Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  Talk about turning the damn tables.

  Kiri looked down her body – jet black, hungry eyes locked on hers and her heart hit her ribs.

  He wasn’t teasing. His lips were locked around her swollen clit and he was sucking, grating his teeth against her flesh, and flicking his tongue under the hood at those sensitive nerves like his life depended on it… she liked a man who could multitask!

  Then she felt the press of one thick finger up inside of her channel and her head dropped back against the tiles as her eyes closed to everything but what he was doing to her. Doing her happy dance in her mind…

  Kiri cursed in between gasps and moans that made him want to grin, and yet he wouldn’t let her be, wouldn’t release her until he had what he wanted. Total and complete surrender to his will, to his body, to him.

  She needed more. She needed him inside of her, filling her, taking her with that delicious friction between their bodies that would send her insane, and she was well aware that he had a manhood that would fill that task quite nicely.

  When her fingers met the hard muscles of his shoulders and she tried to persuade him to come to her- he only increased the intensity of his ministrations against her until her hand fell away.

  “I… want…” She tried to think, but his hungry growl only shook those words from her mind. The vibrations against her clit were delicious, and she clamped her inner muscles around his finger and moaned some more.

  Rowan pushed another thick finger inside of her and curled them against the inner wall, seeking that spot - that bunch of sensitive nerves that would take her over the edge completely, and her hips jerked when he found what he was looking for.

  Then he devoured her with the kind of ferocity that made her head spin and her knees weak… and there she was, tittering on the edge of the precipice with no time to catch her breath before he tossed her over.

  She’d never seen stars behind her eyelids before, but right then there were whole galaxies just flying past as his tongue took over from his fingers and he lapped up her juices like he’d been dying of thirst.

  She needed him to stop. She needed a reprieve. But he wouldn’t let her be as he started all over again before she’d even climbed back down.

  The back of Kiri’s head rubbed against the tiled wall as she shook her head, trying to get her breath, trying to reclaim her sanity, but to no avail… Then she was flying again as another, harder orgasm tore through every inch of her body…

  Her legs were shaking, barely able to hold her up as she felt her body starting to ease down the wall, and then he was there – taking her in his strong arms, lifting her up his body, and caging her in with him, all of him, everywhere around her.

  “Teasing is fun,” he growled on a whisper against her ear that was filled with a smug satisfaction, and she would have tried to answer him, but the hard press of the head of his cock into her channel clawed at her eager body and centred all of her attention right there…

  “How about I tease you some more?” He growled. The slow push of his length inside her was almost more than she could stand…

  She itched to have all of him.

  It clawed at her.

  It screamed in her very soul…

  “How about you take me like a mate should and get that cock deep inside of me with one damn thrust before I rip your…” his hips met hers on the kind of a growl that was torn from deep within him.

  “Potty mouth,” He growled – loving it. Loving that she was losing control.

  Kiri panted out curse after curse as her inner muscles tightened around him, savouring every last centimetre. His beast roared at her claim on him, and Rowan grunted long and hard as he rested his forehead against hers and panted out a steadying breath… he was waiting for her body to get used to the size of him stretching her…

  “Is that all you’ve got?” She taunted him. Challenged… and the growl that came back at her sent arrows of excitement deep inside of her womb.

  “Be careful what you wish for…” he growled against her lips before claiming them in hot, fevered kisses that sent her body on a rollercoaster ride.

  His hips beat a constant rhythm against hers. Long, deep, powerful thrusts with a delicious friction that sent that inner knot tightening within her once more. The sound of skin slapping skin…

  “Want me to go back to teasing?” he growled against her lips.

  “I want you to bite, to bond…” she growled out again and his body responded.

  His feral, carnal side was lost as his beast pushed forwards at her words, claiming him the way that he needed to claim her.

  Rowan fisted her hair with one hand and curled his back with the other as he took her down with him to his knees, opening her legs wider over his thighs, and taking her deeper, harder, faster, as he tugged on her hair, and she opened her neck and shoulder to his gaze.



  He needed to claim her for his.

  Rowan’s fangs pushed down. Need – desire – hunger ripped through him in waves that clawed at his soul for the taste of her blood upon his tongue.

  “Don’t stop…” she begged. “Don’t stop – bite – bond - taste my blood…” she taunted him to go faster, to become the wildest side of him that he could be.

  It worked. His beast was right there at the forefront, baying for her blood, for the claim on her body, mind, and soul…

  Kiri felt her body so close to that sweet release that she gasped a breath of anticipation and waited – tittering on the very edge – and then with the sweetest of cries that he’d ever heard, she was soaring.

  Rowan bit down hard and deep into the flesh of her shoulder. His razor sharp fangs cut through the skin and her blood flowed over his tongue and down the back of his throat.

  A growl got lodged within his chest as he savoured her taste…

  His beast roared within him as they reached for her mind, finding her there, and she was reaching right back. It was an unbreakable bond, a joining of their souls as one for the rest of their days. She was his and he was hers.



  Bonded together for life.

  Rowan released his fangs and ran his tongue over the wound in her flesh to seal it. His hips kept moving, but they moved now with an urgency that signalled his own needs, his own desires to reach the last pinnacle of their bonding, and plant his seed deep within her womb.

  He growled and grunted with each thrust. The rhythm was erratic now, and every stroke inside of her felt different.

  Curse after curse left his lips as he climbed right up there beside her – desperate to feel her release around his length once more before he found his own…

  With an almost tortured elongated cry at the ferociousness of the orgasm that practically ripped her apart with its intensity – he felt the hard clench and release of her inner muscles milking the seed right from his balls. A shockwave ripped up his spine as he buried his cock deep into her and held in place as his seed exploded from his cock.

  His head snapped back on his neck and he howled long and hard.

  Over and over, her body milked him of his seed.

  He’d never felt so alive, so wired, so completely out of control, and even as he gave her everything that he had to give… so his body was ready for hers again.

  His hips moved faster. His length was, unbelievably, harder than before. His thirst for her wasn’t quenched, and he didn’t think it would ever be, but he had a lifetime to test that theory.

  He took her right back up to the edge and found his release once more. The mating howl replaced by a ferocious roar as she joined him in the moment.

  Their bodies were locked together. Their souls were joined as one…




  Justice stood on the deck of his cabin and listened to the sound of the roar that came from his brother. He knew that sound well, it was the second time that he’d heard it recently.
/>   Two of his brothers were now mated, and he felt that desire festering within him for a mate of his own. A hard knot within his chest for the promise of what could be.

  “Jealousy got your tongue there, Alpha?” Connor asked from his lofty position up in the tree that was closest to the cabin.

  Justice snorted at the vampire’s appearance. The man was too damn good at sneaking up on people.

  With age came the annoying experience of knowing right where to appear from so that your scent couldn’t be detected, your footsteps couldn’t be heard… and Connor was old – he just never gave away hold old.

  “Stealthy asshole,” Justice growled at the intrusion to a very personal moment.

  The last damn thing he wanted to appear when he was longing for a mate of his own was a smug vampire with an acid tongue and a barb for every occasion.

  “Say it isn’t so,” Connor chuckled.

  Knowing a man’s moods well. He had known this man since he was a pup, but he’d never quite seen him this way before. He guessed that the time had come for the alpha to pine for a mate of his own.

  “No, you’re a stealthy asshole,” Justice tossed back, not willing to admit his moment of weakness at his brother’s happiness. Maybe a little jealousy at the thought of a mate and future pups…

  “And you want a mate.” Connor sounded so damn self-assured that there wasn’t any real reason in denying it. The vampire knew him too well.

  “Thanks for what you did today,” Justice meant it.

  Connor was a good friend to the pack and what he’d done for them today would never be forgotten. He’d saved a mate. Saved two lives, because without Kiri then Rowan would have gone rogue.

  “That’s it, sidestep the issue. Deflect. Do a little alpha dance because you don’t want to admit-”

  “Shut the hell up.” Justice snorted. “Now who’s deflecting? You don’t like the thanks any more than I want to talk about mates with you. So swing on down here, and let’s get drunk.” Justice growled out.

  “Now that’s my kind of a mate,” Connor landed effortlessly on his feet a few feet away from where Justice stood. “A nice, expensive bottle of Scotch.”

  “Show off.” Justice snorted at the vampire’s grace. Turning on his heels he started into the cabin.

  “And maybe if you get drunk enough you can admit that you want a mate of your own.” Connor chuckled and saw the alpha’s shoulders tense up and his step hesitated, almost tripping him in his stride.

  “Tell me how you don’t,” Justice bit back.

  “I… hadn’t thought about it in a hundred years or so,” Connor lied and they both knew it. Justice grunted.

  “Sure, you haven’t.” He tossed back over his shoulder, back heeling the door closed in his face.

  “Ok. Point taken.” Connor offered to the closed door before he tossed it back open and he followed the alpha inside, and then it was his turn to back heel the door closed. “You don’t tell me yours and I won’t tell you mine.”


  The End.


  Pack Special




  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.




  The bar was hot. Steamy hot from all of the shifters that were crammed inside the walls beneath the wooden beams that ran along the ceiling like the building had veins.

  Large pillars of thick oak – that littered the room and looked like someone had transplanted ancient trees from the great outdoors to inside of the building and had just stripped the trunks of their bark – helped to hold up the ceiling.

  The place had character, and it was certainly full of those too.

  Callum sat up at the bar with his back to one such pillar so that he could see if someone was going to come at him, and drank his Scotch. He’d nearly done a bottle all by himself already tonight, and it was still early in shifter circles. He had a nice little buzz going on but it would take a lot more than one bottle to get him good and drunk.

  Members of his pack were dotted around at the tables to one side at the back. Maverick’s mate, Janette, had picked up a job waitressing and was doing the circuit, weaving in and out of the tables; taking and delivering orders, and the bears were out in force, so Tyler sat with his back against another pillar at the other end of the bar.

  Tyler’s clan was nothing but trouble and Callum probably couldn’t count as high as the number of bear noses that had been broken on his knuckles, and it was the same bears over and over.

  They could be a mean bunch, scrapping and blooding at every drop of a hat, and Tyler had long since had enough of it. Which was how he came to be living in the cabin in the heart of pack land – he’d needed to get away before he took to killing one of them.

  Tyler wasn’t one to walk away from a fight or a challenge, but a bear not being able to take a crap in the woods in peace without one of his clan calling him out was getting beyond a joke. He’d got to that point in his life where he wanted the simple life. He was getting of an age when he wanted to settle down a little, take things a little easier, maybe meet a mate, and none of that was going to happen in a clan that was filled with off the wall nutters.

  Callum watched quietly as the bears laughed and joke. Too damn loud for his liking. Some were even cracking jokes at Tyler’s expense, and Callum could just about see the steam that was coming out of Tyler’s ears as the bear seethed and simmered, almost at the boil.

  It was one hell of a rowdy night and things kept getting broken. Glasses were dropped or nudged from the tables, plates were smashed, and beer bottles were occasionally tossed at someone’s head. The bears were definitely tying one on.

  There was nowhere that Callum wanted to be than in the thick of it. He was sure that something would kick off before long, and he needed to be right where he was to break a few more noses on his knuckles should his pack be involved… that included Tyler.

  The bear with the big heart that had come out with the pack to fight the vampire when Rowan’s mate was in danger – he was pack too now.

  When the front door opened; Callum’s eyes flicked to the trouble walking through the doors and bringing some much needed air and cold wind in with her. Her eyes scanned the bar- crystal blue like the waters of the falls – and when they reached him; they locked on and held his gaze for a moment as her full lips pulled up at the corners.

  For one long moment Callum held his breath thinking that she was going to smile at him – he sure as hell wanted her too. That would be all the invitation that he needed to hightail it over there and charm the panties right off of her. Then she snatched her gaze away and kept going over the crowd.

  Callum felt let down. He could imagine fisting her long blonde hair in his hand and giving it a little tug of affection as he took her deep from behind. Those curvy hips of hers looked ripe enough to dig his fingers into while he loved her hard, long, and in a way that she would never forget.

  Damn, but he needed to get laid. He hadn’t needed it a minute ago before she’d walked into the bar, but there was just something about her that had made him rock hard and in need of a little satisfaction. His eyes watched hers as he waited to see who she was here to meet.

  His beast growled within him. He had some insane need to fist up and break the nose of w
hatever damn man was going to be between her silken thighs tonight.

  The sound of a bottle smashing against the wooden floor made her jump, and a whoop went up and took her attention over towards the bears. His stomach pitched and tightened.

  Bears – the woman had no taste and didn’t deserve him. He tried to dismiss her and yet couldn’t quite drag his eyes away until a shriek went up, and the sound of more bottles ending up on the floor gave him no other choice.

  No sooner had Callum’s eyes locked onto the sight of one of the bears with Janette on his lap than he was off of his stool and moving fast through the maze of tables to get to her before the shit hit to fan and Maverick killed someone right in the middle of the town’s bar… and there was no coming back from that kind of stupid- even if it was a bear that he killed.

  Humans didn’t even know that shifters existed. Societies law prevailed when someone got careless or stupid and killed in front of humans, and he wasn’t about to watch his brother rot in jail for taking out a bear that had no damn right to touch his mate.

  Tyler was the closest. He reached down, wrapped a large arm around Janette and lifted her right off the big man’s lap.

  “Take it outside,” Tyler growled down, barely able to keep a hold of his temper as he tucked Janette behind his back and stood his ground as Cole, second of the bear clan, dragged his oversized body to his feet.

  “Sure you’re up for it, Tyler?” Cole growled back, squaring up to the man just as Maverick reached the table and swung a big fist right at Cole’s chin. The man’s head just seemed to ding a little, but he didn’t go down, and Maverick hadn’t rung any bells.

  “I am,” Maverick growled out. Justice, the alpha, was at his beta’s back in a heartbeat, and Callum stood beside Tyler…


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