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Devoted (Angel Academy Book 1)

Page 25

by Emery Skye

  “Anna, I’m scared.” Taylor said through tears that quickly became sobs.

  I'd never heard Taylor so distraught, let alone cry. It was heart-wrenching.

  “Don’t, Taylor. We need to find a way out of here. Do you see anything? Any exit?” I tried to project calm, but I felt like I would break down at any moment.

  “No, there’s nothing here. Do you see anything?” she sobbed.

  I searched for any weapon; and found nothing. Just hard ground and metal bars holding me in an eight by ten cell, much like the one at the academy. Across a small corridor sat Taylor, in her cell, and a few other unoccupied cells were around it. Taylor hugged her legs with her chin on her knees. Helpless.

  I gazed up and down the down the corridor, but there was nothing I could use.

  I kicked the wall. Shit, that hurt!

  I decided I'd retire if I got out of this. My eyes were tired, my clothes were tattered, my head was sticky with blood, my nose was clearly busted, one of my eyes was cemented closed, and I was in no hurry to find out by what.

  This couldn’t be it. Could it? Would I get to see my sister before I died? I'd always expected my life to flash before my eyes when the time came, and I hoped reliving it would be cool. You know, something worth seeing, but the only thing I was seeing was...bars. Fabulous. Not.

  “Anna, are you okay?” Taylor asked, on the edge of freaking out.

  I tried to regain some semblance of composure, but I couldn’t. Everything seemed so hopeless. I fell to the ground and hugged my own legs, chin on my knees.


  She sounded pitiful, but what could I tell her? What could I offer? She wanted me to tell her everything was going to be okay.

  I didn’t have it in me anymore.

  “I’m sorry, Taylor. I’m so sorry,” A tear slid down my cheek. “I failed. I failed all of you.” The weight of the truth was overwhelming. I let myself cry, but quietly.

  “Anna, you didn’t,” she sniffed. “Please, you have to be strong. If you’re not...” she trailed off. “We need you. I need you,” Taylor whispered as her own tears became too much.

  We sat in the echoes of sobs. My thoughts froze for a while, and then everything crashed.

  I still had so many things I wanted to do before I died. I didn’t see those as options, anymore.

  I hoped my death would be quick.

  Since I was still in a cell, I expected to be tortured. It was inevitable. I thought I could handle it.

  But, the girls couldn't.

  I deserved it. I'd let down the people I loved. Then again, I'd never been really tortured, so who knew? Well, aside from the days in underground jail at the Academy. Solitary had been bad. It was the worst thing I’d ever experienced. Then.

  Now, I was on a different playing field. The Dark World would have more tactics to break a noviate. Maybe they'd break me. At least I couldn't betray any confidences. I hoped.

  I growled. If I ever get my hands on Lucas, I will rip his heart out. I envisioned killing him a dozen different ways, and I relished every one. How could he do this? I fed on the anger. I needed it.

  Taylor erupted in fresh sobs; I took comfort in knowing she was still alive.

  Hours passed silently. No guards, no reason to talk. No food or water. My stomach growled.

  A fire flared on my skin as my tattoos heated up. I flexed my fingers and clenched my fists to get rid of the pain. Nothing helped.

  “Sleeping, mea filia?” A seductive, sinister voice asked. My tattoos went cold… again.

  I considered the voice; I recognized it immediately as the voice from my dreams. I again searched for my ring, for any weapon; there were none. Being near him, I wanted to scream and cry at the same time.

  “Anna,” the conceited voice I knew so well continued. I watched as the scruffy, blonde-haired boy walked by the bars. I leapt up and thrust my hands between the bars, hoping to catch Lucas by the neck and bang him against my cell.

  His surprise was slim satisfaction, but I'd take it…for now. “You slimy son of a—”

  “Now, now, there's no reason for that, mea filia,” the other man purred. Finally, I could see his face. He was beautiful. He could have been in his early thirties. He had black hair, was a little taller than Nathan with a similar build, and his eyes were a crisp blue that I wanted to fall into and look away from, simultaneously.

  “I wanted to ensure my guest of honor is being treated…well,” he smiled a mischievous grin that I hate to say was sort of charming...for an old guy.

  “Guest of honor?” I choked on the words and swallowed the bile that rose in my throat. There were many things I wanted to say. Who did he think he was? Then again, I was the one in a cage. “I’d hate to see how you treat other people."

  His laugh made me want to puke again.

  “People? They are disgusting and worthless. You are an angel, not a person. So full of fire, you are. I can see why you were so hard to capture.”

  It took me a while to understand what he was talking about. He had been looking for me, sent men after me.

  What made me so important to this evil thing?

  “You remind me of someone,” His eyes traveled down the length of me; he wasn't looking at me but through me, instead. A chill ran its nasty fingernails up my spine.

  “That’s nice. Now before you go and get sentimental, tell me where my sister is!” I seethed. Every single muscle in my body tightened.

  He cocked his head.


  “Yeah, you know, the other girl who came here with me.” Did Amalie get away? Great. If she did, then I just sold her out.

  “Ah, yes. The other noviate, the one” his brow furrowed as he paused. “She'll be at dinner.”

  “At dinner?!” I shouted. “You sick freak, you are not eating my sister!” I growled. That surprised me. It was so...guttural.

  He was crazy if he thought he could just chow down on Amalie. I’d give him something else to eat: the leather from my boot.

  His eyebrows rose and he wrinkled his nose.

  “Of course not. Why would I do that?” he purred the words. “You will be at dinner as well. I thought we could all have a nice chat.”

  I didn’t care. Amalie was alive.

  “You're so emotional! It will kill you, mea filia.”

  “I’m still alive,” I snapped.

  I should be dead. Why wasn't I? This creep needed me. That may be worse than being dead.

  I stared at the dress hanging in the corner of my cell. I refused to wear it.

  “I see, you have yet to put on this evening's attire, my love,” Lucas said appearing from nowhere.

  “Yet,” I drew air quotes, “implies that I will. I so will not,” I barked the last word.

  He winced but held his ground. Prick. It’s easy to act tough, when you’re on the outside.

  “I am not your love!” I snapped.

  “Your insolence is working on my last nerve!” he snarled.

  “Then let me go,” I said, feigning happiness cynically.

  “In your dreams!” His grin was grotesque. His lips twitched. “You have three options,” he held up a finger. “One: get dressed like a good, little angel,” he held up another finger, “Two: a few of us dress you,” three fingers. “Three, you go naked.”

  I hit the bars. He flinched, and he jumped back.

  “Scared?” I shot him a self-satisfied grin. I loved it.

  He frowned.

  “If you’re not ready in one hour, then don’t bother changing at all.”

  I groaned and cursed under my breath. I clenched my fists so tight my nails dug into my palms.

  “So you’re the one?” came a female voice.

  I glanced back into the darkness and so nothing. “Who’s there,” I growled.

  “Calm yourself. I’m not your enemy. Not now, anyway,” she said.

  I still couldn’t see her.

  “Who’s there,” I repeated.

  “The s
mall one, she cries more,” she said.

  “What small one?”

  Taylor had been quiet for quite some time now.

  “Amalie,” she answers.

  I leap forward and grab the bars.

  She chuckles, but it’s distant. Maybe I’m losing my mind.

  “I see now,” she purrs. “You’re bound to die, little angel.”

  “Screw you,” I snap.

  She chuckles more. “You won’t die now, not today. But, you will die. I will make it happen.”

  “Who are you?” I yell into the darkness.

  “Right now… I’m your guardian angel.”

  I yell into the air, but she has clearly disappeared.

  My mind is reeling, but within moments, Lucas will return.

  And, so, I changed. Grudgingly.

  Seconds turned to minutes. I stared into the darkness, my heartbeat a constant flutter in my chest. Taylor’s sobs ebbed and flowed until they stopped all together. I assumed she’d fallen asleep.

  I sat in the corner of my cell, thinking about the voice, and stared into the darkness. Waiting. Waiting.

  Chapter 27

  Dozens of killing scenarios ran through my mind as we made our way through the labyrinth. Escape would be difficult, given the chance.

  Taylor walked silently. Her cuts and bruises both disturbed and angered me. I knew I didn't look any better, but I was offended on her behalf.

  Lucas threatened us, occasionally, with dozens of guards who had orders to behead us if necessary.

  Not long ago, that image would have incapacitated me. Now, I ignored it. No point in fearing something I have no control over.

  The dank cavern gave me chills. How could anyone live like this? How could an angel choose to live like this?

  We entered a room with so many mirrors it made me dizzy, leaving me disoriented.

  A majestic and formal table made of thick, cherry wood, with talons for feet, gave the room a royal feel that reminded me of King Arthur. The deep, scarlet velvet chairs had matching feet. The furniture had the same talon feet from my dream: the dream of the cave. It couldn’t be.

  I dreamt this… Or, something similar to this.

  I decided I would never own furniture with talons, if I made it out of this alive.

  A newfound hope rose up in me when my cell door opened. I clung to that hope. Hope could mean life.

  The mirrors captured my attention. My blonde hair muddied. My face bloodied and swollen. I barely recognized myself. The beautiful, lavish dress was a startling contrast. The dress was a very light pearl with iridescent beads in an elaborate lace pattern. Amalie would call it Victorian.

  She’d love it. The dress had two ribbons cut from a dusty rose chiffon, plus a top sheath, and a separate bottom section to create fullness at the hips and to flare the hemline. The seams at the joining of the top and bottom were sewn together in a curve that matched the cut of the beaded design in the dress. I looked like the bride of Frankenstein.

  Taylor's dress was similar, except it was black.

  “Sit,” snarled Lucas. Taylor and I obeyed. He quickly left the dining room after we were seated. Could we be that lucky? Would he really leave us?

  I surveyed the room. No, he wouldn’t. Posted at every entryway stood two nasties. I could see the backs of their shoulders. Cocky little bastards. They showed how little they feared us by turning their backs to us. Still, we were surrounded.

  There were no weapons around, not even a butter knife. I groaned. Of course, we wouldn’t be eating steak. We weren’t eating. They were, and we were probably the main course.

  “Taylor, are you alright?” I asked.

  She sat silent, a mere shell of her former self—spirit broken. I prayed she would recover, given the chance.

  It felt like hours before the door opened again. Amalie walked in, followed by Alyosha and Nathan.

  “Amalie!” I shouted. I tried to go to her, but I couldn't get out of the chair. I squirmed, but the invisible chains only tightened against my skin, cutting me. I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood.

  “Amalie,” I tried again.

  She didn’t look at me.

  Nathan, on the other hand, did.

  “Nathan,” I tried.

  He shook his head, avoiding eye contact.

  What was going on here? Why wasn’t anyone talking?

  “Nathan!” I barked.

  He ignored me.

  “What the hell?”

  Lucas laughed, enjoying my anger.

  “What did you to do them?” I snarled, fighting back anger tears. “I swear, I will kill you!”

  His reaction was priceless.

  “Now, now mea filia,” the crazy good-looking guy from before walked in. He sat at the head of the table. “I’m so glad you're all here!” He smiled.

  “Let them go! I’ll do anything,” I said through gritted teeth.

  He chuckled.

  “Didn’t your mother tell you not to bargain with the Devil?”

  Lucifer. Of course! This was Lucifer. What the Powers!?

  What did he want with a bunch of Angel noviates?

  “Yes, I am Lucifer, in the flesh,” his wide eyes were amused.

  “What do you want?” I asked, perplexed.

  “I thought you'd figure it out by now,” he said with a half-smile that was more human than it should have been. I frowned.

  Lucas laughed.

  I was definitely missing something.

  “Have you ever heard of the Grigori?” He stood and strolled around the table, stopping behind Amalie and putting his hand on her shoulders.

  I growled. He was too close to my sister. All he had to do was snap his fingers, and we were all dead.

  “Everyone's heard of the Grigori,” I said.

  “Tell me, Anna. What do you know?” he asked, the picture of calm.

  “I hardly think now is a time for a history lesson,” I sneered, still staring into his eyes.

  “I think it’s the perfect time,” he squeezed Amalie’s shoulder. His perfectly manicured nails dug deep into her skin. I growled again. My fear became blood-curdling rage.

  “Fine. Two hundred Angels, known as the Grigori, were sent to watch over the humans. They sleep with the women, and viola, we have the hybrid Nephilim that were eventually destroyed. One big mess. What about it?”

  Lucifer wasn't pleased with my account of the story.

  “Not exactly," he said. "Tell me, what happened to the Grigori?”

  “They were imprisoned after Judgment,” I told him, wondering why this mattered. Everyone knew the Grigori, aka Watchers, were locked away after they were accused of one of the worst crimes imaginable—falling for a human.

  “Have you ever wondered why, with so few angels, He'd lock away two hundred Warriors?”

  Yes, I had thought about it, many times, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

  “What does any of this have to do with me, my friends, or the other noviates?” I watched as his eyes formed tight slits as he glared at me.

  “Yes, I know you've kidnaped noviates. Why?” I asked.

  “Not your concern. However, this,” he gestured around the table, “has everything to do with you,” he told me simply. “Your friends are nothing.”

  “Trust me, I’m not that great,” I said sarcastically. “I eat fried pickles, drink coffee, and break the Law. Really, not awesome, at all.”

  He raised an eyebrow, surprised.

  “You have no idea how absolutely important you are to my plan, and me” he paused.

  I had nothing to say.

  “What with your senses, and your other abilities, it’s curious The Powers haven’t discovered you.” He shook his head slowly.

  Was this guy serious? Important how? The Powers found out what?

  Nathan squirmed in his seat to my left.

  Amalie grimaced as Lucifer’s nails drew blood.

  “No! Please! You said you only want me! I’ll do anything, just let them go!” />
  This made Lucifer angry. He leaned across the table and backhanded me so hard, a heard a crack. I knew at that moment that one of my teeth had broken.

  Nathan thrashed in his chair, but an invisible force kept him pinned down.

  Lucifer took a deep breath.

  “Do you question the motives of the angels you would so willingly forfeit your life for?”

  I didn't know what he was talking about. At least he'd let go of Amalie.

  “Nathan, explain please. Anna appears to be a little, lost birdie.”

  Nathan shot me a sad, pleading look.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Nathan! Don’t call him that!” I cried, crushed. Calling Lucifer “master” was blasphemy.

  “Anna, you have to understand,” Nathan began.

  “Understand what, Nathan?” I tried to move. The pain increased.

  “I had to save my brothers. They’re all I have left," Nathan finished. “I couldn’t lose them, too. You weren’t supposed to be…Good.” He choked on the words and cleared his throat before continuing. “I volunteered at the Academy to find you.” His features twisted.


  “My sister...” I tried to attack Nathan, but a demon clutched my shoulders and forced me back down. “You were sent to kill me...or get me, or whatever, fine! But, why did you have to bring Amalie into this?” I screamed.

  “They were collateral damage.”

  I wept.

  “I trusted you.” Tears burned my face as they ran down my cheeks. I fell for you, but I couldn't say that. I choked on the lump in my throat. My chest burned more with each breath. “How could you?”

  “Please, I’m so sorry.” He looked at the table. “You would’ve done it for Amalie.”

  “Why?” I pleaded. I would do a lot for Amalie, but I couldn't sacrifice three innocent people. Or could I?

  “Lucas watched my every move. The mission changed. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry,” I repeated. Those two words couldn't save Amalie. They were an absolute and total waste of breath.

  “Touching,” Lucifer sneered, annoyed. Anna, we have important business to tend to,” he purred.


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