Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4)

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Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4) Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers handing it to me. Holding my breath, I look down at in and then I close my eyes.

  A noise startles me awake, and I sit straight up in bed.

  Then there are boots stomping on the staircase, and I freeze.

  I should probably get up and hide somewhere, and I think that as a shadow appears at the doorway, but I don’t move. Obviously, I’m not somebody that has that fight or flight thing happening. I’m more like a baby deer, just sit and wait until something kills me.

  “Mary,” his voice fills the space, and I can’t stop the tears that well in my eyes.

  I watch as he moves around. I can’t see his features, but I can hear his boots hitting the floor, and then the heaviness of his clothes fall on the hardwood with a thump. Then the bed dips and I feel him crawling up the bed and over my body. I shift until I’m lying down and he hovers above me, his forearms on each side of my head.

  “I missed you, sweetness,” he murmurs before his lips touch mine.

  “We need to talk first,” I whisper against his mouth.

  “We’ll talk after,” he grunts as his hips press against my belly, his cock obviously ready for action, not talking.

  “No, Maxfield, seriously,” I grunt, placing my palms flat against his chest and pushing.

  He’s like granite, hard as steel, and it sends a thrill through me. It’s been almost two weeks, and I want all of his hardness pressed against me; but I can’t let my body take the lead this time. I need answers. There’s been too much that’s happened.

  “I took care of the issue,” he murmurs.

  “What does that mean?” I ask in confusion.

  Max starts kissing down my neck, making me shiver every time his tongue tastes my skin. It’s really hard to concentrate with his hard dick pressed against my belly and his soft lips against my neck—mixed with the heat of his breath and the touch of his tongue, it’s almost impossible.

  “Means I made those bitches take pregnancy tests; means I took care of Platinum and Kisha; means I took care of business, as a club president and as your man,” he murmurs between kisses.

  “Explain all that. I need more,” I whisper.

  He sighs before he sits up and back on his knees, his head tipped down and his eyes looking at me, his thighs on either side of my hips.

  “I can’t explain much. I can tell you that Platinum isn’t an issue any longer. I can also tell you that Kisha won’t be for much longer, either,” he grunts.

  “I need more than that,” I almost plead.

  “Tough cookies, sweetness. But for what it’s worth, you were right. I feel like shit for not acting on what you told me a hell of a lot sooner,” he admits.

  It’s not a real apology, but I know that it’s as good as I’m going to get from him.

  “Kisha?” I ask meekly.

  “Not pregnant. She wants to apologize to you, but since you’re never seeing her again, that won’t be an option,” he grunts.

  “What do you mean by that?” I ask, prodding him for more.

  Max sighs and then looks at me, those blue eyes shining in the moonlight.

  “We’re headed to Idaho in a couple days. That bitch is getting dropped off with Fury’s club. He’s having trouble with one of his whores, too, so we’re gonna swap out,” he shrugs, as if it’s no big deal, this trading around of women.

  “I don’t want her around my brother,” I screech.

  “Easy, sweetness,” he coos with a grin as wide as the Texas sky. “The lesson for disobedience has been taught, and it’s penetrated in a way that I think she’ll probably ask permission to even speak from now until the day she dies.”

  “I really don’t think I want to know what that means,” I murmur.

  “No, my sweet Mary-Anne, you really don’t.”

  “Does this mean I get to see my brother in a couple days?” I ask, changing the subject. Quite frankly, it was starting to scare me.

  “Yeah, it does. Also means that I’m going to have to have a sit down with him, about us,” he grunts as he slowly starts to move back over me, removing my sleep shirt as he does, then my panties.

  “A sit down? Us?” I squeak.

  “Yeah,” he mutters as his lips travel to my breasts and he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My hands fly to the back of his head and I hold him there while he sucks and nips and plays with my sensitive nipple.

  “What’s going to happen at this sit down?” I ask breathlessly as my hips start to move, searching for his touch.

  “I’m going to tell him that you’re my Old Lady,” he says after he lifts his head.

  “I need you to touch me, baby,” I whine.

  Max chuckles softly as one if his hands moves from beside my head, and he shifts his body to the side. I spread the leg he’s not lying on and sigh when one of his fingers starts to gently pet my center. I shiver when two of his fingers slip inside of me and his palm presses against my clit, cupping me.

  “Move, sweetness,” he whispers against my ear. I do as he asks, letting out a low moan almost immediately.

  “Then what?” I ask as my hips search for more—search for the perfect rhythm to make my pussy pulse.

  “Then nothing. He’ll probably get pissed, but there’s nothing he can do,” Max grunts as I grind against his hand, not even the slightest bit ashamed. It feels that good.

  “Okay, baby,” I sigh, not even slightly caring about this conversation anymore.

  Though, to say my brother’s going to be pissed is an understatement. I hope Max realizes that.

  I reach over and grab ahold of his hard cock, squeezing it before I start to pump him. He groans, his face falling into the crook of my neck while he fucks my hand, his hips gently thrusting in tandem to mine.

  “I need you inside of me,” I whimper.

  “Fuck,” Max curses.

  Then he’s up on his knees and spreading my legs as wide as he can, to the point where my knees are pinned to the bed. I can’t move my hips, and it’s killing me. I need to move.

  Max enters me, his arms holding my legs, and his knees holding the rest of him away from me. The only part of us that’s touching is where his hands hold me, and where we’re connected. I shiver, looking into his determined blue eyes.

  “I never fucked her, Mary,” he says. It surprises me. I nod, unsure of what to say.

  “The second you walked out of that apartment in San Diego, you’re the only woman I’ve been able to see. Nobody else exists for me,” he murmurs as he continues to fuck me.

  He feels so good, and I’m trying to concentrate on his words, but all I can do is feel him, feel him filling me so fucking full.

  “Maxfield,” I moan as my chest surges off of the bed and I gasp with my climax, caught completely off guard as it rushes through me.

  “Fuck,” Max roars, planting himself inside of me before filling me with his own release.

  He lets go of my legs, which I wrap around his waist, and he falls to his forearms, his nose skimming mine. Then he whispers the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life.

  “I love you, sweetness.”

  I watch her sleep. She’s completely worn out, and I don’t know if it’s because of the stress from the Kisha incident, or because I fucked her to exhaustion. I’d like to think it’s the latter, but it’s probably more because of Kisha.

  I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if I’d thought that another man knocked her up. I know what I’d do. I’d kill the fucker, and then I’d find it very hard not to hurt Mary-Anne as well. Even thinking about it makes me murderous.

  I pull Mary a little closer to me, needing her soft body against mine as reassurance after my own fucked up thoughts. She lets out a sigh as my heavy body presses against hers, and I know that this is right.

  This is exactly where I’m meant to be, and my words of love weren’t in the heat of passion. They’re real. I am not the boy I was forty years ago, when I said them to get into Eleanora’s panties.

; I love Mary-Anne. It’s a different kind of love than I had for my wife, and I’m sure that it will continue to change as our relationship grows; but I claimed her for a reason. I claimed her because I’ve never felt this way about a woman in my life.

  Thinking of her possibly leaving me or running off makes my chest ache and feel hollow in a way that I don’t think I’d ever recover.

  She’s mine.

  Every single inch of her belongs with me, and I’ll fight for her. Anyway I have to, I will. Even if that fight is against one of my brothers—her actual brother, Sniper.

  Mary scoots a little closer to my back, her thighs clutching mine and her fingers holding onto my shirt so tight that her knuckles are white. We’ve just crossed over the Idaho border, and her nerves have skyrocketed. I don’t blame her. Sniper is a wild card. He’s her father figure, the man that has taken care of her her whole life.

  We ride toward the clubhouse, seven brothers deep, with the van that carries Kisha. I know tonight there’ll be a party. Kentlee always does a barbeque the day I arrive in town, and then the kids leave when it gets dark. Sometimes the strippers from the club they own come over, too. It’s usually a full on party and fuckfest, but not this time. I have Mary-Anne now; and although I’ll be fucking, it’ll only be her. I’m perfectly content with that. She’s the only one I want.

  I pull into the parking lot and watch as the van pulls around back to their warehouse. I know that’s where the tradeoff will happen, but not tonight. Mary doesn’t want to see Kisha again, and I swore that she wouldn’t. I’m sure the club here doesn’t want to see whoever the girl we’re trading her for either.

  “Is he here?” Mary asks nervously as she slides off of my bike.

  “I don’t see his bike or their cage. They probably won’t come until later. Let’s get a room and freshen up. Give you some time to relax,” I offer.

  She gives me a completely shaky smile that looks like she’s about to puke at the same time.

  I take her hand in mine as I grab my bags from West, who was driving the van, and together we walk into the clubhouse. There aren’t many people around, and I’m thankful. I see Bull sitting at the bar, and his eyes lock in on my hand in Mary’s before he grins.

  “Fuck, that’s gonna be some shit to explain,” he chuckles, which makes Mary squeak next to me and clutch onto me even tighter.

  “But you ain’t sayin’ a goddamn word about it, are you?” I announce.

  “A word about what?” he asks as his brows reach the sky.

  “What I thought,” I laugh.

  I pull Mary behind me as we walk over to Sniper’s room. I always stay here when I’m in town. It doesn’t have its own bathroom, but I know it’s the closest to the showers; and since he and Brentlee are married and have kids, it’s not used much these days. Besides, they only have a few guest rooms, and today I came with way too many men to stay in one of those.

  “You need a shower?” I ask as I walk into the bedroom, throwing our bags on the bed.

  “Yeah,” she murmurs.

  “They’re right across the hall, and I’ll be right behind you. Gotta text Fury and let him know I’m in town,” I mutter.

  Silently, Mary picks up her stuff and carries if off with her. I send my son a text, letting him know I’m here and bunking in Sniper’s room. He informs me that the party won’t start for another couple hours and to just relax until they get here.

  Then he says that Kentlee is running around like crazy trying to get everything together, making sure it’s perfect. I know what that means. She’s only an anal perfectionist for a nine-month period, and then the rest of the time she’s pretty go with the flow.

  “Pregnant?” I text.

  “Not that I know of,” he responds with a laugh. I smile.

  She is. Call it grandfather intuition. This’ll be my fourth grandkid. Four. Crazy as fuck to think about.

  I grab my shit and take myself to the bathrooms to shower the stink and dirt of the road off of my body. I think about how I want Mary to have a baby, and how my child and grandchildren will be close in age; if Mary and I have more than one, mine will be younger.

  Maybe this fact should make me feel dirty or wrong, but it doesn’t. The feelings I care about are mine and Mary’s. Nothing else fucking matters besides our happiness. At the end of the day, we’re the ones wrapped in each other’s arms, and nobody else fucking exists.

  Once I’m finished showering, I head back to the bedroom and walk inside, my body locking up tight at the sight before me. Mary is completely naked, her back to me and her hair long, brushing the top of her gorgeous ass. I drop my own towel and stalk up behind her, gripping her hips with my hands, and placing a kiss on the side of her neck.

  I lean back when Max’s lips touch my neck. I reach up and wrap my arm around him, cupping the back of his head with my hand as I arch my ass into his groin. He’s completely naked, his cock hardening between the cheeks of my ass.

  “Baby,” I whisper as one of his hands moves from my hip to cup my breast, the other cupping my pussy.

  “You need to relax, sweetness,” he murmurs against my neck.

  I shiver in his arms, and when his fingers slide through my center, I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

  I do need to relax.

  I’ve been wound up tight since hearing that we would come here together, knowing that Bates is going to freak the fuck out about me being with Max.

  Right now, though, with his hands on my naked flesh, his soft and gentle caress that I know will turn rough and unrelenting, I’m as relaxed as I can be. I whimper when he nips my neck and orders me to the center of the bed.

  I don’t know whose room we’re in, but at this point, I don’t care. I practically run to the bed, crawling to the center just as he’s ordered, and I wait on my knees—my body facing the door, just waiting.

  Max doesn’t say anything before I feel the bed dip behind me, his big body moving the mattress with him. I gasp when his hands encircle my waist and move to my belly. I know what he wants. He wants me off of birth control. He wants his babies growing inside of me. He wants to keep me—forever.

  I haven’t told him yes or no, but I did quit taking my pills a few days ago, the night he told me he loved me. With his cock buried deep inside of me, he looked into my eyes, and he professed his love for me. Maybe to another woman that might not seem romantic, but to me, it was the most beautiful moment of my entire life.

  This man, this man who is rough, rugged, scary, and ruthless, he loves me. He’s marked me as his, he’s remodeled his home for me, and he’s taken care of me—he’s killed for me. He loves me.

  I moan when one of his hands wraps around my breast, holding me tightly. I had bruises the last time he held me this way, and they’ve faded, something Max remarked that he didn’t care for.

  “My fingerprints should always be on your tits,” he murmurs into my ear as his other hand slides up my spine and fists in the back of my hair.

  God, this man loves my hair, loves to pull on it, grip it in his strong grasp, and move me the way he wants me. My thighs tremble, knowing that soon, soon he’ll be inside of me, and I want it. No, I need it—now.

  “Are you ready for my cock, sweetness?” he rasps against my ear.

  “Yes, please, yes,” I whimper.

  “I don’t think you are. Not yet,” he grunts before he pushes me over so that I’m on my hands and knees for him. “Touch yourself,” he growls.

  I shiver as I slide my hand down my stomach and graze my clit before I slide two fingers inside of myself. I grind against my palm as I pump my fingers in and out of my body with a moan. I was needy before my fingers began, and now, now I’m on the verge of a climax.

  “Stop, sweetness,” Max murmurs. I whimper as I do as he’s asked.

  Then I let out a loud, satisfying groan when he fills me, sliding deep inside me to the hilt. He pulls my neck back, his hand gripping my breast even tighter when he does. My arms are no longer able to hold
myself up on the mattress, so I wrap one around his forearm.

  “Play with your clit, Mary. I want you to come over and over while I fuck this tight pussy,” he grunts.

  I do a full body shiver before my free hand quickly flies to my clit and I start to rub myself, my thighs shaking as my knees press into the mattress.

  Max doesn’t wait longer than a beat before he pulls out and slams back inside of me. He’s hard and relentless, just how I adore him, bruising not only the flesh of my breast with his fingertips, but probably my pussy as well, with the hard thrust of his hips against my body.

  I cry out on a shout when I come the first time, earning nothing but a grunt and a yank of my hair from Max. He doesn’t slow, he doesn’t stop, his hips continuing to move with the same speed, strength, and pounding pleasure as before. I continue to touch myself, playing with my clit through the intense sensitivity, and then sighing when it turns to intense pleasure.

  “Come again,” he orders.

  I let out a sob, tears leaking out of my eyes as the bedroom door flies open.

  Max doesn’t stop, his cock still pounding deep inside of me, even when my eyes lock onto the horrified eyes of none other than my brother’s.

  The high of my orgasm quickly fades as our eyes stay connected. I’m completely frozen. Then Max groans with his release. I know when he realizes we’re not alone, because his hands tense.

  “What in the fuck?” Bates finally roars. I watch as a vein in his head pulses, and his face starts to turn red.

  Max doesn’t say a word. He slides out of my body, and a few seconds later, thrusts a t-shirt at me. I quickly put it on as he pulls a pair of jeans up his legs, not bothering to button them.

  “Now, Sniper—,” he starts to say.

  My brother jerks as if he’s taking himself out of a trance, and he looks at Max, a look full of pure hate and rage in his eyes.

  “You’re fucking my sister?” he practically spits.

  Max reaches out behind himself, wrapping his hand around my wrist before he jerks me into his side. Bates’ eyes snap to mine. Nothing but disgust fills his features—that is, until his eyes graze down.


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