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Finally Yours (Love & Wine Book 1)

Page 17

by Claire Raye

  But I still reach for her hand, reluctantly stopping her even as the blood pulses in my veins, my dick throbs in my pants and my brain tells me to stop being a fucking idiot and just let her keep going.

  “Why are you stopping?” she whines, low and greedy.

  I smile against her jaw. “Because the last thing I need is to be arrested for public indecency and deported.”

  Lu slings a leg over mine, her skirt riding up a little as though to entice me. “You’re no fun,” she protests, her fingers twisting in mine as she attempts to continue what she started the second we climbed into the car outside the restaurant in Napa.

  I pull her hand from my crotch, lifting it to my mouth where I bite the heel of her palm. “Behave,” I warn. Lu pouts and it’s so adorable I can’t stop the laugh as I lean in and press a kiss to her lips. “I promise I’ll make it up to you when we get home,” I tell her, kissing her again before gently easing her off me.

  Lu attempts and fails to behave herself for the rest of the trip home, her fingers trailing up my leg, refusing to stop every time I grab them. Despite my earlier protests, I don’t put up much of a fight though, my body humming with lust so that by the time we finally pull up outside her house, I’m ready to say fuck it and just have my way with her right on the front porch. The look the driver shoots me as we get out suggests he knows exactly what I’m thinking and what’s been going on in the back seat of his car too.

  We tumble out of the car, a mix of arms and legs, hands everywhere, both of us laughing as the driver toots his horn a couple of times as he drives off.

  “Yep, your rating is gonna be fucked,” I say, laughing against her mouth as I press a hard kiss to her lips.

  “Jack,” she murmurs, her hands sliding back to the now half undone buttons of my jeans.

  “What beautiful?” I whisper, walking her backward toward her house. Lu moans into my mouth, her fingers fumbling with my jeans. “Tell me what you want,” I say, hands sliding to her hips.

  Lu pulls back a little, stares up at me with dark eyes that don’t hide the desire she feels, despite how drunk we both are. “You,” she whispers, smiling up at me.

  I grin, hands sliding to her arse where I lift her, her legs wrapping around my hips as I walk us up the steps to her house and give her exactly what she asks for.

  The next morning, I wake late and feeling a little dusty from last night. I’m in no rush to get up though, and it’s made even better by the fact that it’s Monday and the winery is closed today.

  Lu lies asleep beside me, a leg flung across my thighs and her arm across my stomach. I lie on my back, my eyes closed as I replay the events of last night, the trail of sex that began at the front door the second we came inside, before moving through her house and all the way to her bedroom.

  Our clothes are strewn everywhere, the duvet too and I smile as I remember the hunger and desire we both had for each other. It’s only been a couple of weeks since this whole thing started, but it still doesn’t feel like I’ll ever get enough of her. I want her as much I did the first day I walked back into this place.

  But last night had been about more than just the sex too. Hanging out with Lu and Ellen and Will had all just felt so easy and fun. Being an only child, I’d never had the closeness of a sibling to just hang out with. Maybe that’s part of why I got so excited being over here as a teenager. Teasing Lu had been fun, not just because I could so easily provoke a reaction in her, but also because I’d so rarely had someone my own age around to do that stuff with.

  “You awake?” comes Lu’s muffled voice.

  I grin, pushing her hand down, even as I keep my eyes closed. “What do you think?” I murmur.

  She exhales hard when she discovers just how awake I am right now. “God, aren’t you hungover?”

  I chuckle. “Never too hungover for this, Lulu.”

  Lu groans, burying her face against my side even though she doesn’t move her hand, her fingers gently circling around my dick as she slowly starts to stroke me.

  “You hungover too?” I ask, as my hand slides up her spine. She murmurs something that sounds like fuck yes, making me laugh. “You have fun last night at least?”

  She nods against my side. “Yes, you?”

  “I did,” I say, fingers sliding through her long hair, which lies tangled down her back. “Ellen and Will are great.”


  “You’re lucky.” I continue. “I always wanted a sister, growing up.”

  Lu lifts her head a little, eyes half open as she tries to focus on me. “Why a sister?” she asks before resting her head on my shoulder.

  I turn a little, press a kiss to her forehead. “Because she would have had a lot of girlfriends coming over all the time,” I say. “And you know, it would have…”

  The rest of my words are cut off when Lu slides her hand off my dick and pinches me hard on the side. “Dirty perv,” she mutters.

  “What?” I say, feigning innocence.

  Her fingers slide across my skin, settling on my stomach. “Well, thank you for coming last night,” she adds. “I really appreciate it.”

  “You don’t need to thank me,” I tell her. “I wanted to come, I want to spend time with you and your family.”

  She mutters something now that I don’t catch.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said,” she exhales, pushing herself closer, face nuzzling my neck again. “I’d like to meet your family some day.”

  I let out a long slow breath. “You will,” I whisper, even though I have no idea how or when that meeting will take place. Right now my mum and dad are in Europe, travelling indefinitely. I’ve got no siblings back in Australia, only cousins and aunts and uncles that are spread all over the place.

  “Maybe one day I’ll take you back to Oz with me,” I eventually say, lips against her forehead. “Show you where I grew up.”

  “I’d like that,” she murmurs.

  We lie in silence, neither of us saying anymore. A peaceful calmness fills the room and once again I find myself thinking about how easy this all is, how much like home this place already feels.

  Despite Lu’s reservations and my promises, we’ve still come no closer to finding a way to make this thing between us work when the time ultimately comes for me to head back to Australia.

  I know I still have a month or so before the last of the parts turn up, but after that, I’ve got no idea. And even though I’d left a job to come here, it doesn’t mean I don’t have one to go home to.

  Word travels fast in the Aussie wine world and as soon as it had got out that I’d finished up at my last place, the emails had come hard and fast. Job offers that no sane person could turn down, incentives that were off the charts.

  I knew I’d be an idiot to not at the very least consider them, even if right now, it felt like here at Somerville’s was the only place I wanted to be.

  But I have no idea how that could work, what that could even look like. Because while I don’t mind helping Lu out with random jobs now, that’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

  At the same time though, the idea of leaving Lu, of walking away, even temporarily, makes my chest ache. It’s taken fourteen long years to finally find my way back to her and right now, I don’t ever want to give that up.

  Which makes me wonder about this Nate guy Ellen mentioned last night, the one who disappeared on her. Whoever he is, it’s clear Lu didn’t want to talk about it. But he must be somebody, if he provokes that sort of reaction and a part of me can’t help but wonder about what sort of relationship he and Lu had…and who’d made the decision to end it.

  “Lu,” I eventually say, curiosity getting the better of me. “Who’s this Nate guy Ellen mentioned last night?”

  She doesn’t answer though and when I look down at her, she’s lying with her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted and her whole body relaxed against mine. Holding my breath, I hear the slow, steading breathing that tells me she’s asl
eep again.

  I must fall back to sleep too because when I next open my eyes, it’s nearly noon, the room filled with sunshine from the half open blinds. Lu’s still asleep beside me, but my now rumbling stomach forces me up and out of bed.

  I pull on some sweats I’ve left at her place before walking out to the kitchen. Putting some coffee on to brew, I search her fridge for something that can take the edge off the last of our hangovers. Smiling, I pull bacon; eggs, tomatoes, and mushrooms out and start to get a late breakfast together.

  “God something smells good.”

  I turn and see a still half-asleep Lu walk into the kitchen. She’s wearing a t-shirt of mine, the hem stopping just below her arse. Grinning, I reach for her, pull her into my arms and press a kiss to her lips.

  “Think you can stomach some food?” I ask, sliding a hand under the t-shirt and over her warm skin.

  “Hmmm,” she says, wrinkling her nose a little. “I think so,” she adds. “I think I need to, anyway.”


  She nods, pulling herself from my arms as she walks to the pot and pours herself a cup. “How are you so okay this morning?” she asks, after taking a sip.

  I smile. “Pfft, I’m Australian, baby, I can handle my alcohol.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Right,” she says. “Bred tough down there, huh?”

  I wink at her, reaching over to smack her on the arse with the spatula. “That’s right.”

  She shakes her head as she perches on a stool and watches me finish making us breakfast. When I’m done, I slide a plate piled high with fried bacon and eggs, some sautéed mushrooms and grilled tomatoes toward her.

  “Here, get this into you, it’ll make you feel better, I promise.”

  “Thanks,” she says, picking up a fork and tentatively trying some eggs.


  She nods and we both dig in, side by side at her kitchen island. We eat in silence, both of us apparently starving after a night of booze and sex. Eventually, Lu lays her knife and fork down and pushes her empty plate away, a contented sigh falling from her lips.

  “Better?” I ask, doing the same before turning to face her.

  “Hmmm, much,” she says, licking her lips.

  I grin, reaching forward, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her onto my lap, so she’s straddling me. “Know what else cures a hangover?” I ask, kissing her greasy lips as I slide my hands under her t-shirt.

  “Tim Tams?” she suggests, her hands trailing down my bare chest to my stomach.

  I burst out laughing. “I was gonna say sex, actually.”

  Lu gives me a cheeky grin. “Of course you were,” she says, wriggling closer as she locks her legs around the back of the stool. “How about you give me more Tim Tams and I give you more sex?” she suggests.

  I chuckle. “You give it to me, huh?”

  She nods, a wide smile on her face as she slips her fingers under the waistband of my sweats and brushes them against my dick. “Yep,” she confirms. “Do we have a deal?”

  My grin widens and I slip a hand up to her breast, cupping it as my thumb and finger pinch her nipple, my dick twitching at the gasp she lets out. “What happened to all those packets I brought over before?”

  Lu’s hand slips lower, fingers curling around my dick now as she slowly starts to stroke me. “I ate them,” she says, as though this is hardly surprising.

  “All of them?” I ask, swallowing as a wave of lust curls through me.

  Lu shrugs. “Of course.”

  I chuckle. “What are you, like addicted to them or something?”

  “Hmmm,” she says, licking her lips as she leans in and kisses me. “I’m addicted to several things from Oz,” she whispers, mouth against mine.

  I groan, pulling her closer as I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and my other hand slides up to her breasts.

  “But,” she says, pulling back a little. “First, Tim Tams.”

  “Fuck the Tim Tams,” I murmur, pulling her back to me.

  Lu chuckles. “No, you can fuck me, after the Tim Tams,” she says, sliding off my lap.

  “Ugh,” I groan, readjusting my now hard dick as I stand. “You, drive a hard bargain,” I add, smacking her on the arse.

  Lu laughs as she jumps away from me. “Hurry up, if you’re lucky, maybe I’ll decide to eat them off your body when you get back.”

  “Don’t be wearing anything when I get back,” I growl, heading for the front door.

  I head over to my place, flying through the front door as I all but run into the kitchen. Grabbing a couple of packets, I head back outside just in time to see a car driving down the gravel road toward our houses. I pause, wondering who the hell it could be given the winery is shut today and it isn’t Ellen’s car.

  I walk down the steps and cross over to Lu’s porch as the car, which I can now see is driven by a guy, stops in front of her place.

  He gets out, a strange look on his face as he watches me, standing half-dressed at Lu’s front door. He’s wearing jeans, which looked they’ve been fucking ironed and a polo shirt, tucked in but with the collar turned up so he looks like a total wanker.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, blocking his path up Lu’s steps.

  He gives me a once over, not bothering to hide his distain. “I’m here to see Lauren,” he says.

  “Place is closed,” I tell him, gesturing up the drive. “Didn’t you see the sign?”

  He stares back at me, a look on his face that suggests he doesn’t give a shit that the winery is closed. Just as I’m about to tell him to fuck off, I hear the front door open behind me.

  Turning, I see Lu, still half-dressed in my t-shirt, a look of fear and horror on her face as she stares not at me, but at this stranger who’s just shown up at her house.

  “Lauren,” he says, taking a step up to the porch. I move to block his path, but before I can say anything, I hear Lu speak, her voice shaking as she says, “Nate, what are you doing here?”

  Oh fuck.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Watching him walk up pulls a knot so tight in the pit of my stomach that I’m certain I might throw up on the spot. There are very few people in the world who can provoke this sort of emotion in me, and Nate is top of that list.

  Jack runs a close second, but for reasons far beyond what I feel for Nate. Nate is pure and utter hatred. I liked to believe I hated Jack, that what I felt for him wasn’t lust or love or infatuation, but I know now that the feelings Jack evokes in me are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

  “Nate, what are you doing here?” I ask, completely disregarding the fact that Jack is standing there staring at me wide-eyed and wondering who the hell this is. I don’t have time for explanations or pleasantries.

  “Hey Lauren. How’s it going?” Nate asks casually like we’re old friends. He smiles at me but all I see is the asshole who somehow convinced me that I wanted to marry him.

  I want to punch him in the throat.

  “What do you want?” I ask again, prefacing my question differently because he obviously isn’t getting the point that he’s not welcome. “Vineyard’s closed,” I add, my hands now on my hips, my eyes focused on him.

  “Yeah, I know. Was just in the area and thought I’d stop by. See how you’re doing.”

  Jack clears his throat, reminding me of his proximity to me and given the situation, my attention is focused solely on Nate.

  I turn to him, trying not to sound like this man who is currently standing across from me is of any importance and say, “Can you give me a minute? I’ll meet you inside.” I tip my head in the direction of my house and Jack gives me a small nod but doesn’t move.

  “You good, Lu?” he questions, his eyes flicking to Nate, and I watch the curiosity mixed with jealousy spark in his eyes.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just need a minute.”

  This time Jack takes in my words and makes his way back to the house, letting himself in and closing t
he door behind him. I’m sure he’s wondering what is going on, and after the comment Ellen made last night there’s, no way he doesn’t realize this is the same person she was talking about.

  There’s so much that goes into the explanation of who Nate is and why I despise him that laying it all out and letting Jack process it is going to really suck.

  And not just for him.

  “Who’s that?” Nate asks and this time the jealously flares inside him. But he isn’t jealous. He’s controlling and that’s what this whole visit is about.

  “None of your business,” I shoot back, the anger filling my words as the knot in my stomach loosens. My anxiety now replaced with rage.

  Nate exhales hard and pulls a hand through his hair. I can tell by the look on his face that he’s not interested in my lack of an answer.

  “When’s this cold shoulder thing gonna stop, Lauren?” he asks, his tone dripping with impatience.


  He chuckles a little but there’s nothing comical about what I said or his laughter. I cut him off, shut him out of my life just one day after what was supposed to be our wedding. He didn’t get it then and he still doesn’t get it now.

  “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you, but my calls won’t go through and you don’t answer my emails. Had to show up on a Monday so I could get past the gate attendant.”

  Everything he says should be a huge fucking clue that I want nothing to do with him, but he’s oblivious. He can’t understand why someone would turn him away. He’s far too important and self-absorbed to rationalize it.

  “Wow, you’d think after nearly a year of radio silence you’d get the point…”

  Nate cuts me off, again his words laced with annoyance, “So you’re still mad about that whole wedding thing, huh?”

  “Nope,” I reply, my tone clipped.

  “What’s the deal then?” he asks and now it’s me who’s laughing. I can’t even believe I’m standing here having this conversation with him. “So how long until I’m back on your good graces?”


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