Marilee. Our Lissy. He didn’t know her like we did. He didn’t care. Look at him—always with his experiments and his studies—he don’t give a fuck about any of us normal people, except what he can con us into doing so he can get more power. I know his type. He can’t fool me. He’s all about power, that one is.”

  “Now just a—” Verity started to protest, indignant.

  Stone put a hand on her arm. “Don’t, Verity,” he murmured. “I deserve that.”

  “Fuck yeah you do!” Hector’s face clouded over with rage. Before anyone could stop him, he lunged forward and lashed out with a meaty fist, catching Stone full in the chin. The mage, who hadn’t even raised a hand to defend himself, went over backward, crashed into the wall with a sickening thud, and slid to the floor.

  “Hector, no!” Lamar and Marilee moved in on either side of him and each grabbed one of his arms, while Jason stepped between him and Stone before he could wade in for another shot.

  “Calm down,” Jason said. “That isn’t gonna help anybody, Hector.”

  Verity ran over to where Stone had fallen, then glared at Hector. “You knocked him out!”

  “Good!” Hector yelled, still struggling in his friends’ grips. “I hope I killed the bastard!”

  “Hector! You don’t mean that!” Marilee was shocked.

  “I don’t care if he means it or not,” Jason growled. “But you take one more step toward Al, man, and I’ll lay you out so hard you won’t wake up until next week. Got it? Now sit the fuck down, or go smoke a joint or whatever you gotta do to calm down, okay?”

  Hector, apparently catching something in Jason’s eyes that he didn’t like, backed down. Muttering something under his breath, he shook himself free of Lamar and Marilee and stomped out of the room. Meanwhile, Benny looked on silen
tly from the far side, and Frank continued drawing on his tablet as if unaware anything was happening at all.

  As soon as Hector was gone, it was as if all the air went out of Jason. His shoulders slumped and his posture sagged. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to get like that. He has a right to be upset—”

  “We’re all upset,” Marilee said, tears running down her wrinkled cheeks. She moved over and helped Verity lay Stone out flat, shoving a pile of blankets under his head. Blood ran down from the corner of his mouth where Hector’s punch had driven his cheek into his teeth; she dabbed at it with the corner of a handkerchief.

  “Can you fix him up?” Jason asked Lamar. “Hector popped him pretty hard into that wall. He could have a concussion.” He felt guilty because he hadn’t anticipated Hector’s plan and intercepted it. He was feeling guilty for a lot of things tonight.

  Lamar nodded and silently moved over next to Stone. His Forgotten ability—healing—was a rare one, and highly valuable to his group and their allies.

  The others, meanwhile, sat back down in their circle of sleeping bags and pillows. Jason and Verity joined them once they determined that Stone was in good hands.

  “Is there anything you can tell us?” Marilee asked, wiping her eyes with a napkin she’d pulled out of one of her bags.

  Jason sighed. “Not a lot. The thing Al wanted to try—none of us had any way to know Lissy would react like she did. He took every precaution he could think of. Believe me, he was as worried about her getting hurt as you were. More so, since he was responsible for her. But when we—started the experiment—she didn’t just freak out and stand still like Verity did. She—” He spread his hands. “I was holding tight to her to make damn sure she didn’t get away, but—she ripped her arm out of my grip and took off, screaming something about the Evil. I don’t know where she got strength like that, but I couldn’t hold her.”

  “The Evil?” Lamar headed back now; apparently whatever healing he’d done on Stone hadn’t been complicated. “You said whatever you were doing didn’t have anything to do with the Evil.”

  “It didn’t,” Jason said. “She yelled something about the Evil being everywhere—but there weren’t any Evil around. There couldn’t have been, where we were.”

  Verity looked serious. “Believe me, Jason, if she felt anything like I did, she wasn’t thinking straight at all. It really does feel like your brain’s being pulled apart. It was probably just the first thing that came to her mind, since she was so sensitive to the Evil.”

  Marilee stared down at her hands in her lap. “I knew she shouldn’t go—but she wanted to help so much, and she was hardly ever that together...”

  “Al tried to go after her,” Jason said. He scrubbed at his face with his hands, shoving stray strands of hair out of his eyes. “He tried—even though it would have been suicide. I grabbed him and pulled him back. Believe me, if I’d thought there was any chance—” His voice broke and he fell silent.

  Marilee patted his hand. “I know, dear. I know.”

  They all sat there in silence for a long time, each one staring at his or her hands, no one meeting anyone else’s eyes. Hector did not return. After about ten minutes, the sound of Stone stirring to consciousness broke the silence.

  Jason and Verity both jumped up and went over to him. “Al?” Jason called. “You okay?”

  Stone opened his eyes and looked up at the two of them. He looked confused for a moment, reaching up to rub his jaw. “Someone—hit me.”

  “Yeah,” Jason said. “Hector laid you out pretty good.”

  “But—it doesn’t hurt.” He rose to a seated position and looked over at the Forgotten in their circle. Marilee and Lamar watched him.

  “Lamar fixed you up,” Verity told him. “You all right?”

  Stone thought about that for a moment and then lowered his eyes, shaking his head. “No. I am not all right. I am about as far from all right as it’s possible to be, frankly. But my jaw and my head don’t hurt, if that’s what you’re asking.” Slowly he got to his feet and went over to the seated Forgotten. He regarded them for a long moment in silence.

  “I—don’t even know what to say to you,” he said softly. “You trusted me to keep your friend safe, and I—wasn’t worthy of your trust. I don’t know how I can even ask you to forgive me. I don’t even know if I should. I’d understand completely if you told me to get the hell out of your sight and that you never wanted to see me again.”

  Lamar’s face was full of sadness and compassion. “Dr. Stone—you didn’t mean for what happened to happen, did you? You had no way to know it would go the way it did?”

  Stone shook his head. “Of course not. But that’s no excuse. I should have been paying more attention—should have been more careful—”

  Benny muttered something that nobody could hear. Marilee shushed him. “Jason told us how you tried to go after her, to save her from—whatever it was.”

  “It wasn’t good enough. I should never have taken her in there in the first place. I shouldn’t have let her talk me into—”

  Verity swiped tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “What about me? If it hadn’t been for me and my stupid problem, you wouldn’t even have tried it.”

  “Listen, all of you,” Lamar said, and his soft voice was stern. “It sounds like you did everything you could. There’s no way to take it back now—it’s happened, it’s over, and we have to go on. The world’s a dangerous place these days. Any one of us could die tomorrow. But blaming yourselves—or each other—” He looked around at his fellow Forgotten. “—won’t bring Lissy back.” The doctor he used to be many years ago was evident in his tone. “We’ll cry, and we’ll mourn our friend, maybe we’ll even be angry for a while—and we’ll go on.” He looked down. “There isn’t much else we can do.”

  Stone sighed. “That’s a fine speech, Lamar. I’m grateful that you’re so forgiving. Perhaps someday I will be as well.” He looked around at them all, then dropped his gaze, turned, and started for the door without another word.

  After a moment, Jason and Verity followed him. Verity paused, ran back, and threw her arms around Marilee. The old lady hugged her back, and then she broke free and ran out the door after Jason.

  None of them said a word on the trip back. When they reached Stone’s townhouse, Verity ventured, “Do you—want us to stay?”

  Stone shook his head. “No. You go on home. I’ll—see you tomorrow.”

  Jason motioned for Verity to wait for him in the car. When he and Stone were alone, he eyed the mage critically. “Al, are you gonna be okay? You’re not planning anything—”

  “Anything?” Stone’s tone held a harsh little laugh. “Beyond possibly getting devastatingly drunk and passing out in a stupor so I don’t have to think about this for a while? No.”

  Jason had actually been contemplating the same thing himself, but he sighed. “You know that doesn’t work, right?”

  “That’s why I said ‘possibly,’” the mage said in his lifeless monotone. “Go home, Jason. Verity needs you right now. I don’t.”

  Jason nodded. He turned and headed toward the car. After a few steps he stopped and turned back. “It wasn’t your fault, you know.”

  “Good night, Jason.”


  When Jason and Verity arrived back at Stone’s place late the following morning, they expected to find him passed out on the couch or the floor. Instead, he answered the door on the first knock. He looked like he hadn’t slept, but there was no hint of alcohol on him.

  “Decided not to?” Jason asked, as Verity gave her brother a confused look.

  Stone shrugged. “Didn’t think I deserved to forget about it.”

  Jason had considered the same thing Stone had, but his reasons for not following through were much less philosophical: he’d gotten home and almost immediately fallen asleep, which in retrospect had probably been a bad idea, given the dreams he’d had. He didn’t look any better than St
one did. The only reason Verity seemed more awake than the two of them was that she normally did her goth-style makeup to look like she had hollow eyes, so there wasn’t much difference between that and the real thing.

  Jason threw himself down on the couch. “So now what?”

  Stone didn’t answer. He wandered the room, his restless gaze moving from one random object to the next.

  “Poor Lissy...” Verity sat down next to Jason and stared at her hands. “Do you think they’ll have some kind of—memorial or something? Should we go if they do? Would they even want us to go?”

  “I wonder if Hector ever came back,” Jason said. He knew he was just making small talk—they all were. But he couldn’t get his mind to focus on anything long enough to examine it. “He was pretty pissed at us last night.”

  “At me,” Stone corrected. “And he was justified.”

  “No he wasn’t,” Verity said. “I mean, he was justified to be upset, but you didn’t tell Lissy to do what she did. You told her not to, and she insisted she wanted to help. He heard that.”

  “I don’t think you should take it personally, Al,” Jason said. “I get the impression Hector’s always kind of had—anger management issues.”

  Stone dropped into an armchair. “On top of everything else,” he said without looking at them, “there wasn’t even any point to what we did. Even given the relatively trivial reason we were performing the experiment, I didn’t get any further in figuring out the problem than I was before.”

  Verity looked up, her eyes shiny again. “I don’t even want to use those stupid portals! Lissy died trying to help us figure out something we didn’t even need to know. I was being selfish.”

  “V, don’t do that,” Jason ordered. “But Al—you did get something, didn’t you? I mean, Lissy freaked out just like V did. So doesn’t that mean your guess was right? That it is related to being Forgotten?”

  Stone shrugged. “Possibly. It’s another data point. But she didn’t react like Verity.”


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