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Mr. Right Now: Vol. 4: The After Party That Never Ends

Page 5

by Bellus, HJ

  The security guard at the front desk looks up as Kam walks in. He recognizes Fred from the times he was here with Jett.

  “Long time, no see, Kam.”

  “Hey, Fred. How’s life treating you?” Kam tries to act as cool as possible.

  “Good, and you?”

  “Not bad. Not bad.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re back. Our girl has been down in the dumps without you.”

  “I’m here and not leaving this time.”

  For the first time Kam feels like a spoiled fucking brat for reacting the way he did to seeing Jett climb in that limo.

  “Policy is policy, Kam, let me see if you’re still on the approved list to let up.”

  Fred’s respect for policy and safety reassures Kam.

  “No problem, man.”

  “Your lucky day, Kam Sterling. You’re still the only approved visitor.”

  “Thanks, Fred.”

  Kam wastes no time flying up the three flight of stairs and then sprinting down the hallway to her apartment. He bangs on the door while yelling her name, and nothing. He doesn’t give up, and soon other doors around Jett’s begin to open and curious faces pop out.

  He pays them no attention while he continues to beat on the door. Jett’s face finally appears through a thin crack as she opens the door. He doesn’t wait for her to welcome him in. Instead he barges in, slamming the door behind them. He scoops Jett up in one action.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, Jett.” Kam brushes the back of her hair. “Fuck, I’m sorry. Baby, you could’ve told me the truth the first time we met.”

  Kam sits down on the large white couch in the living room, arranging Jett on his lap. She stays huddled into his chest, not making eye contact or speaking. His eyes roam over the apartment, noticing nothing has changed over the last month, and then his eyes land on an orange bottle tipped over on the coffee table with several white pills scattered around it.

  “Jett.” He clutches her face and forces her to look up at him. “How many pills did you take?”

  Her eyes are puffy from crying and her skin is pale. The look on her face almost kills him, and when she doesn’t respond he feels the Hulk inside of him come alive.

  “How many fucking pills?”

  “None. Count them. I wanted to swallow all of them, but fuck, I can’t even do that right.”

  Kam readjusts her in his lap, forcing her to straddle his legs and face him.

  “I don’t need your sympathy, Kam. Please just go.”

  “Jett, I’m not fucking leaving or giving you sympathy. I’m here to tell you that I fucked up and I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  “I saw that look on your face in the deli. It was all the truth I needed to see.”

  “Jett, it was fucking shock and rage. I’m sorry that I can’t begin to comprehend a father doing that to his own daughter.”

  “Just leave me, please.” Jett wipes the tears from her cheek. “I can’t have a happily ever after. Kam, I just wanted you to know that I love you.”

  “I’m not leaving without you, Jett.”

  “Yes, you are. I won’t let you stay.” Jett cups his face in her hands. “I took your money to pay his goons off, and even offered them drugs, and then I lied to you and left with that man. The man my father forced me to fuck for payment. You’ll leave me, or I’ll keep talking like you wanted.”

  “Talk, Jett. He forced your hand. That’s not you. I know it.”

  “I’ve been fucked by dozens of businessmen. Some of them several times. The man who took my virginity was my dad’s business partner. I’m a paid escort who can never leave the business alive.”

  “Leave with me.” Kam places his hands on her face.

  “He won’t let me. He’ll find me and take me back. I know too much, just like my mother. We’ll always be his, and no one else’s.”

  “Do you trust me, Jett?”

  She nods.

  “Then go with me. We’re leaving for Denver in five days. Come with me. He’ll never find or hurt you with me.”

  “He will.” A smile spreads across her face. “He’ll always win, Kam. You don’t understand.”

  “Not with me in the picture, he won’t. I have people, Jett.”

  “I’ve never been with a man willingly until you, Kam, and every single time you would tell me how gorgeous I was, or how great I felt while you fucked me, all I could see were their faces, and then your face when you found out the truth about me.”

  “I don’t care, Jett.”

  “The sad thing is your face looked just how I pictured in my mind. It was full of disgust.”

  “Yes, you’re fucking right, Jett, it was full of disgust, but not toward you.”

  “Just leave, Kam.”

  Kam stands, still holding Jett, and then lays her on the couch. He rips off his shirt and covers her body before she can move or protest. His large hands pin hers above her head.

  “Fucking look at me, Jett.” He kisses her lips. “You of all fucking people have the power to send me spinning out of control. If you think I’m going to walk away easily from this mess, then you’re a fucking idiot.”

  “We won’t win.”

  “If you look at me for who I am and remember our times together and block those fuckers out, we will. Jett, I’m here. I’m the real thing. I’ll be the last man to ever touch you if you let me.”

  He runs his tongue from her collarbone up to her cheek. “Feel that? It’s me. Open your eyes and watch me have you.”

  “I try like hell to scrub them off me, Kam.” Jett’s body begins to shake as her sobs attack her speech. “I try to put up a bitch wall to keep people out, but you broke that down.”

  Kam kisses her quivering lips. “Open your eyes, Jett.”

  He continues kissing her, staring at her closed eyes. He explores her mouth with slow and steady passion.

  “I love you, Jett.”

  “I’m a whore.”

  “Baby, open your fucking eyes and you’ll see the truth. Just open them.”

  Kam sits up, resting one knee on the couch while his foot is planted on the floor. He unbuttons her jeans and then unzips them, wiggling them down her body. Jett doesn’t open her eyes as her forearms shield her view. Next he moves to the hem of her shirt, slowly dragging it above her head.

  “I’ll love every inch of this body until you believe it, Jett. Until you feel my love and love yourself. Open your eyes.”

  “I used you, Kam, to escape the pain. I used you for your money to get out of trouble. And then I fell in love with you.”

  “Open your fucking eyes, Jett.”

  He feels bad for an instant when her body startles from his gruff tone, but then she moves her hands from her eyes and looks up at him.

  “I love you, Jett, and I love you even more since you opened up. Your past is just that—your past.”

  Her are eyes haunted and pained, and it’s the first time she’s ever let down her bitch wall, truly exposing herself to him.

  “Let me love you.” Kam lowers his body again and begins kissing her torso, making love to every inch of her skin. He feels her hands run through his hair before she grips onto it and tugs.

  “Make me forget it all, Kam.”

  Her plea unleashes a beast within him. He seals his lips to hers hard and fast. Kam’s fingers dig into her jaw while he deepens the kiss. He feels her hands digging into his back. Her moans of pleasure aren’t lost on him as she clings to him.

  His need for the woman is almost impossible to control. Then throw in the factor of needing to protect and heal her. Kam makes himself slow down, but the urge to be inside her is too overwhelming. He sits back up on his knees and unbuttons his pants, then mindlessly reaches for the condom in his wallet. As soon as he pulls it out, he feels like an asshole. It’s something they’ve always used, but he doesn’t want to make Jett feel any worse about herself.

  He tosses it and his wallet to the coffee table and then settles in between her legs. When the tip of his
cock brushes her center he loses all control, sinking deep into Jett all at once.

  “Kam.” Her fingernails dig into his bare shoulders, sending a thrilling pain through his body.

  “Let it go, baby, let it all go right now and be with me.”

  He begins to move and watches the tears fall harder and faster from her eyes. Resting on his elbows, he tries to catch each one as his hips keep a steady pace. Leaning in closer, he completely covers her body and lays his cheek on hers. “I see you, Jett, the woman I love. Let me love you every day for eternity.”

  Her tears keep rolling as he fucks her and cradles her in his arms.

  “Fuck me,” Jett finally screams, ripping the flesh on his back with her nails.

  Kam feels blood begin to stream down his back. Propping himself up on his hands, he begins driving into Jett at a grueling rate. He dips his head, biting her nipple hard, and feels her hands dig into his flesh again.

  “No, no, no.” Jett latches onto his back. And in moments he feels her sweet center tighten around his cock and then watches her face as she falls over the edge of ecstasy.

  Kam’s right behind her, feeling his orgasm blossom. He sits back on his heels and pulls out right before he’s about to blow and begins stroking himself, closer and closer to the edge. Jett continues to cry but keeps her eyes on him, and within seconds he’s spilling onto her abdomen and grunting his pleasure.

  “Thank you, Kam. Please never wear a condom again.”

  And in that moment he knows he just made love for the first time in his life while staring into the eyes of his wife. There’s no other woman who would ever own him.

  Kam places a tender kiss on Jett’s cheek and then hops from the couch, still holding his softening cock while his other hand catches their liquids falling from it. He walks into the bathroom, drawing a bath in Jett’s oversized tub, and then quickly cleans himself up before heading back into the living room to find her still lying on the couch in tears.

  He picks her up, cradling her to his chest like a newborn. Knowing he’s said everything he needs to, he simply kisses her forehead. By the time the couple makes it back to the bathroom, plenty of water has filled the tub. He gently places her in the water and notices her tears still falling. He’s never felt so helpless. By making love to her, he thought he healed a piece of her, but did he just tear off a nasty, ugly scab to her past?

  Kam turns to go back into the living room to double check her doors are locked and to grab his phone. This time he’ll keep his brothers up to speed.

  “Oh my god.” Jett covers her mouth in horror.

  “What?” He turns back to her.

  “Your back.”

  Kam looks in the mirror, peeking over his shoulder at the trail of nail marks and the blood beginning to dry on his skin.

  “I am so sorry.”

  He makes his way to the tub and kneels beside it. “If that’s what it took to get you to open up, then a few scratches are very much worth it.”

  “What if it scars?”

  “I’m pretty sure I never want to forget this moment.”

  Kam forces himself to leave the bathroom before he gets lost in Jett again. His heart sinks when he sees the three new locks on the inside of her apartment door. Son of a bitch, how could he have been so self-absorbed? He checks his phone before walking back to the bathroom and quickly types out a text to his three brothers, asking for a meeting.

  When he reenters the bathroom, Jett has her black hair bundled up in a pony high on her head, lying back with her arms stretched out on the tub. The water barely covers her nipples. She’s the picture of relaxed, and Kam tries to retreat before she notices him there.

  “Join me?” Jett rolls her head to the side and meets his eyes.

  Kam walks over and enters the tub. He straddles her body, and then pulls her back into his chest.

  “Come with me to Denver.”

  Jett places her hand back on his shoulder. “I can’t. He’ll find us.”

  “Go to work, Jett, for these final five days. Do what you’ve been doing to avoid him. Activate your old number and let me handle it, please.”

  “You won’t win.”

  “Oh, baby, not only will I win, I’ll crush the fucker, but you have to promise to go with me to Denver.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know, baby, just trust me.”

  Jett sits up, forcing Kam’s arms away. He watches as she stands in the tub, baring her backside to him. For the first time, he notices tiny scars covering her back and ass. He’s seen this view so many times before and never paid them a lick of attention, but now it hurts him. She turns to face him, and Kam’s not sure what her next action will be. He tries to speak, but no words come out.

  Jett lowers her body over his and straddles him.

  “Make me forget again. Make me feel the way you used to. Just love me, Kam, that’s all I ask.”

  His hands grab her ass as she settles on him, and they fit perfectly. Jett throws her head back and moans, staring up at the ceiling. This time Kam lets Jett set the pace for herself.

  “I flipped my shit when I saw you enter that limo because I loved you, and I guess I’d never felt love until you and didn’t know how to cope.”

  Jett keeps her face toward the ceiling, while tears roll down her cheeks onto her neck. Kam laps up every single escaped tear as a sign to Jett. In moments her hips are moving and the water is sloshing over the sides of the tub. The feeling is overwhelming and threatens to make him come in a matter of seconds.

  He tries to process the situation and knows it won’t be easy pulling out of her since she’s on top and they’re in a tub. He has no problem fucking coming inside her and probably wouldn’t have thought twice about the action, but he pictures Eli and the turmoil he’s gone through and knows adding a baby to the mix wouldn’t be good.

  Kam and Jett have way too much to settle up on before making babies.

  “Baby, I’m going to come. You need to slow down.”

  Jett reaches up and plucks both of her nipples and moans loudly. It’s a clear sign she refuses to get off him. Kam struggles to hold back his orgasm as he throws his head back and bites down on his bottom lip.

  “I’ve been on birth control since I was fifteen.”

  The words hit him like a ton of fucking bricks slamming into his chest. He looks up and continues to watch Jett. She doesn’t let her words affect her as she continues to ride him. It’s the pleasure on her face that brings him back from the edge. He holds on, but this time for her, waiting for her to come.

  “Tell me when to go, baby.”

  Jett picks up her pace, fucking his cock hard. She begins to slam down on him. More and more water sloshes over the side, and when she begins yelling out his name, he goes with her.


  “Dax, we need to meet when you guys have a chance,” Kam whispers into his cellphone.

  “What’s up?”

  “We have a situation and need you guys’ help. Talk tomorrow morning.”

  “We’ll meet you at Jett’s at ten. Kam, everything okay?”

  “Everything’s perfect. I just need backup.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  Kam hangs up the phone, tossing it to the nightstand, and cradles Jett with both arms. He inhales the scent of her freshly washed hair, mentally berating himself for fucking treating her the way he did. Her comment from the night before about doing up his fly haunts him. She fucking watched him fuck another woman, and all out of his own selfish need.

  “You’ll never have to worry about your father again, Jett. The Sterling boys will make sure of that.”

  He seals himself as close as possible to her, drowning in her scent as sleep overtakes him.



  The voices in his head become louder and louder. It’s as if an earthquake shakes the bed and the room surrounding him. Her voice won’t turn off. Then a stinging slap lands across his face, waking him up.

  “Jesus Christ,” he mumbles.

  “Someone is knocking on the door.” Jett slaps his chest, bringing him up into a full sitting position.

  Kam rolls out of bed and tries to gain ground and think straight.


  He stands and turns to see Jett, frightened and trembling naked underneath her sheet.

  “Calm down, baby, it’s just my brothers. I added them to the list with Fred last night after you went to sleep.”

  “Fuck.” Jett plops back down on the bed.

  “Baby.” Kam places a light kiss on her lips. “Nobody is going to get you now.”

  The pounding on the door increases.

  “Fine, but you might want to get that before they beat that shit down.”

  Kam chuckles and then slips on his jeans. He opens the door and finds all three of his brothers. Birdy peeks around Dax’s shoulder and smiles her toothy grin, holding up a bag of pastries. Kam opens the door a little more and allows them in.

  “Where’s Chloe?”

  “She’s coming up in a second. She’s feeding Martha.”

  Kam gives Eli a worried glance.

  “Steve is with them. Chloe’s fucking pissed at me, so I gave her some space.”

  “Is Steve getting overtime for that job?” Kam clears the dining room table.

  “I’ve been waiting for him to quit the job, the moods Chloe has been going through.”

  “Eli, you were smart hiring security.” Cole reaches into the bag and pulls out a maple doughnut.

  “I don’t think so, fucknut.” Kam reaches over and snatches the doughnut and stuffs half of it in his mouth.

  “Motherfucker.” Cole whaps him upside the head.

  “Morning, men.”

  Kam smiles up at a very sexy and sleep-rumpled Jett. She slipped on his white V-neck t-shirt and pulled on some tight booty shorts. He’d do anything for that woman, and he’s about to prove it.


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