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The Sirius Chronicles

Page 4

by Costanza, Christopher

  He then ordered everyone except me to return to their quarters. They all stared at me as they walked out. Some looked excited, some looked indifferent, and some looked frightened. I started to think about asking to sign the paperwork and go back to the militia division. There was a war going on in my mind… My curiosity was trumping my sense of ethics as I wanted to know everything Cyrus knew. Just then, as Sara was walking out she quickly leaned in and said “Don’t ask to leave.”

  What did she mean by that? That she didn’t want me to leave her, or did she mean something would happen to me? All I know is she really did look scared and I had to get away and talk to her as soon as I could.

  Once everyone left the room Cyrus called me over to his desk. I sat down and just waited for him to talk. He sat back – “So what do you think of all this Atlas?” I wanted to confess my distaste for the idea and even question the legality, but after what Sara said… - “I’m trying to figure out how these experiments will help advance mankind.” Cyrus looked surprised – “Sorry Atlas, but that information isn’t something I can give you just yet. Just think of it as classified for now and I’ll tell you when the time comes. ”

  He leaned forward - “Atlas, you’ll understand when I tell you, just be patient and prove yourself to me… prove you’re dedicated to assisting me through this project. No matter what you see, or hear, you have to remember it’s all for a much larger and greater purpose… Now I have personal work to do so go take a walk around the ship with Sara. I’ll call you when I need you.”

  As I walked out I got a chill. When he looked at me and said “No matter what you see, or hear” I could no longer see compassion in his eyes. They had become cold and devious, his voice and way of speaking had even changed. Something was very wrong and I had a feeling I was going to bear witness to some terrible things.

  I looked around for Sara but she was gone. Why would she say that to me and then not wait and explain herself. I was getting even more worried, did she know something? I had to find her so I headed to the team quarters. As soon as I turned into the hallway she was there waiting for me. Before I could speak she said “Listen to me Atlas, I’m only going to tell you this once and then we can never have another conversation like this again… I had a friend tell me that they were involved in classified work and every time someone quit and asked to be dismissed to another group they were never seen or heard from again. Do you understand me? The ACI is very powerful.” I had to go against her commands – “What do you mean I can’t ask you any questions? You can’t do this to me… What’s going on here Sara.” She shook her head – “I said all I can say… just listen to me” and she walked away.

  I decided to just go back to my room and think; there was nothing I could do at the moment. What kept coming to my mind is… why am I here? Why would a guy like him just approach me with a fake personality and make me his personal assistant. I didn’t make any sense, especially since I was just some militia grunt… Even if he did supposedly “see something in me.” Now Sara tells me people who quit classified projects disappear. My heart was pounding out of my chest. It’s almost as if they know that once we’re all the way out here, we won’t have a choice. We’re all vulnerable. Was this all a just a psychological trick to force people to perform unethical experiments?

  Another thing I couldn’t help but question was Cyrus’ knowledge of the situation. He went from hoping to meet an intelligent species to totally forgetting about it and pitching the experiment like he’d been thinking about it for months. Everything he said may have been part of his act as well. I can honestly say I’m worried for my safety… and Sara’s. The effects from the stasis are still making me feel the need to be around her but I’m getting used to accepting it’s false.

  There was no way I could sleep. I decided to just wander the ship and try to get my bearings while I thought things through. As I walked around The Sirius I saw so many incredible things, but none of that mattered anymore. All I could think about was Cyrus, his deception, and what would happen to me. We were all going to be here for another at least another 8 years. We were in another galaxy, 6 years away from Aeris. This had to somehow aid in their entrapment; I know because it’s working on me…

  What I really needed to do is calm down, I wouldn’t be in any danger if just went along with this. If anything, getting nervous and acting strangely could truly endanger me. If what Sara said was true, Cyrus dismissed that woman like she was nothing. If she was really killed and disposed of, he would have to know about it, which means he sent her to her death without blinking an eye. If anything he was annoyed…

  At the same time, I may see the woman again tomorrow. Sara and I could just be perceiving something that isn’t there. It could be effects of the stasis. We might be able to quit without being in any danger at all.

  This is why I had to remain calm; I didn’t know anything. I had been walking for hours, I didn’t even know what time of day it was. In space time kind of loses its meaning, not having a sunset just makes you forget about it I suppose. Either way I’m sure Cyrus will call us all back to lab as soon as the subjects show up. Apparently the team sent to retrieve them said they’d be back within 24 hours and I don’t even know when they left. It could be any minute or 20 hours from now.

  The only thing I could hope for is that maybe these experiments wouldn’t be so bad… Who was I kidding, he said the majority of the subjects would die and we would most likely have to do multiple trails. This also meant they didn’t really know what they were doing, and when it comes to science that usually means years, if not decades of experimentation.

  As Kayin pointed out, the 8 year speculation comes from an estimate of mining done per month once the machines were set up. It could be a lot longer, or shorter depending on how accessible the chrysos is. If this planet has never been mined it may go twice as fast as anticipated… Maybe I wouldn’t really have to be here 8 years.

  I couldn’t help but be angry. I had been so excited about the idea of another advanced civilization like ours. Now I’m going to be assisting in experiments that will be killing people. Cyrus said they’re only a million years behind, that’s pretty close to what we are now. I wonder if they had discovered fire yet? That would most definitely show intelligence and I had a feeling they would have by now. The more I think about this whole thing the more I’m sure it would be illegal on Aeris.

  If the public knew about this there would be an immense outcry. It also means the government knows about this, the ACI can’t be that powerful. Although I could be wrong, after seeing the Aurora station and the Sirius in person it would be safe to say they’re far beyond the government in technology and wealth. This could mean they actually control everything.

  I had to keep telling myself that everything going through my head was just speculation. I honestly didn’t know a thing, but I had a bad feeling the likes of which I’ve never had before. All I could do is go back to my room. Maybe I could try to find Sara and get some answers out of her, or at least see what she thinks about some of my theories. Either way I had to head back.

  When I got to the team quarters Sara was nowhere to be found. She must have been trying to avoid me. I guess it’s only logical to assume we’re being watched and listened to. Of course… that’s why she said we could never talk again. I never even thought of that, I really have to start thinking more.

  I went in my room and sat down on the bed. There were some books sitting on a shelf but I didn’t want to read them, what if it was just more deceit to gain my interest. I did the only thing I could do; just sat for hours and thought about everything over and over.

  Just as my eyes were beginning to get heavy there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Cyrus was standing there – “Let’s go, I need you a little early so we can talk. There are different rules for you since you’re my assistant.” I followed Cyrus down the long hallways, we were both completely silent. The only sounds were those of our footsteps, echoing for what seemed like fo

  Before he opened the door to the lab he turned around – “Atlas, I promise you will understand how important this is once I give you the real information.” The real information? So what did this mean, all the things I had been thinking about for hours were lies as well? This was getting infuriating but I had to remain calm and appear to be perfectly normal. I didn’t want to cross Cyrus… Not yet anyway.

  He led me back into this private office – “I’m sure this goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyway… Classified, between us… tell no one, understand?” I nodded.

  He went on to explain that he did in fact know what was on X-451 all along. The original unmanned ship had sent back images and data. This is why the lab was so specific. The 10 rooms and 20 man science team should have made that obvious, but I didn’t think of it.

  He went on to say the real reason for attempting to advance their intelligence was to use them as miners. As large as the ship is, it’s mainly for storage, life support, water treatment and other things we need to survive. It would have been too large an undertaking to transport enough people and equipment to complete the task in any reasonable amount of time. He said they already knew the chrysos would be difficult to mine and along with the man power and equipment the real timeline was more like 20 or more years.

  Apparently the plan was going to be cancelled until Cyrus came up with the idea to give the primitive inhabitants just enough intelligence to be useful workers… Though really I was thinking the word “slaves” would be more appropriate.

  So basically he and his team were going to torture people with experiments and then use them as slaves. It was one of the most horrible things I had ever heard. I couldn’t believe I was standing here having someone explain I to me as if it were the greatest idea in the history of man. I was so sure that if the people of the outside zones heard they’d either have to wait another 10 years or allow this to happen, they would chose to wait. Wouldn’t any decent person?

  Then it hit me… Maybe it was all about money. The ACI didn’t actually care about the people outside the safe zones; they were only preventing wars and protecting themselves. Also, if they could mine extra chrysos as well they would have the one of the rarest and most valuable substances on Aeris. Maybe that’s what all this was about… money and influence over Aeris. Was Cyrus just a pawn too?.. Whatever he was, he disgusted me.

  He went to say that they had been doing genetic enhancement trials on paid volunteers for years now. He believed he could create the beginning of an active workforce in less than a year. In 2 or 3 years, he believed he could have hundreds or even thousands working alongside the mining division. I stopped him and asked “What if they get so intelligent that they fight back and refuse to be slaves?” He was silent for several moments – “If we have to instill fear to get them to work we will… This is too important Atlas. Aeris could break out into war at any moment. Millions of lives would be lost, the Capital and the plasma field could be destroyed. We can’t risk that.”

  I wanted to ask more questions but I worried that it would make me look suspicious so I didn’t. I didn’t buy the reasoning he presented me. They already knew there was chrysos, therefore the mission will be a success unless we don’t make it home. This alone should be more than enough to prevent war. Plus if the outside zones unite and the Capital is destroyed, along with its scientists and technology, the chance for everyone to be saved would be lost.

  He was still lying to me, but at least I got some truth. I got enough to figure out what was really going on here. He also suggested they would harm the natives if they didn’t comply; this most definitely meant I should fear for my life. I had to be meticulous about my actions and behavior from this point on. I had to offer full support and not question anything while I figured out what I was going to do about this.

  Cyrus stood up – “I know you must be wondering what you’re doing here… Believe it or not you can help. If you simply do exactly as I say, everything will be fine. I’ll never have you do anything I don’t think you can handle. You can even leave the room if things get a little too messy. I understand that not being a scientist you aren’t used to things like surgeries or blood. So when that type of thing takes place I’ll allow you to step out… As long as I don’t absolutely need your assistance. I’d rather not have any of the other scientists know what goes on in my private lab. Only you.”

  Even though what he had just said terrified me, I had to act like I appreciated it and was ready to start. It wasn’t easy. What I really wanted to do was go get Sara and run… but there was nowhere to go. Even if we somehow escaped down to the planet they’d find us. I was absolutely powerless… all of us were, and thats exactly the way they wanted it.

  Cyrus continued – “I received word right before I came and got you. They’ve acquired the first 10 subjects and will be here with them any minute. So get ready to work, we have no time to waste. I’ll also expect long hours out of everyone. This is no normal job, we’re trying to save the world.” I nodded and said “I understand. I’ll do whatever it takes… I don’t sleep much anyway. Never have.” – He smiled – “Too bad your parents couldn’t afford the science academy, maybe if things go well we could get you in once you’re back. Then you’d be one of us. Sound good?”

  While that would have made me break into tears yesterday, today I only saw it as yet another lie. I had already figured out he was playing on my emotions and my personal interests. It had to be a lie.

  There was a knock on the door. Cyrus lit up with excitement and rushed over. Militia with covered medical transports started coming in one by one. Ten in total and one went in each room, then they left without saying a word and closed the door behind them. I could see the shapes under the sheets, they were just like us. I bet they weren’t even as far behind in the evolutionary chain as he claimed. It was probably just an attempt to remove guilt from all of us and make them seem less important.

  As soon as we entered his personal lab I began to feel sick, I even thought of doing something to stop him. I just had to shut up and pretend I wasn’t feeling this. If I did anything I’d most certainly be killed. He walked over and removed the sheet… He was lying, it looked too close to a man. If Cyrus were telling the truth this man would have a protruding brow and substantially more hair; he would also be shorter.

  This was right on the brink of what we are, this was a person. Their only fault was not being able to defend themselves. I began to feel enraged; I could actually feel a heat building up in the center of my body. It literally took everything in me not to try and kill Cyrus and set the man free. There were plenty of things lying around I could use as a weapon. I just had to concentrate and control myself, this wouldn’t accomplish anything.

  Cyrus began examining him, looking at his hands, eyes, and toes. Then he walked across the room and pulled out a vile and an injector. He used to the vile to fill the injector and without hesitation, walked right over and injected the man in the neck.

  He turned to me – “I’ll try and explain this as best I can…This is a semi-experimental drug that was developed during the species advancement trails done on Aeris. We were able to take a person and remove unwanted genetic traits. Things like baldness, organ dysfunctions, poor eye sight, etc. Through this achievement came the addition of genetic traits. We were able to make people taller, produce more muscle, and live substantially longer. The final break through was being able to add approximately 30 points to the subjects intelligence tests over a treatment period of 1 year.”

  I interjected – “It sounds like you’ve already been successful, why did you say earlier that the first rounds of trials are likely to fail?” He continued to tell me that due to genetic differences the first round of subjects would basically be a known sacrifice group. They had to inject them and allow the treatment to kill them in order to allow a study into why. Testing multiple subjects at once would mean more different teams working on them, making a quick outcome more likely. What
he had described is a senseless reason to kill 10 of them at once instead of just one… simply to save time and money.

  The further I sank into this situation the more disturbing it was becoming… I heard the lab door open; the rest of the team had arrived. Cyrus instructed me to go sit down. He stood up and gave his usual enthusiastic speech; of course it was slightly different than what he had said to me. He had to know I knew he was a liar, that I couldn’t trust him, and that I wasn’t ok with all this. He just didn’t care, almost like he knew he had nothing to fear from my possible betrayal.

  One by one he took each team into their assigned private lab. I could only assume each time he went in one of those rooms someone else was being sentenced to death. Whenever he was in with one of the teams, I would look at Sara and try to get her attention but she totally ignored me. This had to mean she was just that afraid. She had to know more than what she told me.

  Eventually he had briefed every team and motioned for me to follow him into his lab. He started examining the man’s eyes and said “Within the next hour we should see the subjects breathing rate increase substantially. Basically, the injection will be eating away at its cells, and its genes. As I said, the only way I can determine how to modify the injection properly is to study the real time effects it has on the subject, especially the brain.

  There will also be one more showing up soon, just for me. He’ll be a permanent healthy study for comparison and hopefully the first real subject.” As I listened to him, I realized he kept calling him “the subject” or “it” as if he didn’t see him as living being. He really was completely lacking in compassion.

  He handed me a notebook and told me to sit down. I was to simply sit there, observe him, and write down everything he said. He began wheeling over all these machines and laying wires all over the man. Altes turned to me – “Well actually, I’m going to have to drill a few dozen holes through his skull, so you can leave if you want. I’ll let you know when I’m done…It should only be a few minutes.”


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