The Daddy Box Set

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The Daddy Box Set Page 105

by Claire Adams

  The wind was picking up, and the rain was starting to come down harder by the time night fell. I dashed to my car, doing my best to avoid getting soaked before carefully driving to his house. The sense of danger was making me giddy. I kind of liked the storms that were prone to this area. There was an element of danger that always made me feel alive. Combined with the inherent risk of my relationship with Ian, I was feeling a little wild and crazy.

  I felt ready for anything, as if I were one of those daredevils that jumped off 100-foot cliffs. My adrenaline was pumping, and all I could think about was wrapping my body around his and riding out the storm with a marathon sex session. As the rain fell against my windshield, increasing in intensity, it kicked up my own nervous energy.

  Would he want me like he did the last time, when I had barely crossed the threshold of his door before he had me pinned against the wall, ripping my clothes off? The delicious memory had me pressing the gas pedal a little more than I should have. I couldn’t wait to see him, to ride out this storm with him, hunkered down with no prying eyes around.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Headlights in the driveway alerted me to Tessa’s arrival.

  “Hey, get in here,” I said, opening the door and pulling her in out of the rain. It was really starting to come down. Her hair was stuck to her face where it had fallen out of the loose ponytail she wore.

  Leaning down, I kissed her before closing the door. I had been longing to kiss her for too many hours that had stretched into days. I needed her, but for now, a kiss would have to do.

  “I can’t believe how fast that storm came in,” she said, laughing as she wiped the hair away from her face. “You’re stuck with me now. There is no way I’m driving home in that.”

  With my arms around her waist, I anchored her to me. “I have no intention of letting you go anywhere,” I said, in a soft voice. “I have you now. It was all part of my plan,” I joked, waggling my eyebrows in what I hoped was a sinister look.

  She laughed, which meant I had failed completely.

  “Come on, I’ll grab you a towel,” I said, untangling my arms from around her and grabbing her hand, leading her down the hall.

  She quickly dried off her face, arms, and hair before declaring it to be good enough. I watched her, like a lovesick little boy.

  “So, what’s your plan?” she asked.

  Looking at her, I was happier than I’d been in a very long time. I needed to tell her the truth, to come clean about Miriam, but not yet. I wanted to enjoy what we had before I had to burst her image of me. I had suffered plenty, so I convinced myself I was deserving of this tiny bit of joy, even if I knew it wouldn’t last.

  “First of all, I’m going to cook you dinner,” I started.

  She smiled, stepped in closer to me. “What are you making for dinner? I have a couple ideas about what I want,” she said, in a low voice that said far more than her words.

  How could anyone deny that? I was not strong enough to shut her down, especially after I’d witnessed her practically getting off in class, just moments before the siren went off. I knew her body well, so I knew what that glistening sheen across her face meant, especially the way she was squirming.

  I stepped close to her. “What do you want, Tessa?” I asked, in a low voice, running a finger slowly up her arm. I felt her shudder for a second before thousands of tiny little goosebumps popped up on her arm.

  She didn’t answer, but her mouth fell open to form a small O.

  “Tessa, do you want me?”

  She nodded, pressing into me. Her breasts pushed through the fabric of the t-shirt I wore, and I could feel her hard little nipples against me. I had thought to tease her a bit, but I couldn’t. I needed her more than I needed the air in the room.

  Without saying a word, I grabbed her hand and led her down the hall. We had to take off the edge, and then we could spend a quiet evening together. The two of us were explosive whenever we were near each other. I couldn’t think of anything else but diving into her sweet body, over and over.

  “Are you sure I can’t help you?” she asked, as I carefully chopped an onion. The quickie in the bedroom had helped, but I already wanted her again.

  I looked over at her and nearly cut off my finger. She was so fucking sexy. I had never seen a woman look more enticing than she did right now, wearing nothing but my t-shirt and those tiny red panties I had been ecstatic to discover earlier. The thought created another serious safety hazard.

  “No. You and I both know if you come over here I’ll have you up on this counter, burying myself in you. We’ll starve.”

  She smiled, and shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  I shook my head. “No way. I want to make you dinner, and to do that, I need all my fingers. Quit looking at me like that,” I playfully scolded.

  She held my gaze and turned the stool a few inches my direction before slowly opening her legs. The t-shirt was big on her and fell just past her butt, but sitting as she was, I was given a lovely view of those red panties that were nearly shredded not more than twenty minutes ago.

  My erection strained against the jeans I had on, causing me to squirm in discomfort.

  “What’s wrong, Ian? Your jeans look like they’re a little tight. How about you take them off?” she cooed.

  I couldn’t answer. She was slowly moving the shirt up, spreading her legs wider. All I could think about was dropping to my knees and feasting on her. My gaze focused on that little red triangle, and just when I thought I had lost the war, she shoved the shirt down, covering herself, giggling.

  “You minx!” I said on an exhaled breath. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  “I hope so,” she shot back.

  “Go away. Go sit in the living room or something. I can’t be near you and do this,” I told her, meaning every word. She sucked my concentration away and turned me into a mindless idiot who could think of nothing else but fucking her.

  She jumped off the barstool and started to walk towards me. I held up the knife, warding her off like a cross was supposed to ward off a vampire. “Nope, go.”

  Laughing, she sauntered out of the kitchen, but not before giving me a glimpse of her perfectly round ass on full display in that god damn red thong that was going to cost me a finger yet. With her out of the kitchen, I could focus on the alfredo sauce I was attempting. As I chopped and stirred, I was slammed by a sudden realization—I was falling in love with her!

  How the hell did that happen?

  I couldn’t love her, already. Could I? Trying to physically shake it off, I focused on the recipe. All that would have to wait. I wasn’t about to drop that bombshell on her, since I wasn’t even sure it was real myself. It was more likely the sex that was making me feel that way. But it wasn’t only the sex. I really liked being with her. Talking to her was so easy.

  Stop. Not now. Later.

  “Ready to set the table?” I called out, as the lights flickered off and on.

  “You have candles?” she asked, coming into the kitchen. “I’m guessing the power will be going out here pretty soon.”

  I nodded and pointed her towards one of the bottom drawers in the kitchen. She bent over, and I nearly came in my jeans. Her pert ass was high in the air, creating a visual that I would not soon forget. She quickly opened the drawer, found a couple of candles and popped them in the holders that had sat empty on the table for years, completely oblivious to what I had nearly done to her. Once lit, she grabbed the plates and set the table as I delivered the entree. I prayed it tasted as good as it smelled.

  “Wow, this it looks and smells amazing!” she said, inhaling deeply.

  “Thank you; I hope it tastes as good as it smells,” I added.

  I grabbed the bottle of white wine I had picked out, hoping she would like it.

  “Oh, fancy!” she squealed.

  I laughed. “I wish I could take you out to a romantic dinner, but for obvious reasons, we can’t. Besides, I like eating
dinner with you when we’re both half-naked.”

  She giggled. “Should we get dressed? I mean, wouldn’t that be more civilized?”

  “No. I like you just fine in my t-shirt.”

  After filling our wine glasses, I sat down, and we delved into the meal. It was far better than I had thought it would be.

  “You are an amazing cook,” she said, taking a drink of her wine.

  “Thank you. I enjoy cooking. I especially like cooking for you,” I told her.

  “You can cook for me anytime.”

  We chatted about the storm and past hurricanes we’d experienced. The power cut out just as we finished eating.

  “Well, I guess we won’t get to binge on Grey’s tonight,” I said, a little disappointed. It had been fun watching it with her. It was one of the few things we had in common. Plus, it allowed us to ignore the reality of our lives and the obvious age difference and other problems.

  She yawned. “Sorry,” she said, and quickly covered her mouth.

  “We may as well go to bed,” I told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the chair.

  She nodded and followed me down the hall. We crawled under one of my light blankets and propped ourselves up on a stack of pillows. She snuggled into my side, and I pulled her in close, my chin resting on her head.

  It felt good and right to have her beside me. At this moment, I was extra glad I’d gotten rid of the mattress that Miriam and I once slept on. I doubted Tessa would appreciate knowing she was sleeping on my dead wife’s bed. That would be a little too weird for both of us.

  “You smell good,” she murmured before turning her face to my bare chest.

  She gently kissed my chest before scooting back enough to allow herself the room needed to kiss my neck.

  “I think you smell better,” I told her, a second before I used the arm that wasn’t pinned to pull her head closer to mine. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, testing the waters. I wasn’t sure what she was up for and didn’t want her to think that sex was a must. I was perfectly happy to lie in bed and cuddle.

  She kissed me back, slowly at first, before she deepened the kiss. Her hands were staying on my upper chest, which I took as my cue to do the same. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her body close to mine, but didn’t attempt to grab that sweet ass I knew would be peeking out from under my shirt did so much more for her than it ever had for me.

  We made out—just like teenagers. I loved that neither of us had to take it farther. Just kissing her, touching her and breathing the same air was enough for me.

  “I like this,” she whispered, snuggling into my side again. She had one of her slender legs thrown across mine, right above the knees. I relished the feel of her smooth skin pressing into mine.

  “Me too,” I whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  I could hear her breath slowing, and I knew she was falling asleep. I was content to hold her and listen to her deep breathing while the rain slashed against the window. I was glad she was with me. The storm didn’t sound particularly bad, but I would have worried about her.

  She shifted, her leg bending and rising higher where it crossed mine. I put my hand under the cover and slowly caressed her bare thigh before resting my hand on her leg in an effort to keep her close to me. I drifted to sleep, wondering how I had managed to get so lucky to find her.

  She had yet to mention our age difference, and I dreaded the moment it came up. That would be the moment she told me we had no future because we were too far apart in years. The moment that would crush my heart and soul. I begged the fates that such a moment would never come. I needed her in my life and couldn’t imagine going to work or even getting out of bed without the promise of seeing her and holding her in my arms. Fate could not be so cruel as to take her away from me. Could it?

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I blinked, trying to orientate myself.

  Where the hell am I?

  Ian’s bed. That’s where, but where was he? I stretched my arm out, searching for his big, warm body, but I was all alone in his bed. I blinked again, focusing my eyes on the flashing alarm clock. Obviously, the power was back, but by the sound of the rain beating against the bedroom window, it was still pretty nasty out there.

  In the distance, I could hear the quiet drone of a news channel. I couldn’t tell if it was the radio or the television. I strained my ears and focused on the droll sound of the weatherman giving an update on the impending hurricane. It was still headed our way and picking up strength.

  “This category two storm is expected to make landfall tomorrow morning,” I heard the man say.

  “Great,” I moaned. I loved the early warning we got with the hurricanes, but it always felt like we wasted so much time sitting and waiting, and then it would bypass us completely. Obviously, that was a good thing, but it always felt like there were about a hundred other things I could be doing while waiting for a storm.

  The sound of the shower became clear when the weatherman went silent for a brief moment. I knew one way to pass the time. I crawled out of bed and stripped out of his shirt as I made my way to the bathroom, before stepping out of my thong.

  I quietly pushed open the unlocked bathroom door, padding across the cold tile before I pulled open the shower door.

  His back was to me, his face turned up towards the shower spray. My eyes moved slowly down his back, coming to rest on his very perfect ass. He must have felt the cold draft and spun around.

  When he saw me, he smiled. “Hey.”

  I stepped in, shutting the door behind me and walked into his bare chest, my mouth open and licking the water running like sheets over his nipple.

  His hands were in my hair, lifting it away from my neck, clearing the way for his mouth. I instinctively leaned my head to the left, giving him unfettered access to lick and suck one of the most sensitive parts of my body. His hand moved down my stomach, reaching between my legs and dividing the folds.

  “Ian,” I moaned as he rubbed the other highly sensitive area that was causing me to stand on my toes as I tried to move away from the exquisite torture. His mouth was dancing across my collarbone as his finger plucked at me like a practiced guitarist. My body was going taut, and I found myself straining to reach a climax after less than a minute of being in the shower. I wanted it to last longer.

  I stepped out of the stream of water and dropped to my knees in front of him, using my hands on his ass to pull him towards me.

  “Tess,” he groaned.

  He had dropped the ‘a’ on my name, something I usually hated, but when he said it this way it was arousing, and surprisingly intimate.

  I used one hand to cup his balls and the other to hold his dick straight up so I could attend to it with my mouth. I squeezed his balls, before gently tugging while my other hand slid up his wet length a moment before my mouth surrounded him. I closed my eyes, savoring the taste and feel of him, listening to him groan in pleasure.

  His hips bucked forward, and I sucked harder, taking him further into my mouth all while holding his sack. I could feel myself growing wetter with each pull of my mouth. Just when I thought he would lose control, he bent his knees, dropping low enough to put his hands around my waist and pull me up. He kissed me hard and deep before spinning me around. His hands grabbed my wrists, and he planted my hands against the shower wall on either side of my head.

  He used a knee to spread my legs and my back arched in expectation. He stepped close behind me, his dick poking my ass. He rubbed it against me, before bending at the waist and pressing his chest to my back.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Tessa. Do you know what you do to me?” he whispered in my ear. His breath caused goosebumps to pop up, despite the heat and humidity inside the closed shower.

  “Fuck me, Ian,” I demanded.

  His mouth opened on my neck, and he licked it a split second before he used his teeth to nibble at my skin. It was a sharp pain that was quickly replaced with abrupt ar
ousal that nearly had me coming in hot, squirting gushes.

  My hands were still pressed to the wall, his weight pushing into me from behind. I leaned forward a few more inches, driving my ass up and into his dick, begging for him to enter. He finally obliged, and like the skilled lover he was, he slid home without ever releasing my wrists. I moaned, pushed back against him and arched my back further, trying to take him in deeper.

  He was slow and methodical, pushing in as deep as he could, then not moving for several long, breathless seconds before he slowly withdrew, repeating the process over and over until I was worked up into a mindless frenzy.

  He pushed in, agonizingly slow, planting himself deep within before he released my left wrist and moved his hand slowly down my stomach. His hand splayed across my belly as he pressed in deeper than I thought possible.

  “You feel so good. You’re so wet,” he groaned, pushing one of his fingers to the point where we were joined. He slid the tip of his finger inside, stretching me to the point I wasn’t sure if I was crying out in pain or pleasure. He pressed on that nub with the pad of his finger before nuzzling my neck. The pressure combined with being filled with his cock had me seeing stars, literally. My vision blurred as I allowed myself to get lost in the feeling of him deep inside me.

  That was all it took to send me into the black abyss of one of the most amazing orgasms I had ever experienced. My body arched and attempted to pull away, but his hand on my belly held me firmly in place. My free hand grabbed the small bar on the shower wall, and I held on for dear life as my legs shook with sheer pleasure.

  Once I was able to see clearly again, I stood, one hand still on the wall of the shower, holding my body weight.

  “You okay,” he whispered in my ear with concern.

  I nodded, I couldn’t speak.

  He turned me around and kissed away the tears I didn’t realize were streaming down my face. The climax had been so powerful I had felt it to my very core. Being with him was unlike any other sexual experience I had in the past. He demanded every part of me. We touched on an entirely different level, as if our very souls were experiencing the ecstasy of the earth-shattering sex between us.


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