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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Michael Nowotny

  They carried things back to Alec’s room and he pulled out his coin pouches and paid Jimmy for his instrument. Jimmy showed him how to put the new strings on and tuned it for him.

  Alec’s days were filled with swordplay during the day and classes in the evening. He didn’t see Christi till the weekend. With sore fingers and wrists, he knocked on the door to the sorcery tower, and was let in by Peter.

  He was told he could come and go as he pleased even if he wasn’t a student there anymore. After a short conversation with Peter, Christi came down and they spent the rest of the day telling one another what they had learned through the week. Christi explained that Peter had her forming shields and working with her elements. They had lunch together and he showed her his banjo even though he couldn’t play any songs on it yet. With Alec having the middle shift that night for guard duty Christi went off with her brother Bill as Alec took a nap.

  Alec dreamed of the gods coming after him and striking him dead on the road. Lightning flew from their fingers and burnt his corpse to a crisp. He woke with a gasp feeling like he hadn’t slept at all.

  He buckled on his sword and grabbed his cloak. Throwing it over his shoulders Alec had a feeling it was going to be a wet patrol. As he mounted the wall to relieve one of the other guards, it began to rain. The nights were getting colder and the rain seemed to draw any heat left from the day out of the air. Alec walked the well-worn path on top of the wall as the rain pelted down on him. He was thankful for the cloak Mr. Phillips had given him not only did it keep him dry but also trapped his body heat in too. His dream kept coming to his mind as he walked, playing over and over. He tried banishing the thoughts with others and by coming up with scenarios of what Jake’s wedding would be like when that didn’t work he went through the motions of practicing his forms. Allen had told him he had the forms down fairly well and would be sparring with Erik in the morning.

  With his time on duty over Alec lay down in bed hoping he wouldn’t have any more odd dreams.

  The next morning Alec woke with the sun. He still felt odd sleeping in the barracks of Tom’s school instead of Peter’s tower.

  Washing his face and getting dressed Alec felt pretty good not remembering any of his dreams after guard duty. Alec buckled on his sword and grabbed his staff. He intended on working with both of them today.

  Alec headed out the back door into the back courtyard. Jaime, a third year martial student, had agreed to spar with him using staves, Alec would use his staff. Jaime was already there stretching and going through some forms with his stave. Allen had told him that Jaime was extremely good with it and had even beat Tom a few times.

  Alec took off his sword and set it off to the side starting his own stretches. He used the staff to help pull against himself then swung it from hand to hand and around his body making sure he was ready. It still felt like the staff was a part of him. He knew exactly where it was and how far away from his body the ends were. He was ready.

  Jaime took a spot at the far end of a circle as Alec took the other end. Tom stepped into the circle between them.

  “You’re both very proficient with staves. I want you to be careful and realize that this is a sparring match. The reason you do this is to better yourselves and not to destroy each other. There will be no head shots and no groin shots either.” Tom instructed them.

  Tom stepped back out of the circle amidst the group of spectators and raised his hand.

  Alec started swinging his staff in one hand occasionally crossing over to his other side.

  Jaime duplicated his movements and looked him in the eye. Tom’s hand dropped and they both took a couple steps forward. Staff met stave in a blur of clashes and the world slowed before Alec’s eyes. He could see ends of the stave whistle through the air as he watched Jaime’s eyes.

  Jaime’s gaze was dead solid as he spun and twisted his stave. Alec watched as he picked up speed moving it faster and faster. Alec had no problem keeping up as he spun his staff into position, blocking each and every one of Jaime’s attacks. When Alec felt as though Jaime had reached his top speed he went on the attack.

  Doubling the speed at which he used his staff and then doubling it again and again Alec pushed himself to see how fast he could go. As Alec intentionally missed openings where he could have struck he saw Jaime’s eyes slowly widen. The world slowed down even more for Alec and all that existed was Jaime with his stave and he with his staff.

  Then he went on the attack. Jaime’s stave was headed for his side so Alec smacked it back till Jaime held it horizontally in front of him. Smashing the stave out of his hands with the butt of the staff Alec swung it around and pulled Jaime’s feet out from under him. Alec saw that as Jaime slowly fell to the ground he could have easily struck him several more times but chose to wait. When Jaime finally landed Alec took the head of his staff and positioned it before his face so that the only thing Jaime could see was the ball.

  The world came back to Alec rapidly as Jaime slapped the ground signaling that he was beat. Alec withdrew his staff spinning it around and slamming the butt to the ground. He then leaned over and held a hand out to help Jaime from the ground. As Jaime reached up and took his hand Alec felt a foot connect with his stomach and then his feet left the ground.

  The world slowed almost to a stop and Alec realized what had happened. Jaime still had ahold of his hand had used his foot to kick him in the stomach throwing Alec’s body over him. Alec had time on his side though. With a snap of his wrist he broke the hold Jaime had on his hand and used the motion to turn his body he was now facing down at Jaime. Alec brought his staff around and set it against Jaime’s throat as he landed on his knees just above Jaime’s head.

  The world snapped back to speed again. The look of fear in Jaime’s eyes told him that he hadn’t expected the pinning hold that Alec had on him.

  “I give.” Jaime croaked with the staff pressing against his Adam’s apple.

  Alec finally got up and released him when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw that it belonged to Tom.

  Jaime slowly climbed to his feet rubbing his throat. He held out a hand toward Alec. Alec just looked from Jaime’s eyes to the hand and back again making no move to take the offered hand.

  “I understand. Sorry about that, it’s just the way I was trained. No hard feelings meant by it. Besides you’re going to have to show me how you managed that reversal.” Jaime grinned as he lowered his hand.

  Tom had a hold of his shoulder and began steering Alec toward the building, along the way he motioned for Allen to follow. Alec was led down the hall and past several other rooms and a few of the warriors. He didn’t see the curious looks he was given after they passed. Entering a room with several chairs arranged around a low table Alec was told to have a seat and to wait. Tom motioned for Allen to follow him and they continued through another door.

  Alec looked around at the room he was in. It was different from the rest of the building. The walls were paneled in a white wood of some kind and were broken up by paintings of men in various poses. Each of the men were dressed in solid steel armor and held their sword naked before them. A few minutes later Tom and Allen came back and took seats around the table.

  “Do you know why I’ve brought you in here?” Tom asked.

  “No, but I assume you’re upset about what happened out there.” Alec told him.

  “Surprised, amazed, and confused, maybe. Upset, no.” Tom shook his head. “I doubt you even know what you just managed to do out there. Allen is going to fill you in on a few things while I go take care of a couple things.” Tom got up and patted Alec’s shoulder as he left the room.

  “Do you know what we do here Alec?” Allen asked him as the door closed.

  “Sure, we train to fight. We’re training to be warriors in case of war.”

  “In part, yes, but we are more than that. Tom’s martial school is setup to train knights. Not just any knight either. We are the best of the best. When there is a war or even a raid we ar
e the first ones to fight. We go behind enemy lines and take out key targets or eliminate entire platoons. Some people call us assassins. We’re not. We organize the other knights and enlisted men for larger battles. We are the officers that make the real decisions out on the field of battle.” Allen told him.

  “So why am I here? Alec asked. I’m not a noble, I can’t be a knight. I’m nobody, a commoner.”

  “As far as we know that’s true. However Tom and I both believe you belong here with us. Jaime isn’t just a third year student. The stave is his weapon of choice and has beat Tom and every other knight I know when using it. Jaime is actually a knight and has been one for several months now. He is considered an expert at the stave and for you to be able to beat him with it is incredible. Hell he didn’t even land a single hit on you, we need to know what happened.” Allen told him seriously.

  Alec just stared at him with a blank face. I beat a full knight, a full knight. He couldn’t believe it. Sure it hadn’t been the easiest fight he’d been in but he knew he could have won it several times over. He thought to himself.

  A few minutes later Tom came back in with Jaime and they took seats at the table. Tom cleared his throat to get Alec’s attention.

  “Something is going on lad. I’ve been at this for more years than I care to count and I’ve never seen anything like that. Now that Allen has told you who and what we are I trust that you’ll keep this to yourself, even after we figure out what’s going on.” Tom informed him.

  “Yes sir, I’ll not tell anyone without permission.” Alec told Tom.

  “It’s still just Tom. I’m not here to point blame or anything. We just need to know what’s what so that someone doesn’t get hurt.”

  “Alright Tom. I think I might have an idea or two. Allen knows some of it.” Alec looked over at Allen.

  “Fill me in; I’m at a loss here Alec.”

  Alec told them that as a sorcerer he was able to do things with his body and mind that most people couldn’t. With the loss of his power he could still do something’s but that it was a lot harder. He went on to explain that he could heal himself or even a horse to some degree and recounted his experience for them. Alec continued with his story and told them how when he was fighting time seemed to slow down therefore giving him time to act and react a lot faster than he’d normally be able to. Alec told them that he thought it was his mind interpreting things faster and that he was able to do it because of his past injury.

  Tom and Allen sat there with a thoughtful looks on their faces while Jaime just looked relieved.

  “Well at least I know I’m not losing my mind or my touch. To lose to a first year student was definitely a humbling experience, thankfully you’re not one to lord it over a guy. Sorry about that throw again.” Jaime flashed him a cheesy grin.

  The three of them launched into a conversation about Alec’s future. They threw out ideas of what it would mean about Alec’s skill and the fact that they wouldn’t be able to let him spar with anyone other than a knight or at least close to it.

  Alec just sat there listening as they ran various ideas and problems past one another.

  Finally Tom looked toward Alec. “Do you think you can control this time thing? I’d hate to be training you with the sword and have you accidently cut off an arm, yours or mine.” He asked.

  “I think I can to some degree. It seems to come on when I really push hard or am surprised. I’ve never tried to do it on purpose.” Alec said.

  Tom nodded and told him to see if he could enter his other state of mind on purpose, saying that it would give him an advantage that most others didn’t have. He also informed Alec that from now on or until he learned to control his mind better he would only train with Tom or those he specifically set him against.

  Alec nodded that he understood and said he’d like some time to speak with Peter about what he was able to do. Tom agreed that it was a good idea and insisted that he go now.

  Alec headed out hoping he would catch Christi at the tower. He briefly considered changing first but then realized that he hadn’t even broken a sweat during the match.

  Alec was stopped at the entrance through the low wall leading to the magic user’s area of the school. As Alec explained that he was an ex-sorcerer and needed to consult his old teacher Bill walked up and told the enlisted man that Alec was to be allowed through and that he had a standing invitation with the Master Peter the head sorcerer. The enlisted man saluted them and stood off to one side letting them past.

  “So my brother let you off campus early, everything alright?” Bill asked him.

  “Yeah, I just need to ask Peter some questions is all. What are you up to?”

  “I’m off for the rest of the morning and thought I’d join you when I saw you headed this way. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. Maybe we can pull Christi away for an early lunch.” Alec told him.

  “My favorite time of day, right next to breakfast and supper.” Bill grinned.

  Alec opened the door to the tower for Bill and led him up the stairs to the fifth floor before hearing Peter’s voice coming from one of the workrooms down the hall. As they got closer he could hear Peter explaining to Christi how to cast a spell.

  Alec stepped into the room and said hi startling Christi. Suddenly he felt a shield start to form around him and time froze. Alec quickly sidestepped the shield and took one of the seats next to Christi before allowing time to resume. Bill wasn’t so fortunate, with Alec out of the way Christi’s spell continued past where he’d been standing and caught Bill. Bill stood there with his hand half raised in a wave. A look of astonishment crossed her face as she realized that Alec was sitting next to her and she had her brother trapped in a shield.

  Dropping her shield questions spilled forth as well as an apology to Bill. Alec told her he’d evaded her spell because he’d seen it coming, which was the truth just not all of it. He knew Peter didn’t buy the story for a minute and shook his head to stop him from saying anything. It worked.

  “Why don’t we let you catch up with your brother while I talk with Alec here for a bit? You can take him down to the parlor and we’ll be along shortly.” Peter told Christi.

  After Christi led Bill from the room Peter just sat there studying Alec till he got tired of the silence.

  “What was that? You didn’t cast a spell and I don’t get the feeling that you have any power.” Peter asked leaning forward in anticipation.

  “That’s part of what I need to talk with you about.” Alec told him. “Is there some place where we can be sure that we won’t be over heard?”

  Peter led Alec to the stairs and up to the top level. Pulling a key from his robe he unlocked the door after absorbing the shield before it. After Alec followed him in Peter replaced the shield and indicated for Alec to take a seat.

  The room was a mass of books and scrolls sprawled across tables and on to the floor. Each stack looked to have been gone through recently. There was no window in the room and light came from a square in the ceiling.

  Alec took one of two chairs and sat back in it crossing his hands in his lap. Peter went into one of the other rooms and returned a few minutes later with a tray bearing a pot of tea and two cups.

  Alec took the offered cup and took a sip before starting his tale. He told Peter everything he could remember, healing himself and the horse to moving his bath water. Then Alec tried his best to explain how he was able to slow time. Peter sat sipping his tea and listened carefully.

  Peter took a long sip of his tea and asked Alec to wait a minute. Peter got up and began searching through a stack of books finally selecting one and bringing it back to his chair. He thumbed through the book and then handed the open book over to Alec.

  Alec read the passage Peter pointed to. It said that Mages and some sorcerers, mainly through the Palstar line, were able to process time at a faster rate making it seem as though time would slow or even stop for the more powerful Mages. It went on to speculate that the
ability was thought to be linked to people with Palstar blood and even though not every magic user of the Palstar line developed the ability, it was believed that they all had it. Some people were found within the other magic families to have this same ability and after extensive research they were found to have at least one ancestor of the Palstar line. The development of the ability itself was rare even within the Palstar family. The reason being that for a magic welder to develop the ability they would have to be rather strong in power and unusually gifted with control. Most of the Palstar sorcerers with the ability later learned that they were actually Mages, the Palstar family typically having more Mages than all other families together.

  Alec handed the book back to Peter. If he understood correctly, the book all but said that he was a part of the Palstar family.

  “Does that mean what I think it does?” Alec asked.

  “I think so Alec. I would say that without being a part of any other family this proves that you are a Palstar.” Peter told him.

  “What does that mean?” Alec asked. “Sure I like the idea of knowing how I had any power but there aren’t any Palstars left, other than me that is.”

  “I don’t know yet. I think that we should leave a little early for your friend’s wedding so we can stop by the archives and get some information. It could be that the crown is holding lands or titles that rightfully belong to the Palstar family. If I remember correctly they even held the crown itself several centuries ago.” Peter told him.

  As Alec followed Peter down to the foyer he asked Peter’s opinion on if he should tell Christi or not. Peter stopped at one of the landing and looked back at him.

  “Do you really think you can keep it from her?”

  “You’re right. It will be easier to tell her now and not have to worry about it later.”

  Christi and Bill were sitting in the large comfortable chairs facing the steps as Alec and Peter came down. Christi got up letting Peter take her chair and sat on the couch so Alec could sit beside her.


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