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Mad Mad Love ~ The Remembrance Trilogy: Complete Box Set Holiday Edition

Page 83

by Kahlen Aymes

  Harris stood next to her and motioned to some of the musicians. Two of the violinists from the quartet took their places next to the piano and the rest of Harris’ band cleared away as he adjusted the microphone.

  “Ryan has requested this song be played for Julia tonight, and I was only too happy to oblige. He is quite a gifted musician himself, but wanted to share this dance with his bride. This is another perfect choice, my friend.”

  When Harris’ hand struck the keys in the first chords, Ryan stood and took my hand, leading me to the dance floor. As the song played, he held me and softly touched my face; brushing my hair back and then resting his head on mine as he gathered me close. Harris’ melodic voice filled the room and the lyrics were amazing and perfect…promises of forever, through joy and tears, best friends and undying love. It wasn’t long before tears were falling softly once more.

  Ryan leaned down and kissed me gently. “I love you, Julia. Thank you for marrying me. It’s the happiest day of my life.” My arms tightened around him and I buried my face in the front of his shirt as my shoulders began to shake. I wasn’t sure if my heart was breaking or exploding, but the force of it shook me to the core. It hurt; a mixture of pleasure and pain. The strings and the soft notes of the piano, so beautiful, lifted up to the heavens.

  As the music faded, the room was silent and I looked up at my husband and Ryan’s face was damp with tears, just like mine. The blue depths reflected the same mixture of love and confused pain, hunger and desire that surely must be in my own.

  “Don’t cry, my love,” he whispered in my ear as his mouth traced over my face and then settled on my mouth again, his nose nuzzled against mine as he lifted his head, finally sensing the silence, many sets of tear-filled eyes trained on us. Elyse’s hand was over her mouth as she leaned her head on Gabriel’s shoulder and my mother was openly crying. Aaron’s arms enfolded Jenna from behind and Ellie had joined Harris at the piano.

  My throat ached with the strength of my emotions, preventing me from saying a word.

  Ryan pulled me to his side, wrapping his arm tightly around me.

  “Um…Julia and I are grateful for all the love and support you have shown by sharing this special evening with us. I know it’s early, but if you all don’t mind, we really need to be alone now.” The room erupted in cheers and applause. “Please stay and enjoy yourself. For those of you staying for the graduation, we’ll see you at brunch tomorrow morning. If you’ll excuse us…”

  Ryan bent and lifted me bridal-style and carried me out of the room, the happy cheers and catcalls following. His arms tightened around me as I laid my head on his shoulder and I whispered his name. “Ryan, the song was perfect. Thank you for choosing it.” It felt like a prayer as I closed my eyes. “I love you more than anything.”

  He didn’t speak, just kissed my forehead, leaving his mouth resting against my skin. As he carried me through the hotel, through the lobby, and to the elevators, I could hear the din audibly lessen. Everyone that saw us stopped and stared. Ryan’s chest expanded underneath me and I snuggled closer, winding my hand in his hair.

  Ellie had good intentions, buying me a negligee, but it wouldn’t make it out of the suitcase. I’d save it for our first night back in New York.

  When Ryan pushed the door open and carried me inside, the room was full of candlelight, soft music and white rose petals everywhere. There was a magnum of champagne on ice sitting next to the couch in the sitting room of the suite, but he wordlessly walked past it into the bedroom. The bed linens were down and more rose petals were scattered over them.

  The arm underneath my knees loosened and his hands moved to the back of my head to finally lift out the comb that held the veil to my head. I was mesmerized by him as he slowly removed the diamond pins. My hair started to tumble down my back and the flowers fluttered to the floor. Then his mouth was on mine, so soft and searching, his hands threading in my hair. My hands came to rest lightly on his waist. It was clear that he wanted to go slow and I let him lead.

  Ryan’s mouth never left mine while his hands lightly traced over the skin of my exposed back and shoulders, igniting a trail of fire wherever he grazed the skin. My mouth opened and searched for his, seeking more pressure and my hands fisted in his shirt, tugging it free of his pants. I felt my dress loosen and finally open, Ryan’s hands lightly pushed it from my shoulders and it fell in a pool at my feet, leaving me standing before him in just the bridal lingerie…a white lace bustier, bikini and thigh-high stockings. I stepped out of my shoes as his glowing eyes traveled from head to toe. His breath caught as he moved to take me in his arms again.

  My hands worked their way up his shirt, undoing the buttons and then moved to his belt. He stood before me helpless, until finally I could take no more. “Ryan…touch me. I want your skin on mine.”

  “Uhgg…Julia. You don’t know what you do to me. You’re so beautiful. Just looking at you…hurts.”

  The clothing fell away in pieces, our hands gentle and reverent as we explored each other. The passion grew as the seconds passed until eventually he lowered me to the bed and followed me down, his knee coming to rest between mine, his hands teasing my body to life, and his eyes burning into mine.

  “Ryan…God, I love you…”

  Minutes or hours passed, I wasn’t sure, but we continued to touch and kiss. I moaned as his mouth found my breasts and he suckled each nipple into his mouth, careful not to rush. His hands on my body were gentle, his fingers parting the flesh between my legs to begin the teasing torture that he was brilliant at. He could play me like an instrument and he knew it.

  He sighed at the warm wetness he found there and kissed his way down my body, his forehead resting on the skin below my navel and lower, until my legs fell open and he started feasting on my heated flesh like he was starving. Suddenly, his patience was gone, but only for a moment. His tongue and lips lightened when he felt me start to arch, silently denying me, letting the orgasm barely begin before he moved up to kiss me deeply, letting me taste myself on his mouth.

  It was so intimate as he wound his fingers through mine and pulled me up so we were facing each other. My thighs hugged Ryan’s hips as he pulled mine closer until I was straddling his lap, our bodies rubbing and rocking together.

  “Uhhh, oh, Julia. I’ve never wanted anything as much as you.”

  I couldn’t get close enough, touch him enough and eventually I was writhing and clawing…pulling him closer and arching…silently begging for his possession of me. We were both panting when our bodies finally came together and we kissed madly, passionately, professing our love in heated whispers. The position so close, so intimate, I could feel him so deep inside me, filling and stretching as one hand guided the movement of my hips and the other wound into my hair to arch my neck back so he could trail his tongue along my skin, placing a series of open-mouthed sucking kisses as our bodies moved together. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as he lifted me and lowered me onto my back, still embedded within me, his brilliant eyes damp with tears.

  The moment was so powerful, it left me desperate and needy. “Ryan, uhhh…oh, my God. I love you,” I whispered.

  Emotions overflowed as he moved inside me, lifting one of my knees and hitching it over his arm so that he could sink deeper into my body. Between the long passionate kisses, our tongues mating, our mouths mirroring and savoring in their exchange, Ryan began to speak in a whisper, reciting his vows all over again. “I promise to be your husband and everything you need me to be, to take care of you and to love you with my heart, to worship you with my body. With everything I am, I love you and I am yours, now and forever. I want your time, I want your love and I want your children…I want you, always.”

  My heart swelled; the experience so amazing that soon I was sobbing softly, even as he brought my body closer and closer to ecstasy. Ryan was shaking and crying with me, holding onto me for dear life and, as we quaked together in climax, still entwined in the aftermath of our glorious lovemaking…he
finished his words in a husky breathless tone, his lips moving against mine in the start of another kiss. “Forever will never be long enough to love you…never long enough for this.”

  I wrapped him up in my body, my arms and legs enfolding him as I cried into his shoulder. His body still embedded in mine and still moving softly, he kissed the side of my face. “Dear God. Every time I touch you, I love you more. I’ve never loved you more than I do in this moment.”

  I was shaking and clinging, my body racked with pleasurable spasms. “Ryan. I can’t believe how much I love you. I can’t believe there could ever be more, but there always is. Don’t ever let me go.”

  “Julia. I can’t. If I do, I’ll die. This is one of those moments you remember the rest of your life, in every single detail. Remember how much I love you. Don’t ever forget to remember how much I love you.”

  Chapter 13


  “Julia. Babe.” I shook her shoulder gently. “Wake-up,” I said softly as I pulled her naked body against mine. She moaned in protest to the sun streaming into the window.

  “Sleep. Need sleep.” She turned to me and buried her face into the curve of my shoulder. I could hear the smile in her voice. “My husband kept me up all night.”

  I grinned and tightened my hold. “Mmmm…I like the sound of that.” She stretched in my arms, like a satisfied cat, the movement pressing her pliant body more firmly into mine. She was warm, and willing, soft and loving…mine. I didn’t realize that I’d said the word aloud but I must have.

  “Yes,” her voice hissed softly before she nibbled on my lower lip slowly. “Yes, Ryan!”

  I smiled against her mouth. Right here, in this bed, was my entire life and if I never left it again, I would be happy as hell. My face hurt from the smile I couldn’t contain.

  “I love you, Mrs. Matthews.” She sobered and lifted her right hand to gently brush the hair from my forehead. Her slightest touch caused me to ignite. I gazed in wonder as her little pink tongue darted out to wet her luscious lips. “Julia…” I bent to brush her mouth with mine. “Don’t tempt me, babe. We’re late for brunch and we only have two hours until I have to be on campus.” It occurred to me that it was the last time that I would go there. It must have shown on my face because Julia instantly picked up on it. She knew me so well.

  “Hey,” she said gently, the back of her fingers brushed along the line of my jaw. “Are you sad, sweetie?” Her soft green eyes filled with sympathy.

  “Uh… sure, some; especially Dr. Brighton. He’s been a great professor, a valuable advisor and good friend.” I was contemplative but pulled her closer, until every bit of exposed skin was somehow touching. “But, I’m so happy, Julia. We’re starting our life together. I have everything as long as I have you.”

  Her lower lip shot out in an adorable pout, but it wasn’t a sad one. I watched the emotions cross her features, and pulled her into a tight hug while her arms clasped around my waist. “I love you, Doctor Matthews,” Julia said softly with a series of kisses along the line of my jaw. “Scruffy boy,” she teased.

  I rubbed my chin along her cheek and she squealed loudly, following by a fit of giggles when I continued. “Ugh…do you want me to look like a lobster at your graduation?” Julia protested. “That hurts!” Her hand reached around and pinched my ass as hard as she could, her face wrinkling with the effort. I laughed happily.

  “So did that!” I protested with a grunt.

  Over her shoulder, a ray of sun landed on the bridal gown now hanging over the back of the bathroom door causing a rainbow of prisms to dance around the room. So beautiful. What an amazing picture she made wearing it, the memory alone stole my breath.

  I rolled onto my back, taking her with me. She sat up, straddling my hips, looking glorious as she looked down at me. Her hair was a wild mess, but, her face glowed with happiness and her naked body…perfect. I sighed softly as I ran my hands and my eyes over her, down her sides, softly cupping her breasts and then gliding down to her hips. I bit my lip as my body responded beneath her.

  Julia cocked her head to one side. “We don’t have time, my love,” she murmured and reached out to touch my face. “The others are already waiting.” Her eyes softened, full of love and my heart swelled.

  I nodded. “I know.” My thumbs rubbed back and forth over her hip bones. I couldn’t help myself, I pulled them forward and surged mine in return. “I always want you, Julia. It doesn’t matter if I’ve just had you minutes before or if there is somewhere else I need to be. Right now, I’d blow off brunch with my family,and even my own graduation, just to spend the time alone with you,” I said seriously.

  She smiled and bent forward to kiss my lips softly. Her tongue came out to lick along my upper lip and I raised my head so I could kiss her back more fully. She tasted so good and felt amazing. My hands tightened on her again as I pressed my arousal into her soft flesh, slowly grinding against her. I could feel the heat, the wetness starting between her legs. It was like magic between us.

  The kiss grew more passionate, but she turned her head to the side, leaving my mouth wanting, so I let it roam over the side of her face, until it came to rest on her temple.

  “Ryan. I want you, too, but we have to go. Your parents and I have waited four damn years to see your ass up on that platform, getting your degree and that crimson collar. You’re going.” She smiled wickedly then grasped around my erection. “This, can wait until later.” She laughed when my eyes widened and then jumped off of the bed and ran into the bathroom. Within seconds I heard the shower running.

  “Ugh!” I groaned and lifted my head to look at the throbbing appendage, still hard as steel. I sat straight up and bounded off the bed, briskly walking into the bathroom. Julia was already in the shower, humming some nondescript song. The room filled with steam, the mirrors full of condensation; the air thick and heavy.

  I was in the shower with her in a flash, my arms enfolding her at the same time she jumped in surprise.

  “Ryan, you scared me!” she said.

  I slid my hands down her body, slick with soap, her skin like silk beneath my fingertips, roaming over the luscious curves of her butt, to the back of her thighs. Her lids fell and her mouth opened as I bent slightly to lift her and bring her legs around my waist. There was nothing I wanted more than to make love to my wife.

  “I’m soooo hungry; and, not for brunch. Baby…Don’t say no,” I whispered against her mouth.

  Without speaking, her fingers slid into my hair and pulled my mouth to hers in a deep kiss, our tongues reaching out to circle and lave each other. It was all the answer I needed. I pushed her up against the shower wall and slid into her body. “Uhhhh…” I groaned against the curve of her neck as my hips surged into hers over and over. “I love you.”

  Her fingers tightened and started tugging on my wet hair, her mouth reaching up for mine again in obvious want as her body clenched in rhythm around mine. I pulled out almost all the way and pushed back in hard as we kissed hotly. Last night had been gentle and slow where now it was needy and desperate, fast and hard.

  I had her in my arms, her heat around me, her mouth demanding beneath mine, and I loved every second of it. Giving and taking what we wanted and needed from each other. “Oh, Ryan…” she moaned into my mouth. I felt her body responding to mine in our beautiful mating dance, the answering tightness building deep inside, getting ready to explode. “Uh, baby, don’t stop…” she breathed as her hips rocked in unison to mine. “Don’t stop.”

  “Oh, God…Juuullliiiiiaaaaaa.” The air rushed from my lungs as my body tensed and her fingers dug into my scalp and shoulder blade. I could feel her tumble over the edge, her body shaking and clenching tightly around my cock as she sucked every last drop from me as I shot off deep inside her.

  We were both left panting, my arms still wrapped tightly around her and she turned her face to kiss the curve of my neck. I could feel her breath on me, despite the steam and heat from the shower. Her hand pushed the we
t hair back off the side of my face and we both looked into each other’s eyes.

  “I love you,” we said in unison. I was smiling like a stupid schoolboy and I didn’t care. Her lips pulled back when she laughed softly at the expression on my face.

  “Yes,” she nodded, “we are definitely missing brunch.”

  I laughed in agreement. Time was ticking away, yet I felt no desire or urgency to disengage or to remove my arms from around my delicious little wife. “Definitely, but, I don’t care.” I placed a soft kiss on her mouth and nuzzled her nose with mine.

  A loud pounding resonated through the rooms and I let Julia slide down my body and reached around to shut off the water.

  “Crap. Whoever it is must be breaking down the damn door,” Julia muttered and grabbed for the towels. She threw one at me and hurried into the other room rapidly wrapping one around herself, hair dripping as she went.

  “Hey! Julia, Ryan!! Dad sent me to get your asses out of bed!” Aaron’s voice boomed in the hallway outside the suite. “Enough marital humping already!” He was laughing his ass off, knowing full well his voice carried through the hallway to the other rooms.

  Julia and I gaped at each other.

  “I think you need to answer the door, hon,” Julia said flatly as she grabbed some underwear from the suitcase and ran back into the bathroom. I went to the door amidst more pounding.

  “I’m coming, Aaron! Jesus!” I called. When I swung the door open he was leaning on the doorjam.

  His eyes widened as they raked over my half naked and wet body. “For Christ’s sake, Ryan! You miss your wedding brunch and you’re still in a fucking towel?” Aaron was all dressed up in a dark grey suit, white collared shirt and red and grey striped tie. “Or is it; in a towel, still fucking?” he asked with a smirk.


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