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My Dom (Boston Doms Book 1)

Page 13

by Jane Henry

  Introducing her to the dark, erotic lifestyle it was his pleasure to reveal to her. He thought of the night before, how she'd squirmed and moaned, then screamed in ecstasy.

  How much did she want? How much did she need?

  "What are you thinking?" she asked.

  "You're beautiful," he said in response, taking another sip of coffee, watching as her eyes warmed and her cheeks flushed a soft pink. She looked down at the table and bit her lip.

  "Thanks," she said, shifting.

  He felt the caffeine coursing in his veins, and was ready to take on what he needed to.

  "We need to talk," he said. Her eyes grew apprehensive, but she remained quiet. He liked that. She trusted him, and was prepared for him to take the lead.

  "First, work," he said. "I think it's best we avoid talking about work during our personal time. Business time for business, pleasure for pleasure. Your company works with my school to get us in the clear in time for summer budgeting and preparations for next school year. From now until then, we keep our relationship under wraps. Got it?"

  She nodded, wide-eyed. "Absolutely."

  He caught her gaze and dropped his voice. "We can make this work," he said.

  She felt it, the deeper meaning implied, and the hope he injected in his statement. She nodded. "I agree," she whispered.

  He leaned forward. "We meet with your consulting company again next week," he said. "We'll spend time here at my place, or yours if you prefer, but we'll keep going out to a minimum, and when we do, we'll be discreet about it. There's no need for us to hide, but we should also use discretion. Agreed?"

  She nodded again. He saw the tension go out of her as she sat back and sipped her coffee. He felt a pulse of pleasure. This is what he loved, the ability to take charge and bring peace to her. He would talk with her. But he would lead. And she was demonstrating the ability—desire, even—to follow.

  "Good girl," he murmured on impulse. She smiled. He loved how eager she was to please, and the way she warmed under his praise. He would remember that.

  "Doesn't mean we won't have issues come up," he said. "Let's be honest. This is a complicated situation. But we can work through this."

  She smiled and nodded.

  "Second," he said. "I'm going to ease you into ground rules." He watched as she squirmed a bit on her chair, and he suspected he knew what she was feeling—maybe a bit of apprehension as he stepped things up, but excitement, too. "Just the basics for now, honey. I don't want to overwhelm you."

  She nodded. "Okay," she whispered.

  He put his coffee down and reached for her chin. It was a dominant, intimate move, one that would get her undivided attention. He looked into her warm blue eyes, his fingers gently lifting her chin. She swallowed.

  "It's important you talk to me throughout this, Heidi." She nodded, a slight pull of her chin in his hand. "I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or pressured. The idea of having rules is to help both me and you."

  Her brows furrowed and he released her chin.

  "Talk to me," he urged.

  "I can see how it helps me," she said. "Knowing you're focusing on me, and…" her voice dropped and she grew shy. "Taking care of me," she said. "But how does it help you?"

  God, she was cute.

  He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "Haven't you figured out by now I like bossing you around?" he teased. She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "No, really, hon," he said. "You having rules helps me because I know you're doing your best to take care of yourself when I'm not there. I like knowing you're safe, and making good choices, and doing what I've asked you." He paused, letting the import of his next sentence settle softly. "I like being obeyed." She nodded, and he could tell his answer pleased her.

  He grew stern. "First." He paused. Her eyes widened as he continued. "No disobedience. If I tell you to do something, you will obey me. You're allowed to respectfully discuss things, of course, but I expect obedience." She nodded. He wondered what effect the word obey had on her. Some submissives would find it grated on them, but others would be attracted to obedience. Time would tell.

  "Can you give me an example?" she asked, curiosity and apprehension in her eyes as she twisted a strand of hair between her fingers. "Like, what kinds of things will you tell me to do?"

  "Sure," he said. "Maybe I think you've spent too much time on your phone and you need rest, so I may tell you it's time for bed, or that you need to get more sleep. I might ask you to wear a specific outfit. When I call your name, I want you to put down what you're doing and come to me. I'll expect you defer to me with major decisions, but we'll talk all this through."

  "This carries over in bed?" she blurted out, looking surprised at herself. He chuckled.

  "Of course," he responded with a slow smile. "Especially in bed." Her eyes warmed and she shifted on her chair.

  "But not just bed?"

  He crossed his arms across his chest. "Absolutely not." She inhaled.

  "So you expect me to do whatever you say, whenever you say it."

  He nodded. "More or less, but you always talk to me. If you have a problem or question, you tell me. It's important we communicate as effectively as possible. And that takes us to what's next."

  "Okay," she said. He reached for her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

  "It's best if you get into the habit of saying 'Yes, sir' when we're alone, and you're expected to show me obedience, baby," he said, as gently as possible. She squirmed, but her eyes flamed.

  "Yes, sir," she whispered. He felt himself grow hard. Shit, he could feel the tension rising, his need to have her again. He glanced quickly at the clock. Not enough time. Dammit.

  They needed it to be Friday already.

  He nodded. "Next. I expect you to treat me respectfully. No raising your voice, talking back, or sassing me." His voice dropped. "Understood?"

  "Yes, sir," she said. He felt pleased at her acquiescence.

  "This one goes both ways, honey," he said. "I expect you to treat me respectfully, but will respect you as well."

  "Thank you," she whispered. He smiled.

  "And last," he said. "Your safety. You're not to do anything I deem dangerous. No speeding, or screwing around with your phone in the car, or anything that could potentially hurt you. I'll explain my expectations when you go out at night, and safety things I expect you to be careful with at home. Am I clear on this?" he said, his voice taking on a hard edge. This was one he planned on implementing shortly, as it had become clear she had some habits that needed changing.

  "I… well…" she sighed. "I can't use my phone in the car?" she asked, her eyebrows lifted. She frowned. Was she kidding?

  "No!" he stated emphatically. "Not only is it dangerous, texting while driving is against state law," he said, surprised at the fact this wasn't obvious to her.

  Her eyes flashed at him. "But my phone is my lifeline, Dom! And everyone uses their cell phones in the car. That's ridiculous!" She pulled her hands back and crossed them, anger flashing in her eyes.

  "It's not ridiculous," he stated, his voice deepening, and he knew she could hear the edge it took on, "and I'm warning you now, your tone needs to change. You sit your ass in your car, this is your new routine. Lock all the doors. Buckle your belt. Your phone gets zipped in your bag. Period. And if I find out you forgot any of those, I'll spank your ass."

  "What?" she hissed. He hadn't expected she'd resist him so strongly on this, but his instincts kicked in. Safety rules were non-negotiable, and she would obey him.

  "Come here," he instructed, pushing his seat back hard so that the chair legs scraped on the floor and he had ample room. She blinked. "Now."

  She came slowly to her feet, shuffling forward until she stood in front of him.

  He grasped her waist and pulled her over his lap, pinning her into place with one firm hand on her lower back as his other raised.

  "Do I have your attention now?" he asked.

  "Yesss," she moaned.

  "Good. I'm not exactly sure you know how serious I am about this," he began. "Or how much your safety means to me." He'd hoped she would get his point, but the way she kicked her feet showed she hadn't.

  "These new rules are over the top!" she shouted. "Too much!" She gasped as he wasted no time in landing a hard, stinging swat to her bottom.

  "You will speak to me respectfully," he instructed. "No yelling at me." He raised his hand and brought it down hard, a sound spank that reverberated around the kitchen. She yelped. He raised his hand again. "I don't care if you think you can multi-task with the best of them. You will take your safety seriously, even if I need to warm your ass every single time you take a seat in your car." Whack! "Do you understand me?"

  "Yes—yes, sir! I get it! Fine!"

  Another hard swat.


  He gave her three more stinging swats in rapid succession before he raised her to her feet in front of him. Her face was reddened, and her hands immediately went to her bottom, rubbing and looking not unlike a petulant child.

  "Do we have an understanding, little girl?" he growled. She blinked, and he could tell by the look in her eyes she was chastened. Embarrassed, but chastened. This was one area he would not compromise.

  "Yes, sir," she said, meekly.

  "Good," he said, pulling her close to him so that she stood between his legs. The damn time. He looked at the clock on the wall. He let a beat pass before he spoke, allowing her to absorb what had just happened. "You okay?" he asked.

  She nodded. "That's so confusing," she murmured.

  "What's that?" he asked, his own hands reaching for her warmed backside, and rubbing.

  "That's… embarrassing? Gosh, it's mortifying," she said. "But it's also really…" she paused and she sighed. "God, you're hot."

  Dom arrived home significantly earlier than he usually did. With work wrapped up in the office, he was eager to set things up for the evening he planned with Heidi.

  The idea had come to him over a text conversation she'd begun earlier in the day.

  So… what kinds of things do you like, anyway? I mean… I know you like spanking. But are you into… other things?

  It was his lunch break when the text came in. He'd methodically chewed through an entire bag of pretzels, a large Italian sub, an apple, and yogurt cup before replying to her.

  Things… what exactly are we talking about here?

  Um, I don't know… the things they talk about in books.

  Like chains and handcuffs? Hot wax? Violet wands? Suspension systems? Sensory deprivation hoods? Gags? Be specific, baby.

  O.M.G. I don't know what half those things are, and the other half scares the hell out of me.

  He chuckled to himself.

  There are many different… flavors, of dominance and submission, Heidi. You have Domestic Discipline, and standard D/s relationships. You have baby girls and Daddy Doms, and Masters and Slaves, then you've got the entire BDSM scene at your disposal.

  Just… wow. Yikes.

  There's… something for everyone.

  Well, how do I know what I like?

  He smiled to himself.

  I can show you.

  He felt like Aladdin on his magic carpet; hand stretched magnanimously out to the vast array below.

  Okay. I mean, Yes, sir. I'd like to see.

  Well that worked out just fine, because he wanted to show her.

  When he arrived home, he knew she had another half hour at the office before she'd be heading home. He sent her another quick text.

  I want you to text me before you leave the office. After you send the text, put your phone in your bag and close it tightly. Put your bag behind your seat. Don't forget to buckle, and lock your doors. Obey the speed limit, and come straight to me after you walk Princess. I want you dressed in a skirt, no panties.

  Um. Yikes. Yes, sir.

  He frowned at her response.

  Overwhelmed? Irritated? Or just processing it all? Time would tell. He changed into casual clothes, but spent some time standing in front of his closet. He removed several long, silk ties he rarely wore, and draped them across his bed. Before he turned from the closet, he reached for one of the hooks to the far right, where a thin, worn belt hung. He took it off the hook and draped it on the bed. That would do well, along with the other small items he'd picked up on his way home.

  He saw her car pull into the parking lot, and a short while later, watched her return with Princess and bring her back to her apartment. Anticipation built. He would watch her, observe her reactions to what he asked and what he did. Playing in the BDSM scene was one thing, as was playing with bedroom dominance. What would it be like to be her full-time dominant?

  His pulse quickened when he heard her tentative knock, at the same time he got a text from Matteo.

  Dude. Dinner at Tony's. Tonight? Dom groaned. Shoving his phone in his pocket, he opened the door. She smiled shyly as he opened it and gestured for her to come in. He took her hand and led her to the living room just as his phone buzzed a second time. Silencing it, he tossed it on the table by the couch. He turned, walking to the couch where she stood waiting for him, sat down heavily, and pulled her onto his lap. He sighed as she nestled against his chest, and he pulled her close.

  "Feels like it's been a while since I've seen you," he said, low. She murmured in assent. He reached his hand to the clip that held her hair in and pinched it, releasing the fragrant mass of chocolate brown waves. He tossed the clip to the side and pulled her head down. "Did you do what I asked? You followed your driving rules, and wore what I told you?"

  "Yes, sir," she said, nestling in.

  "How did you feel about all of that, baby?" he asked, as he held her. He could see her soften at the word baby. He suspected he had a bit of a baby girl on his lap. She liked his dominance. She liked being taken care of. He would play that up and see how she responded.

  "Well, the phone thing bugged me, to be honest," she said. "But I did what you said, and it felt different. I locked the doors and buckled, texted you and put my phone away. Then I felt like I was really focused on driving, and not trying to do more than one thing at a time. It felt weird, but not in a bad way."

  "Very good," he said. "And the clothes?"

  "Um, not wearing panties feels really naughty."

  "Have you been naughty today?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing the question would make her squirm, but turn her on.

  "Not yet," she answered, nestling in closer. He chuckled.

  His phone, silenced, lit up again on the side table.

  "Do you need to get that?" she asked. He gave a curt nod.

  "I want you to kneel here," he said. "On the floor in front of me, kneel and put your hands in my lap while I get these messages. I've gotta make it clear I'm busy tonight."

  She slid obediently off his lap, a strange look crossing her face as she knelt. Her eyes went from side to side and she looked guarded in a way she hadn't a moment before. But when her knees hit the floor and her hands went to his lap, the look faded and she looked calmer. He picked up his phone.

  Plans tonight. Can't make it.

  He put it down, and reached a finger under her chin.

  "You like it when I call you baby," he asked, more of a statement than a question. She swallowed and nodded. "Stand and go get the brown bag I have on my desk. Bring it here."

  She stood and obeyed, getting the bag and bringing it back quickly.

  "Good, baby, now kneel again," he instructed.

  She obeyed. He removed the flat wooden hairbrush he'd purchased and put the bag on the couch next to him. Her eyes widened, but she said nothing.

  "Don't be nervous, honey," he said. He dropped his voice. "Unless you did something I need to punish you for?"

  "No! No, sir," she said, shaking her head. He smiled.

  "Well, let's test it out just in case I do need to use it," he said. Her eyes widened.

  "Test it out?" she squeaked. He'd only ever punished
her with his hand, but she was ready to try something new, and he was curious where her tolerance was. He'd spanked her very firmly with his hand, and knew that if he needed to discipline her, his hand would likely do just fine. But she might like the thuddy feel of the brush, or the stingy feel of the belt he had for her in his bedroom.

  "Go over to my desk," he instructed, "and bend over."

  He heard the catch of breath as she stood and stepped over to his desk. She placed her hands gingerly on top, bent over and stuck her bottom out. He smiled. So sweet. He placed the brush on the desk next to her, and she jumped.

  "Relax," he said. "You're not in trouble. Just trust me. Try to focus on what you feel, and just do what I say."

  She nodded.

  "I'm going to spank you, Heidi," he said gently. "I'm going to warm you up first. If I spank you with my hand, you'll be primed to take more."

  "Yeah, okay," she said. He brought his hand down in a sharp swat that had a punitive edge.

  "What was that?"

  "Yes, sir!"

  "Good," he said, giving her another swat. She wore a loose-fitting denim skirt that hugged her curves but had ample room to move. He lifted it and smiled to himself. She had obeyed him. He gave her a few more swats with his hand, until she was lightly red and warm to the touch. She inhaled and tensed when he picked up the brush.

  "Tonight, you'll focus on obeying my instructions," he said, as he lifted the brush and brought it down firmly, but not harshly. He'd tested it on his hand and it though it was wide and flat, the wood was light and unfinished, making it effective for spanking, but something that would be good to begin with. He'd used heavier, varnished paddles at The Club, and knew the heft and sting of them would deliver a much harder spanking than Heidi was ready for.

  She hissed as the wood connected, but she maintained her position. "You'll tell me if anything scares you, but you'll also tell me when you like something. Understood?" Swat!

  "Yes, sir."

  He gave her half a dozen firmer swats. She took them all, in perfect position. He pulled her skirt down, and she looked over her shoulder at him. She looked disappointed.

  "Are you done?" she asked.

  "For now," he said. He took her by the hand and brought her back over to the couch, pulling her onto his lap, brush still in hand. "This is a good tool to have," he said, as he drew it through her long hair, and she sighed in contentment. "I can use it to help you relax, while I brush your hair. But if you're a naughty little girl, I can use it to spank your ass." She shifted. Yes, she liked the naughty girl image.


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