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The Daddy Box Set

Page 100

by Claire Adams

  “Leave them,” he said, in a guttural tone that sent a shiver of need racing down my spine. I nodded, waiting for him to make the next move.

  He stripped down to his boxers, and I got a brief look at his chest with the tiny trail of hair down his flat stomach. I wanted to lick that area, but it would have to wait. Ian was not in the state of mind to play much longer. His green eyes were dark and filled with desire.

  “I’m ready,” I whispered when he stepped closer to me, tentatively at first before succumbing to the raging need we both felt.

  I could feel him shaking as his hands moved to my hips and he pulled me in close before grinding his erection into my center. His mouth came down on mine as he pushed me back the few inches to his bed. When my legs connected with the mattress, his hand moved to the small of my back as he lowered me down with great care, as if I were a fragile piece of glass.

  I scooted back on the bed, and my hands ran up and down his sides before I grabbed his very tight ass and pulled him into me. My legs opened, giving him unobstructed access. His mouth dropped to my left breast. The sensation nearly drove me over the edge. My hands were on his back, clawing, kneading in time with the sucking and kissing.

  My body needed him, and it needed all of him now. I hooked my thumbs in his briefs and started to tug them down. He refused to move enough for me to get them off. I took matters into my own hands—literally. I squeezed my hand between our bodies, found what I was looking for and carefully cupped him in my hand before running my closed hand up the length of him. I gently rubbed my finger over his tip and smiled when I felt that first drop of moisture.

  He bucked, giving me enough leeway to tug the briefs down low enough. I deftly used the heels of my shoes to pull his underwear the rest of the way down his long legs.

  He stopped licking my nipple and met my eyes. “That was talent right there. How attached are you to these panties?” he asked, running a hand between us and over the small patch of fabric hiding my core. The touch was nothing more than a gentle stroke, but it was nearly my undoing.

  I couldn’t speak. I moved my head back and forth on the bed, giving him permission to do as he pleased. My hand went back to his cock and squeezed before sliding up and down once and then twice. He got the message. I heard a small tear and felt the string that went around my hips go tight a brief second before I felt nothing at all. I was bare. I grabbed him again, trying to pull him in. He arched up and away from my hand and where I needed him.

  My body immediately thrust upwards, demanding he dive in.

  “Not yet,” he groaned, reaching down to part my folds. “Holy fuck, you’re so wet.”

  I murmured something; I don’t even know what. I knew I was. I was beyond ready for him. His finger softly probed, but he refused to push in.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  “Not yet,” he said again, keeping his finger slightly in, but refusing to go any further.

  The pleasure coming from that one finger alone was making me delirious. I arched my back, enough to slide the finger in an inch more. He moved upward, pressing the inserted finger against my clit before using his thumb to apply pressure on top.

  “Oh. My. God!” I screamed, unable to stop the climax that had me bucking against him, my head writhing back and forth on the bed.

  He didn’t move; he kept his thumb and finger where they were, pushing against the swollen nub.

  “That’s one,” he whispered, withdrawing his finger, trailing it up my stomach leaving a wet trail behind. He dropped his head to my belly and began to lick where his finger had traced up my body, stopping between my breasts. He blew on the area, igniting my passion all over again. I wanted to pleasure him, but I couldn’t move. My body was still limp from the climax that had caused me to do something I had never done before—scream out in pleasure. I wasn’t a screamer, but Ian seemed to draw it out of me.

  He began another trail of delicate kisses over my entire torso before he slowly made his way back down. I instinctively jerked away. It was too intimate. I couldn’t let—

  “Ohhh,” I wailed as his mouth closed over me. His tongue split me in two, deftly finding that oh-so-sensitive spot. He began sucking, gently and then hard, then plied me with kisses. My toes were curling in the shoes he insisted I keep on. My body was so taut I had a brief thought that my bones might shatter.

  My undoing was the moment he slid a finger in before he licked that tiny kernel. I screamed again as the climax rolled over me. I felt as if I were caught in a tidal wave. My body was bucking and thrashing uncontrollably as he lapped and suckled at me.

  I was spent. I couldn’t move my arms. My legs felt like pudding. Every inch of my body was tingling and hypersensitive. Even the blanket under me was causing me to squirm.

  His mouth was back on mine, and I could taste myself.

  “You taste so sweet, Tessa, I could eat you for days,” he whispered before moving to my neck.

  My legs went around him, pulling him towards me. “Now, Ian. Please, I need to feel you inside me,” I begged.

  “Now, Tessa,” he said, a split second before he lunged so hard it scooted me up the bed several inches.

  “Fuck me. I knew it would be this good,” he murmured before withdrawing and plunging in again and again. The powerful thrusts rubbed against that swollen nub. The repeated motion created that now familiar sensation that started in my toes and spiraled out through the rest of my body.

  “Ready?” he murmured softly into my mouth.

  I nodded, unable to speak. He withdrew, leaving me feeling empty before slowly pushing in. Sweet ecstasy zipped through my body, penetrating me to my very core. I felt him coming; his body began pushing harder and faster as his climax took over. He was out of control. I rode it out with him, squeezing every hard inch of him, milking him until the last drop.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he said, kissing me before rolling to the side.

  I was left speechless and spent.

  “Stay,” he said, barely above a whisper.

  “I can’t. I have to go home, Ian. We have class in the morning, and my car is in your driveway,” I reminded him.

  I managed to get up, standing on legs that felt like butter. It was a delicious sensation, and I knew I was going to sleep well. I quickly dressed, while he watched me.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I told him, giving him a quick kiss and making a hasty exit. The ride home was filled with replays and plenty of doubts. I prayed everything would work out. One beautiful night of glorious sex did not make up for the past four years of my education being wiped away.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  This is hell. Sweet hell. The torture is brutal. I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve against her. From the very second she breezed into class, I had been battling a painful erection. Thank God I wore loose fitting slacks. I couldn’t stand and pace the room like I normally did. I could take out an eye.

  “Are you okay?” she quietly asked, bringing me the papers she had collected from the students. Usually, I would do the collecting and deliver them to her, but I couldn’t get up.

  I looked at her. “Fine. Hard, actually,” I whispered so only she can hear.

  A light blush spread across her face, only serving to make my condition worse. I groaned, but quickly covered the sound with a clearing of my throat.

  She smiled, looked at me and said, “Sorry, I’ll keep my distance.”

  “It won’t help,” I muttered.

  Nothing, save having her again, would make this minor problem go away. Last night I had slept like the dead, but awoke to a raging hard-on. The image of Tessa naked beneath me kept popping into my mind. I glanced over at her, sitting at her desk writing, and I remembered what she tasted like. I wanted to see that beautiful, bare golden skin again. Her perfect, pert breasts made my mouth go dry thinking about lavishing them with my tongue again.

  I managed to get through the first class, and during the break in between, she claimed to need
to run errands. I was only a little concerned she was afraid to be alone with me. It was probably a good thing she left. My body needed a break. My brain was starving for blood, considering everything had been running south since I woke this morning.

  “You doing better?” she asked, pausing at my desk.

  I looked up and had to laugh. “I was.”

  Another beautiful blush. “Here. I brought you some hot coffee. Hopefully, that will help cool your jets, big boy.” She winked before heading off to her desk.

  A string of students came in the door and once again, I was forced to get through another class with her near me, but off limits. My strength was fading fast. I couldn’t wait a minute longer and dismissed the class, gifting them with a slightly early release.

  She was at her desk packing up when I walked to the door, slammed it shut, and locked it before pulling all of the blinds on the windows. She was standing next to my desk, watching me move around the room. I could see the look of confusion and expectation on her face.

  Once the last blind was pulled, I stalked towards her. My mission obvious.

  “Ian,” she said a second before I grabbed her and kissed her hard and fast. I greedily sucked on her lips, plunged my tongue into her mouth and tasted her. I knew I was ravaging her, but I was helpless to stop.

  “Ian,” she said, out of breath. “We have to be careful,” she moaned while I sucked on her neck, desperately trying to get to her breasts. My hands frantically pulled her shirt up and found the treasure I had sought.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I told her, meaning every word. “I want you right here. On my desk.”

  She moaned, threw her head back and gave me free access to her body. Why today of all days did she wear jeans? I could be plunging into her right now if she’d worn a dress.

  “Jeans,” I muttered.

  “Take them off,” she breathed, grabbing at the button on my pants.

  The sound of my zipper snapped me out of the crazed lust I had fallen into. I stepped away, taking in deep breaths.

  “We can’t,” I managed to get out.

  She quickly nodded and pulled her shirt down, before using her hands to fan her face. “You’re right. That was stupid.”

  I nodded, zipped my zipper, and stared at her. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted another woman. Her lips were swollen and red. Her neck was red from where my mouth had been and her blond hair was tousled. Holy hell I was in trouble.

  I better get going,” she said, grabbing her backpack and heading for the door.

  “Tessa,” I called out, stopping her in her tracks.

  She turned and looked at me, before walking back and giving me a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later,” she promised and left the room.

  I stood there, catching my breath, looking around the dark room. I can’t believe I had been so reckless. I had nearly fucked her right there on my desk in school. If anyone would have caught a glimpse or suspected I was involved with a student, I would have been fired.

  I had to get out of the room. Her scent was still floating around. I grabbed my briefcase and headed for my office. I knew I was running away, but I didn’t care. I flopped down in the uncomfortable chair and stared at the stack of paperwork demanding my attention. I had no desire to look at it, let alone actually tackle it.

  Instead, I give myself a little break and let my imagination float back to Tessa and the many things I wanted to do to her beautiful body. Last night had been fabulous, but not nearly long enough. I hadn’t been able to last longer than an 18-year-old boy. Between her beauty and my lack of sexual activity in four years, I couldn’t hold out. It was a small miracle I lasted as long as I did, I mused.

  A knock on the door snapped me out of my fantasy.

  “Yes?” I called out.

  My self-proclaimed favorite student Jennie popped her head in the door. “Professor Dunlap?”

  “Come in,” I said, gesturing to the chair. I didn’t stand for very obvious reasons that would have little miss Jennie running out the door screaming sexual harassment.

  She sat down. “I have a question about the assignment due this Friday. Do you have a minute to go over it with me?” she asked, in a quiet voice.

  I smiled, knowing it probably took a great deal of courage for her to ask for help. At this age, they tended to know everything.

  “Sure, what do you need?” I said, happy to have a distraction from Tessa. I did love teaching, and when I got a chance to work one-on-one with a student to make sure they really understood an element of my class, it gave me a great deal of satisfaction. Considering that was likely to be the only satisfaction available, I would take what I could get.

  I spent thirty minutes with Jennie. Once she was convinced that she fully understood what I expected, she stood, extended her hand for a handshake, and quickly left. I was surprised she was still hanging in there. I had pegged her for an early dropout, but she was proving me wrong.

  With no other classes scheduled and no desire to do the paperwork, I called it a day. I wanted to be alone. Alone with my thoughts, that is. I needed uninterrupted time to fantasize about Tessa.

  Once home, I kept myself busy. I cleaned out the refrigerator, changed the sheets on the bed, rearranged some of the furniture, and puttered with whatever else I could do to keep my mind off of her. It didn’t work. I grabbed my phone and decided to text her, under the guise of seeing what she was doing.


  I knew it wasn’t exactly eloquent, but I didn’t want to risk someone seeing the text.

  Hey yourself. Where are you?

  Home. Cleaned up the bedroom. Want to mess it up again?

  I waited for her response, clenching my phone in my hand. What if it had been a one-night thing for her? Maybe she had no intention of sleeping with her professor more than once.

  I’m still tingling all over.

  I smiled and of course, couldn’t help but feel a great deal of pride. It had been a long time, but I knew how to pleasure a woman.

  I want to make you scream.


  I laughed. Thank God I lived in a house and not an apartment. The police would have been at the door if they heard a woman screaming.

  Again and again and again.

  Thanks. Now I’m wet. I still have class. Gotta go.

  Before I got a chance to reply, she sent me one last text.

  We’ll see who screams when my tongue licks you like a popsicle.

  And just like that, I was rock hard and had a case of blue balls. I needed her.

  Mean. You are a naughty girl.

  Spank me.

  I stopped texting after that. I couldn’t risk her phone going off in the middle of some class. Although professors didn’t take the phones of students away like they did in high school, it was too risky.

  Leaning back on the couch, I adjusted my pants to give my straining erection some room to breathe and realized I was smiling. She made me feel alive, almost like I was a twenty-something kid again. Sexting wasn’t really a thing back when Miriam and I hooked up, but I liked it. I liked the foreplay. I felt much braver saying the things via text than I would face-to-face. No wonder so many people used texting in today’s world. It was liberating.

  Dexter jumped up and started purring loudly beside me. I reached out a hand and stroked his back before scratching behind his ears. I was actually petting the stupid cat. Tessa was turning me into a different man. I felt giddy, excited about life in general.

  It wasn’t long though before guilt and regret set in.

  “Dammit!” I shouted into the air, causing Dexter to meow in protest.

  What had I been thinking? She was a student. I was addicted to what I couldn’t have. She was as bad as any street drug. I craved her. She consumed my every thought, but she was so bad for me. I could lose everything if I gave into my need. I longed for her in a way that scared me a little. Was it an obsession? I’d had her once—that should be enough. I needed to walk away while I still
could. Now that I was back in the game, I could surely go out and find another woman who wasn’t so dangerous.

  I have to. I can’t drag her down with me. I have to end it before it goes any farther. With my resolve set and my earlier happiness deflated, I called it a night and headed to bed early. There was nothing to stay awake for.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I woke up panting, on the verge of a climax. My body had a film of sweat covering it head to toe. It was Ian. He was haunting me in my dreams. Most of the night was spent dreaming about the man who seemed to know exactly what my body needed. I found it shocking the man had kept those magical skills of his to himself for four long years. It was a crime! How could a man as introverted as Ian be that good in bed?

  I stretched away the last tingles of the almost-climax and got out of bed. I was looking forward to seeing him. It was going to be hard to keep my hands to myself. I needed him again. Another shiver of delight shot through me as I imagined his tongue tracing a line down my body, straight to my center.

  I want him again, but it needs to be done with extreme care. I can’t park my car at his house or vice versa. There is no way I can ignore the attraction and although it is probably wrong on about a hundred different levels—I don’t care. I want him and intend to have him. I’ll make him promise to be more careful. I could never live with myself if I were the one to get him fired. Even if the sex would be worth almost anything the dean could throw our way.

  After a quick shower, I headed for the kitchen, knowing Maria was waiting. We hadn’t seen each other since the night of the charity event, and she had been blowing up my phone, asking for details.

  “Don’t even think about denying me,” she greeted, handing me a cup of coffee. “I have waited too long. I want all of the dirty details.”

  I grinned. “What makes you think there are any details at all?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You can’t hide that glow. I have seen it before and even got to experience it myself a time or two. You got laid.”

  I laughed, admitting nothing.


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