Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  He ground to a halt right in front of her like a moth to the flame that would damn him…

  Rowan tried to keep his eyes on her face, but she’d tempted him once more with those firm, rounded globes of her breasts. She might as well have reached up- yanked his eyes out on stalks and aimed them downwards herself.

  He was male, liked women, and he had a pulse…

  He was never not going to look.

  He snatched a quick look down - so quick that he hoped she hadn’t noticed, that she’d been too busy blinking or something - and then he snapped his eyes back to hers.

  What were the odds of him getting away with it…?

  Not damn good considering the low, hungry growl that rumbled through his chest and got lodged in his throat the moment that his eyes had seen her breasts.

  There she was staring right back at him and he swallowed down the look that she gave him.


  Kiri cocked an eyebrow and the corners of her lips bowed upwards…

  Yeah, she’d noticed.

  “As in…” his brain wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders – probably something to do with the fact that his little brain was now thinking for him.

  He was struggling, she could see that, and she waited expectantly, patiently for him to say something. Rowan had to bite off a chuckle.

  Busted twice.

  “I have nothing.” He admitted.

  “Was the sight of my boobs just too much for your brain to handle?” She teased.

  “Actually –” he tried to come up with something clever.


  Something to charm her socks off.


  “Something like that, yeah,” Rowan admitted on another stunted chuckle.

  What was the point? She‘d busted him looking and there wasn’t a damned thing that he could do about it… in his defence – she had kind of thrust them up and out there for him.

  Kiri tried not to laugh. The look on his face was a cross between cocky embarrassment and loveable apologetic. She bit down on the amusement as it rolled like waves within her, but little giggles left her lips anyway.

  “Perv,” she shook her head and let the smile take her. The man was incorrigible, but at least he was admitting it.

  It could have been worse – he could have been creepy, weird, leering guy – instead of cute, charismatic, charming guy, and sexy to boot. But sexy or not – she still kind of expected his tongue to lop out of his mouth at any minute.

  “Yes, but I’m your pervert,” he offered back; trying for mockingly serious as he dragged his eyebrows down and they faced off against each other over his nose like a couple of caterpillars in a mating dance.

  “There’s something every girl wants to hear.” She admonished him, but she couldn’t quite shake the grin on her face.

  “Let me say it again,” Rowan twitched those eyebrows upwards as he reached out and snagged her around the waist with one strong arm.

  Then without so much as a warning of what he was about to do; he yanked her up against the hard length of his body and she felt that familiar buzz of recognition for her mate that travelled over every inch of her.

  It was intoxicating.

  Rowan’s beast growled on the inside, and he growled on the outside. There was no damn way to stop it once it had started.

  He ached for her. Not just a physical ache, but his heart, his soul ached for that connection that was just a pure instinct within him.

  Since he’d held her in his arms while she’d slept off her injuries, his body had been aching for more – more of her body against his – more of her touch against his skin as her fingers curled like her subconscious was trying to get closer – just that kind of more.

  Kiri didn’t try to push away. She didn’t know why exactly, but his strong arms felt like home.

  It could have been the mating pull or the fact that she’d slept there in the warm safety not so long ago, but it didn’t matter why. It was a feeling that she doubted she could shake – anytime… ever.

  Rowan took the opportunity to dip his head and take her scent again. So clear, so pure, and just so damn intoxicating.

  His muscles tensed when her hands rested against his biceps; her fingers curling over the rock hard boulders beneath the smooth skin, and then she squeezed, just a little, just a bit… He had to wonder if she even knew that she was doing it.

  “I’m your pervert,” he whispered against her ear, brushing his cheek against hers and feeling her body press just a little bit closer to his. “I’m your mate. I’m your lover. I’m your best friend. I’m your protector. I’ll always be at your side. I’ll always have your back. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you. I will be everything you ever need and more.”

  That sounded good to her ears, good for her heart. She’d left everything that was familiar behind her to build a new life in the highlands, expecting that new life to be alone.

  She wasn’t one of those people that needed a wealth of friends around her to be happy. She was a solitary witch and a solitary woman, keeping herself to herself, and holding her own counsel was just how she played her cards.

  Now, he was there. Rowan the wolf shifter. Strong, of mind, body, and character.

  Protector. Check.

  Lover. Check.

  Sexier than hell… double check.

  Her mate – without question, without reason; he would be by her side until her days were done.

  That was as comforting as it was frightening.

  She guessed that it was human nature to question it, and yet he was the one certainty in her life that she didn’t need to question. She couldn’t have turned her back on him even if she’d tried. Rowan the rogue didn’t quite suit him, and the ending to that particular fairy tale wasn’t what she wanted for him.

  “Nice words-” she gave him the sweetest smile that he’d ever seen.

  “Not just words, Kiri. You know that, right?” Rowan’s face was serious and there was no hint of the teasing that had been in his voice before.

  “I still processing this, Rowan.”

  There was nothing to go back for and nothing to move forward to. This was her life, accept it or not, this was what fate had planned for her.

  “You don’t fear me, do you?” Rowan could sense her emotions and right then they were all over the place. He couldn’t get a handle on her. She cracked another smile, a brighter one, and it lit her eyes with mischief.

  “You’re a big pussy cat.”

  “Ouch,” his eyebrows did that caterpillar thing again. “My wolf says thank you for that one.” A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. If one of his brothers had ever dared to say that to him he might just have taken their head off.

  She was different. As much as it pained his male pride to hear those words it also gave him a sense of relief that she could see past his rough exterior and deep into the heart of him, because with her – he could be that damned pussy cat.

  Kiri stopped gripping his biceps and ever so gently stroked her fingers down his bare skin; causing his heart to pound, his length to throb with need, and his eyelids to droop just a little as he savoured her touch.

  He was one damn sexy wolf man, and she knew that she was touching, letting her fingers do their own thing – not that she could have stopped them if she wanted too, because they seemed to have a mind of their own where he was concerned. In truth, she didn’t want to stop.

  Her reward was the deep, gentle growl that rolled through his chest and vibrated against her breasts, her nipples were so very, very appreciative of that rumble…

  Rowan’s body was on fire. If she’d been a shifter too then they would already have mated- he’d already have known her in every damn way possible and he wanted that, damn, he needed that.

  He took her lips without warning. He wasn’t going to ask for permission to kiss her because she was his mate, and he didn’t want her to say no.

  He felt her body tense, felt the hesitation as her lips met his, and t
hen she softened, melted slowly against him. She fit perfectly with her soft body against his hard one.

  Rowan’s beast roared within him. They were both finally able to put some sort of a claim on her body, even if it was only with his lips, but it wouldn’t be the last claim.

  He’d follow her to hell and back if he had to.

  Rowan’s growl said it all – everything that he was feeling and everything that she was feeling all in one delicious rumble that rolled through his chest and lodged in his throat.

  Her hands climbed up to those broad shoulders, revelling in the feel of his muscles moving beneath his skin – they were attuned to her touch.


  Kiri pressed closer. She wasn’t entirely sure how she stopped herself from climbing up his body and wrapping herself around him like a damn vine.

  There was a fever within her blood. A need for more of him, all of him, and now she knew the meaning of the phrase an itch that needs scratching. She had that, a definite itch, and she didn’t think that it was going to get any better.

  What was a girl to do? It wasn’t like there was a pill or cream that she could use against him.

  Rowan lifted her just enough to get her feet of the ground; his intention was to move her back towards the cabin, but the moment that he took her weight; she’d practically jumped up into his arms and wrapped herself around him.

  The feel of the heat of her sex against his length made him growl like a man possessed. His cock twitched so damn hard against her – trying to get inside of her body that he feared he would lose his mind.

  His large hands palmed her backside and he stalked towards the cabin; kicking the door closed behind him as he went. The moment that he felt her pull away from either emotionally of physically then he would stop, but right now she was in the moment with him and he wasn’t going to stop unless she wanted it.

  Kiri was lost in his hungry kisses. She’d never felt like that. Never in her life had she felt as if she was that damn wanted – heart – mind – body – and soul. But it felt like that from him. Like he couldn’t get enough.

  She wrenched her head back, breaking the kiss. It was the only sure fire way for her to release him without changing her mind and going back for more.

  Rowan had been on a direct path to the bedroom when she’d pulled away. Now he pulled up short as regret swept through him.

  He’d have her.

  He’d take her for his mate.

  She just needed time.




  “Shower!” Kiri was breathless and he was confused.

  “Wh… what?” Rowan’s brain kick started once more.

  “Where the water that washes dirty people is,” she had a mischievous smile on her full lips. Lips that he had tasted and wanted to taste again.

  “B-a-t-h-r-o-o-m…” He said as if he doubted his own answer. Those dark eyes narrowed on her and she tried to supress a giggle, she just didn’t try too hard.

  “I’m dirty-” She started and his eyes flashed with amusement.

  “That’s what I like to hear from my mate,” he wiggled those eyebrows and caused another round of giggles to her lips.

  “You can either lick me clean or-”

  “Sounds good!” He started off for the bedroom again. Wild horses couldn’t keep him away… probably because if they tried his wolf would eat them.

  “Or…” she tried again. “We could shower-”

  “We?” he growled then. “As in the royal we?”

  “As in my hands all over your body – your hands all over my body…”

  “I like that idea too.” He beamed her one hell of a sexy smile that practically made her toes curl and her womb dance.

  “Shocker!” She teased back.

  Rowan was already starting to reluctantly uncurl her body from his. In truth she hadn’t even noticed that they’d reached the bathroom until she tried to rationalise why he was peeling her away when she didn’t want to let go of him.

  “Naked…” he reminded her as his hands reached for her dress and in one fail swoop he yanked it up and over her body – her arms shot up in the air and dropped again to her sides before her brain could even comprehend what was happening. “You said naked.”

  A heartbeat later and her bra and panties followed.

  Rowan’s hands found the waistband of his jeans and he didn’t bother trying to undo the button or pull the zip down – he just yanked really hard and they came open under little protest…

  And there it was… The one eyed monster that had a life of its own waving hello to her as she caught her breath in her throat and swallowed down hard.


  It was the only word that she could focus on.

  He was big. Not like elephant man big, but it wasn’t something that you’d want to accidently poke yourself in the eye with.

  For one long moment – as he leaned over and thrust his jeans down to his ankles – he blocked her view and she ducked and dived her head to try not to lose sight of it… He noticed. With a big old dopey grin on his face he stood up and proudly showed himself off.

  “Like what you see?” His deep chuckle snapped her back to the real world and she had to drag her eyes up from the thick, long, hard length that was so damn welcoming it practically called her name.

  “That’s gonna be like impaling myself on a cucumber,” she sniggered.

  “Hopefully… not,” he offered back with a slight tilt of his head to one side.


  “Let’s go with impressive and spare everyone’s blushes,” He reached out without warning and snagged her around the waist again.

  With a yank and a lift she was back against him once more- her legs locked around his hips without her even thinking about it… and there it was; that rod of satin covered steel, pressing against the slit of her sex and causing all matter of mayhem inside of her.

  Both of them muttered a curse.

  “We could skip the damn shower and I could just lick…” he started but her lips found his and she kissed him as if her life depended on it.

  Rowan had the mind to step inside the shower cubicle. His hand blindly felt for the on switch and as the shower sprung to life; her body tensed, her legs locking in a death grip around his hips, as the ice cold spray hit her back.

  She cursed out a stream of words that- funnily enough – only made him want her more, and she squirmed in his arms, rubbing her sex up and down his length and causing him to growl with need…

  “Patience, sweetheart,” he teased, not doing the gentlemanly thing and turning his back on the spray – he was enjoying her response to it too much. “We’ll get there…” he chuckled and she growled – an honest to goodness growl that sounded so damn good to his ears and that of his beast.

  “I so want to shove a toilet brush up your backside right now…” she continued to growl until the water started to heat – he chuckled a dirty laugh – then the water started to heat and she settled down.

  “I have a kinky mate!” He teased, all dirty chuckles and enthusiasm.

  “That was-”

  “Worth it on my end,” he assured her.

  “Put me down,” she scowled at him and suddenly it didn’t seem so funny to him anymore.

  Was she really pissed at him?

  Rowan didn’t take telling twice. He guessed the cold shower had dampened her libido and he was going to pay the price.

  He carefully set her on her feet and opened his mouth to apologise – when she lowered herself to her knees in front of him and looked up his body, locking her eyes on his, and offering him the kind of mischief filled death glare that made his cock twitch…

  “Now you’re going to know what suffering is…” she informed him.

  Rowan wasn’t entirely sure what she had in mind, but she was naked, and he was game. Just the sight of his beautiful, curvy mate down on her knees in front of him made him not give a damn.

she wrapped his length inside of her fist and he really didn’t give a crap about anything…

  “Please, feel free to torture me,” he got out through the breath that had caught in his windpipe and the hard knot that tightened his throat.

  When she pulled her fist down his shaft he expelled that breath and growled like he meant every bit of it. His hand reached out for her, but she snapped the index finger on the hand around his cock up in a warning…

  “Don’t touch.”

  “I was just…” he never got to finish as she stroked him again, over and over in a slow, deliberately so, choke hold that made him ache for more. His hand twitched…

  “Don’t…” she warned again, and his eyebrows knitted together.

  “I was…” he sucked in a breath as she licked him like he was an ice cream and her favourite flavour.

  He growled. He grunted. He cursed, and she teased the hell out of him.

  A slow tease that culminated each time in her kissing the crown of his cock, and he caught his breath each time, praying that she was going to close her lips around him and take him deep into the wet heat of her mouth until he couldn’t see straight.

  “Damn it, Kiri, I…” then she opened her mouth and pushed down his length.

  Both of his hands slammed against the wall in front of him and his knees actually became weak. Almost buckled.

  “Holy…!” he growled out. Blindsided wasn’t the damn word.

  She sucked back up – hard – like she was trying to suck his skin right from his length, and his eyes practically rolled within his head.

  Up and down, up and down, as slowly as she could, even when that itch inside of her said to go faster… Deeper and deeper she took him, until the head of his cock hit the back of her throat and she swallowed him down…

  “Holy…!” He cursed.

  “Mother-flecking…!” He growled.

  When she did it again he grunted hard, and this time he wrenched his hips back and didn’t take no for an answer when he reached for her.

  The cold wet tile at her back came as something of a shock. One moment she was trying not to finish him off with her mouth, to mercilessly tease the hell out of him, and the next he was down between her open thighs, ravenously claiming her sex with his tongue….


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