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Decadence: Darkstar Mercenaries Book 4

Page 16

by Carven, Anna

  Compared to the last time she’d seen him—when he’d been wild and frantic and naked, covered in viscous stasis fluid—he looked a lot more composed.

  His longish hair was neatly slicked back, accentuating his sharp, handsome features. He wore a plain black uniform, which was impeccably cut. The simple insignia of a seven-pointed star glittered at his left breast, over his black machine-heart. Outwardly, there was no evidence of the machines that were keeping him alive, save for a few fine black vessels that snaked up his neck and disappeared beneath his silver skin.

  That subtle detail told her this really was Ikriss, and not some AI-generated fantasy.

  “It’s me,” he whispered, touching his ephemeral fingers to hers, as if to hold her hand.

  A shiver of desire coursed through her. “You’re out of the tank, then? You’re… okay?”

  “I am, for now. I’m in my office, attending to work matters. I would have come to you, but I am not allowed, apparently. This is next best option, it seems.” A tight smile twisted his lips, making him look slightly devilish. “The Fever has me, Sienna. I can’t trust myself around you right now.”

  Her entire body ached with need. “When can you trust yourself, then?”

  “When you are ready. Then and only then.” He walked slowly across the room and took a seat, leaning back. It was weird seeing him sitting on nothing but thin air. Of course, there was a seat beneath him, but the holo only picked up Ikriss. He steepled his hands and cast his eyes downwards, letting shadows pool in the hollows of his face.

  Lost in some thought or other, he went very still, his expression inscrutable.

  The former High Commander of the Kordolian Imperial Militaries looked as alien as ever, and yet Sienna couldn’t help the flush of warmth that spread through her, seeping deep into her core. Absently, she slipped one of her hands beneath the sheets, pressing her fingers against her tenderly aching clit.

  With her lips slightly parted and every one of her senses on fire, she stared at him in anticipation, completely transfixed.

  “I know the human way is different,” he continued, his deep, resonant voice trembling ever so slightly. His eyes were still downcast, their burning intensity hidden from her. “I have researched your customs somewhat. On Earth, humans have an endless array of potential mates to choose from, and so you have the luxury of playing a courtship game. You take your time. You trial and then reject those you find unsuitable. Some of you even take multiple mates at once.” Now he looked up, and every cell in Sienna’s body tensed in anticipation of what he would say next. “None of that is acceptable to me, Sienna. I only want you.”

  A soft, shuddering sigh escaped her. She pressed harder against her tender nub, no longer trying to hide her desire.

  Even if every instinct was telling her that this was too damn fast.

  “I know you have endured terrible pain at the hands of our enemies. I know you have had mates before; those that have betrayed you. That will not happen with me. I swear on the souls of my dead ancestors I will never do anything to harm you, Sienna. And anyone that has ever caused you pain will taste the edge of my vengeful blade.” His voice shook. His golden eyes burned deep into her soul.

  The crazy thing about it all was that she believed him.

  In the short time that she’d known him, he’d only ever been true to his word.

  “You’re wrong about one thing,” she said softly. “This is a courtship game, and we humans don’t always take our time if we know what we want.” It took all her willpower not to surrender to him then and there, but past mistakes in life had made her cautious. So she held back, even though she burned with need. “But what is it you see in me, aside from being the one who triggered your Fever?”

  “I see strength. You are loyal. Determined. You do not succumb to your fear, and you refuse to break, even in the face of death. You are a survivor. A creator. A worthy mate. More than worthy.” Unexpectedly, one corner of his mouth quirked upwards. “You even worry about me. You don’t understand. Nobody worries about me. I am obsessed with you… and I have not even tasted your cooking yet.”

  “Lucky for you,” she growled, squirming under the sheets as a flush spread through her chest and up her neck, heating her cheeks. “There’s no going back once you’ve eaten my food.” Heart pounding like crazy, Sienna blinked back unexpected tears.

  He was serious.

  Completely, utterly serious.

  And his words were the most powerful salve to her barely healed wounds.

  Her outer shell began to crack. For some reason, this man made her feel like she could lower her shields and ditch the toughness that she’d built up over the years.

  He made her feel free in a way that nobody else ever could.

  “So… what happens now?” Sienna closed her eyes. His intensity was just a little too much for her right now.

  “It’s the equivalent of two Earth days,” Ikriss replied. “That’s how long we have to wait… until my new heart and lungs are grown and Zharek transfers them to my body. Then you can have me for as long as you desire.”

  “So we aren’t allowed to…?” Fuck? Two days? Now she was surely going to go crazy.

  “In my current state, too much… exertion could be fatal, apparently.” The quirk in Ikriss’s mouth grew into a wry smile. “But that is plenty of time to get to know one another a little more, don’t you think?”

  Before she even realized what she was doing, Sienna flicked her finger up and down, eliciting a tightly restrained quiver of pleasure.

  Ikriss raised a pale eyebrow.

  “Two days is just a drop in the ocean,” she breathed. “I completely believe you, but I’m scared. Ever since they… those assholes… took me, everything’s been out of control.”

  “And you don’t like not being in control, do you? You can’t stand it.”

  “How do you know all that?”

  “Because you and I are not so dissimilar, I think.”

  “But you have control. Me… my life has just gone up in flames. I don’t even know if my friends are safe.”

  “They are safe, believe me. I would not allow anything of yours to be compromised, Sienna.” A hint of ice entered his voice. “We do not respond well to threats. And if our relationship with Earth’s Federation has to change over this, then so be it.”

  What does he even mean by that? That somehow her relationship with him was about to influence the fate of the entire fucking planet?

  She’d been involved with powerful men before, but this was different.

  This was in a completely different stratosphere, because she suspected Ikriss actually had the power to hold entire planets hostage.

  Sienna took a deep breath and put her desire on hold.

  There were only a few things she could control right now, so she had to try and keep at least some of her wits about her. “There’s one other person I’m worried about. A good friend of mine. Can you find her?”

  “Of course,” Ikriss nodded, his expression turning a little indulgent. “Anything you wish.” He radiated mysterious power, like a magical genie—albeit a very dangerous one—who could grant her deepest, darkest desires.

  His quiet power fed her arousal. She couldn’t deny it; she found that part of him intoxicating. She was only human, after all.

  She shook her head. Pull yourself together, Si.

  “Her name’s Eva. Eva Patel. She lives in the Serenity Skygardens, Apartment 11, on the 24th floor. It’s two blocks from my restaurant. She was supposed to show up for the evening shift at the Whisk. Knowing her, she’d probably have tried to make it through the crowds, especially if she hadn’t heard from any of us. She, uh, doesn’t have a very good sense of danger. The last I saw, things were getting really crazy down there. I saw humans with strange guns… they looked like military types. People were everywhere… big crowds… it looked like something big was about to go off.”

  “Ah.” Ikriss nodded sagely. Clearly, this wasn’t new to him.
“As I said, the situation is under control now. I will send a squad to search for and locate your friend.”

  “Th-thank you.” A sigh of relief escaped her. “If she’s a little… abrasive when they find her, please don’t hold it against her. She just doesn’t like…” Sienna shook her head. How was she supposed to explain to Commander Ikriss that Eva didn’t like guys in uniform with guns… and she sure as hell didn’t pay lip-service to authority figures?

  To her surprise, Ikriss laughed; a low, rumbling sound that reverberated deep within his chest. That laugh was the best thing she’d heard in a while. It warmed her heart and sent a pleasant tingle right through her. “Don’t fear, Sienna. My men might seem harsh, but we have a little experience in dealing with human females by now, especially those who vehemently disagree with our methods. When you meet the other mates, you will understand.”

  Other mates? Of course, she’d met Riana, but how many of them were there, really?

  “Now, is there anything else I can do for you to make your stay more comfortable?” He was looking at her like that again; with those laser-intense eyes.

  In that instant, all of Sienna’s Earthly concerns evaporated. Somehow, she just felt that everything was going to be okay.

  And her desire surged again, like the rush of a tide that ebbed and flowed; it was always there, never really disappearing, a constant pressure that would eventually need release.

  She pulled the sheets tighter against her body as her trembling fingers fluttered against the soaked thin fabric of her panties; against her desperately wanting flesh.

  God, how am I going to get through three more days of this?

  If only he knew.

  Maybe he did. Nothing seemed to escape this man.

  “Is there somewhere I can… cook?” she uttered breathlessly.

  Ikriss inclined his head, appearing mildly surprised. “Did they not tell you? Silence has a fully equipped human food preparation room. It is stocked with an abundance of ingredients from Earth.”

  Sienna’s jaw dropped. “You’re serious?”

  “We are well used to accommodating humans by now, and food seems to be the singular obsession amongst all of you, so the General has had the station outfitted accordingly. The mates do seem to spend a lot of time in the selection, preparation, and consumption of food. Perhaps, one day, you can help me understand it.”

  A sudden realization hit her. “You don’t even know what it’s like to eat for pleasure, do you?”

  “What pleasure can be found in food? It’s sustenance, nothing more.”

  Sienna shook her head in disbelief. Challenge accepted. “You won’t be saying that when I’m done with you.”

  “Oh?” There was that sharp-edged, devilish smile again; the one that turned her insides to jelly and melted her ovaries. “I look forward to it.” His voice thickened. “But clearly, there is more than one kind of pleasure…”

  Her heartbeat quickened. “What are you saying, Ikriss?”

  “I see your hands have not been idle.”

  She froze, suddenly keenly aware of her dancing fingers.

  Caught in the act.

  And she didn’t care. Not too long ago, she’d stood in front of him, and he’d been naked with a full-blown erection.

  God, the sight of his silver cock…

  It was etched into her memory.

  If she wasn’t mistaken, his anatomy was a little different to a human male’s.

  She remembered it clearly; there was a raised ridge running along the front of his cock, from tip to shaft.

  How fucking good would it feel to have him inside her?

  She let out a shuddering little sigh.

  Holographic Ikriss leaned forward, his lips parting to reveal the tips of his fangs. “Does the sight of me arouse you, Sienna?”

  “I think you already know the answer to that, Commander,” she uttered, her voice a ragged whisper.

  Abruptly, he stood and came to her side, and she couldn’t help but reach out and try to touch him, even though she knew the image before her was nothing but particles of light and thin air. She longed to feel his bare silver skin against her fingertips.

  The thought of having him whole again and completely to herself…

  It drove her wild.

  “I still want to hear it from your lips,” Ikriss said softly, leaning in so his face was barely inches from hers. She could make out the fine details in his features; the tension in his face, which contrasted with the sensual softness of his lips.

  “It’s true,” she admitted, suddenly feeling liberated. “I find you insanely attractive. Shit. This is actually very hard.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Through the tension, he smiled. “I might not show it very well, but the torture you put me through is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. When I am able to see you again… after the surgery… I will not be able to restrain myself.”


  “I will be here, Sienna. I will wait for you, and when you are ready, I will show you what it means to be Claimed. You will not know what hit you.”

  Oh god. “Y-you seem awfully sure of yourself.”

  “I know what I want.” He leaned in and kissed her. A electric tingle went through her as his holo-lips pressed against hers. “I believe you do, too, but I am patient. You can, you know.”

  “Can what?”

  “Take your pleasure. If the sight of me pleases you, then show me.”

  “You’re saying I should…” Her mouth went wide. Her need became a powerful ache. Beneath her soft, silken robes, her nipples were taut and sensitive, longing for his touch. Her clit throbbed.

  Her whole body was primed and ready for him.

  And he knew it.

  He was suffering too. He couldn’t lay a hand on her, and yet he wanted her to please herself before his very eyes.

  It was an outrageously wicked invitation.

  He had her trapped.

  You are a devious man, Commander.

  She searched for any trace of mockery in his features, but all she saw was a man who was completely under her spell.

  And he wanted this.

  There was no way she could refuse.

  Not when her body was already calling for him.

  It had been so long.

  So long since she’d wanted another, and never as powerfully as this.

  Sienna slipped her fingers beneath the edge of her panties. Her fingertips traced over her warm skin, through a fine nest of hair and down to her clit, which was throbbing like crazy.

  She made a tight little circle with her index finger, tracing around her exquisitely sensitive little pearl.

  Without the thin barrier of her panties, her own touch was amplified a hundredfold, and a bud of pure pleasure unfurled in her core, obliterating the last coherent thought from her mind.

  It felt like she’d come under the spell of the most intoxicating drug ever created.

  A raw, throaty moan escaped her lips.

  She stared at Ikriss.

  He clasped his hands together and leaned back in his chair. The shadows seemed to embrace him, pooling in the hollows of his face and neck; melding with his obsidian uniform, shrouding his golden gaze. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he murmured.

  The molten tones of his voice seeped through her, heightening her desire to a fever-pitch.

  She dipped her fingers between her slick folds, closing her eyes as she imagined what it would be like to have him close; to feel his warm silver skin beneath her fingertips, to run her hands over his honed body, to have him inside her…

  How badly she wanted him right now.

  A tight knot formed in her core, forcing her fingers into a frantic dance as she desperately tried to unravel the tightness.

  It was no use.

  Pleasure mingled with torturous need.

  Ikriss just watched her. She was trapped in his fascination; consumed by his golden gaze.

  “This feels unfair
,” she gasped as a tiny tremor coursed through her. “Why can a holo of you make me do all this, and yet you’re the one suffering with the Mating Fever, and you can’t even…”

  “I want to wait for you,” he said simply. “The reward will be all the sweeter for the pain.”

  “H-how can you be so damn controlled?”

  “Believe me, I’m not. Each and every time I see you, I’m at breaking point. It is the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I fear you will be the death of me, my human.”

  “Then I shouldn’t even…” She pulled her fingers away, suspending the blissful torture.

  She was so close, and yet…

  “Oh, but you should, Sienna. I want you to enjoy this. Seeing you like this…” He uttered a soft curse in his lyrical alien tongue. “I am the only one that will make you feel like this, and I will be the only one to ever see you like this. You will only know my touch, and I will please you in ways you have never even imagined.”

  He said it with all the certainty of a wartime Commander who had just won a decisive battle.

  And in that instant, Sienna knew without a shadow of a doubt that there was no going back.

  “Crazy silver devil,” she whispered, frantically massaging her clit as the last shreds of her self-control slipped away. “You say you’ll wait for me, but I never really had any choice in this, did I?” Her voice was a cracked, breathless rasp. Her sheets were soaked in sweat. Her hair was a tousled mess.

  “You are mine now,” the Commander said simply, and this time, his voice cracked too.

  At last, Sienna let go.

  The orgasm still took her by surprise, because she didn’t think it would be possible—not without him. At first, it was a gentle tremor, but then it rose, becoming wave after wave of blissful release.

  “A-ahh,” she cried, getting lost in the ecstasy of climax.

  And as all the tension seeped out of her body, the tight coil of need unravelled, leaving her hot and sweaty and languorous and filled with disbelief.

  Did that just really fucking happen?

  Holo-Ikriss smiled; a tight, dark, self-satisfied little smile. Only the slightest hint of tension at the corners of his eyes revealed the true extent of his suffering.


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