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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

Page 56

by M. L. Briers

  His knees wedge her legs wide apart, and there she was, open and more than ready for him once more…

  Dexter thrust in to the hilt and her head came up, her back arched to take him as deeply inside of her as she could get him, and she moaned and cursed as he slapped his hips against her backside, wet flesh against wet flesh. He savoured every deep thrust and imagined the taste of her blood upon his tongue…

  His beast rose up within him, pushed against his will to hold it back, and he knew that he was lost. Her body was tightening as he took her towards another orgasm, and his fangs were starting to push down.

  He reached down for her, wrapped one large arm around her waist and brought her back against his chest as his hips slapped her backside, over and over. He fisted her hair with one large hand and pulled her head to one side, opening her neck and shoulder to his will…

  Isobel was whispering dark curses and pleas from her lips and he heard every last one of them…

  “Hold on baby, I’ve got you,” he growled out against her skin, running his tongue down over her neck, along her shoulder to where he’d place his mark in her skin, his bite into her flesh…

  He felt her hand on his lower arm that circled her body, felt her fingers curling into the muscles, felt her other hand reach the back of his neck, her fingers there also curling into his flesh…

  And the second that she cried out, lost herself in the hard intensity of the orgasm that tore through her, so he bit down hard, fast, and deep…

  Dexter felt her fingernails dig into his skin, the feeling of her nails breaking the surface sent him almost wild as her blood spilled over his tongue and he swallowed the taste of it down the back of his throat. His beast roared within him, searching for her very soul, and finding her there, joining with him in a forever bond that couldn’t be broken…

  It was every little thing about her. Every little thing about her touch, her taste, her nails digging into his flesh…

  He barely had a mind to ease his fangs from her flesh instead of ripping them free, but his tongue still sealed the wound, still tasted the last of her blood and savoured it, before he let that wildness free…

  Dexter needed one more thing, but it clawed at his very being… His own quest for pleasure, for release rose up within him like a pending tidal wave, and he became wilder than a beast rutting…

  He released his grip on her body, pushed her down towards the bed, but kept her glorious, curvy backside up in the air as his hands gripped her hips once more and he set a pace that no human could ever have achieved…

  The sight of her breasts swinging wildly as his hips slapped her backside and the ripples in her skin over the cheeks of her backside looked like a stone hitting surface water and made him hungrier than he’d ever been before, but it wasn’t food that he craved, or even the taste of her blood, it was the need to plant his seed deep inside of her… find his release, and it clawed at his very soul like his beast had done…

  His body strained. Every muscle tensed under his skin until he felt as if they were on fire, burning him alive from the inside out… He used that fire like fuel, fevered against her, inside of her, until her inner muscles tightened so hard around him, and she cried out, trying to buck against his hold on her as he held her in a tight grip…

  The hard clench and release of her inner muscles around his cock practically sucked the seed from within his balls… His head went back on his neck and every muscles strained, as time stood still…

  With a fizz up his spine – he thrust his cock to the hilt and held inside of her as he spilt his seed. A hard, deep growl rumbled through his chest, and came out on a howl so deep, so loudly that the whole damn cabin shook, not that he noticed, not that he cared – wrenching back his hips and slamming back to the hilt, over and over, as he buried his seed inside of her…

  Dexter could hear her fighting for breath – he gasped in his own as his body flexed, relaxed, and then strained again with more need for her…

  One hand hit the mattress to hold him up as his muscles quivered and quaked, and the other lifted and turned her onto her back… His cock was still as hard as steel, and his mind was still set on having her until he was sated… and he used his knees to open her wide to him once more as he knelt above her, thrusting his cock back inside of her.

  He almost frenzied with insatiable need, as her lifted her backside from the bed and took her again, and again, and again…

  He fell forward over her body and down onto his elbows. Her backside was still wedge upon his knees, and her legs had nowhere to go but to wrap around him as he pounded into her, flesh slapping flesh, his balls tightening with the feel of her inner muscles doing the same…

  He was like a rabid dog that couldn’t see, couldn’t think, and could only act on pure instinct… He growled, he grunted as her body tightened once more and he had to work harder to get deep enough inside of her…

  He could never let her go. He could never get enough of her. Be deep enough inside of her, close enough to her…

  She was his and he was hers, and he’d make their life work on the mountain, somehow, any which way that he could. She was going to be the mother of his pups and he could feel her soul entwined with his…

  He heard her cry out, her body milking his seed once more, and he roared as they lost themselves to the hard throb of their joined ecstasy and the future that awaited them….




  Isobel wrapped herself in the warm embrace of the blanket as she went to where he stood at the front door of the cabin, coffee mug in hand, clad in only a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He looked as sexy as hell and he was all hers.

  Her feet felt frozen already just by the icy cold breeze that blew inside…

  His big frame filled the doorway, and she didn’t know what had him so damn excited that she was leaving the warmth of their bed to see, but it had better of been good. He reached out with his free hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him and grinning like a kid on Christmas morning…

  “What is it?” She chuckled, hoping for a deer, or maybe the sight of a couple of lovesick rabbits… When he stepped to the side and pulled her against his hip, warming her even through the thick blanket. She drew in a breath and took in the scene.

  “I hope you like snow as much as I do,” he growled beside her ear and felt her body wrack with a shiver that he loved to feel go through her.

  Everything had been dipped in a bright white glaze that looked enticing and so still that it could have been a picture painted on canvass, only it was way to vibrant, way too beautiful to ever have been captured in all of its glory.

  “I love snow, winter is my favourite time of the year, and I’d keep it all year round if I could.” She gushed at the majesty of the scene before her and he almost sighed with relief.

  “Good, because I have something that I need to talk to you about.” He started and she shot a look up at him. “Justice has offered us some land up the mountain to build a cabin, a good cabin, and maybe start our own pack.”

  “Which means you can stop fighting with your brothers?” She raised up her eyebrows and watched a slow to boil grin spread across his face.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think I’ll ever stop fighting with my brothers. They just have the kind of faces that you want to punch.”

  She went to speak but someone got in there first.

  “Heard that,” Rowan growled out from somewhere inside of a bush.

  “Ditto,” Maverick growled.

  “Me too, asshole.” Callum added, and she chuckled as three heads bobbed up over the bushes.

  “What about you, Justice, you hear that?” Rowan asked and Justice’s head shot up as he eyed Dexter.

  “No, I’m deaf.” He shot back.

  “Sarcastic, like you’ve been spending too much time between Connor and your mate,” Maverick snorted a chuckle and Justice growled.

  “So, you sticking
around?” Justice demanded, giving Maverick a death glare before he turned his attention towards Dexter.

  “We need to talk-” Dexter started, but Isobel wasn’t so shy.

  “Hell yeah!” She said, grazing Dexter’s ribs with her elbow, and snorting a chuckle. “You boys gonna help build this wonder cabin of ours?” She demanded and Dexter’s mouth opened again, but her hand shot out and she covered his lips with the palm of her hand.

  “I think we could manage it,” Rowan shrugged.

  “Just so long as you don’t mind him coming home bruised every night from us punching him in the face,” Maverick said. “He has that kind of a face, you understand?” He offered with a cheeky grin.

  “I prefer to kick him in the balls, myself,” she shrugged and Justice chuckled.

  “Yeah, he needs a little of that.” He growled out and Dexter turned his eyes on his brother and grunted his contempt.

  “Not too much. I like the idea of being Uncle to as many pups as possible.” Callum growled.

  “I was thinking four is a nice round number,” Isobel said and a low, deep gentle growl rumbled through Dexter’s chest.

  “Hell, we’d better let you get started then,” Justice chuckled.

  “We are practising a lot at the moment,” Isobel shrugged again.

  “Why are you boys here?” Dexter growled.

  And four hands reached up with four picnic baskets in them.

  “Our mates thought it was about time to leave some care packages for you.” Rowan offered and Isobel gave a shriek of happiness.

  “If you guys have milk for coffee in there, your mates are going to be my new best friends.”

  “Milk, sugar, coffee, bread, meat, hell, a little bit of everything to see you through the next few days.” Callum shrugged.

  “On account of we figured you ain’t coming out for a while.” Rowan chuckled and Dexter growled, but Isobel elbowed him in the ribs again.

  “Go get them, and say thank you,” She hissed.

  “Thank you?” He growled as he shot a dark look at her and she raised her eyebrows high upon her forehead and grinned at him.

  “There you go, you’ll get the hang of those two words soon enough.” She said with glee in her voice and laughter in her eyes.

  Dexter dropped his head down so far it was practically hanging level with his collarbone. He grumbled, grunted, and even growled some, but he stalked right outside and collected the first basket from a smirking Rowan.

  “What do you say?” Isobel asked as if he was five. Dexter grumbled some more. “Use your words, honey,” she teased and all four brothers laughed as Dexter cursed…

  “Thank you,” he offered begrudgingly to the bush in front of Rowan.

  “Sorry, didn’t catch that,” Rowan said, cupping his ear like an old woman, and Isobel giggled as Dexter growled a warning.

  “Thank you!” He shouted, and Rowan grimaced at the echo in his ears.

  “Geez, you don’t have to shout.”

  Dexter grumbled some more as he went towards Maverick and the big man already had a twinkle of laughter in his eyes and a huge smile on his lips.

  “Thank you,” Dexter growled, snatching the basket away and adding it to the other one in his other hand.

  “Wow, she’s the wolf whisperer,” Maverick teased and Dexter held in place, throwing one dagger after another from his eyes at him.

  “Shut it or you’ll be swallowing your fangs and my fist,” Dexter growled out on a whisper so that his mate couldn’t overhear him. Then he moved on to Callum and eyed his brother for a long moment.

  “Jerk,” Dexter growled, snatching the basket and getting in a pre-emptive strike before the man could say a word. “Thank you.” He added so his mate could hear.

  “Asshole,” Callum growled low and deeply, “You’re welcome,” he offered loudly with a nod to Isobel. “Butt munch.” He said as he Dexter moved on.

  Justice held out the basket for his brother and gave a small shake of his head as he tried not to laugh.

  “Thank you,” Dexter said, waiting for his brother’s come back line.

  “Welcome home, Dex.” Justice replied, and Dexter narrowed his eyes on the alpha, and then his shoulders sank, the tension easing within them.

  “Thanks, Justice.” Dexter said back with feeling. He meant it this time. Justice nodded.

  “We’ll make this work.” Justice assured him before he turned on his heels and walked away, the other three of his brothers following the alpha’s lead, leaving the mates to their small cabin in the woods, and the winter wonderland scenery around them.

  “M-i-l-k,” Isobel beamed him a grin when he turned back towards her and held out the baskets like hunted offerings. “Don’t know what you’re looking so cheery about, it’s not like you stalked to the supermarket and hunted those things down yourself,” she teased.

  “Nah, I did it the smart way, baby. I didn’t leave your side, and I’m planning not to leave your side until we get through this stash, and maybe the next, and the next.” He grinned with a hungry smile as he stalked towards her.

  “Make me a coffee with milk and sugar and I’ll let you do anything you want in that bed or out of it.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him and was rewarded with a hearty, hungry growl.

  “Two sugars?” He chuckled.

  “Now that we don’t have to ration the sugar, three.” She gave a small guilty shrug off her shoulders. “I need the energy rush.” She wiggled those eyebrows again as he used his body to back her into the cabin, and he kicked the door closed behind him.

  The End.


  Pack Special




  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.




  “Oh, very nice,” Connor leaned in over Morgan’s shoulder and eyed the picture on the phone in her hand. Morgan’s fingers worked over the keys and he read her reply to the woman in the small thumbnail photograph at the top of the page.

  Evil eyes are prying – chat later – M.

  Morgan snapped off the phone and the screen went blank. Connor was tempted to pull back away from her, and yet, he liked to create mischief wherever he could.

  “That was uncalled for.” He offered and she snorted her contempt for him.

  “No, breathing down my neck like you’re looking for a quick bite is uncalled for. Lurking while I’m talking is uncalled for. Leeching at my friends is uncalled for. If the truth hurts, Vampire, then you shouldn’t be snooping.” Morgan placed the phone face down on the wooden table top of the outdoor bench set in front of her and reached for her morning coffee.

  “So, this – Vicky, is a friend?” Connor asked on a low voice that was almost a whisper in her ear.

  His melodic tone called to that part of the human brain that a vampire could control, and she reached up and tried to bat him away with her hand like he was an annoying mosquito – which he kind of was, just a bigger version.

  “Of the oldest kind, and no, before you ask you can’t have her number.” Morgan turned to sneer at him and found his face right there practically touching hers.

  Morgan yanked her head back on her neck and scowled at him. “Like you couldn’t have Jessie’s number, or Sally, or any number of people you like to leech on, or intend to leech from.�
�� She scowled.

  “You mean the number that was at the top of the chat that I’ve consigned to my memory?” Connor went from dead pan serious to a giant smirk in a heartbeat.

  “Perv.” Morgan accused and it was Connor’s turn to snatch his head back.

  “Me?” He asked as innocently as he could manage – but they both knew it didn’t work with her.

  “You.” Morgan shot back before turning her attention back to the brew in her hand as she pursed her lips and blew the steam out into the frosty morning air.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Connor moved around the bench and sat gracefully down on the other side.

  “Of course you don’t,” she sneered again before going in for a sip and regretting her haste as the bittersweet coffee burnt her tongue. “Bugger!” She ground out.

  “That’s a strange thing to offer as you’re mated to one of my pack,” Connor watched as her eyes flicked to his from the mug in her hand and she slowly narrowed them.

  “I should tell Callum that you said that.” She looked pleased with herself.

  “You’ve tired of having a mate already and want me to kill him?” Connor shot back, wiggling his eyebrows to another more rabid scowl.

  “No!” she snapped back.

  “Then I wouldn’t tell Callum that I said that.” He offered on a small smirk, enjoying the look of contrition upon her face. “We all know what happens when a wolf shifter gets a bout of the green eyed monster about him…” Connor lifted his hands and clawed at the air, at the same time that his fangs came down, and he tried for a growl – sounding more like Scooby Doo on a bad day.

  “I’ll kill you before you kill him.” She offered with a song in her voice.

  “Why test that damn theory,” he offered her the same back, along with a fangless smile to boot.

  “Stop perving on my friends over my shoulder,” Morgan snapped back.


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