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Dragon of a Problem [A Dragon's Growl 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  Miles clenched his fists. “I…I don’t like it when you treat me like that.”

  Seth tilted his head to the side. “Like what?”

  Miles sucked back a deep breath. “Like I’m a child.” He looked up at his mate, met his eyes, and held his gaze. “I’m not smart, but I’m not simple either. I know the difference when someone is being purposely cruel to me.”

  “Okay, I want to believe that, but sometimes you act as if you think I’m still waiting to spring on you and start hurting you. Why can’t you tell the difference with me?”

  Miles blinked at that. He honestly didn’t expect to hear his mate sounding so…heartbroken. That was the right word. He sounded heartbroken over the fact that Miles was still somewhat on edge around him and friends.

  “I’m…I’m not trying to do that. It’s just a habit.”

  Maybe he shouldn’t have said that because the pity came back into Seth’s eyes, and Miles still couldn’t decide whether or not that was good or bad.

  He reached out, taking Seth by the hand, gripping it tight and feeling the calluses in the man’s fingers. A worker’s hands. “I like touching your hands.”

  Seth blinked at that. “You do? That’s unexpected.”

  Miles smiled softly. “They’re the hands of someone who has done hard labor. A vampire master won’t have hands like these. Not even Sorin has these hands.”

  “And Sorin is the nice vampire?”

  “He is,” Miles said, nodding. “I do feel safe with you. I worry I won’t be able to please you, that you’ll grow sick of me.”

  “Never,” Seth insisted, his eyes blazing with a bright fire.

  A fire that Miles loved to see every time his mate showed it to him.

  “Then please, please, don’t hurt my friends. Just give him some time to prove himself. He’s starving down there, and he will lose his mind if he doesn’t drink.”

  Seth sucked back a deep breath through his nose. He hardly looked pleased by what Miles was saying, what he was asking, but Miles refused to budge. He couldn’t allow himself to be swayed.

  “You said that if I ever wanted to ask anything of you, then I could.”

  It was possibly unfair to throw that into Seth’s face, but Miles was willing to play dirty when it came down to the life of his friend.

  “Sorin fed me on nights when I misbehaved and wasn’t supposed to eat. He bandaged my bite wounds, and he never drank from me. I promise you. You won’t be disappointed by him.”

  Seth pressed his lips together.

  Miles clutched his hands harder, desperate to impress upon him how important this was.

  Finally, Seth’s chest heaved a hard sigh. “Tell me you love me and I’ll give you what you want.”

  He said it so callously that Miles blinked stupidly at him, almost not believing what he was hearing. “You…really?”

  “Yes, I don’t want to regret this, and so you must give me something I want now, too. Tell me you love me and I won’t be so tense about it.”

  Miles was so suddenly and overwhelmingly filled with joy that he couldn’t stop himself from throwing his arms around his mate, and squealing as though he were a small child. “Yes! I love you, I love you! Thank you!”

  Seth’s body tensed in that moment, but his arms slowly came around Miles’s body, which was good. It was exactly what Miles wanted to feel from him. He wanted to feel the warm arms of his mate surrounding him. He loved the protections his mate offered him, and he loved his mate for being so generous with absolutely everything.

  Miles pulled back, looking up at his mate, and, not for the first time, seeing him as something even larger than life, larger than even an alpha dragon.

  He was…the best. He didn’t know how else to say it.

  “I won’t let you regret this. He’s a good person, and the other omegas will tell you the same.”

  Seth smiled, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, not exactly radiating confidence, but that was fine. His confidence would come when he saw how worthy Sorin was of being trusted.

  “I’ll still have to have someone watch him,” Seth said. “He’s on trial mode. He will be watched extremely closely, and if he does anything to make me think he does not deserve to be out of that cage—”

  “He won’t,” Miles promised. “He won’t, and you will see he is our friend.”

  “He is also the son of my greatest enemy.”

  Miles sobered quickly, the smile leaving his face.

  So happy with the news that his friend would be released that he almost let himself forget the reason why Seth was so distrustful to begin with.

  Miles reached out, taking Seth by his hands once more, the urge to comfort his mate coming over him.

  Seth’s eyes widened, but he didn’t pull away.

  “I am sorry for your parents,” Miles said.

  Seth scoffed. “You didn’t do it.”

  “I know, but Sorin didn’t either, and I am not sorry because neither he or I are guilty. I’m sorry that it put you in pain. I can’t imagine losing your parents.”

  “You lost yours.”

  “Yes, but I can’t remember them, so it’s fine.”

  Once again, that pitying look of heartbreak swelled in Seth’s eyes. Miles wished he knew what he was saying to make his mate think Miles needed to be looked at like that, but then Seth did pull his hands away from Miles’.

  And his palms came up on either side of Miles’s cheeks as his much taller mate leaned down and pressed the softest of kisses to his mouth.

  Miles was not expecting a kiss. Seth was hard to read at times when it came to this sort of thing, but Miles was happy to be kissed.

  He was happy for the warmth that buzzed through him, for the touch of his mate’s lips that made Miles feel as if he was standing under sunlight for the first time in years.

  He was happy for the chance to be kissed and know he had a choice in whether or not he got to kiss back.

  It turned out that, when he was given the choice, Miles enjoyed being kissed quite often.

  But only by the man kissing him now. Only Seth’s lips, and his teasing tongue, could make Miles’s knees feel so weak. They trembled as though getting ready to give out beneath his weight as Seth’s warm, wet tongue teased along the crease of his lips.

  Miles opened for him. He had to. To not open his mouth and welcome Seth’s tongue inside would only prolong his torture.

  Miles moaned as Seth licked him deep, his tongue swirling around Miles’s before suddenly pulling back.

  His hands came down, and Miles knew what his mate was about to do.

  Miles jumped up, wrapping his thighs around Seth’s waist and holding on tight as the alpha walked him over to the bed.

  It was time to give the brand-new sheets and mattress another christening.

  They had been doing this quite a bit since those sheets came in, but now something was different. It wasn’t just the mindless desire of a recently mated alpha that Miles felt in this kiss.

  It was the desire of one man for another. Simple. Sweet. And pure.

  Miles was more than happy with that.

  Chapter Six

  Seth ripped the clothing from Miles’s body. He exposed every inch of the man’s flesh as quickly as possible, pulling his chest and legs clear off the mattress at some points before tearing down the seams of his jeans and shirt.

  It was fine. He’d buy the man more clothes later.

  Because the best part about this was the way Miles continued to smile up at him, those blue eyes dancing with excitement as he was made naked by Seth’s desperation.

  All traces of his former nervous tension were gone. After the first time, Seth had to be careful around his mate any other time he wanted to make love to him, and while it had always been good, Seth still walked away from each encounter wondering what in the hell he could do to make his mate more comfortable, to trust him more.

  If releasing that damned vampire would be enough, then so be it.

sp; Seth leaned over his mate, growling down at him in the most possessive, and playful way he could muster, his hands sliding leisurely up and down his mate’s thighs. They were nearly smooth with the exception of a small amount of hairs, but those were barely noticeable.

  What was noticeable was the pleasurable shiver that passed through Miles’s body as Seth’s hands continued to roam.

  His right palm found Miles’s cock, which was already hard and pointing up at him.

  “Can’t ignore this,” he said.

  Miles sucked a shivering breath in through his nose when Seth added just the right amount of pressure. His eyes widened and then fell to half-mast, just the way Seth wanted him.

  “You gonna answer me?” he asked, even though he was being amused by the coy and cute way his mate seemed to be having trouble with his words.

  Miles nodded. “Y-yeah,” he gasped, and Seth laughed after some seconds when his mate proceeded to say absolutely nothing else.

  More panting and gasping, as if he was helpless to Seth’s touch, and he could do nothing but let himself be swept away in the pleasure of it.

  Seth leaned down, still smiling as he let his tongue out to play against the warm flesh of Miles’s cockhead.

  Again, Miles shivered, right before he tensed. His hands lifted and he covered his face, a habit Seth was still unsure about, but he reached up, taking his mate by the hands and forcing the man to look at him. To really look at him.

  “No hiding, sweet. Watch me when I do this.”

  Miles’s chest continued to rise and fall in heavy succession as he panted for breath. The entire room seemed warmer now than when they’d entered it.

  “It’s just strange, whenever you do that,” Miles said, his breathing still heavy, his chest still rising and falling as Seth slowly moved his fist up and down.

  And when he did move his fist, it was barely at all, as he wanted to tease his mate until Miles couldn’t handle it anymore.

  “Why is it strange?” Seth asked. “Do you not like it?”

  He asked that question knowing for a fact that could not be the case, which was why he leaned down once more and let his tongue slide along the base of Miles’s cock.

  Still teasing him, still showing his love through touch.

  “I should be the one doing that to you,” Miles replied.

  Seth’s heart leapt. “Oh?” It was very difficult to keep his wits about him when his mate said such pretty things. “And why is that? Because I am the bigger one?”

  Miles nodded.

  Seth got an idea of where these thoughts were coming from. Some could view this sort of thing as an act of submission. Seth wasn’t sure he wanted the details or not on what the vampires had or had not been doing to Miles’s body, but a snotty rich vampire elitist wouldn’t likely wish to degrade themselves by submitting to a blood slave.

  “Well, let me assure you right now,” Seth started, holding eye contact with his mate as he pushed himself down, down, and down again, until his lips ghosted over the helmet of Miles’s cock, “I very much enjoy doing this to you.” He briefly put his wet lips around the head, coming back up with a soft pop and absolutely adoring the way Miles’s body continued to turn a bright shade of pink all over.

  Seth pulled his mouth back just then. “It shows you that I love you.”

  Miles’s eyes widened. “It does?”

  Seth could go into detail how physical sex did not prove love, but he wouldn’t now. Because, for this, it did show his love.

  “Every time I put my mouth on you, when I want to give you pleasure, it’s because I want to show you my love for you. My submission to you.”

  Miles shook his head quickly at the mention of that word. “No, not that.”

  “Yes, that,” Seth said. “Because I submit to you just as much as you submit to me. And I very much enjoy the sounds you make when I submit to you,” Seth said, attempting to purr his words.

  He wasn’t sure whether or not he succeeded on that front, but by the shivering moan his lover released when he put his entire mouth around the length of Miles’s cock, taking him all the way to the root, Seth got the impression that he’d done a well enough job.

  Miles’s fingers, his small claws, pushed through Seth’s long red hair. Seth used to worry that his mate would end up scratching him by mistake while lost in his lust, but he’d learned over time that such a thing was never going to happen with Miles.

  Despite being new to what receiving pleasure was like, as well as giving it, he was trustworthy when he used his claws.

  He might have scratched up Seth’s back a time or two, but Seth didn’t mind that. He liked it when his mate did that to him.

  Seth hummed gently against the length of Miles’s cock. A hard gasp escaped Miles’s mouth, and as Seth slowly worked up the strength of the noise and the vibration it would bring, the sounds from his mate’s mouth became louder and more beautiful.

  Miles’s hands left Seth’s hair. He brought his fingers up to his face and then his nipples.

  Seth turned his eyes up to watch that part closely as he bobbed his head back and forth. All the while his lover pinched at his nipples with wild abandon.

  Yes, still careful with his claws, though now Seth wondered if his mate might enjoy a touch of pain? Would he like it if Seth pinched his nipples for him? If he took one of them into his teeth as he teased his mate?

  He would have to find out about that later. Seth stroked his other hand down the length of Miles’s waist, his hip, and then he found the tight sac of his testicles. Seth took them into his hand, his finger gentle as he rolled the flesh around, massaging it, giving more pleasure to his lover.

  And the jerking motion of Miles’s body, the way he thrust his cock up hard into Seth’s mouth before coming back down, trembling and sweating…

  Seth couldn’t get enough of it. He adored the way he could make his mate squirm, the way his lover tried to participate but always seemed to run out of energy at the last possible moment…

  The sounds, the heavy scent of Miles’s musk, and the feel of the man’s cock in his mouth while Seth literally held Miles’s balls in his hand…it was too much. His body couldn’t ignore the pleasure, the desire, for very long. He needed more. Seth needed to get off. He found himself humping his dick against the sheets beneath him. He could reach Miles’s foot if he pushed his body to the side just a little, but he was too desperate. His body ached too much, and he couldn’t bear to go without anymore.

  Seth no longer hummed around Miles’s dick as he bobbed his head back and forth. He moaned against it, the soft friction of the sheets beneath him not nearly enough, and at the same time, the tease of it, the promise of pleasure that was given, and yet harder to obtain, which had to be worked for even more than he normally would have preferred, it was beautiful.

  Seth released Miles’s testicles. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and put all of his effort into what he was doing. He bobbed his head back and forth. He didn’t dare let himself stop, even when his jaw began to ache because the pleasure was too good. The noises were too good, and he desired to taste more of his mate on his tongue than the simple little droplets Miles was giving him.

  And then, he did taste them. Miles bucked and moaned, his hands coming back into Seth’s hair, clenching tighter than Seth was used to from his sweet little fox omega as the man arched his spine hard enough that he was nearly in a sitting position, and the warmth of his cum spilled down Seth’s throat.

  Seth worked quickly to swallow as gracefully as possible. The worst thing in the world would be if any went down the wrong tube and his teeth accidentally got involved.

  That didn’t happen, and his mate’s body seemed to turn into a liquid as Miles collapsed back onto the bed with a heavy puff.

  Seth didn’t stop the suction of his mouth until he was sure he’d pulled every last drop from his mate, and even then, the flesh against his tongue was still half-hard, still interested.

  Seth pulled back, sitting up
on his knees, his dick bouncing against his belly, and his excitement rising to dragon proportions he could hardly control.

  “I’m not done with you.”

  His voice hardly sounded human, as if he was already changing.

  And Miles smiled seductively up at him, as if he was already prepared for what was to come.

  “I know,” he said and held out his arms. “Now get over here.”

  Seth did as he was told.

  * * * *

  Miles never thought it was possible to be so in lust before. To be breathless with it. He knew the lust of his master. His former master. It happened when he drank blood, either from Miles or another blood slave.

  Blood went south, and it made erections. That was just a simple fact.

  But though Miles had felt desire before, enough that he’d touched himself when alone in the bathing room, enough to know what his master felt whenever he touched Miles, Miles never thought this uncontrollable lust would exist.

  The sort where, even after he’d come to his pleasure, he still felt the desire for more.

  This must be what it was like to be addicted to something. The vampires who consistently drank alcohol along with their blood came to mind because there was no way in hell that Miles would ever be able to get enough of this. He would never be able to stop himself from wanting this.

  Seth grabbed him tightly around the shoulders, and even though the grip hurt a little as he was yanked up, Miles couldn’t stop himself from smiling, nor could he stop the excitement rushing through him as he was turned around and positioned on Seth’s lap.

  All there was within him was more eagerness, and a little annoyance for how long this was taking.

  Miles had become greedy since being set free. He liked that he could be greedy without worry of repercussions.

  “Hurry, hurry,” Miles demanded.

  “One second,” Seth growled back, and the sudden push of two fingers inside him, the burn of being stretched open suddenly, hit Miles hard.

  His head fell back against the sudden intrusion. Seth’s shoulder was so strong that the contact made a thunking sound on impact, but he hardly noticed that against the burning pleasure that was suddenly taking up residence within him.


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