Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 54

by M. L. Briers

  “But, I expected so much more from you,” she gave him an expectant look and he shuffled his weight on his feet. “Relax, I’m just pulling your chain.” She chuckled, and his shoulders sagged a little as he considered her.

  “Might want to watch out. I can be a mean one.” Dexter lied. He couldn’t image being mean to her now that he knew her a little better and she wasn’t trying to knee his balls up around his ears…

  “Yeah, I’m quaking in my boots.” She offered back with a dry tone and a smirk.

  The sound of something outside caught his attention and his head twisted on his neck as his eyes narrowed on the window. She noted it and shifted her weight slightly on the bed.

  “How welcome are you here?” she asked, starting to push up to her feet, but he was already walking around the bed.

  “Relax, sit back, take a load off. This is between Justice and me.”

  “Stay inside, bolt the door?” She asked and he hesitated in his step, turned, and assured her with his eyes.

  “Justice isn’t like that. Even if he kills me he’d do right by you.”

  “That’s ok then, problem solved in one fail swoop,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm, and he chuckled again, heading straight for the door.

  Dexter yanked it open and the cold air rushed in. He stepped outside into the night, and she tried to peer out of the window at him, but he was already gone.




  “You don’t want to get near the cabin, Justice.” Dexter called out, causing his brother to step out into the moonlight from where he’d been nosing.

  “I heard you found a mate. Just came to make sure it was true,” Justice offered.

  “You thought Connor was pulling your leg. That I could never be worthy of a mate?” Dexter growled back.

  “Now hold on there on damn minute,” Justice bit out. “Why the hell does everything have to be an uphill fight with you?”

  “Uphill battle,” he corrected, “and I’m ready for another round if you are.” His hands fisted at his sides and he watched his brother roll his eyes in his head and sigh. That only annoyed him more, riled his wolf.




  “Still an idiot,” Justice growled back.

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “You wanna go ten rounds with me or you wanna woo your mate?” Justice growled again.

  Dexter reached up and scratched at his head. Both were worth his time, but it was true that his mate was his priority now.

  “Tempting.” Dexter admitted.

  “Step up then, I’m right here.”

  “Challenge the alpha? There are rules if I remember rightly.” Dexter snorted.

  “Nah, brother to brother. You seem to want to get your bell rung and I’m always willing to oblige.”

  “Sounds like you’re challenging me, brother.” His wolf had felt it too, and neither one of them wanted to back down from a fight. It wasn’t in them to do it.

  Dexter took a long step forward, and Justice did the same.

  Two testosterone, alpha males, it was the reason why they couldn’t stay in the pack together. Why Dexter had to leave.

  “Seconds out, round…” Connor announced from up in the tree line. He’d followed Justice, he had a feeling on his long walk home that something would give, and he’d turned right back on his heels again to find Justice gone. “How many rounds is this, I’ve lost count over the years.”

  “This is none of your business,” Dexter growled.

  “Thought you had a mate to woo?” Connor tossed back down, but Dexter’s eyes never left Justice’s glare, as both men faced off against each other.

  “Dexter’s right for once, Connor, stay out of it.” Justice growled back.

  “Far be it from me to state the obvious, but you’re both acting like damn knuckle draggers.” Connor bit out. He’d like to see a truce between the brothers, now more than ever, especially, and because, they had both found their mates.

  “I didn’t start this,” Dexter held his ground. “I was just looking for a few days peace to get my head together.” But he was going to finish it if that’s what it took.

  “And you found your mate.” Justice pushed the point.

  “Yeah,” Dexter bit out. The thought of Isobel in that cabin alone sent a wave of protection through him, especially now that Connor had shown up again. He should have been inside with her, not out here fronting up to his brother, ready to rip him up something fierce.

  “So woo her, and then stop with the damn pride and come back home.” Justice growled out.

  He had to admit, he’d probably have done the same thing if he’d lost the fight to Dexter. He couldn’t fault the man for that – what he could fault him for was not getting the hell over it.

  “Can’t do that.” Dexter bit out. “My feelings haven’t changed.”

  “Damn it,” Justice kicked out at rock and embraced the pain that shot through his foot. He had the urge to bounce Dexter’s head off of a few thick tree trunks, but he knew it wouldn’t do him any good.

  “Get over yourself, wolf. You’ve got a family now.” Connor bit out.

  “Not yet,” Dexter shook his head.

  Justice lifted his hand and pointed towards the cabin.

  “That there, your mate, that’s the start of your family. Like it or not, she’s yours to protect-” the alpha growled.

  “I know that, damn it-” Dexter growled back.

  “So, stash your pride and do the right thing.” Justice raised his voice.

  “Don’t tell me what to do, Justice.” Dexter warned.

  “Then get your head straight,” Justice growled back. Irritation with his brother’s stubbornness and anger at building roadblocks when there needed to be bridges, fuelled his rage.

  “I’m trying, but boy you do not make that easy.”

  “We’ve got a big mountain here, Dex, build a damn cabin where we don’t have to see each other.” Justice growled out, before he turned on his heels, but hesitated for a moment when he heard his brother sigh.

  “Suppose you want me to build it at the damn top,” Dexter growled.

  He knew exactly what the land further up was like. Pretty damn inhospitable during the winter months, and it took a lot longer to thaw out in spring.

  “Well, we do own the land-”

  “You’re unbelievable, we moved further down the damn mountain as a pack because of the climate up there, but-” Dexter tossed up a hand.

  “Now hold on, that was before generators, insulation, and technology.” Justice bit out.

  Dexter had to admit that part was true enough.

  “You mean like electric?” Dexter tossed back, his tone sounded accusing.

  “The pack could pay for the lines to be put in, generators in the meantime, and as a backup. You’d be on the damn mountain.” Justice wanted that. He wanted Dexter home. He was a white wolf mountain man, and he was his brother. The thought of him off roaming kept Justice awake some nights.

  “And what? I magic my own pack?” Dexter’s tone was pure acid, but Justice stood for a long moment and considered it.

  It wasn’t a bad idea. There was enough land for another pack, smaller maybe, but it could work.

  “As long as you’re choosy about who you take on.” Justice put the offer out there. Dexter was an alpha by instinct and nature, and he was never going to be happy without a pack of his own.

  “You’re serious?” Dexter’s head was reeling. He’d found a damn mate and now this?

  “We’d have to get the agreement of the clan. There could be a little pushing and shoving from Landon’s bears…” Justice shrugged.

  “Those damn misfits,” Dexter grunted. He’d enjoyed going toe to toe with some of those over the years.

  “The pack and the clan are joined by blood now. I can’t see Landon objecting too strongly. Think about it, brother.” Justice urged, before he urged his wolf to stand down, feeling
like they might finally have made a breakthrough, and he stalked away.

  Dexter was already thinking about it. Home. Not just any home, but back on the mountain where his wolf longed to be, that was a mighty tempting thought.

  His own pack. That was something that his wolf needed too. He had the alpha gene and anything else just wouldn’t do.

  And a family of his own. Isobel. Maybe pups.

  That was all he’d ever really wanted in life before he and Justice had started going head to head, and now his brother was offering him that chance. It was damn tempting to dream.

  “Go woo your damn mate.” Connor bit out, and then he was gone.

  Dexter turned on his heels and started back towards the cabin. Yep, he had a mate to woo and that might just have been the hardest part of his dream, but he’d damn well do it, even if she killed him.




  Dexter went through the front door like a bull in a china shop. He was eager to get back to Isobel and start wooing her in earnest…

  Isobel jumped at the sound of the front door being tossed open and turned fast, bringing her hands up, and shooting her magic off before she’d even thought about it.

  Dexter felt the blast rip him from his feet and send him backwards into the night. His back hit the ground with a heady thump and the pain shot through his body as the impact took his breath away…

  “Damn it to hell,” He growled when he’d sucked that breath back in again. He rolled sideways and pushed up to his hands and knees on the icy ground, when his eyes caught sight of her standing there at the front door, eyes wide like a doe that had seen his wolf he froze in place.

  He didn’t move, couldn’t find it in himself to ratchet up that fear that he saw on her face. Her body was tense, and her muscles were tight as she stared back at him for a long moment, holding her breath, her magic ready to use again.




  “Are you trying to kill me?” Dexter growled out…

  Isobel’s shoulders sagged, as she recognised exactly who it was that she’d just defended herself against, and that feeling of guilt washed through her veins, along with a rather heady dose of amusement for his predicament.

  “That was your fault,” She folded her arms across her chest to protect herself from the ice cold winds and the little irk of stupidity that she felt. She wasn’t about to back down.

  “My fault?” Dexter pushed up to his full height and twisted his head on his neck as his black eyes took her in. He didn’t need to settle his wolf within him, the damn beast was ready to roll over and have his tummy tickled by their mate.

  “Obviously,” she shrugged a little.

  “How do you figure?” Dexter started a slow walk towards her.

  “Well, you race out of the cabin like Satan has made an appearance, then you rush back in like he’s on your damn wolf’s tail…” She looked anywhere but at him for a long moment. “What was I supposed to think?”

  “How about looking before you leap?” Dexter growled out and she frowned.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” She offered with a small grin, before she turned on her heels and disappeared back inside. Dexter groaned – yep, she was certainly going to be the death of him one damn way or another.

  He shook himself off and stalked towards the cabin, just as he reached the welcoming sight of the front door, it slammed closed in his face, and he grunted and growled again.

  “Seriously?” He grumbled through the thickness of the wood.

  “Perhaps try knocking this time.” He heard the mischief and amusement in her voice and he groaned again.

  The woman was trying his patience, and he didn’t have a lot left, although, he felt like he had a little more than when he’d arrived on the mountain. Dexter grimaced, raised his eyes to the clear night sky and those stars that he knew so well.

  He grunted, rolled his head on his neck once more, and grabbed the handle, trying to move forward, but finding the door locked by magic.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” he growled – wishing that Justice was standing right there beside him so that he could punch the man in the face, repeated, until he’d worked the tension within him away.

  “It’s not like I’m asking you to say please, just knock. Such a simple thing that even someone with your amount of testosterone could handle it.” She shot back. He’d scared the absolute bejesus out of her and she wasn’t about to let that slide…

  Dexter felt the long hard growl rumble through his chest. He wanted in. His wolf wanted in, and he had a mind to go through the damned window to get in…

  “Open the door or I’m breaking it down.” Dexter growled.

  “And freeze your mate for the rest of the night?” She offered back with a grin in her voice that ground against his nerves.

  “You’ll have brought it upon yourself, woman,” Dexter growled back.

  His nose twitched with annoyance at her words. He didn’t want to break the damn door down, it would serve no other purpose than to make him feel better, and she was right, they needed the damn door in place, and the window, and the walls… what was left? Shifting into his beast and digging beneath the damn cabin?

  “Don’t you do it.” She shot back, biting down on the fact that the damn man was so stubborn that it irked her so.

  “You’ve got to the count of three,” Dexter warned, biting down on just how damn stubborn his mate really was.

  “I’m warning you, wolf.” She hissed, looking for answers on the ceiling and finding none.

  “One…” Dexter growled.

  “Poop!” She muttered.

  “Two…” He threatened again and heard a small squeak from his mate inside… she’d give, he just knew it.

  “You’ll regret it.” she warned.

  “Three!” Dexter took a step back, held for a long second, hoping to hear her comply with his demand, and then he groaned, knowing that she wasn’t about to give. Damn it!

  He rushed at the door, putting his weight behind his shoulder and hitting it hard…

  Inside Isobel’s palms were aimed directly at the door and wall surrounding it – covering it with magic – and trying to protect the structure with everything that she had…

  She heard the heavy thump, the curse, the growl as he bounced off the hard wood, and then another thud, as his backside hit the ground. She pressed her lips together to stop the grin that threatened her lips, and heard the roar of a growl that came from him…

  “O-p-e-n – t-h-e – d-a-m-n – d-o-o-r.” He growled out, so low, so deeply, that she couldn’t help but snigger.

  “You only have to lift your big old hand and knock, it’s not rocket science.” She teased back to the sound of another growl… and then… silence.

  Thud – thud – thud on the door and she almost whooped with delight. With a flick of her hand the door opened, and she saw him standing there. His eyes were dark. His face was blank. And those big hands were tight fists at his side.

  She had the urge to toss her head back on her neck and roar with the laughter and the victory of bringing that big man to heel, but she didn’t.

  “Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” She managed to get out without sniggering, but she had to turn away from him as he took one long step inside the cabin, a low rumble of a growl in his chest.

  “Do not push your luck,” Dexter growled, stepping right on in the room and slamming the door behind him with a thud that shook the whole structure.

  “Sore loser,” she muttered as she started towards the bed to the sound of another growl. She stifled a chuckle.

  Isobel tossed back the covers and climbed into the bed. She wanted to pull those covers over her head and snigger like a schoolgirl, and yet, the man’s ears were too big for him not to hear her, even if she forced that laughter into her pillow.

  Dexter snapped off the lights and stalked across the room to the other side of the bed. He wrenched his
shirt off over his head and saw her push up in the bed.

  “And what do you think you’re doing?” She asked, trying to see through the half light of the moon outside, but his face was in total darkness and only those stone hard muscles of his chest and abdomen were on view.

  “I thought that was obvious, even to a crazy woman,” he said. His voice sounded deeper, more gravelly when it was surrounded by darkness.

  Isobel felt the flush to her cheeks. The heat in her body escaped her womb and rushed outwards on wings of excitement at the prospect of being able to reach out and run her fingertips over his body – she wanted too… boy, did she want too.

  “The sofa’s over there,” she pointed into the darkness, knowing that he could see her just fine with his wolf’s vision. She was back to being at a disadvantage again.

  “I’m not a dog, I’m sleeping in the bed.” His hands gripped the waistband of his sweatpants, and just at the moment when she opened her mouth to speak, he pushed them over his hips and down those thick muscled thighs – his length bouncing free and waving at her in the half light…

  He heard a squeak get caught in her throat, and he liked it. Her eyes had widened a little, flared a lot first, and she swallowed hard, but she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes back up his body or put her brain into gear.

  Dexter used that confusion to toss back the covers and slip inside the bed right next to her. His weight against the mattress drew her nearer to him, made her lean in, and before she could think about it, she thrust out her hand to stop her body from tipping forwards, and her palm connected with the ribbed muscles of his abdomen…

  Dexter growl at her touch. Skin to skin, damn it felt good.

  “Damn woman, you can touch me anywhere you like,” he teased, shooting a hand under her upright body and wrapping his arm around her waist.

  Then he yanked her towards him, and she collided with his heated skin and hard body everywhere possible. That sent her excitement level soaring and her pulse racing…

  “Can you not?” she hissed, trying to shake off the feeling of her skin tingling from head to toe from just the simple touch of him.


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