Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 64

by M. L. Briers

  “Well, there is that,” he said, his grin widening as he wiggled those dark eyebrows back at her.

  “Why do I suddenly feel like one of those caged battery farm chickens?” She hissed.

  “It could be those chicken legs…” he offered with a small shrug. “Or maybe the fact that you like to get your feathers in a flutter for no good reason.”

  “Stop ruffling said feathers then.” She shot back.

  “Just comply for once, then. Unless there’s something else that you’d rather be doing?” His eyes took a slow tour down her body and she’d never felt more naked in her life before while still wearing her clothes.

  “Fine.” She snapped, hoping to make that feeling stop before her body got too overheated, especially between her inner thighs and he scented something that he shouldn’t… She backed away from him and turned towards the arch of the bathroom. “I’ll shower.” She tossed back over her shoulder as she cut him a quick glare.

  “Need help reaching those hard to reach places?” He drawled and she felt that voice reach into her very soul.

  “I’ve managed most of my life and I’m sure-”

  “But now you have me. Cook, valet, wallet, general dogsbody, and of course… sex slave.” He drawled some more, but she kept on going, and this time she didn’t look back for fear that she might change her damn mind.

  “I’ve got this.” She shouted back, reaching the sanctuary of the bathroom and noting the fact that there was no door to lock. She groaned inwardly.

  “If you change your mind, just holler.” He called back, his voice echoing inside of the room and making her body itch with a need to scratch something that would join them together for a very long time.




  Vicky had meant to be quick. The feel of the hot water, hitting her body from every damn angle imaginable inside his supersized shower with the water coming out of the walls, and bringing her body to tingling life everywhere that it touched had just felt too good… so good that she had lost herself in the feeling of each and every nerve ending being caressed by a thousand or so tiny, powerful jets…

  If she had a choice then she would stay there forever. She’d find a way to eat, sleep, and do everything else inside those four walls. She’d never felt anything so decedent, so sensual in her life before, and it didn’t help that she was thinking about him that whole time that she was in there…

  The feel of Connor’s hand brushing gently over her skin made her jump in place, she gasped in surprise, and he placed a firm hand against her hip to stop her from stumbling as she shot a look back at him over her shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” She hissed to the sight of his wicked grin.

  “You were taking so long I thought you needed help,” he teased.

  “I’m naked here,” she hissed back, trying to hide her curves with her arms and hands and yet finding there were too many curves and not enough hands…

  “Can I give you a hand with that?” Connor chuckled, reading her mind and her actions…

  “No you can not!” She hissed out, covering her girls with one hand, and starting to turn her backside to the wall.

  “Here, I got it,” he chuckled as he palmed a cheek of her backside in each hand. She froze in place with a deep gasp as her mouth dropped open at the feel of his hands on her body. It sent a strong jolt right to her womb that wasn’t easy to ignore.

  “That’s not…” she bit out and Connor let go…

  “Here then?” he teased, placing his hands against her ribcage and sliding them up over her wet skin to knock her arm out of the way and cup her breasts…


  He took one long step towards her and brought her back up against his chest… the feel of his body against hers made an involuntary squeak get caught within the back of her throat as her eyes closed of their own volition and her soul drank the sensation in.

  The mating pull was in full force as he knew that it would be. She’d slept within his arms all night and her body had become attune to his. Her soul had reached out for him.

  “Why fight it, love?” He breathed against her ear.

  His hands still palmed her breasts but he hadn’t moved them, even though he could feel the hard buds of her nipples practically begging to be soothed, touched, tasted, nipped…

  He groaned inwardly at the thought. He wanted her.

  His body was on fire with the need to be deep inside of her, sheathed by her wet, silken walls, and bring her so much pleasure that he’d never want to stop…

  “It makes me feel better,” she shot back on another hiss.

  That defensive rattlesnake that was coiled inside of her wanted to sink its fangs into him out of habit, out of a need to defend her heart every bit as much as his real fangs wanted to strike at her vein, taste her blood…

  “I can make you feel better than you’ve ever felt.” Connor’s whispered promise washed over her senses, soothed her nerves…

  “You’re still a vampire, Connor.” She whispered back. It was still lodged deep within her mind – mistrust – worry, from all of those years living under Vane’s rule…

  “I’m your vampire, love. I’m the other half of your heart, your soul, and I swear I will never do anything that you don’t want.” He promised.

  Vicky knew that he wasn’t lying, wasn’t throwing out a line to entice her to give him her body, her blood. He meant every word.

  “I’ve waited so many lifetimes for you. My mate. My heart. I can wait for you for a week, a month, a year-”

  “No,” She bit out, with a small shake of her head. “I’m… I’m not afraid of you, Connor. I’m not… it’s not about last night, the bloodlust… I-”

  “I can wait,” he whispered.

  Connor let his hands slide back down to her ribs. Then he wrapped his arms around her and held onto her in a gentle embrace.

  “We really do have time, you and I.” He promised her.

  God, how the hell did a vampire get to be so… sweet?

  Sweet… that’s ironic.

  Last night the man was lusting after drinking my blood, and now… now he was like everything that I never knew I wanted in a man…

  He is a man… a special, different kind of a man, but still at heart, a man.

  He’s mine… for better or for bloodlusting, psycho, mass murdering vampire worst… he’s mine.

  And I’m his. Bitchy – witchy – me. His. His mate.

  What the hell am I waiting for?

  I’ve longed for a different life. For a life away from Vane, and I have that, he gave me that.


  My vampire.

  My mate.

  “Connor…” she moved, turned in his arms, sliding skin against skin, and causing him to groan as her flesh ran over his hard cock…

  “I’d said I could wait, but you don’t have to torture me, love…” he groaned again as she reached up and wrapped her hand around the back of his neck…

  “Kiss me, idiot.” She pushed up onto tip-toes, bringing her lips towards his like an offering, and he wasn’t slow to act.




  Connor brought his lips down on hers, gently, but when she immediately parted for him, he couldn’t hold back, devouring her with hot kisses as his hands roamed over her body… slowly at first, consigning every inch under his fingertips to memory, knowing her, bit by bit, inch by inch…

  Vicky felt the heat within her spread so fast that it took her breath away just as much as kissing him, as much as having his body pressed against hers did. Her stomach pitched and rolled. Her womb wept, spreading a wet heat between her inner thighs that she knew that he could scent – knew would urge him on for more, and she wanted more…

  Connor wrenched his lips from hers and gave her the chance to breathe before he took them again. Hungry kisses that devoured her to the point where she felt the rush of frustration inside of her…

wanted to climb up his body and take him within. She wanted to feel his cock hit home, so deep that she didn’t know where he ended and she began, as he sank his fangs into her vein and tasted her blood, as she found peace within his arms…

  She wanted to be closer, needed to be closer, and when she felt his hands grip her backside and hoist her upwards – she was almost certain that he’d read her mind.

  Her shields were down, her magic was dormant inside of her, and she tore her lips from his just as her legs wrapped around his hips, just as he backed her against the tiled wall and the spray of the water was muted…

  “Don’t read my mind,” she breathed out, and heard the deep, melodic chuckle against her neck as he dipped his head…

  “How else am I going to know how much you want me and what you need from me?” He teased before running his tongue up her vein and causing her inner muscles to clench around nothing at all as they searched for him…

  She fisted his hair and yanked his head back – caught unawares he stared at her, a sexy grin on his lips.

  “I never saw that coming…” he teased. “Dominatrix?”

  “Not even close,” she gave a quick shake of her head before she brought her lips to his, kissed him right back when he claimed her mouth again with more hot, long kisses that sent her need soaring to new heights…

  He ran his fingers down the crack of her backside and over the folds of her sex and she wiggled in place, moaned into his mouth, and tried to shift her weight to take his cock inside of her…

  “Wait your turn,” he teased against her lips, and she grinned, but the moment that he eased one thick finger inside of her channel, she wasn’t smiling anymore, she gasped in a breath and moved against his touch…

  “I want…” she breathed out…

  “Me,” he claimed her lips again before she had a mind to deny it. He could read her thoughts, read the heady truths that shot through her mind.



  More, more fingers… He obliged, pushing two inside of her and getting the kind of moan that made his cock twitch hard, search for her channel all of its own volition…

  My clit, I need to touch myself…

  He groaned at the thought. Her wide open for him on the bed, her hand between her legs, touching her own flesh, bringing herself pleasure while he took her down his length…

  He wound his other hand around her, pressing his hips to hers to keep her in place against the wall, trapped, caged by his body, and at the mercy of his will. He ran the tips of his fingers against the sensitive nerves of her clit and she gasped again, pushed her head back against the wall, and revelled in the thrusts of his digits inside of her…

  You, I want you…

  “Not yet,” he ground out. Wanting nothing more than to be inside of her, but first he wanted her so damn wet, so damn ready for him that he could lose his mind…

  Your cock… I need… ahh!

  He’d curled his fingers against the inside of her flesh, and was thrusting back and forth over that matching spot of nerves that was as sensitive as her clit… she wiggled and moved her hips against him. Riding his fingers like he wanted her to ride his cock…

  Please… Connor… you, inside me…

  “I want to taste you first…”

  Later, later… please…

  It was taking everything that he had not to give her what she wanted.

  ‘I swear I’m not going to get there without you-’

  “Are you sure about that?” His breath against her neck was enticing her upwards with the thought of his fangs. She tried to buck, to move away, and to get what she wanted before he took her over the edge…

  ‘You locked me in a room without my magic, damn it-’

  He could hear her thoughts, knew how she was fighting him to stay sane, not give in.

  “Your point, love?”

  ‘You… owe me… big time…’

  “I see your point and raise you with an; I don’t care,” he chuckled…

  ‘Damn it, not happening, not happening… would you just…? Blood… think blood… think your fangs sinking into my vein, the taste of it on your tongue… feeding from me… taste it… can you taste it, Connor…?’

  Connor groaned long and hard. At her words – he practically could taste her blood upon his tongue… his fangs started to elongate, and he grumbled and groaned, snatching her away from the wall, turning out of the shower with her still in his arms, and stalking back through the bathroom and into the bedroom…

  His damn bed had never seemed so far away as he fought a battle of his own not to lose control and take her blood… yet.

  ‘Ha! I win, you lose…’ She’d felt his fingers slow down against her, inside of her, and she was clawing her way back from the precipice of the orgasm that had threatened her body…

  “Not – even – close.” He whispered against her ear.

  The mattress dipped under the weight of his knee as he took her onto the bed. Turning her in mid-air to a squeal from her lips at the loss of the security of his arms around her, his body against hers… Her eyes snapped open to the sight of the kick board at the bottom of the bed…

  He placed her down on her hands and knees, and she felt him move behind her, waiting, ready for his hard length to push inside of her, eager for the feel of him filling her up, stretching her around his hard cock… and yet, it never came…

  “You might want to hold on tight for this, love…” He chuckled from behind her, a moment before his large hands cupped her backside and hips, his thumbs opening her wider for his eyes…

  Just the sight of her like that, open and ready for him made his length twitch, demanding to sheathed deeply in the hot, wet, pink centre of her womanhood… but she’d set him a challenge to prove that he’d won this battle of wills, and she’d baited him with her blood, and yet… he needed more…

  Connor buried his face against her sex and heard the sweetest cry from her lips that thrilled, excited, and bayed him onwards. He devoured her in earnest, no quarter given; taking her back up so damn fast that her head spun, and she palmed the kickboard, her upper body low against the bed as her backside stuck high up in the air for his viewing pleasure…

  ‘Connor… damn it… Connor, I… ohhh… I know you… ooo… can hear meeee!’

  This time he didn’t answer her. He was famished and she was the meal. His tongue lapped, flicked, and rolled over her clit, taking her up higher, faster than before… and then he thrust his tongue deep inside of her channel, doing the same damn thing that he’d done to her clit, as his fingers worked against the little nub of nerves on the outside…

  ‘I’m not going tooooo… I will noooot… oh – ohh – ohhh…’

  Vicky no longer had control over her own body. He fevered against her, inside of her, taking her over the edge and shattering any illusion that she might have had that she was going to win against him. Her hips tried to buck but she was locked in place, and he wasn’t giving up…

  Her fingers uncoiled from the kick plate, as she revelled in the throbbing waves of the release that tore through her, but as she came back to him – a pulsing mess of gooeyness, and her body begged for a reprieve… she found that her vampire liked to prove a damn point…

  ‘Let go… give me a moment toooo…’ She gasped as his mouth moved back over her sensitive clit and he locked his lips around it, suckling hard… her toes curled, her fingers gripped around that kick plate once more, and she writhed to be set free.

  She couldn’t come again. Not so soon. Not like that…

  Frustration clawed within her, and she tried to wriggle away, to buck him free, but he had a hold on her body like a vice grip, and she was climbing again. Hard and fast…

  ‘No! Don’t you dare… don’t you…’ too late.

  She couldn’t control her body. She couldn’t get him to stop, and she definitely couldn’t hold back on the second orgasm that rocked her world…

  “Damn it…” she panted out, coming
back to reality. “Damn you… damn everything damn thing…”

  “I don’t think you mean that, love.” He teased against her ear with the kind of sexy chuckle that rolled over her body, made the hairs stand to attention.

  “Ooo, yes – I do!” She bit out, still riding the aftermath of such blissful devastation to her body.

  Connor’s body was curled over hers. She could feel his chest against her back as he wrapped one arm around her, palming the valley between her breasts, and he pulled them both upright onto their knees…

  “I win and you lose, but wasn’t it a sweet defeat?” He chuckled again, right beside her ear, sending a shiver through her body and her inner muscles clenching hard, searching for him inside of her. “Are you ready to go for round two and see who wins that one?”

  Vicky slapped his hands down from her body and turned on her knees to face him. She had fire in her eyes, and a wicked look of mischief as she placed her palms flat against his chest.

  “You know who’s going to win that one?” She pushed him backwards, and he could have held in place, but he let her have her way. “Me, because in round three you’re going to want to take my blood, feed from me…”

  He groaned at the thought, reached for her, but she pushed backwards, held up her index finger, and turned her head slightly to one side as she narrowed her eyes on him…

  “Don’t you dare…” she warned.

  Connor grinned. He pulled back his hand and stretched them up to behind his head.

  “Do you worst, love.” He teased her, watching as her eyes roamed over his hard body, taking in the muscles, flaring at the sight of his cock, hard and proud, laying back against the flatness of his stomach, and then the pink tip of her tongue came out and she caught it between her teeth, and he groaned long and hard…

  Not as gravelly a groan as the one he gave when she fell onto her hands and started to crawl up and over his body. Her gaze centred on his cock.

  Her tongue came out as she dipped her head, and ran it flat up the length of his erection…

  Connor felt that jolt run deep within him. His eyes closed for a moment as he savoured her touch. His hands curled against the back of his head as he fought the need to reach for her again… and then she became the sexiest damn she-devil that he’d ever had the fortune to be with, as she tasted, teased, and then tried to devour him whole…


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