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Duffle Bag Bitches

Page 11

by Alicia Howard

  The nigga was trying to crawl like he was really going some fucking where. Dizzy hit him again blowing his arm off this time. The man begged. “Fuck nigga just kill me already.” Dizzy loved his heart.

  “Aye you gangsta! I like that! Too bad it ain’t gonna save your life today.” He turned the nigga’s face into mincemeat.

  Jasmine was placing the small door bomb on the door. They all stepped to the side as it blew the lock off. Dizzy yelled at Zane “Let’s move!” Zane and Mack where already past the corpses that were laid out. They had pulled the two that were at the driveway and in the yard and tossed them behind the tall bushes that hid the yard from the neighbors.

  Jay had changed into her sleeping clothes. She had a bowl of ice cream in her hands, but she dropped it as the door flew open. She was about to take off running when she heard, “Bitch don’t move! I have no love for you, so please don’t make me dome you before you show us where the money is.” Jasmine’s words cut her worse than any bullet ever could.

  She stood frozen in her tracks staring at the people that she loved with all her heart. “I am not going anywhere sis.” She made the words fall from her month.

  “Don’t sis me, we not family!” Jasmine kept cutting her without a knife.

  “Fuck this bullshit ass love connection ya’ll got going on. Show us where the fuck the money is so we can lay your ass down and be done with this shit. I know the boys gonna show they ass soon and I ain’t going to jail, I’ll take hell first.”

  They all had their weapons drawn on her. She knew that her best move would be to take them to the money. She walked down the long hall and used her hand to open the safe. Zane shook his head thinking how simple this bitch nigga Cash was to trust a bitch this much, this fast.

  Cash had gotten word from the lookout posted a block away that was circling the house every hour that shit was all bad. He gave him the cue to go in there and kill everything moving, including Jay. There was a crew of ten that began to creep up to the house. Zane and Shannon were bagging money stacks as fast as they could when they heard shots fired.

  Zane told her to keep bagging. He came up the hall and saw Jay, Jasmine, and Dizzy laying muthafuckas down as they came through the door. He was shocked that she was helping them. He let the tech he was holding spit, and it chopped down two of the eight niggas that were left standing. Dizzy was hit but the shit didn’t move him. He yelled out, “That shit just made my dick hard!” He let the P-89 destroy the rest of the place and the people in it. Niggas were falling like they were in Baghdad.

  Shit was wicked. This shit was worse than that Scarface movie and Dizzy was Al Pacino.

  Mack was also hit. Jasmine sprayed her way out of the house just in case more were coming. Shannon and Jay both were following her carrying bags of money. They made it to the car while Zane and Dizzy shut shit down in the crib. They scooped Mack up even though he was yelling, “Leave me it’s not enough time to save me!” Blood ran from his mouth as he spoke.

  But Zane just couldn’t leave him. They put him in the car and the girls peeled off. They made it to the Super 8 motel where there was supposed to be a room there waiting for them. They knew that in about an hour their ride would be outside to get them. They couldn’t wait to get the hell out of South Carolina. When they pulled up they realized the time and saw that their ride was already there, it was time to go.

  As they made their way into the room they were informed, “We got to move! This shit has already hit the news. We got about an hour before they shut the highway down looking for the muthafuckas that caused this massacre.” He was heading out the door. The girls followed him, putting six duffle bags of money into two different minivans.

  Shannon was looking around for the men when Zane whipped into the parking lot. As soon as he jumped out the whip, she ran and hugged him. She saw sadness on his face. “What is it?” She asked.

  “Mack’s hurt bad.” He felt fucked up.

  She walked over to the car and saw that Mack was in the backseat bleeding everywhere. He had been shot nine times. She wanted to save him and he could see it in her eyes. “Sis, don’t worry about me.” Blood gushed out of his nose.

  She shook her head to blink back the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn’t want to see her cry. “Don’t you dare, take care of my brother for me he has never been loved before.” She nodded her head. She just wanted him to stop talking cause the more he did the more blood came out of his mouth and nose.

  “I will.” She promised.

  “Goodbye sis, know that in the short time we shared I grew to love you. I’m going to see my family that left me here.” He gargled on his blood and closed his eyes. His breathing ceased.

  Shannon wanted to die with him she had never lost anyone close to her. Zane saw that she was about to fall so he caught her. The driver yelled, “He dead! Let’s go!” Zane gave her a push; and she ran ahead and jumped in the van that Dizzy was driving. She didn’t want to ride with Jasmine and Jay. Zane looked back at Mack’s lifeless body and wiped away the tears. He didn’t want Shannon to see them.

  He hopped in the second van and followed the first van out of there. They were headed for the expressway when the crew heard a huge explosion behind them. Shannon looked back to see what it was. Both of the corvettes blew up in the parking lot of the Super 8. Shannon’s heart broke knowing that Mack was in the back of one of those cars. She was beginning to feel like she wasn’t cut out for this crew.

  The ride was smooth sailing. They had caused so much havoc in that state that there was no time to search for the culprits. The crew rode in silence. If Mack was still with them he would have had everyone hyped. Jay and Jasmine were in the van with a driver named Flex. No one had ever met him but he seemed pretty cool. Jasmine planned to quiz Dallas about that cat though. She was also wondering why Jay was still breathing but all that would come to a head in due time.

  Cash was in a fucked up state of mind. He couldn’t go home and he was broke from what the news had said about the home invasion. He just couldn’t believe that these niggas moved like this. He had never seen no shit like this in his life. This was some movie type shit and he was right in the middle. No one could link him to the house though, because he had the deed in some dead white bitch’s name. He used to fuck with her before she died. He would put shit in her name so if he ever got jammed up he would pin all the shit on her. She was green to what the fuck he was doing cause he used to hit her off with cake and work.

  She was a geeker that had best fucking credit he had ever seen. It was so easy to put shit in her name, houses or cars. He didn’t know what the hell he was gone do now. Hustling didn’t come with a fucking retirement plan. All he had to his name was twenty stacks at his apartment in North Carolina. He hadn’t seen days like this since he was a child. Now here he was scraping the bottom of the cup all behind a bitch. He had always been told that square love would get him killed. It came with too many emotions that caused you to let your guard down and trust the wrong muthafuckas.

  He was pissed with himself for being so damn stupid. When the bitch told on herself he should have killed her and been done with the shit. He was laying low at Mariah’s crib. He was glad he paid cash for it or she would have been up shits creek with him and he couldn’t have his niece out there like that.

  One thing he knew though, whoever Jay’s crew was; he was gone find them and they were all as good as dead. He planned to be on the first thing smoking once he got his money from his apartment in North Carolina. The crew would pay for his loss one way or the other. His mind didn’t even want to think about Jay. He knew that she was with the crew because there was no word of a woman’s body found on the scene.

  All he could say about her is that she better pray daily that God takes her before he finds her. He was coming for blood, fuck the money. With hard work and drive he would rebuild the half a million they took from him sooner than later.

  Mariah felt like shit seeing her uncle in such a fucked up state. S
he should have told him what was going before this shit got out of hand. She saw him in deep thought and wanted to know what his mind was pondering. “Unc you okay?” She didn’t know what else to ask him.

  He looked at her like she was crazy. His heart was aching from the betrayal that the woman he loved had caused, and on top of that he was broke. She understood his pain. “I am sorry.” She said.

  He felt like shit making her feel bad when she did now wrong. “No boo, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He assured her.

  She wished that was true. “Yes I did.” She lowered her head.

  “What are you talking about Mariah?” He looked at her.

  “I knew who Jay was.” She confessed.

  “What the hell you mean you knew?” He was pissed and couldn’t believe this shit was really happening.

  “I overheard her in the restaurant bathroom when you first met her. I was there telling my baby’s daddy I was pregnant. I got sick and went to the bathroom to throw up and she came in talking about this dude she was setting up to her friend on the phone. I followed her and saw she was with you. I felt like shit.”

  “Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” He yelled at her. She began to cry.

  “I was planning to when you came to visit me but you were so in love that I didn’t want to take that away from you. So I decided to get close to her to see where she was coming from. Once I got to know her she fooled me too. I even told her that I knew what she was on. She promised she would tell you because she was really in love with you. I guess that was a lie too.” She knew she should have killed the bitch and called him to handle the rest.

  He didn’t know what the fuck to say. Could he really be mad that she didn’t want to ruin his happiness? It wasn’t her fault he got caught with his pants down now, his dick in his mouth. He wanted somebody to blame but the truth was it was only two people to blame, first himself then Jay. That bitch was gon’ pay with her life, and he would die making sure of that.

  He looked at his niece and saw that she was broken just like him. He couldn’t believe how this woman came and fucked his life up in such a major way. “Baby you have no need to apologize. This is my shit and I’m gone fix it.” He left before she could respond.


  The crew was back in the Lou, the money had been turned in and Dallas was taking inventory so he could pay them. The crew was ordered to stay low key for seventy two hours. This was a part of the reason they had to wait to be paid. He didn’t want muthafuckas flossing a few days after a job. Niggas tend to go over the top when they get the bread and Dallas wanted his crew to know there was more to life than being hood rich.

  He wanted them to be rich forever, there’s no need to risk your life and still end up living hand to mouth. Most muthafuckas wouldn’t care what you did with your money, but Dallas knew what it was like to be hungry, homeless, and unhappy. The world was cold and lonely and when your money is funny you see that people really don’t give a fuck about you. He wanted to be different from any boss that ever lived.

  Everybody went on to their respective places. Jay was the only one that had to report to him. He needed to get shit in order real fast because everyone wanted to kill her. He ordered that she be returned alive and he would handle shit from there on out. He had a head strong crew and they were pissed with this order. Especially since everyone felt she was the reason Mack lost his life. His crew respected his mind and did as he said, nothing less.

  Nisha had been home for a week now. She was almost back to her normal self, physically anyway. She was still emotionally fucked up. Dallas knew she would be though, and he would fix that as well. She was glad her face was looking better and back to its normal color. She was ready to get the paper that Dallas was holding because at the present time she only had a band to her name. And that was not cool at all.

  Jasmine was back at home with her family. It felt good to be surrounded by love. Her husband questioned her here and there about her whereabouts to see if the lie she’d been telling was going to change. She would laugh in her mind every time he came with the bullshit like she was gonna slip up. She was born to do this shit and he just didn’t understand that. He even asked about Jay because she basically lived at their house, but for some strange reason shit seemed to have changed. He knew his wife. She would usually have a fit when Jay didn’t come around but now when he asked she would say, “Fuck Jay, she dead to me.” He didn’t understand women at all.

  Dizzy was back in that hole in the ground he called home. That nigga lived in an underground apartment. It was creepy as hell on the outside but once you got inside, that muthafucka was laid out. He had wall to wall plush royal blue carpet that swallowed your feet when you stepped on it. The living room had a modern décor all black furniture, smoke glass coffee and end tables, and an eighty inch flat screen television mounted on the wall. It was a studio set up. He had a king sized remote controlled bed that fell from the wall. The nigga was using his money right. He was just hella crazy so he wanted his place to be out of sight out of mind. Not too many people would even chance coming down there to fuck with him.

  Shannon had been home with her little baby. She loved that crazy little girl. She thought about Mack and how she didn’t have as much time with him as she would have liked. She really didn’t like getting close to people for this reason alone. The saying, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all,” was pure bullshit. Losing love or a loved one hurt like hell and only time could heal that wound. She thought about Zane too. He had been calling and texting her like crazy but she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. She was grateful to be home with her daughter. That could have easily been her that died in that car. Times like this made her wish she had never chosen this life. Even though she knew really the life had chosen her. Now that she was down with Dallas there was no turning back. She thought of what he would do to Jay and got chills. Even with all that happened in the past few months of her life all she really had was her child and her kush.

  Zane was lounging around the crib. Bitches had been blowing his phone up like crazy but he didn’t have no rap for none of them. He wished Shannon would at least let him know she was okay. He knew that she needed space and to be with her baby. He never cared about a woman or her child, but he did now and he just hoped it all worked out. Zane thought about how Mack left the world with no wife or children. Zane didn’t want to go out like that. He wanted to know at least once in his life what family love felt like. That wasn’t too much to ask from this sorry ass world, it just seemed like the hardest thing to get. This time he was going to try no matter what. If not for him he would do it for Mack.

  Cash had made it to Saint Louis. He had no idea where to start looking for Jay and he crew. He was staying at the Hyatt in Union Station. He knew that was going to have to be short lived because his money was tight and the rooms were pricey. But he had to act like a boss to get the info he was looking for. He was chilling in one of the happening clubs in town called The Boss. He was posted in the cut so he could see everyone who came in and went out. This was another reason Dallas told his crew to stay low cause if you don’t kill the person you rob, if they got heart they will come looking for you. His crew was ordered to kill everyone in the house when they hit a lick, but Cash just got lucky.

  The club was jumping and bad women were everywhere. Even though he was there on business he saw some pleasure that he would love to partake in. The night was growing old and he didn’t see anyone that even resembled Jay. He found out that the Lou was full of thick and plus sized women that he could fall for after he touched Jay. He was heading out the door when he bumped into this bad little chick. She was thicker than a down feather comforter. “My bad shawty.” He said.

  “Shawty?” She laughed “Where you from my dude?” She talked like a nigga, it was sexy to him.

  “SC!’ He said proudly.

  “South Cat?” It was just a lil name that was used in the Lou.

  “If that
’s what you want to call it.” He played it cool knowing good and well he had never heard that before.

  “What’s your name?” She asked him.

  “Cash.” She looked him up and down. He was fresh, but she still laughed.

  “What’s your name while you laughing at mines?” He talked slick.

  “Aja, my friends call me Venom.” She informed him.

  “Venom?” He looked at her funny.

  “Yeah I’m poisonous!” She hissed at him.

  His dick got hard. Then he said, “Bite me then.” She liked his heart.

  “One day, not tonight.” She handed him a card that had a snake on it. The snake’s tongue spelled out her name and number.

  He watched her walk away. He didn’t find what he was looking for that night. He enjoyed himself though, and felt comfort knowing that tomorrow was another day. He headed back to his room feeling a little better than he did when he arrived.


  Shannon’s mind had started to get the best of her now that her daughter’s dad had picked her up. She needed to get out the house even though she was ordered to lay low. She thought about hitting the club, but she got a funny feeling about that remembering what happened to Nisha when she didn’t follow the rules. Something about that told her it wasn’t an accident, but a lesson learned. She decided to call Zane because the walls in her house were closing in on her and she needed to break free.

  Zane was just stepping out the shower. His body dripped water on his marble floor. The water ran down his chest hitting the eight pack brick abs and settled in his navel. He heard his phone ringing when he looked over at it his heart jumped seeing that Shannon was calling.

  “What’s good?” He played it cool like it didn’t matter that she’d called.


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