Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 65

by M. L. Briers

  Connor revelled in the feel of her working over him, but he could only sustain that kind of torture for so long. He reached down for her and her eyes snapped up to his, she mewed, pushed down fast, and swallowed his cock down into her throat…

  He groaned like a man possessed…

  “Damn, but you don’t play fair…” he bit out. Now in two minds about what to do… He wanted to be inside of her, but that hard clench of her throat around his length was so devastatingly good… “Nope…”

  Connor wrapped his hands around her upper arms and yanked her away from his length, with a wet pop from her lips, and a scowl on her forehead he had her where he wanted her, away from his manhood before he came undone…




  “That’s…” Vicky started to protest, but she was sitting on his lap with him right there in front of her before she could say another word… The hard press of his wet length rubbed over her sex and her hips wiggled all of their volition…

  “That’s where you need to be, love…” he teased, a glint of something wicked in his eyes, as he palmed her hips and lifted her body up enough to let the crown of his cock find her channel… “Tell me that’s not what you want?” he said, but he didn’t give her a chance to answer, as she parted her lips; he claimed them again, making her breathless as he devoured her once more.

  So damn slowly that it made her anxious, he lowered her down on his length. The thickness of his cock stretched her inner walls and made her moan into his mouth, and he ate it up. That sound – that tell-tale sign of pleasure urging him on to take her deeper and deeper until he was finally buried within her body to the hilt…

  Connor released her lips then and she rushed in a gasp of air. Her hands were against the hard muscles of his shoulders and she curled her fingers into them as her inner muscles clenched and released around his thrilled length, making it twitch, straining inside of her…

  “About damn time,” she breathed against his lips and saw that wickedly sexy smile of his light up his jet black eyes.

  “Thought you didn’t like vampires?” He teased her.

  “What? A girl can’t change her mind?” She teased him right back.

  “I’m really hoping you haven’t changed your mind about the whole fangs and feeding thing, because I-”

  “Relax, vampy.” She pushed her hands down on his shoulders and rose up his length, squeezing her inner muscles around him all the way. He groaned… “I’ve got your warm, vein right her,” she cocked her head to one side and exposed her neck for him, saw the way that his eyes flared, heard the way that he caught his breath in his throat, and she pushed right back down his length, taking him to the hilt, and practically making his eyes roll back within his head.

  “Are you trying to kill me with kindness?” Connor groaned as she rose up him once more…

  “Well, I do have the deeds to the castle and the combination to the safe.” She grinned, a wickedly evil grin full of mischief and mayhem, and he loved it…

  “What a way to go…” he chuckled and then groaned when she pushed down fast, deep, taking everything that he had to give and making that glorious sound in the back of her throat once more.

  “Connor?” She leaned in and breathed against his ear, sending his mind racing to thoughts of everything that he wanted to do to her…

  “Yes, love?”

  “I want you to feed…” she teased, knowing that if she got him hot enough then he wouldn’t be able to hold back a moment longer… and it worked.

  Connor pushed up to his knees; taking her with him. One hand cupped her backside and held her there as the other cupped the back of her neck, cradled her head, and got lost in the raven blackness of her hair.

  Her legs were locked around his hips, and he moved against her, taking her to the hilt, again and again, as she clung onto his shoulders. Her cheek rested against his while he whispered words against her ear about everything that he wanted to do to her, everything that he would do to her before he let her out of that bed…

  He felt her inner muscles tighten around him, moved his hips faster. Wet skin slapping against wet skin as he brought her right back up towards another release.

  Connor’s fingers tightened in her hair, dragging her head back and opening up her neck for a taste of her skin on his tongue. She whispered her approval, begged for the feel of his fangs… tempting them down from his gums, and when he could feel her close to losing her sanity once more, when he couldn’t wait a moment longer, he struck…

  His razor sharp fangs sliced into her flesh, buried into the vein in her neck, and her small mew against the pain lasted only as long as it took him to take that first sip of her blood, and then she was lost, as lost as he was in the taste of her, the feel of her body rising up towards another orgasm.

  He sucked harder, groaning at the taste of her blood as it washed over his tongue and down the back of his throat. She was the sweetest that he’d ever tasted, and it was like an aphrodisiac that he couldn’t ever get enough of…

  Vicky had never known a feeling like it. Her whole body was on fire with hunger for the release that was right there in front of her, and she reached for it, glorying in the feeling, until it burst through her with so much intensity that she couldn’t breathe, didn’t want to.

  Soul to soul, body to body, nothing could separate them now but death, and he swore that he wouldn’t let that happen. She was his and he was hers and they would spend an eternity together, living, loving, laughing, and mating with a fever that burned in their souls.

  Connor controlled that bloodlust within him. Easing his fangs from her skin; he closed the wound in her neck with his tongue. He knew he was about to lose his mind to her, and he wouldn’t risk having his fangs in her flesh when that happened…

  He shifted his weight. Took her down onto the bed, laid her out for his needs as he hooked the backs of her knees over his arms and opened her wide, took her deeply, over and over as she came back to him, and he took her right back up again.

  Then he felt that frenzy clawing deep inside of him. The need to have her, to possess her with his seed, mark her inside and out as his. He couldn’t stop now if the castle was on fire around them, if Satan himself broke through the bedroom door…

  He craved her, body, mind, soul, and blood.

  With the taste of her blood still on his tongue, he lost himself inside of her. Wild with passion and hungry with desire, taking her right back up to the edge and thrusting her back over into the abyss…

  The hard clench and release of her inner muscles around his length was sweeter than her lips had been, and he strained every muscle, every sinew in his body as his rhythm faltered and his thrusts became erratic…

  He thrust to the hilt and held in place, his seed ripped from his balls as her body milked his, over and over, in what felt like unending torture of the sweetest kind.

  She came once more, sending his body into a frenzy and causing another orgasm to rip through him, until he was done, spent, sated…

  Connor’s body recovered fast. His strength returned and he moved them in the bed, turning her with him, and taking her up towards the pillows, bringing her down on top of him, still buried deep inside of her, hard as steel, as he soothed her back to him, reminded her to breathe…

  ‘I know how to breathe, you idiot.’ She chuckled inside of her mind.

  “Admit it, I took your breath away woman-”

  ‘Maybe…’ She left that hanging. Made him wait. ‘But I’m sure you can do better the next time.’

  “Better?” He looked down at her curled against his body like a satisfied cat. “You don’t look as if you have any complaints.” A slow smile stretched across her face.

  ‘I have a few, would you like me to list them in order?’ She teased.

  “Oh, please do while my manhood shrivels inside of you and my balls drop off.” He chuckled and felt her do the same. Silently jiggling against him, but he could hear her laught
er within her mind.

  ‘That wouldn’t be good for either of us.’

  “No, no it wouldn’t.”

  ‘So, maybe it’s just better that I show you…’

  “Sounds like something we’d both enjoy.” He grinned.

  ‘And as you’re male and old-’

  “There goes my balls again, being sliced off by your acid tongue-”

  ‘Wait, it gets better…’

  “Then continue, by all means.”

  ‘Set in your ways… I’ll probably have to show you, over and over, and over again, until you get the hang of it.’

  Connor smirked just as her eyes came open and she gazed right at him. He felt that look like a jolt to his libido. Like a punch to his stomach…

  “That sounds like a plan I can get behind-”

  “Behind, beneath, sideways, backwards, forwards, hell, upside down and suspended from those rafters in the ceiling…” she teased him with her words and her body, slowly raising her hips and dragging his length back through her clenched inner muscles…

  “Whilst taking your blood…” his eyes flared at the thought of tasting her again, and she flattened her palms against his chest and pushed upwards.

  “Right here, right now…” She tipped her head back and to one side and exposed her neck for him. Her raven hair flowing down over the curve of her back.

  Connor sat upright, wrapping her within his arms, and dipped his head to her neck… running his tongue over the marks that his fangs had left, and she felt that like a jolt right to her womb…

  Then he struck once more. His fangs back inside of her vein, taking her blood in a slow rhythm that matched her hips as she moved against him. Locked together as one. Letting the world outside the castle walls wait for another day.

  The End.

  A note from the Author;

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read one of my books. I hoped you enjoyed it and if you would be kind enough to leave a review at Amazon that would be amazing.

  If you would like to keep up to date with what’s coming out you can visit my website at;

  You can use the website to sign up for an email alert when new books are released or just drop me a line at:

  [email protected]

  I pinky swear never to pass on your details to another living or dead soul.

  Thanks and Blessings to you all.


  Books you might enjoy by ML Briers:

  Comedy/ Romance Lycan Novella’s

  The Mating Season (Book one)

  The Mating Season (Book two was a Christmas Special and was written after Stealing his Mate)

  The Lycan, the Witch and the wardrobe

  Protecting His Mate

  Chasing His Mate

  Defending His Mate

  Winning His Mate

  Finding His Mate

  Gathering Their Mates

  Denying His Mate

  Captivating His Mate

  Guarding His Mate

  Saving His Mate

  Stealing His Mate

  Misplacing His Mate

  Wooing His Mate

  Rejected By His Mate

  Betting on His Mate

  Not His Mate

  Rescuing His Mate

  His Mate- Brothers- Cody (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Dale (Book Two)

  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book One)

  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Zeke and Jeff (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Duncan (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Shaw and Paden (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Ramsey (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Wynn and Clancy (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jett (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Brice and Kendric (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Donal (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Kai and Jai (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Rue (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Angus and Rafferty (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Murphy (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Bo and Rusty (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Cosmo (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Cal and Merlin (Book one)

  His Mate- Brothers- Alun (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jamie and Rawley (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Craig (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Rogan and Karl (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Lore (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Von and Lomond (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Mix (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Layton and Corbin (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Wish (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Maxwell and Tobin (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Cole (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers -Christmas Special.

  His Mate- Brothers- Samuel and Will (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Thomas (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Adrian and Leo (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Joe (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Mike and Dean (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Charlie (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Easter Special

  His Mate- Brothers- Lyle and Abe (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jon (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Benjamin and Ross (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Colin (Book Two)

  His Mates Boxsets are available

  Brothers- Pack Special- Maverick

  Brothers- Pack Special- Rowan

  Brothers- Pack Special- Callum

  Brothers- Pack Special- Tyler

  Brothers- Pack Special- Mari

  Brothers- Pack Special- Justice

  Brothers- Pack Special- Dexter

  Brothers- Clan Special- Marshall

  Brothers- Clan Special- Jake

  Brothers- Clan Special- Kirt

  Brothers- Clan Special- Ben

  Iona- Shorts

  Iona- A Very Merry Iona Christmas

  Ley Cove- The Siren’s Song

  Ley Cove- The Banshee’s Scream

  Ley Cove- The Ghost’s Touch

  A range of short stories:

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Vanessa- Book One

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Ezme- Book Two

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Lola- Book Three

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Amanda- Book Four

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Abi- Book Five

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Sadie- Book Six

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- River- Book Seven

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Snow- Book Eight

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Maxine- Book Nine

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Faye- Book Ten

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Nessie- Book Eleven

  Sexy Lycan shorts can be purchased in two box sets;

  Books one to six and books seven to ten

  ML Briers has also released two full sized Vampire Novels:

  The Darkness in the Shadows

  The Darkness in the Shadows – Darker Still (Book Two)

  Other books you might enjoy in the A B Lee and M L Briers series are:

  Kill for his Mate

  Close to Rogue

  I don’t want to lose you

  Betrayed by his Pack

  Love me don’t leave me

  Finding a home

  When Hope Dies

  Breathe Again

  The Powers That Be

  The Darkest Hour

  Saving Me

  Deep Within

  Bad Wolf- The trouble with sisters

  In These Arms

  Right Beside You

  Secrets to keep

  Series include:

  His Mate and Her Vampire (Book one)

  Grace (Book two)
  The Highland Pack series:

  Rogue attack (Book one)

  Fae Vengeance (Book two)

  Too many Vampires (Book three)








  All six shorts can be purchased in one omnibus.

  Biker Wolf- Bad Boys- Short- Mace


  Coven- Sanctuary

  Coven- Refuge

  Coven- Haven

  Coven- Safe House

  Coven- Retreat

  Coven- Return

  The Coven can also be purchased as a complete series.

  Bear Lake Book One

  Bear Lake Book Two

  Bear Lake Book Three

  Bear Lake Book Four

  Bear Lake Book Five

  Bear Lake can be purchased as a complete boxset.

  Vampire- Vance.

  Vampire- Mac.

  The Faerie Glen.

  Happy Reading.




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