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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

Page 42

by M. L. Briers

  The sound of the generator kicking to life reminded her of a rumbled growl and something cold crept up her spine. She couldn’t stay at the cabin. The longer that she was there, the closer Reaver could be to finding her, and she was putting Justice in danger.

  The man might have been built like a brick outhouse, but he was no Reaver. Lacking in fangs and claws and the wolf inside the man to defend himself, it didn’t matter his size or fighting ability- Reaver would kill him.

  Sophia jumped at the sound of the front door opening and spun towards it. There in the doorway, Justice pulled up short at the sight of her face, the worry etched onto it, the fear that had gripped her, and he had to stifle the growl that wanted to roll through him.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Justice loathed to use the word frightened, but he could see it in her eyes until she shook it away with a small shake of her head and a forced smile to her lips.

  “I was lost in thought.” She didn’t lie about that. “You got the generator started.”

  Justice pushed inside and closed the door behind him.

  “It’s a man thing,” he teased and watched as she smiled in earnest that time. That smile might have warmed Justice’s heart, but it did little for his beast that was clawing to kill whomever had hurt her.

  “I’ll accept that change of clothes, but then I need to get going.” She placed her mug down on the small side table next to bed.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” Justice almost growled again, but held it inside as her eyes came back up to his, a deep scowl etched onto her forehead.

  He turned and yanked open the door and the sight of thick snow, falling hard and fast made a fist tighten inside of her stomach.

  “What are you running from, Sophia?” He thought he had a good idea if the sight of the scars on her back were anything to go by.

  “What makes you think I’m running from anything?” Sophia looked away. She couldn’t meet his eyes. The eyes were the windows to the soul and her soul was dark, infested by her demons.

  “You drove up the mountain in bad weather. You attacked me when I came in-”

  “I didn’t mean to-”

  “I know.” He cut her off before she felt the need to apologise. He neither had a need, nor did he want her apology. “You’re eager to leave, even though the weather hasn’t changed. Running.” Justice added and saw her absently picking at the loose thread in the blanket that still hung around her shoulders.

  “Can’t a girl just be eager to get somewhere?” She tried to force a smile, but Justice saw right through it. He wasn’t going to pick her up on it if she wasn’t ready to open up to him.

  “As long as it’s not an early grave, yes.” He’d said his piece. Then he tossed the door closed and started over to the counter. He was going to make something to eat for them. She might not have been hungry now, but she would be later.

  “I’ll go for that shower.” She pushed up from the bed and took the blanket with her, but as she turned her back on him the material slipped down and exposed those scars to his eyes once more. He couldn’t stop the rumble of the growl that went through him.

  Sophia heard it plain as day. That deep rumble that rolled like thunder in the air and everything within her screamed a warning, and she froze in place as every muscle within her body locked up.

  “Sophia…” Justice knew that he’d screwed up. He could have cut the tension in the air between them with a knife.

  A moment later and she was running for the door…




  “Sophia don’t!” Justice growled out as his wolf pushed forward. The sight of his mate running was enough to bring an instant reaction from the beast within.

  “Damn wolf!” She spat out in disbelief in her haste to get out of there.

  Her hand wrapped around the handle and she yanked the door open. A blast of frozen air swept over her body as the blanket dropped away from her body and pooled upon the floor.

  Her eyes took in the frosty landscape and its unforgiving promise of what she faced ahead. She hesitated. But in her mind it was a damn sight better than remaining with a wolf in a man’s skin.

  Sophia felt the heat of his hand as it wrapped around her upper arm, keeping her in place as his other hand slammed the door shut in front of her eyes. She blinked just once as her mind raced…

  “Don’t run from me, Sophia.” He growled then. The rumble that underlined his words echoed somewhere deep within her soul.

  Blinded by fear. Propelled by self-preservation, she let her pent up magic loose from deep within her.

  Justice felt the first sting of her magic against his skin and had the mind to release her from his hold. A roar of pain was torn from his throat as her magic felt as if a thousand cuts ripped into his flesh.

  His knees buckled, too weak to lock in place to allow him to stay upright. She turned towards him, her hands lifting in unison in front of her, and he felt the force that came from inside of her hatred and swept him into the air, propelling him backwards.

  Justice’s back hit the solid marble of the kitchen counter top as he landed, skidding off the shining surface, and he crashed to the floor.

  His palms hit the floorboards as his body was wracked with the agony of the continued assault upon him. He roared once more as he tried to push up.

  The force of her magic slammed him back down again. His eyes caught sight of her feet as she slowly walked towards him…

  “Sophia…” he growled against the pain, unable to move, unable to defend himself from her wrath…

  “Never again…” she whispered… drawing her magic tightly within her.

  “I’m – your – mate…” Justice growled out.

  Sophia gasped in a breath as his words hit her harder than a punch ever could. Her mind reeled. Every inch of her body was locked into place…

  She couldn’t breathe…

  No – he lies…

  It’s what they do, they lie, they cheat, they hit, they torture to get their way…


  No. I’m not mate to a wolf.


  I can’t be his mate…

  He wants a witch to meet his ends…

  Spells, potions, amulets, anything to secure that superiority against other packs, clans…



  “Sophia… I can’t ask you to trust me…” he growled as he dragged in a painful breath that burned his lungs as his muscles, his bones, protested the movement of his chest. “I’ve seen your scars…”

  He saw her move then, a jerky movement that lifted her palms back towards him as she shook her head.

  “But that’s not me, Sophia.” He growled. His eyes finding hers and locking on.

  She saw his pain reflected in his eyes. The deep lines in his face that showed his suffering.

  Pain… I know that pain…


  No, end his suffering…

  Let him suffer…

  It wasn’t him.


  It would be. He’d hurt you to get what he wants.

  Liar. He lies.

  Mate. Never a mate.

  Her mind spun. Turmoil ripping apart the very fabric of the safety that she had felt with him.

  I felt safe…

  You lied to me, but I felt safe with you…

  I couldn’t be a mate to a wolf.

  “See for yourself. Don’t take my word for it…” he coughed, tasted his own blood in the back of his throat.

  Whatever damage she had inflicted on him would heal, given time, but would she give him time or would she finish him off?

  “You’re spelled,” she spat out. Her top lip curled in anger and disgust. “You use witches for your own ends.” Her eyes accusing him of crimes he didn’t understand.


  “Liar!” She shouted back at him, raising her hands once more. He gave a small shake of his head.

“No, Sophia. The witches here are mates.”

  It was Sophia’s turn to shake her head in denial of his words. Tears sprung to her eyes and escaped her lashes, so powerful that they spilled down her cheeks…

  “Sophia,” he felt more pain from seeing her cry than he did from his injuries. It felt like her tears had plunged a knife deep into his heart.

  His beast whined and whimpered within him at the sight of her.

  “You’re a liar.” Her face twisted in pain, in anger, in disbelief.

  “I’ll protect you with my life. I’ll shelter you from your fears. I’ll kill anyone who ever harmed you…” he coughed again. Pain ripped through his chest.

  “No,” she gave a small shake of her head as her arms slowly lowered in front of her, heavy, they felt so heavy now. Another shake of her head as her muscles started to relax, and she fell down to her knees on the floor, her eyes downcast between them.

  He’s telling you what he wants you to hear.

  He lies.


  Could I be his mate?

  “Let the spell that guards me wear off, Sophia. Please, I would never hurt you.” Justice could feel his body starting to shut down. His mind was foggy. He needed to sleep, too much damage had been inflicted on his body.

  “No,” she shook her head once more as his lids became heavy. He coughed again before sleep took him.




  Sophia finally lifted her eyes to where his face lay. He didn’t look peaceful, even in sleep his face looked twisted by the pain that she had inflicted upon him.

  Her eyes flicked to his back. His breathing was laboured. The sound of wheezing came from his parted lips.

  Sophia shook her head once more. Her lids closed down over her eyes and she tipped her head back on her neck and tried to deny what she had done, what she had been capable of…

  But there he was. As she opened her eyes she saw his suffering.

  Guilt slammed into her like she’d hit a brick wall. It propelled her to move and she crawled across the floor on her hands and knees towards him, muttering curses and berating herself for the anger that she had unleashed on him.

  Wolf, yes… but man too.

  A man that never did me any harm. Not yet.

  What have I done?

  What did I do to you?

  I’m sorry, so sorry…

  Sophia pulled her magic into a tight knot inside of her. She lifted her hands and held them above his back. She reached out to feel his pain… it shocked her just how damaged his body was, just how hard his Lycan blood was trying to work to heal him…

  You did this…

  Fix it.

  Fix him.

  First do no harm…

  I’m sorry.

  I’m so sorry for your pain…

  She forged her magic into a healing white orb. Gathering it. Drawing it towards her palms…

  Heat like fire tingled in her fingertips and she forced it outwards over his back… the sound of his breathing eased.

  Her lips moved with silent incantations, healing wishes, and a desperate need to fix what she had done. She was certain that she heard a snap of bone from somewhere deep within him… she felt sick to her stomach for his pain.

  She worked in silence, moving over his body, never touching, healing.

  Justice opened his eyes and took her in. Pain and concentration etched into her face.

  He felt the heat that warmed him. It flowed so deeply into his bones that it took away the pain. She was taking away his pain…

  “Sophia,” his voice was quiet, but he saw her concentration break, saw her frown, and she hushed him before resuming her work.

  Justice lay there in silence, watching her face, watching her expression change as his broken body came back to health. He consigned every line of her face to memory as he felt her power bring his body back to life.

  Mine… His beast staked the claim and he wholeheartedly agreed.




  Justice had said her name over and over and each time she had continued to hush him. She wasn’t about to stop until he was healed, fully, totally, no matter what the danger to herself might be, from him, from the loss of her power to defend herself.

  If he was lying then she would know it soon enough. But she would rather die than be that person, the person that had hurt him so badly that his blood had to fight to be able to heal him.

  That wasn’t her.

  It wasn’t who she was.

  She wouldn’t be that person even if it killed her. Even if he killed her for what she had done.

  She wouldn’t let her past determine her future. If she was Justice’s mate then so be it, but if he’d lied to her to save himself then she could do no more than accept that fate too.

  She had denied the duty of heritage, the responsibility that came with being a witch. First do no harm – she wasn’t protecting herself with Justice – she had attacked him.

  She was no better than Reaver.

  Justice moved and his hand wrapped around her wrist. Her eyes flew open and her lips parted… she caught a breath and waited for the pain…

  “Sophia, I’m healed. My blood can take care of the rest.” His voice was gentle. His eyes were soulful as he stared back at her. “Thank you.”

  She almost choked on the laugh of disbelief that was forced out of her. Her face twisted with that disbelief.

  “Thank you?” She gave a small shake of her head.

  “For believing me, for trusting in me,” Justice pushed up, slowly so as not to frighten her. He turned his body towards her and she dropped her eyes down to the floorboards between them.

  A show of submission. He didn’t like it.

  “I nearly killed you and you’re thanking me…” she couldn’t grasp what was happening.

  “I’m thanking you for healing me. Not finishing me off…” Justice said. A small rumble of a chuckle rattled in his throat.

  He slowly reached out his other hand and cupped her chin within his palm, gently easing her head up, and waiting until she raised her eyes to his.

  “We are mates,” he assured her and her lids came down over her eyes as she swallowed that news down.

  “I can’t,” she sounded almost pitiful in her denial of him.

  Justice’s beast whimpered and he felt her words batter his heart.




  “I’ve waited a long time to find you. I’ll wait as long as it takes to keep you by my side.”

  Sophia twisted her chin out of his grasp and his hand slipped away, followed by the other one as she pushed back away from him across the floor. Then her eyes came back to his.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.” He could see that she meant it.

  “It’s a witch thing. I guess you don’t know your own strength.” he teased her as he shrugged one shoulder and felt the ache in his bones, but he didn’t let it show as he smiled at her.

  “How long until the spell wears off?” She eyed him and he gave a small chuckle.

  “Oh ye of little faith. I have no idea.” Justice informed her and she pushed up to her feet, careful to keep an eye on him as she retreated back in front of the fire.

  “Then I guess we wait.” She bit out.




  Connor wasn’t overly fond of snow at the best of times, but dragging his backside out in it filled him with even less joy. But there had been talk that the alpha was moody, brooding, and sullen with a hint of bad temper, and that always filled him with concern.

  He knew that Justice was feeling the pressure of not having found his mate yet, and he knew just how much the man wanted that, even if he liked to deny it. But if that urge, that need was clawing inside of him and his beast, then that wasn’t something that Connor could dismiss as easily as his brothers did.

  He didn’t want the alpha to become the rogue that he needed to
hunt down and end. And, while he couldn’t produce Justice’s mate from thin air and wishful thinking – he could take the man’s mind off of the problem at hand by creating new ones.

  If there was one thing that Connor was good at. It was creating problems out of thin air and nothing at all.

  The slippery branches of the tree line weren’t the best place for anyone to be, even a vampire with perfect balance, but trudging through the endless whiteout all around him left Connor in the kind of a mood that could well rival that of the alpha.

  The first snowball hit him in the side of the head and stung like a bitch. The second, third, fourth, and fifth, well, he made sure to get out of their way.

  His eyes snapped to the direction from which they came from. He’d come too far out for the packs pup to be out in the wilderness, and those shots were way too accurate and on target – had that target not been him and moved the way that he did then they would have been perfect shots – no, it couldn’t be anything other than…

  Chelsea poked her head out from behind a tree and Connor groaned inwardly.

  “I should have guessed.” He bent at the waist to pick up the remains of one of the snowballs, and as it disintegrated within his hand, so he was left with a decent sized rock.

  “It seems nobody wants to play in the snow,” Chelsea gave a small innocent shrug.

  Connor tossed the rock up from his hand and caught it again. Then he lobbed it with all of his might against the tree trunk where she sheltered.

  Chelsea snatched her head back and let the rock bounce away, before she poked her head out again.

  “With rocks in the snowballs, I do wonder why.” Connor’s tone was dry and sarcastic all mixed into one. She couldn’t help but snigger.

  “The one I threw at the alpha didn’t have a rock in it.” Chelsea admitted and Connor nodded.

  “So it was you that got on the alpha’s final nerve and made him all brooding and pouty.” Connor offered. “No wonder he’s take refuge in the winter cabin.

  Connor moved at lightning speed and before she knew it; he was upon her. Standing there right in front of her eyes in one blink.


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