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Dragon of a Problem [A Dragon's Growl 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  “What sound?”

  Seth shook his head, chuckling as he grabbed his mate around the waist and yanked him over to the bed. He stopped himself before he could throw his mate down onto it.

  With a growl, he set Miles to his feet, grabbed the bedspread that still smelled of Varrick, and a little of that vampire Miles had begged for, and then he yanked it all off. The pillows, sheets, all of it, letting them fall to the ground in a useless pile.

  He would have those sheets burned and new ones brought in. A new mattress later, too.

  He would have to use the mattress for now. He didn’t think it would be comfortable to yank his mate up onto his hips and fuck him while Seth stood.

  And fuck, he was going to need something to prepare his hole with. Seth didn’t want to use any of Varrick’s lotions either.

  Anything that bloodsucker had touched carried an air of filth.

  With the exception of his mate. Miles was the only exception as of right now.

  But maybe there was a workaround.

  “What sort of omega are you?”

  Miles wobbled slightly on his feet, as though his strength was being sapped from him.

  “I’m a fox.”

  Seth smiled, reaching out and touching one of those sweet fox ears jutting out from the man’s red-brown hair. Not a true red, like Seth’s hair was, and not orange, like the lower half of his fox ears or his tail.

  The colors contrasted nicely, however.

  “I know that, sweet. I was talking about your sexual nature. Do you need anything, or will your body produce for you?”

  A red brighter than even Seth’s hair bloomed across the man’s cheeks.

  “I…I don’t need anything. It was why Varrick liked to keep me around.”

  Seth growled. “You will never let that name pass your lips ever again. Do you understand?”

  Miles blinked up at him, as though not quite knowing where this was coming from.

  Seth didn’t need his understanding. Just his obedience.

  “That is an order from your new alpha. Just nod your head and never say that name.”

  Miles swallowed hard, but he nodded, which did much to comfort the growling beast within Seth’s body.

  Never before had he felt himself at two different minds with his dragon, but a split seemed to be slowly occurring whenever he heard that name.

  His dragon wanted to rampage, and Seth would not allow that to happen. Not right now. Not when he was in the middle of trying to enjoy his mate.

  “I understand.”

  “Good.” Seth grabbed onto his mate by that slim waist once more, and this time he did throw the man onto the bed.

  Miles bounced a little before looking up as Seth crawled onto the bare mattress, stalking toward his prey.

  The best sort of prey to have.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  Miles did as he was told, his cock pulsing against his belly.

  He had no real muscle definition to speak of, and his prick was, while not small, not as big as what Seth wanted to put inside him.

  In fact, a sudden worry that Miles wouldn’t be able to handle what Seth was about to offer came to mind.

  “I can’t imagine that a vampire like Varrick has a large cock. Probably smaller than the size of my thumb. Don’t answer that it is, just that’s it’s not, even if you have to lie,” Seth said, taking his mate by his knees and pushing them up and over his belly, exposing his asshole.

  He had been fucked before, but it almost looked as if he would still be tight. Some vampires ruined their bleeders by demanding too much of them in this department, but Miles still appeared as though he would have something to offer.

  He would have had something to offer no matter what had happened to him in his life as a blood and sex slave. He would have been perfect no matter what.

  All the same, it was a relief to see his treatment here hadn’t been…well, it was difficult to say it had been anything but terrible, but his body hadn’t been scarred. His skin was smooth, and his testicles hadn’t been cut off.

  “I am happy you are whole,” Seth said, and he leaned down, pressing his nose to the heart of that musky scent that had him so intoxicated. He inhaled deeply before letting his lips touch the sac of Miles’s balls.

  Miles inhaled a sharp gasp at the touch of Seth’s lips. Seth’s pride was now involved as he realized how sensitive his mate was, how receptive he would be to Seth’s already expert touch.

  He sucked the man’s testicles into his mouth one at a time, holding them in place and delighting in the moans of pleasure that came from Miles’s throat, including the way those small hands reached down and fisted into Seth’s long hair.

  That fox tail thumped beneath Miles’s body, and it barely had any room at all to move, but somehow it managed to pull together the energy to get it done.

  Well, with such evidence that Seth was doing a decent job, he shouldn’t stop now.

  He slid his hands up and down Miles’s smooth thighs. Probably waxed like the rest of him. Seth couldn’t wait to find out how much hair he would grow now that he was free to be with Seth.

  Seth moved his mouth away from Miles’s testicles, still delighting in the moans his mate let out, this time disappointed, right before he arched his back until it curved like a bridge over water when Seth pressed his wet mouth to the head of Miles’s cock.

  Once again, because Miles was an omega and so much smaller than Seth, it was easy to bring the man’s dick into his mouth, to pleasure him and show him how loved he would be so long as he stayed loyal to Seth.

  Seth teased the head at first, his fist circling around the base of Miles’s cock, and Seth’s hand easily circled around the shaft.

  He liked the feel of his hand on the length of Miles’s throbbing prick. The fingers were supposed to be the most sensitive part of the body—or one of the most. He wasn’t sure and he didn’t care, but it was nice to feel the throb of Miles’s cock on his hand, the pulsing of his veins and the general touch of his skin.

  Perfect. It was perfect.

  Which was why he couldn’t settle with simply letting his hand stroke and enjoy all the sensation being offered. Seth had to remove his hand so he could sink his mouth down lower, wanting a proper taste of what he’d been denying himself.

  And Miles moaned louder, longer, his hips thrusting forward as he attempted to push his cock deeper into Seth’s mouth.

  And Seth allowed it. He wanted to see how wild an omega could get when he was being given this sort of pleasure.

  The interesting thing was how Miles didn’t say anything to him. He moaned and gasped for breath. Seth remained focused on his work and could tell when the other man glanced down at him from time to time, but he said no words. He tried to thrust his cock again and again deeper into Seth’s mouth, but he couldn’t seem to get a handle on it.

  Seth grabbed the man’s hips, holding them down. Miles made another noise of displeasure, but that changed when Seth bobbed his head up and down, hollowing his cheeks when he pulled back and swirling his tongue when he came back down.

  “Oh God,” Miles smiled and then reached his hands up, slapping them over his mouth.

  Ah. Now Seth had an idea of what was happening here.

  He pulled his mouth away from the lovely length of Miles’s prick, noting with pleasure those wide, nearly petrified eyes.

  “Are you afraid that I will stop?”

  Miles swallowed, and he nodded.

  “No need to fear then,” Seth replied, taking Miles by both of his wrists and pulling them away from his mouth.

  “I want to hear you calling out my name when I fuck you. Understand? I’ll make you mine with my name on your lips, so speak if you need to because I want you to.”

  Miles blinked at that. It seemed to be the thing he did consistently whenever he was confused about something. Seth liked that. A cute little quirky tell from the man he was now sworn to protect for the rest of their lives together.

nbsp; Seth reached down for the back of Miles’s thighs. He pushed them up, exposing the man’s asshole, and yes, it was glistening. He was definitely the sort of omega that didn’t need help getting ready.

  They were bred for this sort of thing, meaning Miles would also be able to carry Seth’s children.

  This kept getting better and better.

  “Say my name,” Seth commanded, pressing his thick cockhead against Miles’s pucker.

  And Miles swallowed hard. “S-Seth,” he said, those pretty eyes of his flying wide when Seth added some pressure to his forward push.

  Miles was tight. He hadn’t been taken in some time, and Seth could already tell he was going to need to use more strength than this.

  “Say it again,” he commanded, gritting his teeth against the urge to simply shove away, regardless of the pleasure he knew he would feel.

  Just because Miles was the sort of omega whose body was made for this sort of sex did not mean it would go well for him if Seth didn’t take some care.

  Seth gritted his teeth against the sensation that his mate’s body was fighting against him. “Say it,” he demanded.

  And his cockhead popped through the ring of muscle.

  Miles’s head fell back. “Seth!”

  Seth groaned, his cock sliding forward into that warm, deep space. The wet clench around his cock was wonderful, and he growled against the sudden building of heat and pleasure in the bottom of his belly.

  He wanted to come. He wanted to give his mate all the pleasure he possibly could, but it was a fight even to let his cock slide all the way inside his lover, and when Seth was finally, blissfully, balls deep, he barely stopped himself from collapsing on the smaller man.

  He held himself up by his trembling elbows, and even that hardly felt like enough.

  “God,” Miles said, his eyes screwed tightly shut as his hands trailed over the scars on Seth’s back. “Move, please move.”

  Ah, so now that Seth had made it clear to his mate that he wanted the man to speak, it seemed he wouldn’t allow himself to keep quite.

  Seth liked that.

  “I worried I was too rough with you just now,” he admitted, pushing himself up so he could stare down into those half-lidded blue eyes.

  He would do a lot of staring into those eyes for the rest of his life. Seth never particularly liked the color blue until just now.

  Now he could see how utterly perfect a color it was. Or perhaps it was this particular shade?

  Miles’s answering smile made Seth’s patience all the more worth it.

  “I thought you would break me, too. You’re…really big.”

  Miles spoke with another cute blush on his cheeks. It was possible he was not used to freely giving compliments. Whenever a vampire master demanded compliments, well, they weren’t exactly freely given at that point.

  Seth couldn’t stop the way the corner of his lips pulled up. “I like it when you compliment my size,” he admitted, canting his hips forward, pushing as deep into Miles’s body as he possibly could.

  Miles sucked back a hard breath through his nose, his eyes widening when Seth pulled back again and then thrust forward.

  They were shallow thrusts, made mostly to tease, and to prepare his mate for what was to really come his way in just a moment, but Seth was liking them all the same.

  Seth liked the way Miles clenched his asshole around his cock, the way his body shivered when Seth did it again and again, and how small claws produced from his fingers suddenly dug into the flesh of his shoulder.

  Seth grunted. The pain coupled with the pleasure spurned him on. His hips pushed back and forth harder and faster this time. There was no longer any room for small, shallow movements when he felt his orgasm right there, ready to be snatched out of the air and taken.

  And from the loud shouts coming from Miles, and the way he tried to cover his mouth again, it was clear he was on his way.

  “No,” Seth growled, grabbing Miles by his wrist and removing his hand from his mouth once more. “Let me hear it.”

  “Oh God, I can’t,” Miles moaned, pressing his forehead against Seth’s neck and shoulder. Right in that sweet spot where the two met, where his pulse raced the fastest.

  “Come for me. Don’t stop yourself,” Seth demanded. “When you come, you’re mine.”

  “I’m…I’m almost there,” Miles gasped, and then every muscle in his smaller body seemed to tense. Because of their size difference, it took Seth a moment before he noticed it, though his cock was the first to feel the clench of his mate’s hole around him.

  Seth groaned. The sudden grip on his cock was like an electric shock that hit him all over his body. He couldn’t stop it, the way it shook him as the most powerful orgasm he’d ever felt in his life sizzled through him.

  The sweet heat of Miles’s cum as it struck him in the stomach and even on his chest, and the way he spilled his seed inside his mate, it was enough to make his inner dragon roar.

  His hips canted back and forth against his will. He had no control over his body, not until he milked the last of the pleasure from his body, and even then, the strength sapped from him was massive. He trembled uncontrollably when that grip finally released.

  Only then did he feel as if he could breathe, and the dragon within him rumbled, high on the pleasure and affection.

  Seth kissed his mate, pressing his lips along the smooth flesh of Miles’s neck, his chest, and he couldn’t help himself from letting his tongue slid against the slim body beneath him, licking away some of the cream that had shot high on Miles’s chest.

  Miles’s fingers threaded through Seth’s hair, his tiny claws scratching pleasantly against his scalp in a way that made him purr.

  And he wasn’t even a cat.

  “D-did that please you?”

  Seth slid his hands up Miles’s sides. He couldn’t get enough of the man’s touch. He just loved the way Miles felt. “Yes.”

  Miles sucked back a deep breath. “Then, you won’t hurt my friends?”

  Seth jerked back. He stared down at the man beneath him, who was suddenly avoiding his gaze.

  And the whirlwind of horrific things that rushed through his brain hit him all at once. He couldn’t think, and it was difficult to breathe.

  The last time he’d had a reaction comparable to this was when his parents had been murdered.

  “Did you only have sex with me for that?”

  Those blue eyes finally looked back up at him. “I…no, sir, not at all.”

  “Sir?” He couldn’t believe it. “Did you just call me sir?”

  He didn’t like that. Seth had no words to describe how much he didn’t like that.

  “You’re my alpha?” Miles asked, looking very much as though he was trying to sink into the mattress, and possibly the floor beneath that.

  “Yes.” Seth didn’t like this. He didn’t like where this was going or that his mate was staring up at him as though terrified Seth was about to start swinging at him.

  “Then, that means you’re my mast—”

  “Don’t say it!”

  Miles tensed beneath him, his eyes flying wide and his heart rate increasing.

  And Seth realized he was still inside the man.

  He pulled free of him, standing, looking down at him.

  Miles refused to move, to sit up. He just…looked at him.

  Seth couldn’t stomach it. He needed to get out of here before he said, or did, something he would regret.

  “I will not hurt your friends, and if that vampire downstairs is one you would consider a friend, then he shall remain unharmed.”

  A touch of hope entered Miles’s eyes. He sat up slowly. “He won’t…”

  Seth nodded.

  “Do you promise?”

  Seth gritted his teeth. “If it will prove to you that I am not one of those savages, then yes, I promise.”

  Miles blinked. He smiled wide and threw himself out of bed, his arms coming unexpectedly around Seth’s middle.
/>   Seth, caught completely off guard by the act, could hardly move, even to return the gesture.

  “Thank you!” Miles said, as though Seth had given him the greatest gift imaginable. “Thank you!”

  Seth cleared his throat, hardly understanding what was happening here. Miles was a slave. He should hate that vampire down there and want his head more than anything.

  But, if Miles ever changed his mind on the subject, Seth would certainly not hold that against him either.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter Four

  Miles didn’t entirely understand what his new alpha was so upset about until he finally came out and said it.

  Something about liking the vampires.

  Well, most of the vampires living in this house weren’t pleasant, and Miles could say with all honesty that he didn’t like them, especially Varrick, but Sorin had been kind to him and some of the other prisoners…

  Well, that hadn’t been the worst people in the world. Sometimes Miles got struck across the face by them, but that was far preferable to having his blood sucked when he wasn’t ready for it.

  Sometimes vampires drank too much, especially when they wanted to sneak a sip from him when they knew Varrick didn’t approve.

  Maybe that was why the other dragons had taken to looking at Miles in such a strange manner after that. Even seven days after everything was said and done, and no one came to rescue Sorin or the other vampires, the dragons walked carefully around him.

  Miles once overheard one of the dragons arguing with his new alpha.

  Miles wasn’t smart. He knew that, but he was fairly sure the two alphas had been arguing over him.

  He was smart enough to know that, and to know what the punishments were for spying in most households, so he never stayed to listen.

  He just hoped his requests weren’t giving Seth much trouble.

  Varrick had been the only master Miles ever had. He wasn’t born in this house, but he could hardly remember his life outside of it, and Seth was the kindest man Miles had ever known.

  He liked his new alpha.

  The first time Seth set a place for Miles at the table, Miles had been petrified. He’d thought it was a trick, and even if it wasn’t, he wasn’t allowed to sit at the table with those in charge. He’d get a whipping for that!


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