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Dragon of a Problem [A Dragon's Growl 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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by Marcy Jacks

  A Dragon’s Growl 1

  Dragon of a Problem

  Sethraghck Dimitriu has dreamed of the day when he can wage war on the vampires who ruined his life and killed his parents two hundred years ago. Now, he will take his vengeance.

  Except the master is not home. But his favorite slave is, and Seth plans to take his vengeance one way or another. However, one look at Miles—a small, cute, omega fox shifter—and all thoughts of blood fly away. His mate, his fated mate, is here, a prisoner of the vampire Seth has hated his entire life. And now his desire for revenge, as well as a lust so powerful it cannot be ignored, runs deeper.

  Miles doesn't understand the pull he feels toward the red-haired dragon, but instinct compels him to let Seth do as he wishes with his body. Miles can't remember ever feeling free, but in the arms of a dragon, he feels it deep in his bones…and he wants more.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 25,437 words


  A Dragon’s Growl 1

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-354-2

  First Publication: June 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, loves anime, video games, and her dog. You can contact her at

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten




  A Dragon’s Growl 1


  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Nice house.” Stefan, his second-in-command, handed the binoculars to Seth so he could have another look.

  And Seth had to agree. It was difficult to look away from the home that had been built on the lawn where he used to play as a child.

  Where his parents had been brutally murdered in the home they’d carved into the rock.

  “It’ll look nicer when we take over.” Seth looked to the silver-haired dragon, and Stefan grinned at him.

  They were roughly the same age, both parents having been lost in the vampire attack, but now they, along with the strongest in their clan, were about to take back what rightfully belonged to them.

  “This is a dirty, kick-in-the-dick sort of move, attacking when the sun is up,” Stefan said, rolling his shoulders, his silver eyes dancing. “I fucking love it.”

  A bird call sounded. Seth stayed low, but he looked toward the noise. “Andrei is ready.”

  Stefan nodded. “God, I can’t wait for this. They’ll scream, right? Do you think they’ll scream?”

  “When the sun hits them?” Seth asked, letting his red scales form over his flesh. The shape of them appeared beneath his skin first before they settled nicely, like an armor, over the flesh of his shoulders, back, and chest.

  All his men would be naked, and that included himself.

  There would be no clothing to get in their way.

  Dragons came of age and into their true power when they turned two hundred.

  Seth was two hundred and twenty-three years old, and this was long overdue as he fell down on all fours, spreading the red wings that had formed on top of his back, and pushed himself through the air, destroying the trees and shrubs in his path as he targeted the mansion in front of him.

  The first point of attack? The windows. They would be reinforced, and there would be preventive measures to keep him from getting in, but so long as Lucian had done his duty, which he should have, the power to the alarms and defenses would be down.

  Now sirens or bells sounded as he crashed against the home, and then it was a simple matter of digging his claws into the windows, destroying the glass, and scratching against the metal-reinforced plates.

  His claws hurt as he scratched again and again, but he did little more than scrape the surface.

  One of his claws broke off, and Seth yelped.

  Another hard crash, and the diamond-back dragon, Stefan, was suddenly at the next window, fighting his way inside.

  Seth called to him. Dragons had no vocal chords, of course, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other ways for dragons to hear each other.

  Go through the roof! The metal is too strong!

  Stefan looked at him, clearly getting the message as both he and Seth attacked the roof, where they had more luck.

  Success! They were getting in. The entire building wouldn’t have metal plating, and there was bound to be a weakness somewhere!

  Seth called out to the rest of his alphas who had joined him.

  Attack the roof! Get in through the roof!

  He didn’t wait around to hear for any replies. Seth sucked in his body, pushing through the small hole he’d made the moment he was able.

  Vampires screamed and fled when he landed, and sunlight poured into the room after him.

  The walls were dark, navy or emerald colored. Nothing that would reflect too much light, but it didn’t matter. It was enough, and it seemed Seth had fallen into a bedroom.

  Made sense, this was the top floor. Any armories would be lower down.

  Someone on fire rushed out the door to the room, screaming all the way. There was someone hiding beneath the blankets, which smoked under the direct sunlight.

  Seth yanked the blanket off the vampire, watching as the man screamed and spazzed out, flinging himself to the floor and rolling, trying to put out a fire that the sun wanted desperately to inflict upon him.

  Disgusted, Seth smacked his claws down, putting the creature out of his misery as the vampire stopped screaming but continued to burn under the light of the sun.

  More screams of the enemy as the rest of his men made it into the house.

  Getting in through the roof had been a wonderful idea. The idea of the windows was foolish now that he thought of it. Direct sunlight streaming i
n through holes in the roof, instead of through random windows, was clearly the best line of attack, and to add more light to the dark house, Seth roared as he tore the door clean off the hinges leading out into the hallway before bursting out onto the scene.

  Light poured into the hall. It didn’t spread far because the walls were hardly a reflective color, but it was still enough to cause the vampires to flee.

  Seth roared, and though he could not speak in this form, he felt as if he could as his soul cried out for vengeance against the one vampire he wanted it most against.


  The vampires, men and women, ran from room to room, as though they thought they would find safety there.

  The young men and women with pointed animal ears and wolf tails, not on fire, were a sight to see to be sure.

  Seth called out to his men.

  The bloodsuckers have their bleeders here with them. Try not to harm them if possible.

  He got an affirmative from the rest of his men, and that was going to have to be good enough for now because three men in black suits, earpieces, and Glocks arrived, pointing their weapons at Seth.

  Another trick of the vampires. To employ those who were not vulnerable during the daytime.

  Seth lunged. The humans fired their weapons. Seth hissed as one of the bullets cracked and pierced his scales, but he pushed on, more concerned for his eyes.

  No more of them struck him, and he swung his body around, catching the humans off guard with his tail and sending the three of them flying in all directions.

  He needed to speak. Seth shrank down out of his dragon form just enough that he still had his protective scales, but now he looked more human.

  He stomped over to one of the humans just as he reached out and tried to pick his gun up off the floor. Seth stepped hard on his hand. The human grunted from the pain in his fingers.

  “I know this hurts,” Seth said, adding a touch more pressure. Anymore and there would be a snap of bones under his foot.

  Seth reached down and removed the black sunglasses so he could look the man in the eyes as he gritted his teeth through the pain. “It will hurt your family all the more if I kill you, which I will if you don’t leave this place.”

  Gasping for breath, the human frowned.

  Seth removed his foot, though he reached down and grabbed the gun before the human could take it.

  Seth pulled the magazine clip from the handle and the bullet from the chamber. He handed the useless weapon back to the man.

  “Don’t come back here.”

  The human reached a trembling hand out, taking his weapon back, though he stared up at Seth as if he didn’t quite trust the gesture.

  A man of intelligence then.

  “They’ll kill me if I leave.”

  “Not if I kill them first. Go on now, before I change my mind.”

  Seth wasn’t going to feel so benevolent and patient for long, not when the sound of gunshots popped through the house, along with more screams and noises of destruction as his men worked through the vampires and their guards.

  The man continued to stare up at Seth before he pointed at one of the other two men who were unconscious on the red carpet.

  “That one, he’s my brother. I want to take him with me.”

  Seth rolled his eyes. “Fine, hurry up. Wait, don’t get ahead of me, idiot.

  Seth hadn’t yet taken the other two guns away.

  There was always the chance this man would attack him when Seth’s back was turned. The chances were good he had more than a Glock on him, but Seth kept his senses open, just in case the man proved to be not as intelligent as Seth gave him credit for.

  He took the second loaded gun from the unconscious man on the floor before stepping aside, allowing the guard to bend down and pull his unconscious brother around his shoulders and stand.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  Seth held his hand out. “Keys.”

  The guard looked at his hand, and he blinked.

  Seth growled.

  “I know you have them. Give them to me.”

  The man inhaled a sharp breath through his nose, and he reached up to his inside jacket pocket.

  “Sudden moves, and I’ll kill him instead of you,” Seth warned, looking at the man on the guard’s shoulder.

  The guard pulled out a set of keycards on an extendable wire.

  Seth snatched them, using one of his claws to cut the wire.

  The keys would give him access to whatever weapons were left locked away below. Those could be useful.

  “Now get the fuck out of my house,” Seth growled.

  The human looked strangely at him, as if he didn’t quite understand, but Seth gave precisely zero fucks about that.

  The human turned and rushed down the hall, finding the stairs and supposedly leaving the house.

  Best possible decision he could have made in his life.

  Seth called out to his alphas that he had a set of keycards. If there were any panic rooms, which there probably were, one of these keys might just open one, if not all of them. He hoped.

  Seth went vampire hunting.

  * * * *

  “We sure that’s all of them?” Stefan asked.

  Andrei shrugged. “All that I could find.

  “There will be panic rooms,” Seth insisted. “Varrick must be in one them.”

  “If he’s not, then we can always go hunting for him later,” Lucian said. “And we got to steal his house.”

  “As far as we’re concerned, it’s our house now,” Seth corrected.

  This house was built from the money these bloodsuckers had stolen from him. This was his land, his property.

  He wasn’t stealing. He was just taking back what already belonged to him.

  And now, to the rest of his clan, as well.

  “Are you sure you couldn’t get anything out of the omegas?” Seth asked.

  Stefan sighed. “No, they’re clamming up. Either too scared or too loyal to say anything.” He sneered at one omega in particular.

  A wolf omega, from the appearance of his second set of ears on top of his head. Pointed wolf ears. It was possible he was a dog shifter, but Seth wasn’t getting those vibes.

  His tail was tucked firmly between his legs.

  Seth walked over to him. The omega refused to look up at him.

  Seth reached out, taking the small man by the chin and forcing their eyes to meet.

  He had one green eye and one blue.

  Vampires did tend to like oddities.

  “What is your name?”

  “Oh God, you can’t be serious!” Stefan snapped. “You’re going to start being nice?”

  “Vampires choose omegas because they are loyal to anyone who will be their alpha, who takes care of them. That’s their way.”

  “Right, so let’s be nice to the little sheep that will be loyal to goddamn bloodsuckers.”

  “You miss the point as usual,” Seth said, teasing his friend but giving his attention to the small man beneath him.

  “Tell me your name.”

  A command.

  Something in the omega’s eyes changed. Shock. “M-Micah.”

  Seth smiled. Obedience. Good.

  “Do you know what I am?”

  The omegas, men and women, behind Micah gasped, some of them softly crying.

  “You’re a dragon.”

  “Yes.” Seth nodded. “And, as of now, I am also your alpha. Your loyalty is to me now. Do you understand?”

  Micah blinked at that then glanced around at the obvious carnage around him, as though recognizing that, yes, the house had indeed been taken over and someone new was in charge.

  “I understand.”

  “Good.” Seth dropped his hand. “Now, tell me where the safe rooms are.”

  “You can’t possibly expect him to tell the truth. He’s a fucking bleeder! He’ll say anything to keep his masters safe.”

  “I understand your worry, Stefan. Now shut the fuck up about i

  He didn’t understand where Stefan’s anger came from. Had this omega said something to him? Insulted him?

  Seth would look into that later. For now, he needed the location of the safe room.

  “Tell me where it is,” Seth growled.

  Micah swallowed hard. “It’s…it’s in the master bedroom.”

  Seth rolled his eyes. Of course it was. He should have seen that coming. “Varrick is in there?”

  Micah shook his head, once again, barely allowing himself the chance to look up into Seth’s eyes.

  “No, his son and personal bleeder are.”

  Seth’s heart soared as though it had just grown eagle wings. “His son? And personal bleeder?”

  Micah nodded.

  “Was he affectionate toward his bleeder?”

  Sometimes vampires were known to fall in love with the omegas who gave blood to them. Giving blood was almost sexual in nature to a vampire.

  And if Seth killed Varrick’s son, as well as his lover, then that would be the world’s finest vengeance.

  Varrick would have to come to him at that point to seek out his own revenge, and Seth would be there to meet him…and to kill him.

  “I…I think so. He favored Miles well enough,” Micah said, and his eyes widened. “But please don’t kill Miles! He’s my friend! He—”

  “I’ve heard enough.”

  Seth pushed the omega out of the way, back into the small group of bleeders and human guards.

  “Watch them. I’ll return,” Seth snapped.

  “You’re going alone?” Andrei asked.

  “It’s one bleeder and a vampire cowardly enough to hide away in a safe room. What trouble could they cause?”

  “How will you get them out of a safe room when we couldn’t even break through the metal plates over the windows?” Lucian called.


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