Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 55

by M. L. Briers

  The way that her womb danced inside of her. The rush of her blood through her veins, laced as it was with adrenaline, and the wet heat that gathered between her inner thighs, everything conspired against her…

  “Damn, you smell real good.” Dexter drawled the words and gave a hungry growl at the same time. It wasn’t the kind of multitasking that she needed to hear considering her body with in sensual overload already.

  “I smell g…?” She pushed the flat of her hand against his stomach, resisted the urge to curl her fingers into those muscles and test them, even if they did twitch a little, a lot, and tried to push her body back on the mattress away from him. “Stop sniffing me.”

  “I wasn’t,” he chuckled, not letting her move an inch out of his reach. He had a need to taste the sweet juices that went with that heady scent, and he had a mind to try. “But that’s a damn fine idea.”

  A moment later and with a small shriek from her lips, she found herself on her back on the bed. The moonlight shafted across the strong angles of his face and what she saw there was pure unadulterated hunger…

  The palms of Isobel’s hands slapped against his chest, just as he dipped his head, and she tried to push, but he was like the damn mountain – he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Dexter’s cheek brushed against hers as he nuzzled between her shoulder and her neck. She felt that caress and it melted her a little. Then she felt the heat of his breath against her skin and she melted a little more…

  The sound of his growl and the feel of the rumble against her palms that held against his chest melted her resolve a little more, and when she felt the rush of air across her skin as he took her scent… well, she felt like that was the beginning of the end for her willpower.

  Dexter let her scent fill him. It eased his spirit and that of his wolf, and yet every one of his muscles tensed with need, with desire for her.

  He could have buried his hard length deep inside of her with one thrust and been as happy as sin… but she was human, she needed more from him than that. She needed to be revered, worshipped, as only a mate could.

  His wolf yipped inside of him. They had their mate right where they needed her to be, now all he had to do was not to screw up and piss her off, woo her body and her mind and soul would follow…

  Dexter swiped his tongue up and over the soft skin of her neck, and he felt her back arch, her hips try to push up from the bed, searching for his length… He growled long and hard at the capture of his cock between them, and he used blunt teeth to nip against the soft flesh of her earlobe…

  Caged. Trapped. With nowhere to go and nowhere that she’d really rather be in that moment in time.

  His hard body was her prison and she was grateful to be locked up by his arms on either side of her. By the hard length of his body running down the soft curves of her own.

  “H-have you had your fill?” Her voice sounded breathless, almost a whisper as she stuttered and grimaced.

  “Not even close,” Dexter growled against her ear, and her eyes closed involuntarily, as he shifted his weight against her, using his knees to open her legs so that he could nestled his own between them.

  The hard press of his cock against her sex sent a jolt of excitement right through her. She might have had a layer of clothing between his naked length and her needy sex, and yet, it was no real barrier at all…

  “Tell me what you’re thinking right now,” he moved his hips and rubbed his length against her sex, catching her clit, and making her bite down on the gasp of a moan that threatened to give her away…

  “I – I’m not thinking-”

  “Liar,” he teased, rubbing his length over her sex again and hearing that small intake of breath.

  “I can’t bloody think when you do… well, ok, I can think, but it’s not – that’s to say… damn it to hell.” She hissed as he did it again, her voice hitching a little.

  Dexter’s deep chuckle sent a wave of annoyance through her. She bit down on the need to knee him right in the balls once more, make it a glorious fourth time lucky…

  He moved again. He might have been torturing her, but he was torturing himself as well…

  “Can you…? That is to say… I mean…” she gave a small whimper as he did it again, and then again, and again, until her body was crying out for more, only she wanted the barrier gone from between them, wanted to feel his hot flesh against hers.

  “You’ve just gotta say please, honey,” he grinned, and she saw the bright white of two sets of perfect teeth in the moonlight and ground down on her annoyance that he would choose this way to get his damn own back for the door thing…

  She should have known that she could win a damn battle against him, but she’d never win the war. He was an alpha by nature – it was his nature to win.

  “I’m not…” she bit out. “That’s never going to-”

  “Never say never, sweetheart,” he growled out, teasing her with his words and his body as he stroked against her sex once more.

  “Damn it,” She pushed against his chest then, her fingers curling, against all rational thought, into his skin, against those hard muscles, and she could have moaned at the injustice in him being so damned sexy…

  “Now play nice,” he snagged her wrists and pushed her hands back against the mattress on either side of her head.

  Definitely trapped by him now. Caged. Wanton, needy with desire for more, for him, for more of him…

  She still had her magic in her arsenal, but was she prepared to use it?




  Hell yes!

  Isobel let her magic out. The hard sting that took his body sent his beast into a frenzy and his muscles to lock up tighter than if he’d licked his finger and stuck it in an electrical socket.

  Isobel knew that she hadn’t quite thought that one through as his weight came crashing down on her and felt like an elephant had taken up residency upon her chest.

  She cut off her magic and tried to breathe as it took him a moment or two to regain his strength, and with the kind of hungry growl that was different to the one’s he’d been making earlier, he pushed back off of her and glared down, eyes flaring in anger.

  “You really need to stop doing that,” he growled out the warning.

  “Or what?” she hissed back.

  “Or I might forget I’m your damn mate and just take you like a wild thing…”

  He’d never do it. He’d kill himself before he laid one damn hand on her that she didn’t want, but that didn’t stop him from lying to get her to stop trying to fry his behind.

  Isobel heard his words and instead of feeling fear or panic, she felt that rush of adrenaline, that heady jolt of excitement, and that wet heat for him and only him…

  In an instant she’d craned her neck forward and brought her lips to his, and with a half roar of desire, he’d claimed her right back. His beast was close to the surface after her attack, and he couldn’t have been more demanding, more hungry for her if she’d thrust her naked sex upwards and taken him inside.

  His kisses got hotter, sexier, and a lot more demanding until she couldn’t think to breathe, didn’t give a damn about it, and then he broke away from her lips and she gasped in air…

  “You wanna let go of my hands?” She panted, feeling the need to touch and an urgency to do so…

  “Not really,” he chuckled – not trusting that she wouldn’t zap him just for the hell of it.

  “Then how are you going to get me naked?” She shot back to a rumble of a growl that could have been the worst kind of thunderstorm raging overhead…

  Dexter bit out a curse. He wanted that; her naked body beneath his, open to his touch, his kiss, his tongue… he cursed again and let her go, wasting no time at all in fisting the overlarge sweatshirt and wrenching it up and over her head as she bounced back down to the mattress…

  “Sorry,” he grumbled and growled, trying to remember to be a little gentler with her in future.

/>   “Don’t be, I don’t mind a little rough with my smooth,” she chuckled, and he growled harder.

  “Then boy was I made for you, sweetheart.” Dexter pushed up onto his knees and hooked the sweatpants that she’d had bunched up and rolled at the waist, a second later and they were down her hips, over her feet, and gone somewhere into the darkness…

  “Hungry much?” She teased to the sound of another growl.

  He fell forwards, his hands hitting the mattress on either side of her body, those broad shoulders tight as he held his own weight just above her, caging her inside the safety, the raw power, and the strength of his body.

  Every muscle in this shoulders, chest, abdomen, and arms flexed under the skin, and she melted some more as a fire raged inside of her…

  The man was so dark, so damn sexy that she might have found her release just by watching him move…

  “So damn hungry for you, baby that I’m going to eat you alive…”

  Holy hell and yes please…

  Isobel would have voice that opinion out loud, but he dipped his head then, snagging one hard budded nipple with his blunt teeth and gently grinding against it under she gasped as jolts of electric pleasure shot to her sex, and her backside pushed down against the bed as she arched her back and presented her breasts to him…

  He was never a slouch when there was a female in need, and she was in need now. Add to that the fact that she was his mate, his female, and his temperature took an upward turn for the better, lava fired in his veins, and he captured that nipple inside of his mouth and sucked like he was trying keep it all for himself, swallow it down…

  Her hands found either side of his head and she pulled him closer, kept him worshipping her breast, tongue swirling over the bud, blunt teeth nipping, and sucking… damn that boy had suction alright…

  His hands reached up and found her wrists, locking around the small bones as he forced them back down to the bed, trapping her once more as he moved from one breast to the other and back again as she revelled in being totally helpless to do anything about it…

  “More… I need…” she gasped, feeling the need between her legs clawing inside of her mind… she was hot, wet, and ready for him, so very, very ready for him…

  “To say please…” he teased on a hungry growl.

  “W-what?” She felt him push her hands upwards, gather them under the hold of one big hand as he went back to worshiping her breasts, and then she felt his fingers against her inner thigh as his knees forced her legs further apart, and that slow trail of fingertips set her sex clenching at the thought of them touching her…

  “C-cock…” She’d started well, but the moment his fingers ran against the wet heat of her folds, she’d stumbled and bit out the rest… then she cursed as he used two fingers to run up and down either side of her sensitive folds.

  Isobel tried to shift her hips, to get his touch where she needed it the most, but he was using just one hip to lock her body in place and she wasn’t getting what she wanted without a fight.

  It was a slow form of torture. His fingers skirted either side of her clit only to run back down again… she cursed, she kind of gave a human sort of a growl, and she tried to buck against his hold on her body, and yet… still… nothing…

  “Dexter…” she grumbled and moaned, but he was holding firm… he wasn’t sure how much longer he could do that – he had his own needs and the scent of her arousal was calling to him…

  “Just one little word, baby…” he growled, as he slowly made his way down her body. His eyes were locked on hers and he could see the stubbornness there, but he was still enjoying the torment as he tasted her skin, nipping her flesh, and teased her with that clever tongue of his…

  Hell no, I’m going to win this war.

  I can hold out longer than he can… I swear I can…

  I think I can…

  Damn, just looking at those sexy predator eyes… I think I can…

  I’m the little bloody engine that can…

  He pressed his lips against the trimmed hair of her mound and just breathed his hot breath against her skin… damn, that was just so erotic that she couldn’t fathom how, or why, but she loved it…

  Then he lowered his body to the bed, wrapped his big old arms around her legs from the inside outwards to lift her up and keep her in place as he nestled in for the long haul.

  He turned his head and licked up one inner thigh, then he did the same with the other…

  Damn, but she was going to go insane if he didn’t get to the best part soon…

  “Say please…” He teased again, but she could see in his hungry eyes that he wanted the same thing that she did…

  Her scent was driving him insane for the taste of her on his tongue… If she didn’t give in soon he was sure to lose his mind…

  His heart raced. His length twitched against the sheets, and his wolf kept repeating the same thing over and over again…


  “Damn it to hell, you asshole, pleeeaaassseee!” She hissed out, and he answered that plea in no time at all, burying his face against her sex and devouring her like a starving man coming across a tasty snack…

  Isobel cursed out so many bad words that his ears turned red at the sound as his blood pressure soared upwards from needing to bury his cock deep inside of her… dirty words had never really been his thing, but from her lips, Holy hell’s fire – they were gold, sprinkled with faerie dust, and doused in a whole heap of Christmases all coming together at once…

  He couldn’t get enough of her. His tongue licked, probed, thrusted, and swivelled deep within her sex, and those inner muscles were clenching hard and releasing, and she hadn’t even found her happily ever after yet.

  Her hands fisted the covers, her head pushed back against the mattress, and her hips tried to move with his tongue, but couldn’t, as she soared towards the best damn orgasm that she had ever had…

  He didn’t stop, couldn’t… He lusted after hearing that cry in her throat once more, and more, and more…. and those heady curses as he devoured her clit, nipping and sucking, flicking the nerves under the hood so fast that she rose up once more before she’d even hit the ground running from the first time…

  And there it was again – hard thumping through her body, her nerves on fire, as he thrust his tongue back inside of her and growled like a man possessed as he tasted everything that she had to give him…

  Isobel was on two and counting, because he’d gone right back to work on her body again as her nerves clawed at her for some reprieve… She tried to move her hips, gain her freedom, but he held her so damn tightly that she could barely move her lower body at all…

  “Stop… let me come down… stop,” she begged and pleaded, but she heard his deep growl of a chuckle and knew exactly what he wanted from her… “Please, Dexter, please, damn it, please…”

  Dexter reluctantly released her and pushed up. Swiping the back of his arm and hand over his mouth and chin, before he slowly climbed up and over her body as her eyes focused on him… those big shoulders, the muscles moving under the skin, caged like she was…

  His knees wedged her legs wide open and he gripped her wrists once more in his large hands, pushing them up and over her head, and she lay there panting in breath after breath, and watching him settle in over her…

  “I-d-i-o-t…” she breathed out, feeling the hard press of the tip of his cock slide up and down over her sex…

  Dexter’s winning smirk was amazing, it sent a jolt of excitement right through her body, all on its own…

  “Yep,” he gave her that one on a lazy drawl. Then he pressed his cock against the rim of her channel and just eased inside, teasing her muscles to open for him. “But I got you to say please, didn’t I?” He chuckled, and she opened her mouth to speak, but he thrust into her, taking her half way down his thick cock, and demanding her inner muscles give to him…

  She gasped out, and he growled like a hungry wolf in a man’s skin… cursed
once, pulled back his hips, and thrust to the hilt.




  Isobel’s inner muscles clenched tightly around his length. His cock was already tightly sheathed within her walls, and yet she strangled it good and hard with those inner muscles, making him groan and growl at the same time…

  “Please,” she grinned, clenching and releasing around him some more until he dragged his length back out and sheathed right back to the hilt inside her again. She cursed and moaned…

  “Please…” she breathed against his lips a moment before he claimed hers, demanded entry so that he could taste her on his tongue, and pulled out to thrust back in again…

  “You sure you like a little rough with your smooth, baby?” He demanded against her lips, and she nodded, breathless from his kisses and the long, deep thrusts that awakened every inch of her to him.

  “Please,” she tried to smile, but one more thrust took her breath away and sent her lips into an O shape that gave him an image of his cock going back and forth inside of her mouth racing through his mind…

  Later, that would be for later. Right now he loved the feel of her inner muscles tightening around his length as he took her, faster and faster, building that sweet friction between them, closer and closer to the edge of insanity once more…

  “Dexter… please… please bite,” He growled and shifted his hips, moving up over her a little more. “Please bond…”

  He’d be damned if she wasn’t going to send him into fever pitch inside of her…

  He wrenched his length out of her, and before she had a mind to grumble, to demand, to beg for him to come back. He’d turned her on the bed and placed her down on her hands and knees.

  Two big hands slapped down against her hips. His fingers curled into the skin as she felt the prickly hairs of his legs against the backs of hers.


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