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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

Page 24

by M. L. Briers

  “So, you can only come once a night?” She looked innocent enough but he could see that humour in her eyes was still there.

  “I’m Lycan,” he growled.

  “I noticed,” she offered back.

  “I don’t do once a night,” he informed her.

  “Too much?” She teased back.

  “Not…” he sighed. His head dropped forward and it hung there…

  “You know what? You seem to be a little tongue tied, why don’t you just show me?” Callum’s head snapped up… “That’s if you’re able to get it up again…” she chuckled and he growled.

  “Now that sounds like a challenge.” He eyed her for one long moment as a slow grin bowed her lips upwards at the corners.

  “You know, you might be right,” Morgan giggled again.

  This time he cut her off with his lips on hers. He could taste himself on her tongue and it only reminded him of what she’d done to him – the way that she had touched him – her assertiveness – using her magic to hold him down while she took what she wanted, needed.

  His beast rallied within him, pushing forward, demanding the same. His kisses became hotter, wilder.

  The beast’s possessive growl rumbled within his chest as his hands ran over her body, touching, searching, and consigning everything to memory as they went.

  Morgan wriggled beneath him, revelling in his touch, eager for more, and he was going to give her more, so much more that she’d lose her damn mind to the pleasure the way that he had. He broke with her lips and dipped his head to her ear as his fingers found the wet heat between her legs and she gasped when he ran his fingers against her sex…

  “Mine,” he growled before his blunt teeth nipped the flesh of her earlobe.

  “Not yet,” she pushed her hips up from the bed, wanting more… “Not until you sink your fangs into my flesh and bite down hard, claiming me, bonding with me-”

  “Be careful what you wish for my little witch, or ye shall surely get it.” Callum teased back, pushing two thick digits inside the silken walls of her channel and growling in delight when her inner muscles squeezed hard around them.

  “I want it, Callum. I want you-”

  His lips sealed her fate then. Coming down hard, possessively claiming that part of her as his tongue pushed inside and fought a pitched battle with hers.

  The feel of her legs wrapping around his hips sent him wilder. Her feet dug in against the muscles of his backside and she urged him on, seeking his length inside of her…

  Callum pushed up away from her, breaking the hold that she had on his body and moving down the bed. Her eyes locked with his and she went to reach for him, to get him to come back where she needed him, but he wasn’t going to let her have her way again.

  He dipped his head and claimed a taut nipple, sucking it hard into his mouth and nipping with his teeth as her hands fisted his hair. He nipped, he sucked, he licked until her back arched and she ground out a curse… then he did the same to the other one…

  “I need…” she gasped at the feel of his thumb against her clit, his fingers going knuckle deep and twisting inside of her, curling upwards to seek that illusive bunch of sensitive nerves…

  Callum knew the moment that he’d found it because her hips jerked upwards and she gave the sweetest of curses that he’d ever heard. His lips trailed down over her stomach, his blunt teeth nipped just above her right hip and she lifted her backside higher off the bed in an offering to him that he wouldn’t reject.

  He lowered his body down to the bed, his shoulders nestling in between her inner thighs, and he lifted one leg in turn, up and over his broad shoulders, his hand on her hip kept her in place as he lowered his head and devoured her sex like a hungry wildman taking his fill.

  Morgan revelled in the feel of her man against her. She was climbing fast, so damn fast that her hands found the sheet beneath her body and she fisted it until her knuckles turned white….

  Then she was falling away, slowly easing back down from that high, longing, begging in her mind for it to come back again. With a deep, hungry growl that seemed to rumble against her flesh, he fevered against her once more, taking her back up like a bird soaring upwards in the sky…

  She could feel her body building up for that release. She pushed her head back against the mattress and embraced the plateau… but then, just when she thought there was no turning back, he released her to fall once more.

  Frustration reared up inside of her. She twisted her hips and tried to break free, but his hand clamped down on her hip and kept her right there as he slowly teased her body…


  “Damned annoying when you’re all helpless like this, right?” he growled out…

  “Point made…” she didn’t get to finish on anything but a hard curse when he devoured her again. She squirmed within her mind, seeking the end to the sweet torture, but her body was at his mercy…

  Curse – after curse – after curse left her lips as he took her up to those heady heights and brought her back down, and she found herself begging, praying, wishing to whichever entity would help her to find the ending that she needed… find her happily ever after… and then there it was, slamming into her body like she’d hit a brick wall at eighty miles an hour…

  The rumble of a long moan rattled within her throat and Callum thought it was as close to a damn growl as he’d ever heard from a human. He liked that sound. He craved it – and he wanted to hear it again and again…

  Be careful what you wish for… be careful what you wish for…

  He wasn’t stopping. He wasn’t giving her the respite that she needed – he was taking her back up again before she’d even come all the way down…

  Stop… wait… I…

  Another orgasm slammed into her, harder this time, and making her bite down hard on a curse that rumbled on and on…

  I wished for this… stupid… stupid…

  He fevered.

  He growled.

  He devoured her like a man possessed.

  His lips, his tongue, his teeth, and those damned fingers inside of her, faster, creating a friction against those nerves outside and in that made her head spin and her mind scream for a reprieve.

  She managed to get his name out on a cry that seemed to catch his attention. He could have languish all day between her legs, taking his time, taking her over and over, and tasting her sweet juices upon his tongue, and yet she needed more.

  Callum lowered her legs from his shoulders and wiped his mouth against the back of his hand as he started to crawl up her body. She was panting out breaths like a wild thing. Her eyes were hooded as she stared up at him. Her lips quivered as he sat back on his knees and locked his hands against her hips, lifting and bringing her backside up onto his knees…

  Her eyes travelled slowly down his body, taking in every inch, every rounded muscle of his chest and abdomen, before she eyed that thick, hard length of his cock that stood proud, jutting away from his flat stomach…

  When he fisted the shaft of his cock with one large hand she took a long breath – he stroked downwards and heard the sweetest, most needy sound that he’d ever heard in his life…

  Slowly he angled his cock and rubbed the crown along her slit, covering it with her juices, and growling with the need to be inside of her. His beast urged him on, demanded that they claim their mate… but Callum was still in a teasing, playful mood.

  Morgan’s hips were moving of their volition, lifting to try to snag him inside of her with each teasing swipe that he made against her sex.

  “I feel like tasting you on my tongue again,” Callum growled and her eyes snapped back up to his, a small shake of her head in denial of his words…

  “No, I need…” she bit those words off when she felt the pressure of the crown against the entrance to her channel and her eyes flicked back down again, a hungry look on her face for more…

  He slide back up to her clit and she bit down on her lower lip in frustration. Her e
yes flicking back to his, a pleading look, a desperate moan as she tried to move her hips but he held her firmly in place.

  “Callum…” She held his eyes at the feel of his cock back against her channel, opening her, just a little, just a little more. She licked her lips and held her breath, and the deepest rumble yet went through his chest, and he pushed inside, taking more of her, an inch at a time… “Yes, yes, please…”

  This time he didn’t stop. This time on a growl of need his hips pushed forwards.

  His length demanded that her inner walls open for his advance, and he took her down to the hilt as her eyes rolled closed and her head pushed back against the mattress – a curse whispered on her lips as her inner muscles gripped him hard.

  Callum grunted at the tightness around his length. Pulling back out slowly as she gripped him hard trying to keep him inside, he needed her so much that he ached.

  Then he did it all over again, slowly taking her down his cock until he was buried deeply inside of her, but not deep enough. Never could he get deep enough.

  Callum pushed up on his knees and took her backside up with him. Locking the back of her knees around his arms, he leaned in over her, his cock demanding that she take everything that he had to give, and she did, welcoming him with another squeeze around his length.

  His beast reared up inside of him. Their mate was pinned beneath them, open and willing, and he wanted to taste her blood upon his tongue, bond with her, and keep her forever.

  She was made for him. Her body sheathed his like a silken glove.

  “Before this night is done I’m going to know every inch of you, every part of you,” Callum promised on a low whisper that made her open those beautiful eyes to him. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours, Callum.” Morgan raised her hand and palmed his cheek. The stubble felt good against her skin as she ran her fingertips downwards. He snagged her wrist and turned his face, planting a gentle kiss against her palm…

  The time for teasing was done. He felt the roar of his beast within him, and with her words the wolf would not be denied.

  Callum snagged her other wrist and pushed them high above her head on the bed, holding them there with one hand as his hips moved with a purpose. Faster, he started to build up a rhythm inside of her, the friction of his flesh against hers making him grunt and growl with each thrust.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged with her words and her eyes. “Don’t stop this time, bite, bond, take me as yours.”

  Callum felt the last of his resolve slip away. His beast would have out now. The claim wouldn’t be denied a moment longer.

  He wrapped an arm around her and snatched her up from the bed, going back onto his heels as he locked her body against his and fisted her hair. The need to bite, to claim washed through him on waves of desire, of need, and her heady curses every time that his cock hit home only sent him wilder.

  His fangs pushed down, and he dipped his head, nuzzling against her neck before running his tongue along her shoulder to the place where he would put his mark. The sound of her cursing and moaning as she drew closer to another orgasm thrilled and excited him until he was pounding inside of her like a wild thing.

  Morgan managed to bite down on his name, offered as a warning to her impending orgasm, a moment before her body went into freefall as the release tore through her like a tsunami.

  The pain of his bite slammed her into a brick wall as both pleasure and pain mixed within her, sending her further and further into the insanity of the most intense thing she had ever felt in her life… she was overwhelmed, lost, alone in her madness…

  Then she felt him there, deep within her soul, like a lifeline to hold onto in the stormy seas, and she reached for him as he reached right back to claim her very soul.

  Callum’s beast roared within him at their bonding. He released his fangs and swept his tongue over the wound in her skin, cleaning and sealing it. Half a mind on caring for his mate and half a mind on his own needs that were rising up within him like a wildfire.

  His fangs retracted and he brushed his cheek against hers once more before he lost his mind completely to that desire that raged deep inside of him, engulfed him in lust, in the need to place his need deep inside of her womb, to complete the bond, to claim her, every inch of her as his.

  He pushed up on his knees and moved quickly up the bed until he had her back against the wall. Her legs were wrapped around his hips and her body was so open for his that every thrust of his cock inside of her hit home, made her cry out with the pleasure and the pain of taking him that deeply.

  He fisted her wrists in his hands and pushed them back against the wall. With a hard possessive growl; her eyes came open, locking with his, urging him on, and he fevered against her, inside of her, feeling her inner muscles locking up around his cock once more, until he had to work harder…

  That need to find his own release clawed within him. He held her gaze as long as he could – until her eyes rolled back within her head and she cried out once more as he took her back over the edge with erratic thrusts…

  Then his head snapped back on his neck, every muscles strained in his body, as her inner muscles convulsed around his cock, sucking his seed right from his balls in much the same way that she had with her mouth earlier, and his growl turned into a roared howl as he thrust deep, held in place and planted his seed in her womb, over and over, until he had nothing left to give.

  Not enough, never enough.

  His body rallied. His cock still as hard as steel.

  He needed more. He needed her again.

  He released her wrists and wrapped an arm around her back, taking her down sideways with him to the bed. His hips still pounding hers as he pushed his upper body up and locked it there.

  His eyes devoured her. The bounce of her breasts as his hips slapped against hers in the sweet sound of pounding flesh. He felt ravenous, debauched, he couldn’t get deep enough, couldn’t take her fast enough – it clawed within him – frustration – desire – hunger – need, until every inch of him was on fire, until he was insane with it all…

  He buried his cock deep and roared as he spilled inside her once more. The cry from her lips as his seed took her back over the edge again was music to his ears, and she joined him in the rapture of what they shared, what they were.

  Forever mates.




  Mari heard the mating howl and closed her eyes to the fact that one more witch had joined their pack. She didn’t like it. Three damned witches to mess everything up.

  She knew that they’d saved her life, kept her alive until Connor had been able to reach her, and yet her life would never have been in danger if that witch hadn’t of turned up. Tyler would never have turned into his bear if it wasn’t for them…

  “Feeling ok, now?” Tania asked as she stalked into the room and offered her a bottle of chilled beer.

  “Yeah,” Mari lied. Physically she felt fine, but emotionally…

  She hated witches. They had no place in a wolf pack. They weren’t like them and they never would be.

  Mischief and mayhem followed them wherever they went and she didn’t want that for her pack. But three of the pack brothers had already met and bonded with their mates, if she did anything to hurt them then she risked those brothers turning rogue…

  Maybe it was her turn to move on.

  Perhaps she should look for another pack, one without damned witches.

  Her eyes caught sight of a movement outside the window and she turned her head… but whatever had been there was gone.

  Tyler’s shoulders slumped as he dropped his head in shame and stalked away from Tania’s cabin. Mari looked fine, but it was no thanks to him.

  He’d been to her cabin. He’d seen what he’d done. Her blood still clung to the broken surfaces and was pooled on the floorboards.

  It was time to leave his home. Again.

  He’d failed at living with his clan and n
ow he’d failed at living with the pack. He belonged nowhere and with no one.

  His heart ached and his stomach hurt. He was destined to be alone for the rest of his life because he could never trust himself with a woman again.

  “Well look at you slow-bear,” Connor’s melodic tones grated against his nerves.

  “Go away,” Tyler growled out, keeping his stride long to build up some distance away from Mari.

  “You’re welcome,” Connor planted his feet on the ground right in the bear’s path, but he might have to rethink that decision when the big man showed no signs of stopping.

  “You should have left me to die,” Tyler growled as Connor jumped out of his way.

  “Grateful, much?” Connor teased, but when Tyler rounded on him, he knew the bear was hurting. It was written all over his face. “Jesus, Tyler, it wasn’t your damn fault.” Connor bit out.

  “It was still my body, my claws, my fangs…” Tyler fisted his hands at his sides and growled long and hard at the memory that wouldn’t stop playing within his mind.

  Mari’s face, Mari’s blood – her scream…

  “And magic that forced you to do it,” Connor reminded him.

  “Go away,” Tyler growled again, turning and stalking into the woods.

  Connor was old, and he’d learned one thing in his many lifetimes… patience.

  “You can’t get rid of me that easier.”

  “Kill me,” Tyler growled out as he turned to face the vampire.

  “Seriously?” Connor chuckled, but he bit off the laughter when he saw that Tyler meant every word. “I kill you and get to live with that on my conscience? No thanks.”

  “I can’t be trusted,” Tyler growled.

  “Then take a time out, go live in the caves near the falls like a damn bear, but don’t ask me to kill you.” Connor snapped back.

  “I don’t need time. I already know…” Tyler turned on his heels and stalked away again.

  “That you’re able to be controlled by magic?” Connor snorted, following him. “Aren’t we all?”


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