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Secrets or Surrender

Page 26

by Mary Tribbey

  Chapter 26

  Joan carried her suitcase down to her car. She put her arm around Dave’s waist and helped him down the stairs. He held her close and leaned against her. She opened the car door and he got inside. Dave put his head back and closed his eyes while Joan drove to Dave’s house. When she got there, she knocked on the door. Mrs. Jensen opened it quickly. Joan asked her to get Dave’s bed ready for him to get into.

  “Thank God, he’s with you. All I knew was he checked himself out of the hospital, and no one knew where he had gone. He’s been worried sick about you the last two weeks. Are you okay?” she asked.

  ‘Everything between us is fine now, but Dave is weak and needs some TLC and medicine. It’s a long story. We finally admitted we were hopelessly in love with each other, and we are going to get married when he gets well. In the meantime, I’m going to stay here and take care of him. I don’t imagine he’s had much to eat, and I’m sure he needs some liquids. Will you fix something light for him to eat while I get him inside and settled in his bed. He doesn’t want to go to the hospital now, so we need to get him to rest and recuperate here,” Joan explained quickly.

  Mrs. Jensen rushed to get something for Dave to eat and drink. Joan walked over, opened his car door, and helped him get out. He was leaning more heavily on Joan as he walked down the hall to his bedroom. She lowered him down to sit on the edge of his bed. Quickly she removed his shoes and socks. She unbuttoned his shirt. When she saw the bandage around his shoulder and arm had some fresh blood on it, she got a pair of scissors and quickly cut his shirt off. She removed his slacks and laid him back down on the bed. Joan rushed into the bathroom, got a clean washrag, wet it with warm water, and brought it back to the bed. Gingerly, she wiped the blood way. She called Lyle and asked for the phone number of the team doctor or trainer. She called the team doctor and explained That Dave was at his house. She described what she saw. The doctor said he would come right over and check on Dave. Dave smiled when she returned and sat beside him. Mrs. Jensen brought in a tray with a bowl of rich stew, a sandwich, a large glass of milk, and a pitcher of water.

  “How are you feeling, Dave?” she asked. “If you can think of anything you’d prefer to eat or drink, I’ll gladly fix it for you.”

  Dave smiled at her and said, “I’m all right. I’m just tired and, now that I think of it, I’m hungry, too. I’ll be okay now. Joan’s here and she’s not going to leave me again. We’re going to get married,” he announced with a grin.

  Mrs. Jenson smiled and said, “It’s about time!”

  After he finished eating, Mrs. Jensen took the tray back to the kitchen. She washed the dishes and got ready to leave.

  She walked down to Dave’s bedroom, “Do you need anything else before I leave for the night? It’s so wonderful to have you back here, Joan. I’m so happy that you two are getting married. You deserve all the best in life,” she congratulated them before she left. About fifteen minutes after Mrs. Jensen left, Joan heard a car drive up to the house. She hurried down and met the team doctor at the front door. She quickly led him down to Dave’s bedroom. The doctor removed the bandage and checked on the stitches. He carefully removed the bandage, cleaned the wound area with a sterile solution and put on a new bandage.

  “Dave, you really should be in the hospital,” he said. “There is always danger of infection after surgery. You need to be very careful,” he said.

  “Doc, I couln’t stay there andy longer. There was something I needed to do that couldn’t be done from there. I promise I will be very careful. My housekeeper and my fiancee will look after all my needs. I know I can rest and recuperate better here with their help than I could in the hospital will all the activity there. I’ll do anything you tell me to do, except leave my house. I promise that I’ll behave and will call you if anything changes,” Dave said.

  “I know you get restless. I’ll let you try recuperating at home, but only if you call me if there is any sign of redness or fever. I’ll check in with you tomorrow. I’m leaving a few prescription pain pills so you can get sleep. If anything changes, call me””

  “Will you keep it quiet that I’m here at my house? So many people were dropping in at the hospital, I just couldn’t get any rest. I promise I’ll behave. Joan and Mrs. Jensen won’t let me get away with anything,” he added with a grin.

  After the doctor left, Joan walked back into Dave’s bedroom. She gently sat down on the edge of the bed. She smiled down at him. “How are you feeling now, Dave?

  “Physically, I feel like I got run over by a truck. I may need one of those pills so I can sleep, but emotionally I feel a hundred times better than I have since you stopped talking to me or seeing me. I was so worried, and I didn’t know how to find you.. I don’t ever want to be away from you again.”

  “I hated being away from you. I missed you and wanted to be with you. I’m so thankful that we finally talked and made up. I love you so much,” Joan whispered.

  Dave looked at Joan and sighed, “Will you stay here and sleep with me tonight? All I need to get well is you and rest. Please don’t ever leave me alone again.”

  “I’ll stay right here with you. Now, close your eyes and try to sleep. I’ll go lock the doors, turn off the lights, and come to bed. You need to rest. I know you overdid it today. You just had major surgery; you should still be in the hospital. If you don’t rest, I’ll have to call the ambulance and get you re-admitted,” she threatened.

  Dave’s head dropped down on his pillow as the pain pill began to take effect. Joan leaned over him and gently kissed his lips. She walked around the house, checking the doors to be sure they were locked. She turned off the lights and hurried back to Dave’s bedroom. She dug through her suitcase and found a nightgown. She undressed and carefully crawled into the huge bed near him. She looked at his sleeping face and thanked God for bringing them together. Sometime later, Joan awoke and felt Dave’s hand resting on her waist. She looked over and saw he was watching her.

  She smiled and moved over closer to him. She snuggled up next to him, and Dave sighed happily. “I’ve dreamed about this moment so many times. Now that you are here with me, my body is too hurt to hold you the way I want,” he apologized. “I still want to touch you and make love to you.”

  “Well, until your shoulder is stronger, you will have to wait for part of that wish. You aren’t physically able to love me, but I can love you, if you want me to,” she whispered huskily.

  “I want everything you are willing to give me. I love you, Joan,” he groaned hoarsely.

  Joan pulled the covers back, slid his shorts off, and gazed at the perfection of his body. She slipped off her night gown and moved closer to him. “Whatever you see and want is yours, only for you. I want to touch you, but I’m afraid of hurting you. Promise you’ll tell me if anything hurts your shoulder,” Joan whispered. She rolled over and began lightly kissing his body. His hands moved hungrily, possessively over her skin. She moaned when she felt his hand reach up and capture her breast in his hand.

  She moved down to his stomach area. Her hand sought and captured his firm pulsing organ. She tenderly stroked it and heard him gasp with pleasure. She lowered her head and drew him into the warm moistness of her mouth. She teased it with her tongue and tenderly caressed him. She felt his body begin moving instinctively. Joan caressed him until she felt his body shudder and convulse in a spasm of fulfillment. He sank back on his bed and sighed.

  “What magic power you have over my body! I’ve never felt anything like that before,” he growled contentedly. Joan moved closer and laid her head gently on his chest. She heard the rapid beating of his heart. Gradually it slowed to its normal pace. He stroked her hair and gently caressed her face.

  “Sleep now, my love; I’ll be here when you awaken. Sweet dreams,” she whispered as she kissed him tenderly. He sighed and drifted off to sleep. While he slept, she craw
led in and moved over to feel his nearness. For the next three days, Joan continued taking tender care of him. He gradually regained his strength. On the third day, the team doctor came and checked Dave over again.

  “He’s healing well. There is no sign of infection. Just try to keep him from getting up and overdoing things. He needs as much rest time as possible. Whatever you’re doing is agreeing with him. Call me if you have any questions or if you need me to come and check on him again,” he said as he was leaving.

  While Dave was recuperating, he began making mysterious phone calls. Finally Joan asked him, “What are you up to now? I can tell you are up to something. Out with it, Dave, Who have you been calling when I walk out of the room? I thought we weren’t going to keep secrets,” she playfully scolded him.

  “I’m planning our wedding and honeymoon. I feel stronger every day. How about getting married and taking a ‘non-business’ trip?” he asked with a sly laugh.

  Joan laughed when he said ‘non-business’ trip. She understood exactly what he was thinking. “I’m ready whenever you are, but, first I’m going to check with the doctor to make sure you are well enough for travelling and ‘non-business activities,” she said with a giggle.

  Later that day, Joan called the team doctor and asked him if he thought taking a trip would hurt Dave.

  “Whatever you’ve been doing, must be working. He’s getting stronger. There’s no sigh of infection. A change of scenery might even help him begin to get out and do some walking. As far as any other physical activity, his body will let him know if it is too strenuous. Just don’t let him do lifting or things that might re-injure his shoulder,” the doctor cautioned.

  Joan hung up the telephone and walked back to where Dave was resting in his bedroom. “When do you want to leave?” Joan asked. “The doctor said it was all right for you to travel and do some physical activity,” she added with a smile and a blush.

  “Very soon, but there are a couple of things I want to get done before we leave. Have you and Cindy ever gone shopping together?” he asked.

  “No, but we’ve talked about it. Why do you ask?” Joan inquired curiously.

  “I want her to go shopping with you while you get some things for the trip,” he said.

  After Joan went to the kitchen, he called Cindy. “Cindy, this is Dave, do you have time to go shopping with Joan. We are going away to get married and have a short honeymoon. I need someone to go with her and help her pick out wedding rings and a bunch of new clothes for a trip to Florida. I know her; she’s not going to want to spend my money. If I give you the cash, will you get her fixed up to go? Don’t use my name when shopping. I don’t want the press hounding us. We’ll try to slip away without them noticing. I’d like to be ready to leave day after tomorrow. Do you think you could do it?”

  “I’d love to do it. You know me, I don’t mind buying clothes or jewelry! Do you have a budget amount for the ring? I know a couple of nice, but reasonably priced, jewelers. Just tell me when and I’ll get a sitter and be over to pick her up,” Cindy bubbled.

  “I’ll let you two set the time. Thanks, Cindy, for this and for getting me to see what a mistake I was making. I’ll never forget your help,” he said.

  When Cindy arrived, Dave handed her a thick business envelope and a piece of paper. “Here’s $20,000 for the ring and clothes. I made a list of some of the things I’d like to see her get. She’s had to scrimp all her life. From now on, I’m going to give her the world. She might protest, but if she likes something and you do, too, buy it. I can’t wait to see her in her new clothes. If she wants a more expensive ring, call me and I’ll give you more,” he added. He hugged her and sent them off in Cindy’s car.

  Joan was shocked to learn that she was going shopping for things for herself, and that she wasn’t allowed to pay for them. When Cindy pulled up in front of a local jewelry store, Joan said, “What are we doing here?”

  “Joan, you can’t get married without rings. Dave wants you to pick out anything in the store for your wedding ring and one for him to wear also. Come on, we’re going to have fun. Just don’t mention his name. He doesn’t want reporters to get wind of your marriage. He knows you hate publicity, so he couldn’t come with you,” she explained. “You’re not allowed to look at the prices. He wants you to choose and buy something that you really like.”

  Joan and Cindy strolled down each display case. Joan selected several rings. The clerk took them out one at a time and Joan tried them on. Finally the choice was between a single heart shaped diamond solitaire ring set in platinum. The other ring was a gold band with three small diamonds surrounded by a cluster of emeralds and rubies. She finally asked Cindy which one she liked best.

  “I think they are both stunning. For me, I’d love the gold band with emeralds and rubies, but I think the heart shaped diamond ring is more your style. But, remember this is your ring and your choice. Which one do you want to look at for the rest of your life?” Cindy asked.

  “”You’re right. I like the solitaire better. It symbolizes the love I have for Dave and the love he has for me. It is simpler and more my taste. I’d like that ring,” she told the clerk.

  They looked over the selection of men’s wedding bands. Joan settled on a large white gold band with a simple design engraved along both edges. She chose it and the clerk added the costs together. Cindy went over to the cashier and paid her in cash. They took the rings and went back to Cindy’s car. Cindy locked them in the trunk and they headed to a large mall about two miles away. The mall was crowded, but Cindy knew the stores well. She guided Joan from one small store to the other. “No discount stores for this trip, not for things for your wedding and honeymoon,” Cindy said.

  When they got there, Cindy led Joan along the stores. She showed Joan Dave’s neatly printed shopping list. Joan’s eyes grew big as quarters at the amount of things he wanted her to buy. “Dave told me, if you didn’t choose these, then I am supposed to get them for you. Since you’re going to end up with all these things, why not just relax and have fun. You only get married to a man like Dave once in your life. Let’s get busy trying on clothes.”

  Before they were finished and leaving the shopping mall, they had many bags from various stores. One bag held two new swim suits. One was a playful blue and green bikini. The other was a maroon one piece that was cut very low in the front and back. It was sleek and sophisticated and, according to Cindy’s words and the clerks approving expression, Joan looked fantastic in it.

  Other bags held pairs of capris, shorts, and slacks and tops in several colors and fabrics. There were dresses for day and evening. One especially pretty dress in layers of chiffon over satin draped beautifully over her curves. “This should really set his heart beating faster,” Cindy kidded.

  Joan blushed when she noticed Dave had included new bras and underwear. They spent time looking at the wide selection of lingerie. Joan was fitted with new bras. She purchased them and added several other personal items. Cindy led her over to a display of nightgowns and peignoirs. With a deep blush, she picked out a couple of pieces. When Joan wasn’t looking, Cindy slipped in a couple of sexier things.

  Last, they stopped and bought shoes. They got shoes for walking, shoes for lounging, shoes for dancing, and shoes to match some of the outfits they had already bought. The last thing on the list was suitcases (get two new ones for Joan). By the time they were finished, both of them were ready to collapse.

  “This has been the best shopping trip of my life,” Cindy enthused. “I’m so happy for you and for Dave. I know you are both going to be so happy together. Besides, now we can still be friends since you’ll be staying here with Dave. That’s the frosting on the cake for me,” she laughed happily.

  When they got home, Mrs. Jensen hurried out to help bring in the bags. They put them in the guest bedroom so there would be more room to pack. After bringing everything inside, Ci
ndy went in and gave Dave back the envelope and his completed list. “We got everything you listed, and more. Here are the receipts and the rest of the money. You were right, she’s so used to shopping conservatively, it was hard to steer her to more expensive things. I believe everything she got was a good purchase and they are things she really liked. What she is most concerned about is how you will like them,” Cindy teased him.

  Dave looked in the envelope. “You had this much money left?”

  “Yes, we did well. I may be an avid shopper, but I’m not a fool with money either. Neither is Joan. You’ve got a good woman there,” she added.

  “I know that. I’m the luckiest man alive, next to Lyle,” he added giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  That afternoon, Mrs. Jensen helped Joan pack her new luggage. She oohed and aahed over the clothes and carefully folded and packed them, while Joan went in and spent the afternoon with Dave. Mrs. Jensen also packed suitcases for Dave. Before she left, everything was packed and ready for them to leave the next day.

  Before she walked out, she went over and gave Dave a careful hug and kiss. She hugged Joan and kissed her also. “I wish you both all the best. You two are perfect for each other. May God bless you and keep you safe in his care. May you have a life filled with love and happiness. May the Lord bless you with all the desires of your heart now and always,” she quoted an old Irish blessing. Joan hugged her and thanked her again.


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